I have often wondered what it would be like to work for Apple and now I have the privilege to find out! There’s a lot of amazing people on the WebKit team I have had the pleasure of meeting and collaborating with. Getting to do a lot more of that will be titing this it’s still somewhat difficult to comprehend it’s actually happening. Apple itself is the sole institution that develops co
I will be officially leaving Mozilla on the last day of June. My last working day will be June 16. Perhaps I should say I will be leaving the Mozilla Corporation — MoCo, as it’s known internally. After all, once you’re a Mozillian, you’re always a Mozillian. I was there for a significant part of my life — nine years, most of them great, some tough. I was empowered and supported by leadership to mo
Abstract This document defines itional testing functionality in browsers 1. Introduction Testing browsers often requires use of specialised uitable for exposing to web authors, for example because it could undermine platfiting c
DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free it! Chrome developer advocate Jake Archibald called 2016 “the year of web streams.” Clearly, his prediction was somewhat premature. The Streams Standard was announced back in 2014. It’s taken a while, but there’s now a consistent streaming emented in modern browsers (still waiting on Fir
ParticGitHub whatwg/mimesniff (new issue, open issues) Chat on Matrix Commits: GitHub whatwg/mimesniff/commits Snapshot as of this commit @mimesniff Tests: web-platfgoing work) Translations (non-n本語 1. Introduction The HTTP Content-Type header field is intended to indicate the MIME type of an HTTP response. However, many HTTP servers supply a Content-Type
We are pleased to announce that Firefox 88 is introducing a new protection against privacy leaks on the web. Under new limitations imposed by Firefox, trackers are no longer able to abuse the window.name property to track users acites. Since the late 1990s, web browsers have made the window.name property available to web pages as a place to store data. Unfortunately, data stored in window
W3C and WHATWG to work together to advance the open Web platfgreement to collaborate on the development of a single version of the HTML and DOM specifications. The Memorandum of Understanding jointly published as the WHATWG/W3C Joint Working Mode gives the specifics of this collaboration. Motivated by the belief that having
まえがき W3C(とWHATWG)からの公式なアナウンスはまだ確認していませんが、何度目かに結成されるW3C HTML WorkingのDraft Charterと、このCharterから辿れるDRAFT Memorandum of Understanding Between W3C and WHATWG(Memorandumは日本語で覚書などと訳されるので、ここでも覚書と呼びます)がブログエントリーのタイトルのソースになります。もっとも、今確認できる覚書もドラフトですから、変更があるかもしれません。しかしながらURLで観測できるわけですから、大筋でW3CとWHATWGとの間で合意が取れているのではないかと推測します。あとは、覚書だけでなくCharterもドラフトということになっていますが、以下の文章では面倒なので省略します。最後にお約束ですが、このブログエントリーは「だいたいあってる」感