On youtube, the video thumbnails are greyed but the hover previews works. I can click to play a video but the thumbnails would also be grey. On Reddit, the icons appear as square boxes with alphanumeric characters.

Please assist me with this.

  • System: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browsers tested and exhibited the same issue: Firefox, chromium
  • Things I've tried:
    • Firefox:
      • reinstall firefox,
      • turn on/off enhanced tracking protection, hardware acceleration
      • clear all cookies and data
      • got to about:config -> changing image.webp.enabled to true/false
    • ubuntu: sudo apt update, restart PC


  • If you right click the grey images in Firefox / Chromium, and select "Inspect", what does the Inspector show? Where is it trying to download these images from? (src attribute or <source> element in a <picture>)
    – P Varga
    Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 8:38
  • @ՕլՁՅԿ it is not a link. On my linux machine, src=""> Any suggestion on how to resolve this? Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 23:18


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