Baylor University
Institute for the studies of religions
In this article we will try to explore the meaning of respect, discuss its various levels and dimensions, understand its moral functions and dynamics, discover its cultural and spiritual depth, and examine its implications for... more
Worldview is the general outlook on life. It is the blueprint by which people perceive reality and interpret the world. Worldview is a rich concept and an all-‐encompassing notion. It can be described as a large cognitive-‐mental... more
It is always refreshing to revisit an old concept and redefine it in light of modern psychological and cultural changes. Perhaps, we can describe social support as enjoying warm and secure bonding, living in a tight community, having a... more
This article presents a general view of the topic of grief by defining the common terminology, discussing the nature and types of losses, listing the variety of grief reactions, and describing the factors that determine the severity of... more
I was absolutely delighted to see the banner International Perspectives in Psychology on the cover of the May issue of the American Psychologist, which dedicated most of its content to the writings of psychologists from around the world.... more
Coming from an international and Middle Eastern perspective, the author agrees that the discipline of psychology needs to unify, regroup, and return to grand theories, global perspectives, and basic foundational themes. The proposal to... more
I was delighted to see the American Psychologist’s January 2000 special issue dedicated to happiness, optimism, excellence, and hope. What better way to start the new century and millennium than to emphasize the positive aspects of... more
A specialized type of ministry to dying individuals and their families, relatives, and friends. The caring pastor is a symbol of faith and an active spiritual life. Around the death experience, personal presence and tangible care are much... more
Trauma is a certain event, mechanism, or force that causes malfunction and severe personal damage. It can be experienced on physical, mental, behavioral, emotional, or communal level. It may be the result of a deep injury, sudden shock,... more
People from the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries have been present in North America for many generations. They represent a growing multicultural community with various ages, backgrounds, educations, customs, socio-economic... more
A long "Comment" regarding critical cultural awareness. The more insights and exploration of the meaning and influence of culture we receive, the better. There is no single treatment of any personal or collective culture(s) that can be... more
The question of time and how people view it is not merely about cognitive or emotional behavior. Rather, it is more existential, spiritual, and philosophical in nature. The basic assumptions of some theories that people react to time in... more
This workshop has been presented at several venues---medical settings, university campuses, international conferences, etc. In it, I explore the nature and impact of Stress as well as the causes and symptoms of Burnout. Participants will... more
Much has been written on resilience. This article will try to revisit the subject and emphasize its psycho-emotional and socio-cultural roots. It will explore the major themes, dimensions, and conceptualisations of resiliency from a... more
This chapter will explore the emotional struggles, multiple losses, mental agonies, social needs, and geopolitical dynamics of the Syrian migrants and refugees, as observed from Lebanon and beyond. It will address the traumas and war... more
SUMMARY -- Grief is a universal human experience. Life is a series of gains and losses, attachments and detachments. Some are healthy and gradual while others are unhealthy and abrupt. Sudden losses, unexpected traumas, and intrusive... more
ABSTRACT -- In recent years, the topics of psychosocial resiliency and cultural competency have been on the forefronts of many academic disciplines and human-care services. This article explores the meaning, nature, and function of... more
Worldview is the outlook one has about life. It is a paradigm by which the individual or the group interprets reality and acts upon life. It is how we normally view and conceptualize the world. Worldview can be a personal-subjective... more
The Lebanese people have always had a long desire to travel and explore the outside world. By nature, they are enthusiastic wanderers. Their historical roots go way back to the Phoenicians, some 3000 BC, who roamed the... more
"An entry in the Australasian Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements Mina Ross Brawner is a fascinating transitional figure, linking 19th century millenarianism with the emergence of the latter rain and healing movements... more