
Khamis, Julai 29, 2010

How to choose a suitable fabric...just a Q not a tutorial

I made a card wallet last night (before I console my self by sewing the cloth pad)
I made a mistake (AGAIN!) in choosing the right fabric for it
It turn out to be so ugly... sila focus pada bahagian tepi tuh mmg dah tak boleh jahit dah.. sebab terlalu tebal. I used heavy cotton... previously (didnot show in any posting) I used light/medium cotton, it turn out to be so 'lembik' (the card insert area)... should i attach interfacing ke pada card insert tuh?

At last i donate to this place...(GGRRRRRR)
Please help me :-(
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Cloth Pad... My 2nd Version

Not finish with my Menstrual Pad yet.
Selepas mengemas "my little sewing corner" tu.. I dont know where I put my first CP that I made previously. Punyalah mengemas sampai hilang semua benda. Thats me, and dont be surprise... two or three days later.. I found it... so not to worry ok.
Now here is my 2nd version,
No snap button yet, still waiting for my own snap button tools from Zila Kassim.. suppose to receive by yesterday but... huhuhu harap janganlah posmen g buat pomen motor dia plak...
CP with love hahaha.. tak centre ler plak..
I made it adjustable.. means can add another layer if on heavy flow
I have used the pantyliner that I made in my first posting on CP, here are some point that need to be considered when making your own CP/buying a new one;
1. The wings... tanpa wing, boleh jatuh dalam toilet bila buka seluar (whoopsss). Alternatively you can use a small pin.
2. Too many layers will make the CP harder to dry. Especially when you handwash it, unless you dry it directly under the sunlight or else get the machine to wash it.. (I have done this withthe  pantyliner.. seems ok, kemudian hari tak tau lah kan).. so PUL Booster is the best that I can think of (refer to Anic posting in her blog)

Thats all for today...

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Rabu, Julai 28, 2010

Flowery pinky dress..

My first time trying to sew a peasant dress using a free pattern available in the net...(before this I do on my own hahaha)  I refer to this tutorial1 and tutorial2 ... and I used the 2T pattern but I think the size was not really suitable for our girl at the same age... I modified a bit and make it smaller about 1 inch... wahhh so happy sewing this BUT... who is going to wear this ha???? Izzah already in her 8th years... tak muat dah tuh.

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Isnin, Julai 26, 2010


Other than the Travel Organizer... my sewing activities this week agak terbatas.. gara2 tak jadi nak mengecat rumah, then divert our plan to my hometown. Durian and rambutan called me back to my hometown hahaha.
We only have ONE durian tree.. but the taste mmg sedap... tambah lagi kalau dapat yang baru gugur. So everything about durian ler.. santan durian, kuah durian, sambal durian.. sampai lupa nak masak ikan patin masak tempoyak... as usual bila balik kampung... but its ok, masih ada seekor ikan talapia tuh.. boleh bakar dengan tempyak yg masih baru tuh (I wake up this morning with the smell of the tempoyak.. fininggg)

Here are some of the tudung yang dah siap. Posing dengan our old sewing machine inherited from my grandmother (if not mistaken). Mesin ni lebih tua dari arwah abah.. so dah berusia lebih kurang 70 tahun agaknya. Masih lagi gagah berdiri.. tapi dah diberi wajah baru dengan motor electric. Tak perlu lagi nak kayuh macam dulu dulu.
Sungguh banyak jasa mesin ini kepada keluarga kami. I learned to sew a baju kurung using this machine 22 years back when I was 12th. too young to sew???.. hahaha.. nowadays if Izzah play around with my machine mesti marah2 kan.. takut mesin rosak. Dulu2 mak tak pernah marah, I started to help her to sew earlier than that actually. At that time we cant afford to get a tailor ro sew for us. Its either you sew it yourself or no new baju kurung for you.
Masih ingat lagi, kalau nak raya memang happy sangat sebab boleh dapat baju baru walaupon hanya sepasang.
Now a days.. my Izzah does not really care whether there is new dress for her or not for hari raya. Bila menjelang raya jer, mesti ada jer yang belikan baju or kasut untuk dia. Sampaikan baju raya pon dekat 10 pasang, kasut 2 3 pasang. Being the only daughter, the only anak saudara, and the only cucu.. memang macam tuh kut... setiap manusia di lahirkan dengan rezeki yang berbeza.

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Sew it : Travel Organizer

Another project with..

I made a tri-folded travel organiser due to my mistake in the choosing the fabric. I used all heavy cotton, therefore it was a nightmare to sew it especially when we flipped it. The last result, I decided to make it 3-folded and use my own bias tape. I used lace to cover up the mistake that I made hahaha.. but it turn out very nice to my eyes...

Those who wish to take part in this project can do so... 4 days left to finish your project, so hurry up guys n gurls..

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Khamis, Julai 22, 2010

Jom berkraftangan..

Welcome on board..
Sekian lama menjahit, this is my first time getting (going to use, so not use it yet) this thing.. a rotary cutter. All this while I only use gunting (no wonder my patchwork herot petot haha), But normally tailor wont use this kan? tak pernah tengok pon kat kedai jahit baju.. crafter is the one who use it.. so now I am a crafter hahaha.

Actually I got this parcel this morning from Sue My Botang... remember... her sale last month. This is few items that I managed to get.. after berebut sapa dulu dia dapat on her fabric.
Combine with ruler n mat that I purchased from Kak Ayu of PondokCraft.. maka cukup lengkap ler aku nyer bahan2 buat kek craft.

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Isnin, Julai 19, 2010

Tisu pon nak beg jugak...

This weekend tak banyak aktiviti dengan mesin jahit. Sabtu hari untuk bergembira.. jumpa kawan2 lama.. TFRM Mini Gathering at Ulu Bendul.. walaupon tak ramai yg dapat menghadirkan diri atas sebab2 yg pelbagai, gathering kami tetap happening. Biasa ler.. jumpa member2 lama, dlm suasana camping plak, terimbau lah segala kenangan lalu.. huhuhu.

Sempat ler jugak papa furkid ni sambut birthday kat dlm hutan hahaha..

On Sunday... here was my project.... zooomm skit.. tetiba dapat idea jahit butang dan felt ni camni..

ops.. tissue holder keee..
ooo beg untuk isi kotak tissue rupanya
takan nak gantung kat pintu je kan... actually bole gantung kat mana2 pon kalau suka..
So this is the place
hahaha.. tissue bag for my viva. The Rush owner takmo.. tak mo tak pe...
This is my first trial, so lot to improve.. agaknya ada tissue beg yg kedua ke? Tengoklah kalau ada permintaan kan... So any of you berminat tak agaknya?

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Khamis, Julai 15, 2010

Cloth Pad..... my first trial

When your office black out.. what should you do... go home n sleep or......

Jeng jeng.. excited with Anic posting on her Cloth Pad.... sampai je kat rumah terus cari balik kain2 yg aku beli from nisa arituh. Dah lama dapat tp peram bawah katil (masih lg menumpang kat guest room huhuhu).. Then ambil one of the disposable pad (terpaksa ler dikorbankan buat sample kan) as sample utk pattern. Aku pon dah banyak review CP yg ada kat internet tp mcm tak berapa menepati citarasa.. kalau ikut pengalaman pakai pad herba aritu... (mahalnyer pad nii,.. tp masih lom tau herba apa yg digunakannyer).. kalau lebar sgt wingsnya akan menyebabkan kebocoran.

So inilah hasilnya.. my first pad. but kena period dulu ler baru bole testing ok ke idok kan. Jahitan aku mmg out.. tengok tuh senget benget jer... aku buat 4 ( or 5 kut) lapisan. Bawah sekali is flanel, then PUL, then microfiber 2 lapis, then flanel lg.
Actually, at first aku try guna serger... try dulu ngan my pantyliner kat bawah nii.. tp tak secantik nisa nyer ni lerr... very neat kan.. aku nyer huih.. bersepah jer benangnya. try with cutter... tak cantik, try jarangkan benang n without cutter... improved.. at last aku jahit je lah.. senang citer..
pasni try plak yg bole insertnyer... my next project lepas siap baju raya ler nampaknya..
sempat jugak aku siapkan beg untuk kawan Izzah sorng lg. Namanya Ris.. ikut pattern birdie sling bag Amy Buttler except on the handle... pasni nak try it for myself ler plak..
Till then.. enjoy

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Rabu, Julai 14, 2010

Beg lagiiii

At last siap jugak... a telekung bag for me.. 12 inch x 10 inch.. quite big for a telekung.. unless you wanna bring sejadah together. but really satisfying myself with this bag.. because I manage to sew the zipper nicely...

And also a bag for Ain.... sapa Ain??? ntah lerrr.. hanya Izzah yang tahu. And I am giving it for free to her friend. Come come.. sesiapa nak beg free bole ler kawan ngan Izzah hahahaha..
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Isnin, Julai 12, 2010

Tutorial Sulam Cabut...

Layan sample dulu kat atas ni ok... Antara hasil tangan ku.. yg hijau muda tuh adalah baju masa kami kawin.. almost 9 years ago. Nasib baik bole pakai semula (SEMULA OK.. setelah my roommate berjaya membuang that 20kg++ lebihan.. congrat to him)

Tomorrow dah 1 Syaaban... huih demam puasa n raya dah menjelang lg. Tahun ni aku nak buat baju raya awal2 so that aku tak de ler nak menjadikan alasan nak jahit baju raya untuk tidak ke terawih. Mcm biaser... baju melayu sudah semestinya bersulam tangan, sulam cabut..

So untuk mengabadikan (dok pikir.. ayat ni seswai ke idok) seni kerastangan ku ini, walaupon aku bukanlah berasal dr Sarawak, aku buat ler tutorial nii.. Mana tau kut one day Izzah nak belajar buat kan.. bole tengok kat sini jer.. (kalau umi ajar maybe umi kurang sabar hahahha)
Many thanks to Ruby (my classmate cum block mate.. masa di IIUM) for teaching me. Manalah aku tau masa tuh yg aku akan kawin ngan org Sarawak kan... simply love this sulam...

Ok.. lets start...

Bahan2 dperlukan (aku terasa mcm chef wan nak buat kue plak dah)
Kain (for testing ler dulu ok)... potong ikut ira kain supaya senang benangnya dcabut
Benang DMC or sewaktu dengannya. Not advisable guna buang cross-stitch. Agak susah nak dapat benang ni di KL, satu2nya kedai yg aku jumpa adalah di seri Gombak (takde le banyak pon kedai aku survey)
Pencabut benang
(bole refer kat picture no.1)

Pic2: tandakan 10cm or 1/2 inci.. or kalau nak lebar lg pon bole jugak.... but it may take longer to finish yerrrr

pic3:cabut benang satu2. aku lebih suka tepi kain sbb senang nak cabut benang. dari gambar tuh harap korang paham ira kain yg sepatutnya ok. aku tak pandai nak explain in words

pic4: aku dah siap buang semua benang2 tuh

pic5 n pic 6.. patutnya pasang ram dulu, tp aku tersilap ler g cucuk benang dulu.
pic7-9... start sulam. aku buat nak buat 4 tingkat.. so start ngan 8 dululah... pandai2 ler korang adjust berapa kali pusing ok.. agak2 ler. kalau tak kang ada plak 1 tingkat yg tebal, tingkat lain rendah plak.

sorry.. yg ni aku lupa plak nak letak nombor. basically aku rasa kalau yg betul2 berminat bole tangkap dah camna nak buat kan. Ini one of the basic sulam lah.. kalau tgk gambar kat atas tuh, ada yg tak perlu cabut pon... just sulam benang biaser jer.. ada yg guna teknik hardanger (org putih kata) and bole jugak combine warna yg berlainan..
Selamat menyulam ok... any comment or question bole post kat komen. so that it can be shared with others ok.
And kalau korang betul2 try this sulam.. harap bole share jugak.. teringin nak tengok hasil kerja korang.

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Jalan jalan hujung minggu..

Berbekalkan 70k.. we went to this event..
bukan Ringgit Malaysia 70k tau... just 70 ribu point jer kikiki. Event ni kat MidValley.. kalau idok kerna nak redeem point on the spot, mmg aku takan jejakkan kaki ke midvalley niii... too huge for me.. bengkak kaki je nnt berjalan.. nak parking pon susah, some more dry toilet lg... uhhh aku tak suka... I hate mid valley. Tak boleh ke maybank buat TreatFairs kat PWTC kee.. KLCC keee...

So I bought this....
For RM10... sbb point kad aku just 23k.. kalau 25k bole dapat free.. bg menggantikan mixer aku yg dah nak kiok kat rumah tuh. Hajat dihati nak jugak sambar Pembantu Dapur (read Kitchen Aid), tp memandangkan aku ni bukanlah pembuat kek yg tegar (Plus takut disalahkan sebagai penyumbang kegemukan plak) maka haruslah aku amik yg biaser2 jer kan. Takat bole buat kek untuk hari raya jer lerr.. and also this cute rice cooker...
for RM60 jerr.. actually harganya RM269 or 53k point for free. Tp masa kitorg confirm nak beli tuh, takde stok for 1.8liter, last choice kitorg nak amik je ler display unit (malas nak tunggu.. aku pon dah tension ngan ramai2 sgt org nii) so dia bg RM249 ler (sama harga ngan yg 1 liter).. ntah camna, rezeki kitorg, tetiba stok 1.8liter dah sampai... so terus amik stok baru tp yg bestnyer.. harga still sama mcm amik yg display unit. so we got 1.8liter at the price of 1.0 liter... sajer nak beli yg besar skit... yg 1 liter National kat rumah tuh telah dgunakan sejak dr aku belajar kat UIA lg... dah almost 12 years kut... masih ok (but kekadang tak ok jugak)
satu lg for izzah.. sambar 1 set SAHIBBA for free.. redeem point jer terus.
Ok tak.. getting that 3 item for RM70.. for me ok ler.. coz we spend mostly with our card but we didnot pay any single cents of interest due to we pay it on time. yet we get a point to redeem. but recently I use CIMB card for petrol... I spend only RM100 per month for my petrol n getting RM5 in rebate...(ye ke RM5, or less eks, nampak sgt aku tak bayor kan) better rebate that point kan... thinking of switching to CIMB card but susah ler plak nak bayor (unless kalau ada org sanggup tulun bayarkan mcm petrol tuh hihihi).
And our next destination after midvalley was CRAFTWORLD kat SS2. Betuller si Garmin tuh tipu aku.. katanya 7.5km dari Bangsar.. cet!.. aku rasa mcm berpuluh kilo (km) jer.. But at least, sampai jugak aku ke CraftWorld nii. best jumpa Mr Yee yg sangat peramah itu, n very helpful also. hehehe aku beli apa kat CW nii... hehehehe.. ade lerrrr, dah buat baru bole tunjuk kat sini...

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Jumaat, Julai 09, 2010

Pillowcase pant... sew-it project

I bought this blue cotton fabric last year (If not mistaken) purposely to sew a pijama suit for Izzah. But it just rest in peace in my stash hahaha.. until last week I found this sew-it project that makes me dig back into my stash n found this beautiful blue fabric.... then I tell myself.. I shall take part in this project or else, this piece of fabric will just laying there maybe for another year...
Here it is... the pyjama bottom for Izzah (my 8 years old daughter) and not only this.. I also make this...

to match with the pants. Its actually a peasant dress pattern... due to I am so lazy to do other pattern at the moment.
Those who wish to participate in this project or vote the next sew-it can click here. Many thanks to Mayya for organising this sew-it project.
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Rabu, Julai 07, 2010

Designer Cotton Fabric Giveaway...

Cantik tak kain kat sebelah ni?? Cantik kan?
Haaa nak free tak? Jangan tak caya.. bole dapat free tau...
Camna nak dapat free???
Jom ikut saya kat sini
Nak beli designer cotton pon banyak choice kat sini tau... jom klik hihihi
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Hanger for tudung.. for sale

I have extra 2 pieces of this hanger. Arituh beli banyak ingat nak bg kat adik, tetiba diorg dah beli plak... soooo I am letting this go... please email me at [email protected] for price and booking ok.
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Nak isi apa eks...

Percubaan pertama buat make up pouch/pencil box.. what ever nak isi ler... asalkan muat hihihi
Memang agak senang nak buat pouch ni.. whithin 45 minutes bole siap dari menggunting sampailah siap segalanya. Actually, I made it for my sister.. to match with tote bag yg saya buatkan dulu tuh.
Bila Izzah tengok pouch nii dah jelez plak, sbb aritu saya tak buatkan pouch untuk dia. Just buat beg shj. Wokey lah... weekend ni umi buatkan untuk anak umi satu k....
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Selasa, Julai 06, 2010

Tempahan Tudung Di Buka Kembali...

Adalah dengan ini di umumkan (mcm pengumuman puasa or raya plak kan), saya membuka kembali tempahan tudung... Warna2 yg ada bole refer seperti dibawah ini. Details of design, sizes and price bole refer to

Tempahan or pertanyaan boleh email to [email protected]
Bagi tempahan, sila nyatakan, NAMA, ALAMAT, PHONE NO., CODING WARNA, DESIGN & SIZE, AND ANY ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION such as nak Awning Sulam or nak Awning Brocade or 2 layer awning etc...

Deposit 20% of the total price is applicable upon ordering. Details on my account number akan diberitahu kemudian once you confirm the order.

Kain2 ni limited dan restock bergantung pada ready stock dengan supplier.
Semua tempahan yang diterima sebelum 15hb Julai dijangka akan disiapkan pada awal Ogos 2010....




Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Khamis, Julai 01, 2010

A Bag for Cu

Ok.. finish with the GA result. Just wanted to share what I have done in this few days, sampai tido pon dok terbayang2 nak jahit camna hahaha..

Here is a bag dedicated to my youngest sister... as I said before, she will register in one of the university next week. Izzah's comment "Kesian Cu nanti, jauh dari mak, macam Ma jugak", hihii dont confuse.. she always called my mother which is her grandmother as "mak", her real mother is Ummi ok.

My initial plan was to attached a zipper (itu yg tak lena tido sbb dok pikir camna nak letak zipper tu)... but something wrong somewhere, the zipper become longer than the bag huh.. frust betul. Actually, this time I dont refer to any tutorial, just made it on my own imagination hahaha. The bag also suppose to be smaller than my FQ bag, but in the end it become bigger than... hish hish... I purposely make it with a larger handle which is 1.5 inch... but I think that doest not suit the bag well, because bila letak kat bahu, one of the handle akan jatuh huh!...

Ahhhh so many things tak betul... dah rush sgt. Tapi satu yg bestnyer... I still remember how to sew 'poket tebuk' (I dont know the word in english)... I learned it first time back in 1997.. when I learned to make a man's slack from my neighbour, Achik. Oh.. I remember made my first man's slack for arwah abah. Aku beli kain untuk buat seluar sekolah budak sekolah rendah... warna biru tua.. kalau budak lelaki mmg bole bawa g sekolah dah... and it became abah's favourite slack till he died isk isk... kelaut sudaaa aku niii.

Ok lah.. hopely Cu will be happy with the bag, bole ler bawa telekung ke.. air masak kee.. dlm beg tu nanti. Pesan Izzah "Nanti2 umi akan buatkan beg lain untuk cu lagi". Mesti ayah andak jeles nnt... (always having a difficulty in giving a gift to a man)

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

Result My GA

Here it is my GA result.. jeng jeng jeng...

The first tudung (yellow) goes to entry number 4... congratulation to Anin
And the next is tudung pink cekelat tuh.. goes to entry number 12.... whoopsss... my dearest ex officemate.. Neeza aka Anje... how lucky u r....
Ok, I will contact both of you personally after this. The shipment will be next week as I will be very busy this coming weekend... and will be travelling far far away to the north...
Once again, to all the participant, really nice to know you and many thank to all of you.

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

My Giveaway... tunggu...

First of all... many thanks to those who participate in my GA.
Sungguh terharu sbb ramai jugak yg meyertainya... the number in my head was just around 10 participants only huhuhu... rupanya the real number is 35. I am so so happy.. really happy yeah!

Here is the list of participants:
1. kakngah
2. anique
3. cicakgirl
4. anin
5. tiefazatie
6. Arol DSHW
7. masturah
8. mamalyna
9. kopoklekor
10. izzatul Iman
11. Uda
12. Nieyza store
13. tunoor73
14. Ibu Ayra
15. zaikulim
16. syakila
17. Adyshariz
19. yaya
20. ayuselalu
21.abez hafizza
23. adyshariz
24.mummy alesya
25.mama zharfan
27. Nida
29.Lynn Nasir
30. Akma
31. ummi sofiyyah
32. Nea Flerida
33. ummuabdullahsyaakir
34. magic-of-me
35. Em's Family

Sebahagiannya saya telahpun membuat kunjungan balas, but some are still not, due to time constraint at the office niii.. limited to lunch hour only, but I will definitely visit your blog soon.

I have generate the random number but.. really have to continue my work now... will show you the result by end of today ok... sabar sabar..

Mila@Rimbun with LOVE
No one despairs of solace from Allah except for people who do not believe (Qur'an,12:87) Thank You Allah for everything