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Questions tagged [utf-8]

Utf-8 is a form of character encoding that can represent every Unicode character available. It is the standard form of character encoding for the web and is also the standard in Ubuntu. It is set in a user's environment; an example for the British locale is en_GB.UTF-8.

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How can I force gedit 44.2 to open file in the UTF-8 encoding?

I'm on Ubuntu 23.10 using gedit 44.2. I opened a file named METADATA, and it displayed like this: However, if I open it with another file editor, I see these contents: Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: ...
Flimm's user avatar
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Unicode text does not render in WSL Ubuntu

My installation of Ubuntu in WSL fails to render Unicode text. Below is a screenshot from Sanskrit Wikipedia. How should I fix it?
Ritesh Singh's user avatar
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Is there a command-line method for converting UTF-8 values into Unicode values?

$ od -t x1 <inputfile produces … 0a e2 8c a5 0a …. The 0a are linefeeds, and e2 8c a5 are the UTF-8 representation of a Unicode character. For this simple case, I can do it by hand: [1110]0010 [10]...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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Cannot (mouse) paste utf8 into ssh terminal

I can do Mouse-Middle-Click paste everywhere except my Oracle cloud server, which is running Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS -- Everywhere, if I run date under LANG=zh_CN.utf8 environment and I'll get: $ date ...
xpt's user avatar
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Set utf8proc or Unicode 9 in Gnome Terminal

Emojis are messing up my Neovim font widths. The github forum here: shows a few approaches, one of which is to get a terminal application that has utf8proc ...
Costa Michailidis's user avatar
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Mismatched charset while executing application on Windows and Wine (Ubuntu)

We have a small exe client application that used for loading the scanned images from the remote sources, what we need to do is enter the address from the images to specific text box and submit. The ...
hungbv's user avatar
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Virtual machine manager: Error starting domain: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf9 in position 158: invalid start byte

Client: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Virtual client: 18.04 LTS python 3.8.10 I need to create a bridge on Virtual Machine Manager. I installed GNOME Boxes and I ran Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It works fine without ...
Bart96's user avatar
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Problem with shar on Ubuntu on text files

I am trying to produce a shar file with contents kept in the clear text inside the shar-file. For the most of it things work fine, but today I met a fairly strange problem: When I do shar -T test.tex &...
TeX Apprentice's user avatar
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How to edit UTF-8 files with vim

How can I edit UTF-8 files with vim? There is a problem with german special characters like 'Ä', 'ü'. There are some in the comments. vim shows Ã~D instead of 'Ä' and ü instead of 'ü' then. (I hope ...
Andy A.'s user avatar
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Problem with wrongly displayed accented letters

I'm using Kubuntu 20.04 and I'm having problems with the display of accented letters and some other special characters. In particular french accented letters are displayed as Cyrillic characters and ...
SteFx's user avatar
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Adding a Google account via GNOME returns an error

I've been attempting to connect my school Google Drive account to my computer (I'm connected via my personal email). Here are the steps: Click on Google in the Online Accounts tab Type in my email ...
defarm's user avatar
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How to connect to a share with support for UTF-16

I am having issues with an Ubuntu VM I have on QNAP NAS in mounting drives to it. I can mount the drive, but it only mounts as UTF-8 so many files I have aren't read properly by Deluge Bittorrent, ...
Redwolf's user avatar
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Why is character "£" in a string interpreted strange in the command cut?

I'm developing a bash script and came up with the following strange behaviour! $ echo £ |cut -c 1 � The sign £ is passed to the next command cut whose filter is picking one character only. When I ...
Peter Schramm's user avatar
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Getting error "pathname cannot be converted from utf-8 to current locale" while extracting a zip file in ubuntu 20.04

When I am trying to unzip a file "" I am getting below error as shown in figure: I have made this zip file in ubuntu 20.04. Then downgraded to 18.04 and tried to unzip here. I am ...
Brijesh's user avatar
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Why do Filenames created under UTF-8 not match the UTF-Codepage layout?

According to Wikipedia's utf-8 Codepage Layout, its character-set is as follows: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0-9 : ; < = > ? @ A-Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a-z { | } ~ But (excepting /), ...
Kraus's user avatar
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locales (UTF-8) are not set as expected

Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS is installed on my virtual machine. When I use PuTTY to login, I get the following output: karsten@v38xxx:~$ who am i karsten pts/0 Jun 26 10:14 (87.175.23.xx) karsten@...
kasch's user avatar
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'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xed when running sudo update-command-not-found

As the question above, when I try to run sudo update-command-not-found, I get this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/update-command-not-found", line 26, in <module> ...
Ender's user avatar
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Strange text formatting in Ubuntu console window

Right now I'm running a server on Ubuntu 18.04, and using PM2 to manage my programs. PM2 is supposed to display lots of information in neat tables like these. Instead, I get this. What's wrong with ...
Colin Hanes's user avatar
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UTF-8 Issue, don't know where

$ sudo locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8 /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) Generating locales (this might take a while)... de_DE.UTF-8...cannot open locale definition ...
Aaron Knosp's user avatar
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Convert string to UTF-8 with terminal only

How I can convert a string to UTF-8 encoding using Ubuntu terminal only?
Noman Maqsood's user avatar
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emacs org-bullets not supported

I'm using ubuntu 19.04 with KDE5 org-bullets doesn't seem to work for me on both terminal mode as well as GUI mode. I tried it on a windows VM, it works fine there, but not in my linux machine. My ...
surjit's user avatar
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Analyzing Characters in Ubuntu

I need a tool that can tell me the character encodings of each visible and invisible character from a range of characters I highlight within its editor. For example, a line break is usually \n in ...
Lonnie Best's user avatar
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Find unicode by its code via grep

How find a symbol by code of Unicode? E.g. try find a space ('\u20' or '\u0020') in the second line: echo -e "u20\n \nfoo" |grep "\u20" - found the literal u20, not the space line. echo -e "x20\n \...
bl79's user avatar
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UnicodeDecodeError error when starting Software Properties GTK Ubuntu 18.04

There is an issue when I try to launch software-properties-gtk on Ubuntu 18.04. Nothing happens when launching via desktop icon, and via terminal this error comes out: root:~# software-properties-gtk ...
Gabriel Cretin's user avatar
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Why does `file -i` determines file encoding as ASCII, however it is UTF-8 actually in git repository

There are two cases, which i confused about: If newly created file contains only latin symbols, then file -i will show us-ascii. If newly created file contains only latin and cyrillic symbols, then ...
uptoyou's user avatar
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Gnome-terminal and Xfce4-terminal with ISO-encoding needs special-character keys to be pressed twice

In a gnome-terminal as well as in a xfce4-terminal, when I change its character-encoding from standard UTF-8 (with 2 bytes for special-characters) to ISO-Latin 8859-15 (always 1 byte), the following ...
Fidelis's user avatar
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Why temp txt files are created in ANSI?

I have a big log file and i need to cut a part of it and paste it in the end of the same file... so i created a script that looks for the chunks of code i need (sed) create a temp file ,paste it , ...
Lcross Portugal's user avatar
3 votes
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Ubuntu display Chinese Characters - Encoding Issue

I'm running a Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit. I'm facing a strange problem displaying Chinese characters in terminal, files, MySQL terminal etc. The Chinese characters are displaying as ?????. After some ...
user3066279's user avatar
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How to scan internal memory of my Android phone around a certain index entry in order to find lost utf-8/LF (for Linux/Adroid) text?

Last night, I was using the Jota Text Editor app on my LG G3 Anroid phone running Fulmics. The phone (which I am planning to replace very soon) crashed about two times whilst I was writing a text with ...
Nemgathos's user avatar
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Problem Regarding display of Devanagari in ubuntu [duplicate]

I am able to see Hindi pretty much.But, Issue is related to display of some particular characters, Which are not displayed by Ubuntu. Not displaying doesn't mean that they are displaying by box, It ...
lifeisshubh's user avatar
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Unicode/UTF-8 problems in ssh session with Ubuntu Server 16.04

I have a fresh Ubuntu Server 16.04 installation, and I am now testing how it handles unicode characters: I have a file name with a unicode character in it: testā.txt. If I pick up it with a tab, ie $ ...
Passiday's user avatar
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Locale problem in 17.10 after upgrade

I'm using Kubuntu 17.10 (fully updated). This problem may have been introduced during the upgrade to 17.04 or 17.10; I can't be sure, since I did both upgrades back to back. Everything works as ...
Zilk's user avatar
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How to fix utf8 in terminal?

I have a fresh installation of Xenial server inside a Virtualbox. While installing, I chose “No Localisation” and “C” as the default language. Now less thinks every file with non-Latin alphabet is a ...
Joel's user avatar
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What is the correct way to set locale on server?

On my development machine (a vagrant box with ubuntu) with a php application runnning I have one language with swedish: sv_SE.utf8 And I'm setting the locale with this function - setlocale(...
Marko's user avatar
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Some 2-byte Unicode characters appear as 2 characters in nano

I'm creating a web site in Russian. When I open HTML pages in nano on the remote server, some (but not all) of the Cyrillic characters appear as 2 characters: For example, the phrase "Welcome" ...
James Newton's user avatar
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Very strange behaviour of the Compose Key [closed]

In about 5 years of using Ubuntu, I could never the Compose Key to behave as I wanted despite a few attempts. Until Ubuntu 16.04 the Compose Key gave me the characters "œ", "Œ", "…" and "ğ" so I was ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How can I make my terminal display non-standard characters?

I am working on some UTF-8 text files whose content is in another language. Most of the text displays correctly, but some characters show up like this: <U+200C> How can I make my terminal ...
user avatar
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UTF-8 Telugu text not rendering correctly in terminal

I am trying to process telugu text with Python. Text is rendering correctly in chrome browser like this. Unfortunately it is not rendering correctly in default terminal or python shell in terminal....
Chillar Anand's user avatar
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Windows 10 oh my zsh fonts not working

I recently did the Windows 10 bash and changed my shell to zsh. When I run the themes my font encoding isn't working. I checked a couple things, installed the powerline fonts and have looked at this: ...
user6754289's user avatar
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How to get ssh under xterm not to break alt key?

I have started running in an Ubuntu 16 VM, running tigervnc 1.7.0, and run into an odd environment. Local windows behave as expected when I use alt-, for instance in a shell to back up a word via alt-...
Fred Douglis's user avatar
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How can I see which encoding is used in a file

I had some problems with subtitle files in video omxplayer. To solve it I had to convert from windows-1250 to UTF-8 encoding. My question is, how can I see for some specific file which encoding is ...
NonStandardModel's user avatar
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Convert java utf-8 string(one symbol) to ubuntu x11 Keysym

I'm writing an app that sends key presses from android's virtual keyboard to to some client. Currently I'm implementing the Ubuntu client, sending fake x11 input events. I have a problem converting ...
Russoul's user avatar
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Problem Ubuntu putting out characters in both UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1

I use PuTTY to connect to my Xubuntu system. When I set the translation to UTF-8 the fancy output from systemd looks fine but a ncurses application show up oddly. When I set the translation in PuTTY ...
user3594191's user avatar
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Text document unreadable after sudden PC shutdown

I was working in a text document with Mousepad, when I accidentally disconnected the power cable, shutting down the computer. When I started my Xubuntu session again, I tried to open the document, but ...
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grep regex .* not matching everything

I've recently gotten into using tools like grep, wc, cat, etc. because I have to deal with some very large CSV files (>10GB) which aren't quite delimited correctly (for instance, having occurrences of ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Mass-change encoding of files/directories

For some reason many files/directories on my server are not UTF-8 encoded. Is there a way I can change these files so they are utf-8? The majority of files on the server are UTF-8. Is there a way I ...
jskidd3's user avatar
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Special characters in terminal

I am trying to set a metadata copyright notice using exiftool with exiftool -copyright="©2016 Jim Berry" *.JPG but it comes out in the images as "Copyright=©2016 Jim Berry" Why the "Â" and how ...
jimberry's user avatar
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Can gedit create a Unicode file?

Using bless I can see my gedit output is ASCII. Can gedit process some kind of Unicode?
H2ONaCl's user avatar
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Guake won't display UTF-8 after forced reboot

That's basically it. Sometimes after having to force a reboot Guake won't show any UTF-8 characters. This is especially noticeable since I'm using powerline with a patched font. output from dpkg -l | ...
John Blackberry's user avatar
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Weird characters on Some Aplication Menu (ubuntu 14.04)

I get weird characters on some application menu. See screenshot. I haven't seen this happen. What do you think, what's the problem? and How to fix it? Thanks Libre Office and VLC weird menu ...
Ammar's user avatar
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