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install 22.04.3 server offline - no network access

Ubuntu 20.04 host running multiple ubuntu guest servers I'm trying to install a new 22.04.3 server, but the install insists on a network connection. Because I have non-standard MTU settings, I need to ...
David's user avatar
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ubuntu 22.04.2 server autoinstall package install

how do i install package without internet connection in ubuntu server autoinstall? i need to install openbox in ubuntu without internet. i tried to download all packages using these command: apt ...
Isa Eken's user avatar
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how upgrade ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04 without Internet access [duplicate]

How can I upgrade Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS without Internet access?
M. darkaleh's user avatar
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Connect Ubuntu server 18.04 to Wi-Fi without installing additional tools over apt-get

I just need to know if there is any way of connecting Ubuntu server v.18.04 over my wifi network adapter without installing any additional packages. I've been into many online tutorials and all of ...
Chris's user avatar
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Server 16.04: install APT package + depends OFFLINE (using terminal)

Situation: I have a server with Ubuntu Server 16.04 set on it. I need to install APT package network-manager to connect to Wi-Fi network. * I have also PC that is connected to the Internet (if it's ...
Max Mikhalchuk's user avatar
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Ubuntu server 18.04 offline install possible? [duplicate]

Is there a way to install Ubuntu server 18.04 without network? Looks like Ubuntu live server 18-04 does not install without network; if I select a network connection and then disconnect it before ...
jmarina's user avatar
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Ubuntu game server keeps turning it self off

I am running a game server from my home for my friends and I to play on. My server does stay up 24/7 because it is now a public server. My server runs for a few hours or days, and then randomly no ...
Vladipiggy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I add extra packages for an offline install of server?

I've been following this guide and everything has worked great EXCEPT for the offline packages part: How to create a Customized Ubuntu Server ISO?. Basically, I need to add a set of packages into the ...
Thisisstackoverflow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How To Install Ubuntu Server 14.04 Offline

I am having trouble installing Ubuntu Server 14.04 to a PC I am trying to use as a NAS. I have a router for my LAN but no internet access where I live. Without internet I can't connect to an image ...
Jeremy Dooley's user avatar
1 vote
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Access to Ubuntu Server 12.04 offline

How to login in Ubuntu Server when server is offline? After start booting ubuntu screen show nothing (refresh rate is out of range). I try Ctrl + Alt + F1 and other and I still have not access to my ...
user275379's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

a catch-22 situation with apt-offline

I am installing ubuntu 12.04 onto a HP 1U rack server that is in a lab with no internet connection. I need to install PHP, Nginx and other packages so that I can run my web app on it that will serve ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
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4 answers

Installing software on an offline Ubuntu server [duplicate]

Assuming that I have a server with Ubuntu server newly installed on it. I was thinking of installing the very same version on Virtual Box (Or any other virtualization software), connect it to the ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
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I need to install my sql server 5.1 where there is no internet connection

Please kindly help me at the following issue. Currently I don't have an Internet connection and I need to install MySQL server on Ubuntu 11.04 without any rpm packages. I have only the tar file with ...
RamNarayanan's user avatar
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Setting Up Automated Offline Back-Up

I am going to be running an Ubuntu Server. The server itself will be hosted at a co-location data center. I know how to access it remotely via SSH but I also want to set up a 2nd machine at my ...
Eden Crow's user avatar
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