Showing posts with label AFICC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AFICC. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2020

ODACA Benefit Update

I've just put the finishing touches on the doll I'm donating. This is Mirabelle, the doll I designed in 2011 for the AFIC (Artistic Figures in Cloth) participant booklet. She's made of dyed muslin, and stands about 14 inches tall. She wasn't quite finished in 2011, so this week I took scissors to her, shortened her arms, cut off and gave her new hair, and fleshed out some details. I also gave her some custom upcycled wings. 

ODACA has promoted original art dolls, doll making, and original art doll collecting since 1976. Each year, the ODACA Day luncheon is held to bring members, patrons, and UFDC members together in celebration of the art of the doll, and provide critical revenue needed to support organizational operations. Since the pandemic necessitated the cancelation of this key event, we are holding this Show & Benefit to help ODACA continue operations into 2021.

The prices include shipping. (USA only). Your selection will be shipped (USPS) by the artist, so if you are selecting from more than one artist, they will be shipped separately. The Members and Patrons of ODACA hope that you are all able to stay safe and healthy.

Before the event you can look around at the items to be included in the event.

Come visit the event's dedicated website:

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today is my first day of vacation, and the only fully day I have to pack and prepare for AFICC. So much to do, so little time.

There's some homework to do before one of the classes, and I hope to get that done today. There are a few more supplies to gather. And then there's the huge job of packing and making sure everything fits. I hope to bring a couple dolls for the displays, and maybe one for the auction.

I hope to take photos during the conference and post them here. Or maybe I'll be having too much fun to do this.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Perks of Insomnia (or what I did instead of sleeping)

I can hardly believe AFICC (Columbus, Ohio) is next month. I've got some homework to do before the conference, and supplies to gather. I was so excited to use my Frequent Flyer Miles for the FIRST TIME ever. That sure took the $$ pressure off!

Last AFIC (2011, I did not attend), I was able to design a quick doll for the designer booklet Cyndy Sieving assembled for participants. This booklet was a very cool idea, and as a contributor I got a copy of the booklet as well. Here is "Mirabelle," my primitive contribution.

The past 8 months or so have seen a dramatic decrease in free time for me, so when the March 1st deadline came and went, I was a little sad that I wouldn't be able to contribute. Then Cyndy extended the deadline. That, combined with a horrible sleepless night (spent ruminating on so very many things), I essentially designed a little doll in my head, instead of sleeping, while tossing and turning. Of course, I paid for it dearly the next day at work... don't worry, all my patients survived the day.

I had a few hours this weekend, so I was able to put my idea down on paper as I created the actual doll ("Toobies"). It was like the work was already done. It's a pretty silly doll, but one that goes together quickly.

On my to do list (since visiting New Orleans last summer) has been to design a "Voo Doo" (or "Good Intentions" doll as its benevolent counterpart), and this design fits the bill perfectly. While Cyndy's booklet is limited to one-page-only, I hope to expand the pattern to include all sorts of variations.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

AFICC - Registration is in the Mail

Well, I did it. Took the plunge and registered for Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay. The conference will be held in Columbus, Ohio, April 2013. It was difficult choosing which classes to take. It helped that I eliminated classes requiring a sewing machine, since I will be traveling such a long way and don't want to haul one with me.