Monday, July 15, 2024
Monday, July 8, 2024
ODACA Caps & Corks Challenge
ODACA Day is fast approaching (July 23, in Kansas City) and a doll challenge was issued, to create a doll using at least one cap and one cork. These will be on display during the ODACA Luncheon and Sales Room events.
I'm not sure what the others are making, but here's a sneak peak at mine. I'll update the blog with the finished doll upon my return home.
I found this to be quite the challenge!
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Friday, July 28, 2023
I just finished one more doll prior to our trip to Bellevue on Monday, to attend ODACA Day. This is Collette. She may become a new pattern - haven't decided yet.
Sunday, July 3, 2022
ODACA Helper Doll 2022
I've been working on my Anne of Green Gables doll, but have put her on hold while I make a doll for ODACA Day. I won't be attending this year, but will send the doll on for the raffle held at the ODACA Luncheon.
This is a new design I've been working on, with the intention of making a formal pattern. This doll is one of four prototypes.
I've named her Elora:
Progress photos:
Friday, October 30, 2020
ODACA Benefit Update
ODACA has promoted original art dolls, doll making, and original art doll collecting since 1976. Each year, the ODACA Day luncheon is held to bring members, patrons, and UFDC members together in celebration of the art of the doll, and provide critical revenue needed to support organizational operations. Since the pandemic necessitated the cancelation of this key event, we are holding this Show & Benefit to help ODACA continue operations into 2021.
The prices include shipping. (USA only). Your selection will be shipped (USPS) by the artist, so if you are selecting from more than one artist, they will be shipped separately. The Members and Patrons of ODACA hope that you are all able to stay safe and healthy.Before the event you can look around at the items to be included in the event.
Come visit the event's dedicated website:
Thursday, October 1, 2020
ODACA Benefit
This year's ODACA Day was cancelled due to COVID-19. This event attracts collectors and generates income for the organization's advertising and other operations. The ODACA Board will be holding a virtual show and benefit to raise funds. I hope you'll all check it out!
Saturday, March 7, 2020
ODACA Helper Doll Finished!
I think her hears are just a little too big, so I'll decrease the size slightly the next time I use this pattern.
Friday, February 28, 2020
ODACA Day Helper Doll - Work in Progress
Because Cecelia is one of my simpler dolls, she's a logical doll to make to donate. I tweaked the head pattern a little, so the ears are incorporated (i.e., no need to sew them on separately), like the head pattern for my "Amity" pattern.
I've not yet decided on hair. I'm also thinking about shoes. With luck, I'll finish her dress today.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Raffle Doll
This is from my Cecelia doll pattern. She's made from doesuede fabric.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Dolls for ODACA Day
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Successful ODACA Day
Friday, July 22, 2016
So few dolls
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Cecelia, finished
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Helper Doll for ODACA
I've had this retro print fabric for a while now, and I'm in love with it. It'll make a cute little dress. This is a favorite pattern of mine, because all you need for the dress is a fat quarter. I might even have some red rick rack somewhere in my stash.