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is there a way to use a mirror site for do-release-upgrade?

Apparently do-release-upgrade is hard coded to reach out to This makes no sense to me. Does anyone know of a way to specify an alternate mirror? We only use an offline mirror in our ...
0x415246's user avatar
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How to upgrade docker 24.0.5 to 27.3.1 in Ubuntu Jammy 22.04?

I have a Ubuntu Jammy server 22.04 LTS with the following installed: apt-offline_1.8.4-1_all.deb Docker-ce: 24.0.5 (offline installer: docker-ce_24.0.5-1~ubuntu.22.04~jammy_amd64.deb) Docker-ce-cli: ...
Benny's user avatar
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2 votes
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Minimal BASH Shell Displayed After Rebooting Ubuntu 22.04 Autoinstall ISO in VirtualBox

I followed this link to create an offline autoinstall for Ubuntu 22.04. I have successfully generated the ISO using xorriso and installed it in a virtual machine on VirtualBox, however after rebooting ...
Rajaram's user avatar
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To use apt-offline does the downloader-system need to have the same OS distro and version as the target system?

For example, to install updates on an offline Ubuntu System using apt-offline, is it OK to use a Debian system to download the updates?
user16734390's user avatar
0 votes
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Bluetooth process is active BUT does not work in Ubuntu 22.04 :(

sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running)...
Eduardo García's user avatar
0 votes
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Contents of ISO packages [duplicate]

I've servers that have no internet connection, so i downloaded Ubuntu 22.04 ISO files and mount them. Mount is done successfully, i can list the contents in the mounted directory. My aim is to install ...
Yavuz Sert's user avatar
1 vote
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Install TP-Link Archer T2U V3 driver in Ubuntu without internet

I'm using archer T2U v3 in my 14.04 and 16.04 system flawlessly as the driver was directly provided by TP-Link from their website (Kernel ...
A. Bhowmick's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS Released

I have three Ubuntu 22.04 LTS workstations in an offline environment(air-gapped). I need to be able to get the latest updates and have all those machines patched. What is the best method for doing ...
Joren8's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
1 answer

Offline updating various Ubuntu versions

If I am looking to provide an offline update for several Ubuntu Linux devices using varying Ubuntu versions, how can I use one update file to standardize them all to the latest release? I've seen that ...
Peter's user avatar
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install 22.04.3 server offline - no network access

Ubuntu 20.04 host running multiple ubuntu guest servers I'm trying to install a new 22.04.3 server, but the install insists on a network connection. Because I have non-standard MTU settings, I need to ...
David's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

trying to install Ubuntu Server on partition of Win10 drive in offline computer [duplicate]

Setup: I am very new to Linux and am looking for detailed steps, please. I have a internal HDD with Win10 installed on a computer with no internet access. I have an empty 80Gb partition where I ...
Ric's user avatar
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Apache2 installation fails on a Ubuntu computer with no access to internet

I am trying to get apache2 installed on a Ubuntu 23.10.1 (desktop) computer that doesn't have any access to internet. But running into errors. I have looked through a lot on the askubuntu forum and ...
SRT's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Use of Files in Ubuntu Repository Section "Restriced/l"

In a current Ubuntu repository on the server there is among the main folders in the "pool" section "main" "multiverse", "universe", etc also the folder "...
CatMan's user avatar
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How to optimize installation process during offline autoinstall Ubuntu 22.04?

I'm a beginner in Ubuntu and I'm trying to create offline autoinstall for Ubuntu 22.04. I followed this link at first to create the autoinstall and succeeded in doing so. However, since I need this ...
rain89's user avatar
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Need to start docker-compose up for a container with ubuntu 22.04 without internet access

I have docker compose and I have already container with ubuntu 22.04 which includes Nodejs app. Now, while connecting to internet it runs successfully, but when there is no internet access it does not ...
dave_ag's user avatar
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Updating a Air-gaped Repo help

I am a relatively new Linux sysadmin. I managing a several air-gaped Ubuntu machine. all of these machines point to one server that we are using as a repo. The problem i am running into is trying to ...
Travis Madsen's user avatar
1 vote
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ubuntu 22.04.2 server autoinstall package install

how do i install package without internet connection in ubuntu server autoinstall? i need to install openbox in ubuntu without internet. i tried to download all packages using these command: apt ...
Isa Eken's user avatar
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Broadcom 802.11n ubuntu 20.04. Cannot install drivers

Today i installed fresh ubuntu linux on my acer aspire v5 , very old laptop, dual boot with windows 8.1. Since i cannot connect to internet via wire, i had to download drivers from internet, and ...
Sigma_Senior's user avatar
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Ubuntu offline updates using apt-offline

When I'm installing apt-offline using sudo apt install apt-offline command it installs apt-offline version 1.8.4-1 (the latest, as I understand) When trying to create a signature file using command ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Offline Installation of Apache/2.4.54 on Ubuntu18.04

I have tried installing Apache 2.4.56 from source. However, I want to install Apache/2.4.54 on Ubuntu18.04, offline(without accessing internet) Is there any way to download apache2 and its ...
user3804363's user avatar
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Installing Apps on Offline Ubuntu PCs [duplicate]

I have seen similar questions but they neither are clear, nor had the exact answer I am looking for. Is there a way to install a program with all dependencies (+ dependencies of dependencies etc.) on ...
rubinrot's user avatar
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2 answers

How should I manually install a gui to ubuntu server?

I'm a RHEL admin but I've been given a task to test around with ubuntu server 20.04 and try to make sure it can do everything RHEL can. I'm installing ubuntu server 20.04 on a VM, the Legacy ISO ...
Jeremiah Williams's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 OFFLINE using an ISO image of 22.04?

My connection is capped at 80 KB/sec (640 Kb/sec). It would take over 7 hours to upgrade online, and likely crash due to several factors, with catastrophic outcome. Can I just use an ISO image and ...
lapratho's user avatar
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How do offline updates work?

I'm in Kubuntu 22.04 and I have used this relative new (at least to me) feature of "offline updates" which basically forces you to restart in order to apply the update the way Fedora and ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Offline Redis 7 install

I am trying to install Redis 7 on Ubuntu 20.04 with a no internet connection, but I am not able to find the .deb file. Is there any repo where I can download it?
Adrian Moldovan's user avatar
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22.04 offline installation

For a system without internet access, I've downloaded both ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso. I installed from the live-server installation and configured no ...
Odi's user avatar
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1 answer

how upgrade ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04 without Internet access [duplicate]

How can I upgrade Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS without Internet access?
M. darkaleh's user avatar
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How to manually compile make in a live session w/o internet?

I need to install a Wi-Fi driver in a live session, but it does not come with "make". How can I install make so I can install the driver, without internet?
J.Tho's user avatar
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rsync or cp for coping debs ans settings

Hi there I've written a script to backup my cache and etc directory. Just trying to decided whether or not to use cp or rsync. It's important that all files are copied with permissions preserved.
Mintmag's user avatar
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How to perform an offline upgrade on Ubuntu to the next LTS version?

The issue that we have multiple devices running on Ubuntu 16. The task is to perform an upgrade to ubuntu 18.04 and later to 20.04 It's not possible for the devices to perform normal upgrade through ...
Hasan Basbous's user avatar
4 votes
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I changed cpus from a 3900X to a 3950X but now Ubuntu will only use the original 24 cores. Cores 24-31 are permanently offline after each reboot

I changed cpus from a 3900X to a 3950X but now Ubuntu will only use the original 24 cores. Cores 24-31 are permanently offline after each reboot. I have tried multiple times to change the online file ...
Keith's user avatar
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How to update packages and apply hardening rules on servers without internet connection?

I have several new Ubuntu 18.04 servers that were scanned for compliance and vulnerabilities. The scan results show that I need to update certain packages and apply hardening rules. These servers are ...
Orlando Agustin's user avatar
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Offline update Ubuntu 20.04 CD repository

is it any possibility to seal the first update of packages for Ubuntu 20.04? Let me explain the problem faced and not found on internet as a solution. Immediately after installing of Ubuntu 20.04 it ...
antonio1's user avatar
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How to enable offline cpu in qemu?

I am using qemu to run ubuntu16. I met offline cpu. I want to enable it. However, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0 is not found. How to enable it? Thanks very much. ~$lscpu Architecture: x86_64 ...
Lee's user avatar
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How can I pxe install ubuntu server offline without archive mirror? [duplicate]

I am trying to install ubuntu 18.04 server on a segregated network not connected to the internet, I will connect to a public network later to download packages. When installing, Ubuntu forces me to ...
Dave's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Identify snap apps in the apt repository (before having them installed)

Since I am using my servers in an offline environment I usually mirror the ubuntu archive - works perfectly! Now shocking I found that chromium-browser is a snap app in U20.04 LTS. So it does not ...
thomas's user avatar
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Preparing Img for an Offline Embedded PC

I am preparing an Ubuntu 18.04 image that will eventually run on an embedded PC not connected to the internet. I recently noticed it taking a very long time to boot because it was attempting to ...
Eric Humenay's user avatar
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How to install software on an offline ubuntu PC? My "online" PC is running windows [duplicate]

Good evening everybody! The "setup": My "online PC": Running Win10, I don't want to bother with installing another OS on that machine. My "offline PC": Running ubuntu 15....
OfflineGuy's user avatar
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Offline grub-efi installation (Offline BIOS Legacy to UEFI conversion)

I need to convert from BIOS Legacy to UEFI on a Linux Ubuntu computer without reinstalling Linux itself and without the Internet. I have managed to do it with the Internet, but it seems to be very ...
Larysa B.'s user avatar
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Offline Repository `sudo apt update fails` with cannot file icon 64x64 error [duplicate]

I created an offline repository for Ubuntu 20.04 using the instructions provided in this link as it is. No changes there. But, I create the sources.list file using file:/// notation instead of http:// ...
Tarun Maganti's user avatar
2 votes
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How to download Ubuntu updates to a flash drive, and use it to update other PCs?

If: (a)- your PC is a totally offline system or: (b)- you have multiple PCs with the same kind of hard and software configuration, Is it possible to download the latest upgrades to a USB flash drive, ...
ProDigit's user avatar
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Ubuntu asked me to update but is not connected to the internet and hasn't been used for weeks

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm new to linux and ubuntu. I like to play around with it sometimes. Just now i booted up ubuntu from an usb stick. I use a wired connection and ubuntu has airplane ...
blaadjes's user avatar
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How to create an offline script with zip file to be run instead of running an apt-get install command? [duplicate]

I'm helping someone to install a Kerberos Linux Client on a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server which is currently offline from the internet. This will be later used to setup authentication to connect to a Kakfa ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Offline Mirroring of 18.04 repository fails after download

I downloaded the ubuntu repository using apt-mirror in a system, which I copied to another system to create a repository. Reference 1 - Download a mirror | Reference 2 - Use the repository offline ...
Tarun Maganti's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add offline dictionary to Calibre?

"I have recently installed calibre for ebook reading. To find the meaning of unknown words, the calibre has an option to look into the dictionary. I know to use an online dictionary with calibre. ...
Posi2's user avatar
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Connect Ubuntu server 18.04 to Wi-Fi without installing additional tools over apt-get

I just need to know if there is any way of connecting Ubuntu server v.18.04 over my wifi network adapter without installing any additional packages. I've been into many online tutorials and all of ...
Chris's user avatar
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16.04: Create "deb" with all repositories for offline installation

I successfully installed 16.04 desktop on a PC without internet from DVD. Then I had to install a 3rd party software that requires extra ubuntu packages. This installation failed. Can you please ...
Zvi Vered's user avatar
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apt upgrade does not see apt-offline packages

I'm trying to update my Ubuntu 18.04 computer that does not have internet connection. However the process is failing when I try to run sudo apt upgrade. I have checked a couple of other links like: ...
Fletchy's user avatar
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Download emails from office365 in 'company mode' via CLI

This is my first post on this site, so bare with me if the question is unclear or maybe allready answered (I've looke for several days, but no luck) Situation: I need to download an entire mailbox ...
Christian Conradsen's user avatar
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installing c compiler on an offline machine

i am new to ubuntu. i have been programming physics and rendering logic for pc games in c, c++ and opengl on windows os for years. i cannot use windows any longer and i am trying linux out. i want to ...
west_coast_platypus's user avatar

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