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Questions tagged [serveradmin]

serveradmin is a command line interface to Mac OS X Server.

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New MacBook Pro M1 keep asking for admin password

Keep asking, and does not accept password, though it is the right password
János's user avatar
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How to deploy printer with Profile Manager

Good evening, someone know the best practice for deploy printer on a mac with Profile Manager? I have add to my Server on System->Printer the printer with AirPrint and it is recognised, with model ...
fvadmin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I enable AFP access logging on macOS server?

I tried to turn on AFP access logging on macOS Server 5.6.1, but don't see any entries when accessing the volume from clients running macOS 10.13.5 My AFP settings list as serveradmin settings afp ...
Jonathan Bellieri's user avatar
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1 answer

importing Apple Wiki - error 27 when running wikiadmin command

I exported Apple Wiki data on an Apple server running 10.10 using the command 'wikiadmin'. It exported successfully. I copied the exported data over to a new Apple 10.13 server and am trying to use ...
mindmischief's user avatar
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1k views and importing a Let's Encrypt Certificate

I have generated a Let's Encrypt certificate for the subdomain I use for the profile manager website. I have exported the certificate and imported it into the Server app. I got the following message ...
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Reactivate AFP von Mac High Sierra OS X Server (10.13)

I am having trouble with my High Sierra OS X Server's file sharing volumes. Sometimes the connection is very slow. Other times I can't connect. Then I sometimes have multiple mounted volumes of the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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OSX 10.13 Allow/remove from blocked system software via Remote Desktop

I am running a Mac mini in a datacenter 5000 km from my location and I am using Remote Desktop to run and manage it. When I installed Google Drive File Stream it stopped working and I got the advice ...
Yoggi's user avatar
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How do I setup a NetBoot of El Capitan using Lion Server?

I have an old MacBook running Lion Server that I want to be an El Capitan NetBoot server. I downloaded the Install El Capitan Application on a supported computer, and then copied it to the ...
drcomputer's user avatar
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How can I add another Directory Admin on OpenDirectory

Right now, I am planning to have another account on my OpenDirectory on our Mac Server. How can I add another Directory Admin on OpenDirectory? I already added a user but I thinks it's not it. I ...
Joshua Dela Cruz's user avatar
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Where is the dns server configuration file located in OS X Server App on OS X El Capitan?

What is the dns server bundled with OS X Server app on OS X El Capitan and where is the configuration file located? For some reason Server App crashes and the only service I tried to configure is DNS....
unom's user avatar
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Creating User to Run Postgres

I'm setting up a postgres server and want to create a separate postgres user to run the process, as recommended in the manual. How do I do this? I installed postgres via Homebrew and have experience ...
jaia's user avatar
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Can I run multiple processes on admin user account while logged in to another account on OSX Server (Yosemite)?

I am setting up a Mac mini home server as an HTPC and to run other processes (FileMaker Server, web dev server, etc.). I want to make a user with limited privileges to be logged into while Mac mini is ...
matt's user avatar
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Pro and Cons of using Clusters of Mac Mini Servers

As server assembling becoming less of a norm for software engineers, leave Web-based entrepreneurs with 2 choices: Backend as a service: buy a service (e.g., VPS) and deploy a code on some other ...
o-0's user avatar
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How to add an IP range to Lion server's SMTP whitelist

I run Lion Server (10.7.5) on an old iMac (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) and it handles my e-mail for me. I've been having some trouble recently with delays in delivery of e-mail to my server from ...
Stephen Winnall's user avatar
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Uncaught exception raised in open directory client-side plugin

When I attempt to change the open directory settings for 10.6 server using ServerAdmin I get the following error. This prevents me from making any changes to any open directory settings for the ...
sweetfa's user avatar
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Add printer via lpadmin with custom queue

Is there a way to add a printer via the command line that has a custom queue that has two words separated by a space? My command so far is below but does not set the custom queue. Without the queue, ...
pknz's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 'no acceptable variant' ERROR message?

I have a Mac mini Server with Mac OS X Server 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard), where I run a WebDAV Server for syncing my OmniFocus (Mac <> iPad). But I don't use the Web-Server itself (only WebDAV). When I ...
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6 votes
3 answers

Mavericks Server - nothing enabled, but services still running and logging messages

I have a Mavericks server with ALL services disabled in in an attempt to figure out what's causing a huge number of log messages. When I check to see what services are running, I see the ...
jstm88's user avatar
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How to source a file in Mac

I'm from the Linux world where if I want to source a file I type for example: 'source /etc/profile' How do I do this in Mac?
cparrish817's user avatar
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Question about how networked users work

As I'm waiting for my new gleaming iMac to arrive, I'm considering buying OS X Server since it's only $20 now and offers Open Directory. We have two MacBook Pros, so I'd like to have all of us able ...
Dwayne King's user avatar
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Documentation for advanced osX server maintenance: How current does it have to be?

Ok. Apple changes things a fair bit from the user side recently. I need to really know how to administer a mac system. Now, this is quite different then programming such a system. the dev docs are ...
chiggsy's user avatar
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How to create OS X Server Admin firewall rules using ip address groups by command line?

The (Lion) Server has a nice ability to apply firewall rules to ip address groups without having to edit ipfw config files. But having to enter large and long lists of IP addresses using ...
Pro Backup's user avatar
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How to fix hanging Server Admin, log shows servermgrd error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_info) FATAL time out

On a 10.7.4 Lion Server installation the Server fails to start correctly. The window is drawn and the last known server and its services are displayed, but a spinning wheel keeps spinning on ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set "Input Sources" for all users at the same time

In Lion OSX, changing the keyboard layout "Input Sources" setting in the "Language & Text" only changes the setting for the current user. Is there a way to populate the setting to all existing, ...
soca's user avatar
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Server Admin: How to set up multiple mail domains?

I've got a domain set up in Server Admin on an OS X Lion server for mail. It's all running fine. I'd like to also set up a .com domain to run through the same mail server. Is this possible? If ...
Richard Hedges's user avatar
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Device manager and Postgresql error message loop

I'm on MBP 7,1, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 Ram, 500GB hard drive with Lion. After the v10.7.3 update, the console has been putting a looping error message regarding Device manager and PostGre ...
Tony's user avatar
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PostgreSQL in OS X Lion

There's be mention made of the fact that OS X Lion Server ships with PostgreSQL as it's standard database rather than MySQL. Can anyone confirm: It this specific to server or does OS X Lion "...
Jon Hopkins's user avatar
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Cleanup apache config for Lion Server

I have installed Lion Server on my box. (broke my existing VPN setup, and I wanted to play around with it). I had a bunch of stuff already setup in apache (some webdav for omnifocus, ical, etc). ...
skarface's user avatar
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