Here we are, all smiles as we receive the 2nd place multiple booth award.

This is just a few of us that were around for the picture taking (L to R: Patty Young, Benjamin Rubin, Christine Osmers, Sandi Henderson, me, Deb Buchanan, Paula Prass, Becky Bennett, Terri Hempfling, Susan Day.
loved the fairy wings

Sandi and Dustin, what a team!
love the details

speaking of details love the vintage pins
Bari J puts on her bags. (she's also got great news on her blog!)
loved this dress! complete with a petticoat! It's no wonder her kids clothes have been such a hit!

And by the way,
she won best new exhibitor!
What follows are the few pictures I managed to take during set up. I always get back and realize
all the pictures I didn't take!!
Jean and Tom (my sister and Brother-n-law) she made sure we were the best fed crew at mkt. home made brisket, pulled pork sandwiches, bacon bread, cookies etc. etc. He makes our ideas become a reality even when some structures need a little "sky tape and air hooks"

my sister Mindy creating the twig and branch bed for the Flower Fairy bed, complete with a bark bedside table.

can you believe I don't have a picture of the finished bed!

Becky had just stapled her hand (note the bandage) didn't slow her down a bit!

Paula unpacking: what's wrong with this picture?? You'd never know she had a broken shoulder and arm!

Jennifer: Paulas'
multi tasking/uber-talented, right hand, left hand, whatever-it- takes -to- get- the- job- done daughter.
That's John at the top; Patty's husband and helper to ALL OF US!

Sandi, calm under pressure, booth structure arrived late but in the end it all came together - beautifully!
this was just a small sampling of all our group that knocked themselves out to make it happen!