We construct the free Lagrangian of the magnetic sector of Carrollian electrodynamics, which surprisingly, is not obtainable as an ultra-relativistic limit of Maxwellian Electrodynamics. The construction relies on Helmholtz integrability... more
We investigate the existence of action for both the electric and magnetic sectors of Galilean Electrodynamics using Helmholtz conditions. We prove the existence of unique action in magnetic limit with the addition of a scalar field in the... more
W e analyze Einstein's recoiling slit experiment and point out that the inevitable entanglement between the particle and the recoiling slit was not part of Bohr's reply. We show that if this entanglement is taken into account, one can... more
We report on a study of a classical, finite system of confined particles in two dimensions with a two-body repulsive interaction. We first develop a simple analytical method to obtain equilibrium configurations and energies for few... more
We review aspects of classical and quantum mechanics of many anyons confined in an oscillator potential. The quantum mechanics of many anyons is complicated due to the occurrence of multivalued wavefunctions. Nevertheless there exists,... more
The methods of reduced phase space quantization and Dirac quantization are examined in a simple gauge theory. A condition for the possible equivalence of the two methods is discussed.
The two-dimensional anyon system, when reduced to one dimension, yields models related to the Calogero-Sutherland model. One such reduction leads to a new model with a class of exact solutions. This model is one of a family of models... more
We study soliton solutions in scalar field theory with a variety of unbounded potentials. A subset of these potentials have Gaussian lump solutions and their fluctuation spectrum is governed by the harmonic oscillator problem. These lumps... more
We study soliton solutions in supersymmetric scalar field theory with a class of potentials. We study both bosonic and fermionic zero-modes around the soliton solution. We study two possible couplings of gauge fields to these models.... more
We study a gravitational action which is a linear combination of the Hilbert-Palatini term and a term quadratic in torsion and possessing local Poincare invariance. Although this action yields the same equations of motion as General... more
This is an introduction to loop quantum cosmology (LQC) reviewing mini-and midisuperspace models as well as homogeneous and inhomogeneous effective dynamics.
We explore in detail the semiclassical environment of collapsing shells of matter, and determine the semiclassical flux measured by a variety of observers. This study is a preliminary step in a broader investigation of thermodynamic... more
We consider a one-dimensional network in which the nodes at Euclidean distance l can have long range connections with a probabilty P (l) ∼ l −δ in addition to nearest neighbour connections. This system has been shown to exhibit small... more
We explore the relation of the Holst term with the Nieh-Yan term in terms of metric variables. We show that the Holst term indeed affects the classical equations of motion in the presence of matter with spin. Therefore the correct term to... more
We investigate the existence of action for both the electric and magnetic sectors of Galilean Electrodynamics using Helmholtz conditions. We prove the existence of unique action in magnetic limit with the addition of a scalar field in the... more