You're the winner for last week's
color story giveaway
Please email your name and street address to: [email protected]
Now for today's color story:
Here at Michael Miller we try our best to please you all.
( that's not just schmoozing, I really do mean it)
That means listening to what you ask for and what you buy.
The majority of you have made it very clear:
When it comes to the colors you want for your children,
It's Pink for girls, Blue for boys.
This is soooo traditional it's embarrassing.
But combining ballet pink with coral and gray puts a bit of a twist (and somewhat retro) on this
traditional girly-girl favorite.
traditional girly-girl favorite.
Don't get me wrong -
I'm not saying we need or want to pigeon-hole our kids into certain color traditions.
I'm also not so sure that so many little girls would be drawn to all things pink, lavender and girlie
if they weren't bombarded by endless aisles of pink and lavender in the "girl" toy aisles and the media.
if they weren't bombarded by endless aisles of pink and lavender in the "girl" toy aisles and the media.
What they need is OPTIONS and this is only one of MANY.
so now it's time to share your thoughts.
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and next wed. one random winner
will receive 1 yard of each of the "its a girl" prints shown above.
Next wed. will be all about BOYS!