Brock University
Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
In Fourth Generation Evaluation Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln espouse a monist, cognitive rhetoric of relativism and subjectivism but practice a form of evaluation that takes a dualist social stance towards "observation data" and a... more
The fornzation of the concept "sense making practices" in ethnomethodology receives attention. The referents and uses of the concept suggest that "sense making practices" form a family rather than a class. Thus claims abottt new family... more
For any article or presentation there is the question of why speak, why communicate (and why listen and why read). This question becomes salient because of the more general question of how one should live. The question "how should I... more
A journal titled Teaching & Learning is perfectly situated by title and audi ence, as a place for reflections on the wide-ranging impact of a focus on learning within a Faculty of Education. As the new dean, I want to share ideas about... more