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Nowadays automatic systems for detecting and measuring textual similarity are being developed, in order to apply them to different tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Currently, these systems use surface linguistic... more
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    • Sistemas Y Computacion
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In this article we present the RST Spanish Treebank, the first corpus annotated with rhetorical relations for this language. We describe the characteristics of the corpus, the annotation criteria, the annotation procedure, the... more
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Previous works demonstrated that Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) by sentences extraction may be improved using sentence compression. In this work we present a sentence compressions approach guided by level-sentence discourse... more
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@Book{wDE:2009, editor = {Gerardo Sierra and Mara Pozzi and Juan-Manuel Torres}, title = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Definition Extraction}, month = {September}, year = {2009}, address = {Borovets, Bulgaria}, publisher =... more
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In this paper we revisit the Textual Energy model. We deal with the two major disadvantages of the Textual Energy: the asymmetry of the distribution and the unboundedness of the maximum value. Although this model has been successfully... more
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Earlier studies have raised the possibility of summarizing at the level of the sentence. This simplification should help in adapting textual content in a limited space. Therefore, sentence compression is an important resource for... more
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    • Artificial
This paper presents some experiments of evaluation of a statistical stemming algorithm based on morphological segmentation. The method estimates affixality of word fragments. It combines three indexes associated to possible cuts. This... more
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Nous présentons des modèles d'apprentissage probabilistes appliqués à la tâche de classification telle que définie dans le cadre du défi DEFT07 : la classification d'un texte suivant l'opinion qu'il exprime. Pour classer les textes, nous... more
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      Human ResourceJob SearchROC CurveExponential Growth
The pivot shift test reproduces a complex instability of the knee joint following rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. The grade of the pivot shift test has been shown to correlate to subjective criteria of knee joint function,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Abstract: To select the most relevant sentences of a document, it uses an optimal decision algorithm that combines several metrics. The metrics processes, weighting and extract pertinence sentences by statistical and informational... more
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      Information RetrievalNatural languageQuestion Answering SystemAutomatic Summarization
RÉSUMÉ. Dans cet article, nous présentons une discussion sur la définition d'un score de compacité pour permettre l'extraction d'une réponse dans un système de Questions/Réponses. Ce score de compacité qui peut être... more
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Dans cet article, nous présentons des applications du système Enertex au Traitement Automatique de la Langue Naturelle. Enertex est basé sur l'énergie textuelle, une approche par réseaux de neurones inspirée de la physique statistique des... more
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      Multi-Document SummarizationStatistical PhysicsNatural language
Nous présentons une palette de modèles probabilistes que nous avons employés dans le cadre du défi DEFT'05. La tâche proposée conjuguait deux problématiques distinctes du Traitement Automatique du Langage : l'identification de l'auteur... more
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Nous présentons des modèles d'apprentissage probabilistes appliqués à la tâche de classification telle que définie dans le cadre du défi DEFT'07 : la classification d'un texte suivant l'opinion qu'il exprime. Pour classer les textes, nous... more
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We present SMMR, a scalable sentence scoring method for query-oriented update summarization. Sentences are scored thanks to a criterion combining query relevance and dissimilarity with already read documents (history). As the amount of... more
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This paper presents a User-Oriented Multi-Document Update Summarization system based on a maximization-minimization approach. Our system relies on two main concepts. The first one is the cross summaries sentence redundancy removal which... more
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      Multi-Document SummarizationBag of Words