Papers by Senem Ertan
Yükseköğretim dergisi, Jul 26, 2019
Memleket Siyaset Yönetim, 2019
Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve değer yargıları, toplumun her alanında etkili olduğu
gibi kadınları... more Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve değer yargıları, toplumun her alanında etkili olduğu
gibi kadınların siyasal alana girişinde de önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kadınlara
seçme ve seçilme hakkı verilmesinden itibaren Türkiye’de kadın milletvekili
oranları yeterli seviyelere ulaşamamıştır. Bu durum, hangi sosyal,
ekonomik ve demografik kesimlerden gelen kadınların siyasette karar verici
konumlara gelebildiği sorusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Bu araştırma; Türkiye
Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde 2002-2017 yılları arasındaki beş yasama döneminde
(22.-26. yasama dönemleri) milletvekilliği yapmış olan 194 kadın milletvekilinin
siyaset patikalarını inceleyerek, sosyolojik, ekonomik ve demografik
profillerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Elit Teori çerçevesindeki
tartışmalar incelenerek, hangi kadınların siyaset arenasında erkeklerin
yanında kanun yapıcı pozisyonlara gelebildiği analiz edilmektedir.
Araştırmada Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kütüphanesi Veri Tabanı, milletvekillerinin
kişisel web siteleri, biyografi kitapları ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
yıllıkları gibi ikincil kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır.
Woman2000, 2018
There is a common Western scholarly tendency to see Muslim countries as a uniformed culture when ... more There is a common Western scholarly tendency to see Muslim countries as a uniformed culture when considering gender equality and women's rights issues. This article analyzes the variance of gender equality policies between Muslim countries while questioning those arguments and the arguments that see Islamic religious heritage as one of the most powerful barrier to gender equality in the world. For this aim, this study uses new original scales of gender equality policies developed to measure the scope of gender equality policies around the world. These scales facilitated us to comparatively analyze gender equality policies in 84 countries, 20 of which are Muslim countries. Analyzes of this study demonstrates that there is a significant variance of gender equality policies between Muslim countries. Moreover, empirical evidence provided by this study also shows that Muslim countries in general adopts worse gender equality policies than non-Muslim countries.
Desafios, 2019
Afrontar los nuevos desafíos de la seguridad global requiere reflexionar acerca de nuevas estrate... more Afrontar los nuevos desafíos de la seguridad global requiere reflexionar acerca de nuevas estrategias, con miras a promover la cooperación internacional. Lo anterior sugiere abordar una perspectiva de cooperación enfocada en una mayor inclusión de actores no estatales, como las mujeres, que logren impactar los procesos dirigidos a la resolución de problemáticas globales. Por una parte, son pocos los estudios que permiten explorar los retos, los desafíos y las oportunidades que enfrentan las mujeres en posiciones de liderazgo; no se trata solo de contar con ellas, sino de hacer que cuenten (It is not only a matter of counting women but also of making women count) . Por otro lado, existe un interés creciente en abordar estudios de caso que den cuenta del papel de las mujeres en los procesos de toma de decisiones en temas de política exterior, activismo internacional, comunidades epistémicas, organizaciones internacionales y no gubernamentales, redes transnacionales y movimientos locales que logren incidir en la resolución de problemáticas globales.
Öz 4 2010 yılında Tunus'ta başlayan ardından Mısır, Libya ve Suriye başta olmak üzere birçok Arap... more Öz 4 2010 yılında Tunus'ta başlayan ardından Mısır, Libya ve Suriye başta olmak üzere birçok Arap ülkesinde ayaklanmalara yol açan Arap Baharı, bir demokrasi hareketi olarak başlamış olmasına rağmen bu ülkelerde süregelen iç savaşlara, iç huzursuzluklara ve silahlı çatışmalara yol açmıştır. Demokrasi arayışı olarak nitelendirilen bu hareketlerin mahiyeti ve amacına ulaşıp ulaşamadığı literatürde bolca tartışılan bir konu olmasına rağmen kadının bu hareketteki yeri ve bu hareketten nasıl etkilendiği akademik literatürde hala yeterince incelenmemiştir. Bu araştırmada, bölgede sosyo-kültürel ve ekonomik dinamiklerde hızlı değişikliklere sebep olan bu eylemler süresince kadınların rolü ve bu hareketin kadın haklarını nasıl etkilediği tartışılacaktır. Bu bağlamda kadınların protestolardaki rolü, ana talepleri ve bu taleplerin nasıl sonuçlandığı sorgulanacaktır. Bu araştırmanın ana hedefi, Arap Baharı sürecinde kadın hakları konusunda gerçekleşen olumlu ve olumsuz gelişmeleri ortaya koymaktır. Bunu yaparken öncelikle Arap Baharının yarattığı etkilere göre ülkeler dört grup altında incelenerek; bu ülkelerdeki kadın haklarına ve demokrasi göstergelerine ilişkin genel bir bakış açısı sunulacaktır. İkinci olarak da her gruptan çeşitli özellikleriyle farklılaşan birer ülke-Tunus, Fas, Suudi Arabistan ve Suriye-seçilerek, bu ülkelerdeki gelişmeler derinlemesine incelenecektir.
The literature indicates that civil conflicts are contagious among bordering countries in
bad nei... more The literature indicates that civil conflicts are contagious among bordering countries in
bad neighborhoods. However, a gap remains with regards to the effect of neighbors
impact on democratization. Employing a quantitative analysis of 18 predominantly Muslim
countries for the period 19722013, this study finds that neighboring civil violence and
warfare hinder democratization in the MENA countries even when controlled for several
socio-economic and political variables. Our findings indicate that democracy is trapped in
civil conflicts in the MENA, although Turkey constitutes a partial exception due to the
relative stability in its European neighborhood.
This paper discusses the approaches to study gender equality policies and presents a scheme of be... more This paper discusses the approaches to study gender equality policies and presents a scheme of best ways to study gender equality policies. Looking to the literature, there are three main approaches to study gender equality policies. First of all, there are studies which focus on one, two or small numbers of issues of gender equality policies such as abortion policies, domestic violence policies or day care policies and examine the country dynamics either in single case studies or large and small-N comparative studies. Secondly, sectoral approach to study gender equality assumes that gender equality policy is a separate sector of government policies which includes various subsectors such as representation policies or reproduction policies. Lastly, international organizations such as the United Nations applied aggregation strategy by combining different indicators of gender equality policies into an index. These kinds of indexes are widely used by scholars with the aim of comparing countries’ responsiveness to gender equality. This study questions strengths and weaknesses of each approach and proposes a scheme to determine the best use for each approach. In doing that this paper also presents new and original scales to study different dimensions of gender equality and includes an empirical analysis of gender equality policy indicators for 84 countries’ responsiveness to gender equality.
Starting from 1990s, Islamist Parties in Turkey have gained a wide range support from voters. The... more Starting from 1990s, Islamist Parties in Turkey have gained a wide range support from voters. The individual characteristics of the electorate supporting these parties have been analyzed by some researchers but there has been little done to empirically demonstrate the individual characteristics of the electorate who uphold negative attitudes towards those parties. This paper aims to close the gap in the literature by addressing the question „Are the individual level religiosity and secularity important determinants of electorate‟s negative attitudes for Islamist parties?‟ In doing so, this paper applies the famous cleavage theory of Lipset and Rokkan to the Turkish context and focuses particularly on the secular versus religious cleavage. By using the World Values Survey Dataset, this study statistically analyses the negative voting of the Turkish electorate towards four Islamist political parties; the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the Felicity Party (SP), the Virtue Party (FP), the Welfare Party (RP). The analyses of this study present some empirical evidence of the arguments that individual level secularity and religiosity play a very important role in determining negative attitudes of people towards Islamist parties.
The principle of laicism has been one of the main pillars of the state-building process of Turkey... more The principle of laicism has been one of the main pillars of the state-building process of Turkey. Laicism in Turkish context was held through incorporation of religious institutions into the state apparatus. Starting with the 1990s parties with
Islamist background have gained political power and found their way into government. With some reflections on the historical evaluation of Turkish politics, this article accommodates western oriented theories of state-building suggested
by prominent scholars such as Charles Tilly and Stein Rokkan, and Barkey’s complimentary model of state formation for non-western societies. The key objective of this article is to scrutinize the relationship between the state and religion during the old and the new state-building processes of Turkey. This study provides systematic empirical evidence to the argument that Millennium has witnessed a well-organized counter state-building process carried on by the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).
Conference Presentations by Senem Ertan
This paper focuses on Turkey’s participation at the Bandung Conference (1955) from an historical ... more This paper focuses on Turkey’s participation at the Bandung Conference (1955) from an historical perspective. Turkey with its peculiar “anti-imperialist” Independence War (1919-1923) experience could have found a privileged spot at the Conference. Yet, Ankara did not only abstain from using this experience but also detached itself from the development of the non-aligned movement. Its participation to Bandung was even with Washington’s manhandling. As a result Turkey was marginalized at the conference. This paper investigates Turkish-American interactions in terms of their expectations from the Conference. The paper argues that these expectations were discordant due to the asymmetrical (superpower and middle power) nature of Turkish-American alliance. Turkey, attended the Conference, with almost no preparation, propagated against the Soviet bloc, which made it seem like an American “Trojan horse”. With this attitude Ankara aimed to show Washington that it is an “indispensible” and staunch ally. Washington, on the other hand, aimed to know the level of anti-Americanism within the non-aligned movement and Turkey’s spokesmanship could reveal that. Moreover, the Conference increased Turkey’s distance from the non-aligned countries, which made it even more dependent to the US. The paper aims to prove these with the archival material from American, Turkish, and British archives.
Papers by Senem Ertan
gibi kadınların siyasal alana girişinde de önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kadınlara
seçme ve seçilme hakkı verilmesinden itibaren Türkiye’de kadın milletvekili
oranları yeterli seviyelere ulaşamamıştır. Bu durum, hangi sosyal,
ekonomik ve demografik kesimlerden gelen kadınların siyasette karar verici
konumlara gelebildiği sorusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Bu araştırma; Türkiye
Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde 2002-2017 yılları arasındaki beş yasama döneminde
(22.-26. yasama dönemleri) milletvekilliği yapmış olan 194 kadın milletvekilinin
siyaset patikalarını inceleyerek, sosyolojik, ekonomik ve demografik
profillerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Elit Teori çerçevesindeki
tartışmalar incelenerek, hangi kadınların siyaset arenasında erkeklerin
yanında kanun yapıcı pozisyonlara gelebildiği analiz edilmektedir.
Araştırmada Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kütüphanesi Veri Tabanı, milletvekillerinin
kişisel web siteleri, biyografi kitapları ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
yıllıkları gibi ikincil kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır.
bad neighborhoods. However, a gap remains with regards to the effect of neighbors
impact on democratization. Employing a quantitative analysis of 18 predominantly Muslim
countries for the period 19722013, this study finds that neighboring civil violence and
warfare hinder democratization in the MENA countries even when controlled for several
socio-economic and political variables. Our findings indicate that democracy is trapped in
civil conflicts in the MENA, although Turkey constitutes a partial exception due to the
relative stability in its European neighborhood.
Islamist background have gained political power and found their way into government. With some reflections on the historical evaluation of Turkish politics, this article accommodates western oriented theories of state-building suggested
by prominent scholars such as Charles Tilly and Stein Rokkan, and Barkey’s complimentary model of state formation for non-western societies. The key objective of this article is to scrutinize the relationship between the state and religion during the old and the new state-building processes of Turkey. This study provides systematic empirical evidence to the argument that Millennium has witnessed a well-organized counter state-building process carried on by the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).
Conference Presentations by Senem Ertan
gibi kadınların siyasal alana girişinde de önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kadınlara
seçme ve seçilme hakkı verilmesinden itibaren Türkiye’de kadın milletvekili
oranları yeterli seviyelere ulaşamamıştır. Bu durum, hangi sosyal,
ekonomik ve demografik kesimlerden gelen kadınların siyasette karar verici
konumlara gelebildiği sorusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Bu araştırma; Türkiye
Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde 2002-2017 yılları arasındaki beş yasama döneminde
(22.-26. yasama dönemleri) milletvekilliği yapmış olan 194 kadın milletvekilinin
siyaset patikalarını inceleyerek, sosyolojik, ekonomik ve demografik
profillerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Elit Teori çerçevesindeki
tartışmalar incelenerek, hangi kadınların siyaset arenasında erkeklerin
yanında kanun yapıcı pozisyonlara gelebildiği analiz edilmektedir.
Araştırmada Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kütüphanesi Veri Tabanı, milletvekillerinin
kişisel web siteleri, biyografi kitapları ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
yıllıkları gibi ikincil kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır.
bad neighborhoods. However, a gap remains with regards to the effect of neighbors
impact on democratization. Employing a quantitative analysis of 18 predominantly Muslim
countries for the period 19722013, this study finds that neighboring civil violence and
warfare hinder democratization in the MENA countries even when controlled for several
socio-economic and political variables. Our findings indicate that democracy is trapped in
civil conflicts in the MENA, although Turkey constitutes a partial exception due to the
relative stability in its European neighborhood.
Islamist background have gained political power and found their way into government. With some reflections on the historical evaluation of Turkish politics, this article accommodates western oriented theories of state-building suggested
by prominent scholars such as Charles Tilly and Stein Rokkan, and Barkey’s complimentary model of state formation for non-western societies. The key objective of this article is to scrutinize the relationship between the state and religion during the old and the new state-building processes of Turkey. This study provides systematic empirical evidence to the argument that Millennium has witnessed a well-organized counter state-building process carried on by the government of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).