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Questions tagged [thumbnails]

Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures/videos/PDF's, Used to help in recognizing and organizing them.

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Show PDF Thumbnails on GNOME Desktop

My PDF thumbnails on the desktop have reverted to Adobe icons. I have Evince installed and I am confident that the thumbnails are being generated because thumbnails show up in the Nautilus window for ...
Mark J's user avatar
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Thumbnail Issue on Ubuntu 24.10 Desktop

Ubuntu 24.10 still has an issue with thumbnails on the Desktop, which seems to have been around since the 24.04 release. Thumbnails for pictures, videos, and PDF files aren’t generated, so they just ...
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I deleted "~/.cache/thumbnails" and now 98% of the video thumbnails aren't showing up, how do I fix this?

So yeah, I just installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS a few days ago and I'm trying to get everything up and running. So I installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and I realized none of the video thumbnails were showing up ...
SpaceX's user avatar
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Image Previews Not Showing on Ubuntu Desktop

I am using Ubuntu 24.04 on my Dell XPS laptop. I am experiencing an issue where image previews (thumbnails) are not displayed on my desktop. Instead I see generic icons for image files: Steps taken ...
Alessandro Chitarrini's user avatar
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Fuji RAF thumbnails

I am not getting thumbnails for fujifilm RAF images. I tried adding to /usr/share/thumbnailers/gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer.thumbnailer the entries: image/x-raf;image/x-fuji-raf; I quit nautilus and ...
Bram's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 Media Thumbnails not displayed in Nautilus anymore

Recently, not quite sure since when, Thumbnails in Nautilus for videos and music stopped being displayed as usual, most likely due to an update? I have done this: sudo apt install ffmpegthumbnailer ...
in4matix's user avatar
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Gnome Files (Nautilus) How to set maximum file size to get a thumbnail?

Gnome Files browser shows thumbnails for files up to certain size. How can I change that size? I have found a pull request that removed it from the preferences, and from there, I found that I can ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
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Nautilus not displaying previews for images, but for video/pdf it is working

Nautilus did not load any previews for images and videos. After installing some thumbnailers like ffmpegthumbnailer and evince-thumbnailer, I do have previews for videos and PDF files, but still not ...
uke's user avatar
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nautilius views icon or thumbnail

I have several folders containing short videos. Some folders show video icons. Some folders show thumbnails. How do I control which is which? I'm on ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and files v. 1:
Craig's user avatar
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Why does Nautilus take longer to display MP3 thumbnails as opposed to other file types?

I'm on 22.04 with Cinnamon but I have noticed this for a long time indeed with 20.04 and 18.04. When I open Files (Nautilus) and navigate to a directory that contains MP3 files, the thumbnails take ...
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Is it possible to check what file tumblerd is currently looking at?

I just cloned a big folder and tumblerd has started eating my CPU. I'm now curious about what particular file it is working on. Is there any way to see what file it is currently trying to make a ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Is there any way to debug gnome-epub-thumbnailer?

I have been trying to use gnome-epub-thumbnailer in Ubuntu 23.04. The program installs & I am able to run gnome-epub-thumbnailer -s 1024 test.epub out.png successfully, but even after rm -r ~/....
dysbulic's user avatar
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Enabling thumbnails for AVIF, JXL, HEIF, HEIC images

Sometimes I download .avif images from the Internet. I would like the thumbnails of these images to appear in Files (nautilus). How do I enable thumbnails for AVIF images? Also, can I enable ...
Flimm's user avatar
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Unique values separated by semicolons (thumbnailers)

The file /usr/share/thumbnailers/totem.thumbnailer contains: [Thumbnailer Entry] TryExec=/usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer Exec=/usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o MimeType=application/mxf;...
Mario Palumbo's user avatar
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PCManFM Regenerates Thumbnails every time I open a folder

I am running Xubuntu 22.04.1 with PCManFM 1.3.2. Whenever I enter a folder with some images, one of my CPU cores spikes up to 100% for a few seconds as the thumbnails slowly roll in. This makes me ...
fullmontis's user avatar
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Nautilus not showing song's cover art of .m4a files

I have some songs in .m4a format. These songs have a cover art, but on Nautilus I can't see it. If I open it with VLC or If I put these songs on my Android phone, I can see the cover art, so I think ...
woyim46107's user avatar
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Website thumbnail/image/icons not loading properly

On youtube, the video thumbnails are greyed but the hover previews works. I can click to play a video but the thumbnails would also be grey. On Reddit, the icons appear as square boxes with ...
glitchyfingers's user avatar
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Nautilus doesn't generate thumbnails when account is admin on Ubuntu 22.4.1

When I browse this folder: admin:////usr/share/backgrounds/ I can't see any thumbnail for .png/.jpg files there, but when using my normal acc it works ok. Also how to generate thumbnails on remote ...
captain_majid's user avatar
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Thumbnails in Files are too small (22.04)

When I open a folder in Files, I can choose between a file list or thumbnails. In the case of images - a miniature of the image. Then I can zoom, but I can only zoom up to '133%', which still gives me ...
Henrik R.'s user avatar
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Video Thumbnails are not generating [duplicate]

I upgraded to Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1 from 20.04.1 a few months ago, I recently noticed that MP4 and MKV video files are not generating thumbnails for Nautilus anymore. WEBM files are working fine ...
Baa's user avatar
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problems about images after upgrade to UBUNTU 22.04 LTS (jammy)

After upgrading Ubuntu to 22.04 I experienced the following problems: -No more thumbnails except old ones -Nautilus doesn't show the "image properties" tap in the properties window -Image ...
Beppe's user avatar
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Thumbnails of images larger then 4096px are not displayed in file selection dialog

In file selection dialog (for instance, in Firefox when trying to upload an image), thumbnail of images larger than 4096px are not displayed (on the right of the windows). I would like to known if a ...
Benjamin Renard's user avatar
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No file preview while opening an image in 22.04

In 21.10, when I try open a file, I could see a thumbnail preview on the right. This was true with Firefox, GIMP and Inkscape. Sadly, after upgrading to 22.04, all I got are file names and an image ...
user227495's user avatar
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How to increase the maximal thumbnail size in Ubuntu 20+ nautilus file manager?

The maximum available thumbnail size (~165px) in Ubuntu 20.04 is too small for my liking and I would like to increase it above this limit: I have tried nautilus, nemo and thunar and in all of them ...
malewick's user avatar
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Gnome's Files application in Ubuntu 20.04 does not properly show the thumbnail of raster image files at times

I noticed that the Files application in Ubuntu 20.04 does not properly show the thumbnail of raster image files at times. Instead of showing the thumbnail of the image, either a white icon with a ...
Sun Bear's user avatar
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Can anybody help me do a deep dive into how Dolphin under KDE generates text file thumbnails?

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with KDE installed on top. Problem: When using a dark theme, text file thumbnails in dolphin use a light color for the text, but do not change the background, leading to white-on-...
O Ocalhoun's user avatar
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How to reset thumbnail cache in XFCE? [duplicate]

I had a lot of plots (in pdf format) in a directory. Recently, I had regenerated all the plots (retaining their previous names). Now, Thunar shows distorted thumbnails for many of these regenerated ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Thumbnail view in 'Files' can't see .webp images

In the ubuntu files browser 'Files' I can set the default viewer for a given filetype (right-click->properties->open with) - but is there a way to get Files itself to show thumbnails for .webp ...
jeremy_rutman's user avatar
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18.04 LTS vs 20.04.3 LTS: Stretchable Desktop Icons (Photos on the Desktop)

I lasted a year to upgrade ubuntu from 18.04 LTS to 20.04.3 LTS, this because upgrading there was a loss of functionality. In fact, before I had photos on the desktop made with the thumbnails or icons ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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Getting thumbnails of cbz comics with images formatted in webp

So, I have a bunch of digital comics that are in cbz format (just a renamed .zip, for those who are less familiar) in which all the images inside the comics are in .webp format. I am running Budgie 21....
Jason Murray's user avatar
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How to create custom thumbnailers for Nautilus, Nemo, and Caja?

Nautilus (GNOME Files) and Nautilus-based file managers, namely Nemo and Caja, already create previews for many common file types with their default thumbnailers. There are also a number of other ...
Calico Cat's user avatar
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How to preview JP2 and J2K images on Nautilus and Nemo?

I have a number of JPEG-2000 .jp2 and .j2k images that I want to preview on Nautilus or Nemo. How can I tell the file managers to create thumbnails for those files?
Calico Cat's user avatar
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Starred files function became broken, can you help me fix it?

I have a problem where I can not STAR any new files or folders in Ubuntu 21.04 until after I reboot. Additionally, any files shown in a 'symlink folder window' cannot be starred, nor do they show as '...
RiquezJP's user avatar
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RAW Thumbnails in Nautilus (Sony .ARW)

I am struggling to have RAW Thumbnails show in Nautilus. I am using Ubuntu 21.04 & specifically Sony ARW from Sony A6000, Nex 6 & Nex 3 cameras. All of these use the same arw with embedded jpg ...
RiquezJP's user avatar
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gnome-shell: Error while loading thumbnail

I was checking the output from journalctl and I see a large number of the following entries: gnome-shell[5944]: Error while loading thumbnail: Error: Argument width: value is out of range for gfloat ...
Crusty's user avatar
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How to fix tumbler: random image thumbnail sizes in Thunar

Premise OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 DE: Gnome 3 gnome-shell --version: 3.36.7 In normal circumstances, I prefer not to re-generate thumbnails too often, in order to spare some lifespan for my SSD. org.gnome....
Levente's user avatar
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How to review thumbnails for photos on file browser?

On Ubuntu 20.04, I can't see thumbnails for photos on the file browser. Appears only an image icon for each file. How to get thumbnails instead of icons?
Sparktacus's user avatar
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F11 has suddenly become my screenshot key

I'm new to using Ubuntu on a PC (but many many years ago, worked developing shell scripts in Unix for several years), and am going through the pain of setting up my first Ubuntu PC from scratch. The ...
Mini Pilot's user avatar
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What are my options to replace Gnome 3's Nautilus in the least intrusive way?

I use stock Ubuntu 20.04.2 with the Gnome 3.36.8 desktop (according to gnome-control-center's About tab). Nautilus version: 3.36.3 Dismay: I have a hard time organizing my photos in Nautilus, because ...
Levente's user avatar
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18 votes
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show thumbnails in file chooser dialog

is there any way to show thumbnails in file chooser dialog in ubuntu or in any other distro ?
this is me's user avatar
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foder an file, thumnails, for all types of files. Ubuntu 20.04.2 [duplicate]

20.04.2. I just uninstalled my windows 10 and I'm feeling much better already. I would like to have thumbnail preview icons for all types of picture formats and video formats. I would also like to see ...
Hendrik Potgieter's user avatar
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How can I view images smaller than the typical thumbnail size at their original size?

I'm using 20.04 and I've noticed something that I really don't like about it: in Pictures, small images such as pixel art or icons are scaled-up as thumbnails. This is annoying because I remember ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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DigiKam update not showing thumbnails after upgrade

Upgraded Ubuntu to 20.04.02 and digiKam (upgraded to 6.4.0) now shows only handful of thumbnails (out of about 12,000 in the db). db location (Settings, Configure Digikam, etc) is correct. Digikam ...
cedwin's user avatar
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there a way or setting for better and bigger thumbnails in the file manager? especially when not showing

is there a way in ubuntu 20.10 to see bigger and or better thumbnails of pictures in the file manager? Especially if your're uploading pictures as a photographer. in the picture you'll see what I ...
Orosjopie's user avatar
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4 answers

File manager in Ubuntu 20.04 not showing thumbnails

The file manager that came with my installation ("Simple file manager for Gnome") doesn't show thumbnails for jpg, png, and videos. I've gone to /Preferences/Search & Preview and made ...
Axel Lieber's user avatar
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Android phone connected via usb - thumbnails not showing

Galaxy s1oe phone connected via usb to ubuntu 20.04 Folders show up just fine, I just don't see the thumbnails. It must be a permission thing. How to fix this ? Thanks.
ultranewbie's user avatar
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HEIF/HEIC Thumbnail issue

I have an issue with HEIC thumbnails. I can open heic files via the image viewer, however, I can't get the thumbnails showing. when I try installing heif-thumbnailer by running sudo apt-get install ...
ultranewbie's user avatar
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video thumbnails not showing in 20.10, HattinGokbori87 solution doesnt work

How to get video thumbnails to show in Ubuntu 20.10? I tried this solution Thumbnails not showing in video in Ubuntu 18.04 but does not work for 20.10 I currenty can see pdf and jpg thumbnails but not ...
jon anotter88998889's user avatar
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Nautilus in Ubuntu 16.04 can't show pdf thumbnail

I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 on two machines. One can show pdf thumbnail, another can't. I tried to install and reinstall evince, but still, it is not shown. Anyone knows what am I missing? Here is ...
sugab's user avatar
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3GP video thumbnails not displayed

3GP/3GPP (.3gp) videos have no thumbnails in Nautilus or Nemo. How can this be fixed?
DurandA's user avatar
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