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      SociologyTraining and DevelopmentTeacher TrainingTeacher Training and Education
La relación teoría-práctica es uno de los temas más relevantes y recurrentes en el campo de la didáctica porque es tan amplio, complejo y difuso que es imposible darle una respuesta definitiva. En este artículo se examinan las... more
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      Teacher EducationPractice theoryTeacher TrainingPreservice Teacher Education
Issues of transitional justice are central to countries moving away from identity-based conflict. Research tends to focus on the most well-known forms of transitional justice, like truth commissions. Far less attention has been given to... more
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      Human Rights EducationTransitional JusticeHistory EducationSouth Africa
 本論は,教科専門地理学の立場から,社会科指導における最小限必要な資質能力の一つとして地域教材開発力を捉え,教員養成段階における,その育成方途として教科専門と教科教育の架橋の必要性をまず示した。地域教材開発力の育成が求められるのは,社会科教育及び地理学プロパーの先行研究,さらに各種教員へのアンケート調査にみるように,地域学習に対する教員の嫌悪感が大きく,教材開発力不足から指導に難しさを感じているためであった。両者の架橋では先行する教科内容学の分析から社会科の内容に関わる諸科学... more
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    • Teacher Training and Education
Teacher education programs that prepare teachers within the context of functioning elementary and secondary schools are widely discussed and debated. Research studies show that effective preparation of good teachers includes intensive... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEducational TechnologyScholarship of Teaching and Learning
Dentro de un proyecto del CONICET que estudia la formación como transformación subjetiva (Manrique, 2011 - 2020) interesa particularmente el estudio de dispositivos alternativos de formación que la promuevan. En este marco, se diseñó un... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher ResearchTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
Кожевникова М.Н. Концепция учительской философии образования // Учитель наедине с собой, сб. науч. статей / Ред.-сост. М.Н. Кожевникова. -СПб.: Изд. «Лема», ФГНУ ИПООВ РАО, 2014. -С. 78 -131. _________________ Концепция учительской... more
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      Teacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationTeachers' professional developmentTeacher
The book is about Bond's two precious years as a kid with his father. I couldn't keep the book down once I started reading because I was feeling the pages and emotions of the words. I knew what little kid Ruskin would have been doing... more
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      English LiteratureEducationTeacher EducationLiterature
Cambridge University Press, 2012
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      Language Teacher TrainingTeaching EFL and Teacher TrainingTeacher Training and Education
Resumo Considerando a relevância da dimensão política e social da alimentação e dos processos de sua produção, o estudo teve como objetivo identificar como os transgênicos estão sendo reconhecidos nos trabalhos científicos ligados às... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional developmentScience Teaching Methods
Learning history requires an understanding so that history can be understood more meaningfully. Not just remembering the facts of the past, but also connecting them with the present. To strengthen students' historical understanding,... more
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    • Teacher Training and Education
This curriculum design focuses on the roles of primary learners: the child, the parent(s) and the teacher with regard to early childhood education. Its research emphasizes the need for curriculum goals to extend into the populations of... more
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      Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood LiteracyAssessment of Preschool ChildrenEarly Childhood Care and Education
The objective of this study is to explore the role of the application of ICT tools in Mathematics teaching. Learning and conversation technologies (ICT) are an integral part of daily life, including the teaching-learning process.... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationICT in EducationTeacher Training
Universalization of free and compulsory primary education is a gigantic target for a nation like India. To make quality education available to every child at primary level requires a large amount of investment in terms of finance and... more
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      Teacher TrainingTeacher Training (Primary Education)Teacher Training and EducationPrimary School Teachers
This study focus on the “The effect of 3rd standard of (NPST) National Pakistan teaching standard (Islamic moral values and ethics) on the student’s personality” describe the importance of Islamic moral values and ethics the main... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher Training and Education
Along with social needs, the education system is changing every moment in every single day. B. Ed. course is mandatory to get a job in school, and it's necessary for an untrained teacher. Currently, the number of private, Government... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationEducational ResearchLearning and Teaching
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    • Teacher Training and Education
The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyEthicsTeaching and Learning
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      LiteracyEducationSocial SciencesLanguage Acquisition
This is but the transcription of a short talk whose concern is how to do philosophy with teenagers. That this is far from being utopistic should be clear (however see more
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      PhilosophyEducationImprovisationTeacher Education
Comics, which attract attention with their adaptation to changing conditions in the historical process, are increasing their popularity both in current life and in the field of education. They can be used as a powerful supplementary... more
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      Science EducationComics StudiesComicsEducational Tools
This 4-minute mini-lecture describes how a teacher might start to define your educational philosophy.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher Education
Given the importance of teacher beliefs in shaping classroom behavior, this study set out to examine the levels of Teacher-Self-Efficacy among preschool teachers in Nairobi and Kiambu counties Kenya. It was grounded on the self-efficacy... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationDidactics
La presente investigación indaga sobre el conocimiento de futuros profesores de matemáticas en relación con los productos notables. El estudio de corte cualitativo y descriptivo se desarrolla con estudiantes universitarios que cursan un... more
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      Mathematics EducationTeacher TrainingEducation (Mathematics)Mathematics Teacher Education
This research touches upon two areas in foreign language didactics; that of translanguaging and that of teacher education, and proposes an e-course for pre- and in-service English language teachers who wish to implement translanguaging... more
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      Distance EducationSociolinguisticsModern Foreign Language Teacher Education and TrainingTeacher Training and Education
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      EducationTeacher EducationInternational StudiesEducational Research
Background: It is necessary to provide teacher education system which enables teachers to develop their ability and competence to deliver science and technology. Objective: This study aims to describe the implementation of the Total... more
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    • Teacher Training and Education
This research on the challenges and rewards of teacher education in English Further Education, formed part of a PhD thesis which gave voice to teacher educators in FE, an under-represented and under-researched group in the literature on... more
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      Teacher EducationMentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsTeacher Training
Research suggests a compelling correlation between teacher behavior and effective learning environments. Focusing on the evidence-based teaching skill of offering behavior-specific praise (BSP), the researchers worked with three... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationTeacher TrainingPraise
Have you ever studied really hard, felt prepared to take a test at school or college, and, when the result came out, you were disappointed? Many students face this problem daily. What might be reason for it? Is it possible to study... more
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      Teacher EducationScience EducationChemistry EducationMetacognition
Ensuring Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is one of the focus themes of Education for All movement conceived at the World Conference (1990) and World Education Forum (2000). Countries have keenly pursued ECCE, the first goal of... more
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      Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education EthicsEarly Childhood LiteracyAssessment of Preschool Children
Οι ΔΥΕΠ λειτούργησαν για πρώτη φορά το σχολικό έτος 2016-2017, ως αποτέλεσμα της προσφυγικής κρίσης, είτε εντός των κέντρων φιλοξενίας προσφύγων είτε εντός των σχολικών μονάδων, με σκοπό την εκπαιδευτική ένταξη των προσφυγοπαίδων. Η... more
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      RefugeesImmigrantsTeacher Training and EducationLanguage Education for Refugees and Migrants
El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar la incidencia del estudio de los criterios de idoneidad didáctica en la reflexión sobre prácticas docentes en futuros profesores de Matemáticas. La investigación es cualitativa con... more
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      Mathematics EducationTeacher TrainingEducation (Mathematics)Science and Mathematics Education
This study aimed to examine the individual digital portfolios of three classes of students in a Teacher Education Institution (TEI) in the Philippines to assess their knowledge, skills and other learnings gained from the assessment... more
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    • Teacher Training and Education
This book contributes significantly to the conversation about inclusion as a critical component of school culture. Educating All recounts Christopher McMaster’s experience as a critical ethnographer in a school community, given the task... more
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      Cultural StudiesEducationSpecial EducationEducational Leadership
This paper addresses issues related to the effectiveness of teacher education in Pakistan in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), through a small scale collaborative research study in two state secondary schools, one girls' and one... more
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      PakistanClassroom TeachingNewly Qualified teachersTeacher Training and Education
In this article, we present a training seminar on Intercultural Pedagogy organised following the developmental approach which focuses on each teacher’s potential of development and uses communication-oriented learning (Katsarou & Dedouli,... more
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      Intercultural EducationTeacher Training and Education
Dans cet article est présentée une discussion sur la question des relations entre recherche et formation des enseignants en didactique de sciences. Le cercle en expansion « enseignement – formation des enseignants – didactique des... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationScience EducationResearch Methodology
The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between secondary school teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and their attitudes towards the profession. The research was carried out by using relational screening model among... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationDidactics
Learner performance in science is cause for concern in South Africa. Science teachers’ pedagogic content knowledge plays a significant role in learner performance. This paper examines teacher pedagogic content knowledge in a key area of... more
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      Teacher TrainingPeriodic TableTeacher Training and EducationTeachers Training and Development
Pre-service teachers' e-skills are important for instruction in the 21 st century digital classrooms. One hundred final year Intermediate / Senior phase (ISP) pre-service teachers participated in a digital story telling project. Ten... more
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      Teacher EducationDigital StorytellingTPACK (Education)Educational Technologies
This paper explores the issue of providing support for English teachers in Japan through intensive teacher training workshops. The design and features of the workshops are outlined along with a summary of how additional support can be... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher TrainingTeacher Training and Education
This article examines how to use research and reason to design creative, cohesive, and effective field experiences in teacher education programs.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
The main aim of this qualitative case study is to contribute with insights into teacher educators’ digital competence in teaching Art and Design subjects in teacher training institutions (TTIs) in Uganda. The study employed... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital LiteracyICT in EducationUganda
Islamic tradition promotes a holistic approach of personality development in which, we argue, three educational concepts take the centre stage: tarbiyah, ta’leem and ta’deeb. Looking through the lens of these concepts, we analyse two... more
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      DidacticsIslamic EducationTeacher TrainingIslam
¿Son capaces los profesores en formación de construir materiales didácticos basados en las competencias específicas del pens- amiento histórico? El siguiente artículo presenta de manera acotada el trabajo realizado en el marco de un... more
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      Teaching HistoryTeacher Training and Education
Es una investigación acción, que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un programa de formación con acompañamiento en competencias para la investigación e innovación, a través de la formación de comunidades de aprendizaje, dirigido a... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationScience EducationDidactics
Discussed below are seven classroom strategies that are frequently encouraged by teacher trainers and/or administrators and are assumed to be useful. However, when examined more closely what one sees is that they are actually highly... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducationEducational Leadership
En este trabajo se presenta un análisis global de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio exploratorio sobre el conocimiento didáctico-matemático que poseen futuros profesores de Educación Básica para enseñar matemáticas elementales. Para... more
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      Mathematics EducationTeacher TrainingMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsMathematics Teacher Education