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Questions tagged [profile-manager]

Profile Manager is part of Lion Server and manages devices (OSX and iOS) including configuration profiles and app deployment

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Certificate error when downloading initial profile

We still have an old macOS server with profile manager running, with a domain wildcard SSL certificate. After renewing the certificate, I checked that https: was working, and also that management ...
Kent's user avatar
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Remove login items from old profile that no longer exists, after Time Machine restore

I recently had my work MacBook Pro's admin software removed (by IT, the same department that initially set them up) and the macOS freshly installed, with the old profiles removed. I had a Time Machine ...
Cameron's user avatar
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How to stop apps opening up on all users? (IMac M1 - Ventura)

I am the admin user on the Mac. My sister was logged into her account (it has a password that idk) and I ended up using it while it was logged into her account. I stepped away from the computer and it ...
A.cam15's user avatar
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How to enable DNS over TLS using custom DNS server?

I want to enable DNS over TLS for my MacOS using custom DNS server. I am building my custom DNS infrastructure and I have set up an Unbound DNS server on a local network. For now DNS resolution flow ...
dokichan's user avatar
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Having trouble with deleting profiles on macOS Monterey

Initially hi everyone, im having trouble with deleting profiles. I've searched but I couldn’t find anything. I got so many profiles installed on my mac and when i try to delete them the minus button ...
Burak's user avatar
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Removing a DNS network configuration is impossible because the minus button is grayed out

I remember adding a DNS service (NextDNS) via a profile some time ago. Unfortunately I cannot remove it from the Network list in System Preferences because the minus button is grayed out. Surprisingly ...
Louis Lac's user avatar
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How to deploy printer with Profile Manager

Good evening, someone know the best practice for deploy printer on a mac with Profile Manager? I have add to my Server on System->Printer the printer with AirPrint and it is recognised, with model ...
fvadmin's user avatar
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Export Profile Manager database

Good morning, I have an old Apple server with macOS 10.12 and version 5.3 Now I need export the information about devices with DeviceName, SerialNumber and ICCID (for iPad) I found some ...
fvadmin's user avatar
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Create a terminal command to open another user profile in chrome [duplicate]

How can I create a terminal command to open another user's profile in Chrome? It takes me a long time to switch between them because I have a lot of users in Chrome.
khanh lê's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to measure the time in milliseconds from invoking the command in MacOS OSX bash until the command begins execution?

We are looking for a way on a Mac to measure the time in milliseconds from after a shell script issues a command until that command actually begins execution on the cpu. This time would represent the ...
smartblonde's user avatar
3 votes
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Use Profile Manager (or other methods?) for Network Mounts/Favorites

We have a few Macs in the office and a server running macOS Mojave 10.14.6 + Server 5.8. Profile Manager is set up and working, and company-owned Macs are enrolled. Mostly we use it for volume app ...
samh's user avatar
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How to connect to 802.1X authentication automatically?

Currently, we're implementing 802.1X authentication in the company, but having some trouble with getting an IP address when using some Macs (MacBook Pro). I created a profile through Profiler Manager ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to enroll Macs on Profile Manager MDM using Terminal?

I've been tweaking the command profiles quite sometime now but the -password parameter doesn't work. I've wanted to enroll machines using an MDM profile but it will require the user to input ...
Gilroy's user avatar
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Is there a spec or standard for .mobileconfig?

I see a lot of talk about mobileconfig files for standing up new boxes. It seems as if they're a configuration file for Profiles. Is there a spec or standard from which they're generated, or can be ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Automatic Deployment of 802.1x profile for Wi-Fi

I am wondering if there is a process that people use here to deploy 802.1x profiles in a Windows AD environment on Apple hardware specifically MacBook Pros? Specifically when the Root CA is renewed ...
GoldenWest's user avatar
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Online Open Directory services? Can we install profiles before setting up Macs?

So we're setting up a subsidiary company in another country, and we will be needing a bunch of Mac Minis that some part-time (hourly) employees will use. The employees will be rotating between the ...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
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Macos Kernel Extension whitelisting issues

Trying to whitelist a kernel extension for an agent I'm trying to install. I'm using Mojave as the client machine and Profile Manger on a Mac server I've set up. I can enroll the client machine fine ...
user1197457's user avatar
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How to deploy a .pkg with Profile Manager

I need to deploy the Microsoft Office 2019 suite to a bunch of MacBooks. I only use Profile Manager (part of MacOS Server) and am struggling to figure out how to do this successfully. I've ...
Brendon Muir's user avatar
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Exclude admin user from global password policy

I have added a global password policy which enforces password rotation for every 90 days. But there are two types of accounts: User Accounts - Enable Password rotation for 90 days Admin Accounts - No ...
karthikselva's user avatar
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On managed Macs, how much can the admin see?

I have a Macbook that was given to me by my employer. The Macbook is managed by them as I can see the installed profiles. These profiles control things like how/when to set up my password, apps that ...
Alex Morales's user avatar
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Manage Guest Account via Profile Manager

I have enabled the guest account for all of the iMacs and Macbooks in my school. I would now like to use Profile Manager to trim down the dock for the Guest user, set a custom homepage for Safari and ...
zeeple's user avatar
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Enable Guest Account via Profile Manager

I am the sole IT guy in a small school that is all Mac. I have about 40 student MacBooks to manage and about 40 student iMacs as well. I would like to manage them as best I can using Profile Manager. ...
zeeple's user avatar
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osx require password after sleep greyed out [duplicate]

I don't have the option to change the delay on "require password xx after sleep or screen saver begins. For security, I would like to change it to "immediately" instead of 5 seconds. I obviously ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Is it possible to manage Parental Controls on Mobile Accounts at all?

I am using macOS Sierra on clients and macOS Sierra with Server 5.3.1 on my server. I need to set Parental Controls for a user (or group of). I have created a special Group of users in, ...
gctwnl's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup user/device management without enrolling in a paid Apple program?

I am using macOS server and a couple of macOS and iOS devices. I want to start managing settings centrally with Profile Manager (e.g. mail settings, VPN settings, parental controls) but I have gotten ...
gctwnl's user avatar
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Debug user profiles?

There's an error in a user profile I'm generating to configure an wireless internet connection. When I try to import it the Profile Manager tells me there's an error, and if I try to use the profiles ...
Nico's user avatar
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iPad Air 2 on iOS 11 after enrolling with Apple MDM profile manager through Apple Configurator 2 is stuck on Remote management screen

I install OS X Server for MDM profile manager on iMac with High Sierra. Then used Apple Configurator 2.5 to enroll 16 iPad Air 2 on iOS11 to the MDM and added wifi Profile. All iPads are showing ...
VinnieTMac's user avatar
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Terminal commands in Automator for Profile Manager maintenance

I am using macOS Server to manage our iPads and the Profile Manager is constantly having problems requiring me to stop the service and reboot the server. I also clean out the completed and non-...
Tim Moseley's user avatar
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Prevent Active Directory Users From Locking Screen

We've been having trouble with students in our new iMac lab not logging out, which ends up locking the screen and preventing anybody else from logging into the machine. While figuring out how to get ...
ocelotsloth's user avatar
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Mac server MDM profile manager enrollment problem

I use mac os server to active the Profile Manager and Open Directory. And I want to enroll our devices to the server Why My ipad and iphone always get the error: Profile Installation Failed The ...
Ted Yu's user avatar
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Managing stolen iPad via Profile Manager

We have deployed 50 iPads in field managed via Profile Manager. Recently one of the iPads got stolen. Unfortunately Find my iPad was turned off on it. We tried to wipe the iPad using Profile Manager ...
DickDale's user avatar
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Profile Manager not sending email invitations

After installing a new copy of OSX Server I started the Profile Manager and wanted to add some users and enroll them for the VPP Managed Distribution (I am already registered for VPP). In the VPP ...
Peter Gerhat's user avatar
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macOS Enrolment - Devices only being added as placeholders

We have an office of about 15 Mac computers, and I'm looking to setup a Mac Mini server, to centralise the management of these devices. I've setup the Mac Mini server with the Server app and enabled ...
Garion's user avatar
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Profiling code with XCode

I am trying to use time profiler. It worked in the past with an older version of the same code but now it looks like it is not working anymore. From Xcode, I go on profile and select time profiler ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Device Manager fails to start on a macOS Server 5.2

I have setup a working Open Directory Master on on Mac-Server-1 running macOS Sierra and macOS Server 5.2 (latest as of today). I have also successfully started the Device Manager and enrolled a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to initiate iOS software updates remotely on managed devices?

I am trying to setup the so called "Profile Manager" in Apple's Server to manage a number of iOS devices for the family. The main purpose is for me to be able to (1) remotely restart the devices and (...
Chris's user avatar
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Profile manager pending on some devices

I have this problem that most of the options in the system preferences are greyed out, even when I log in as an admin. But I need to log in to my iCloud account to get some software to run on these ...
Matthias Pitscher's user avatar
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Enable SSH and Remote Management via Profile Manager

I've been working on getting some iMacs enrolled on an Open Directory, and using Profile Manager to push some settings that are useful for our office (some essential Dock items, a few security ...
RogerTheDragon's user avatar
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Apple ID for enterprise use - Mac's and iOS devices

We found ourselves in a situation where a company supplied iPhone got linked to an employee's personal Apple ID account, and the phone is now useless to us, as the employee was terminated. Is there ...
bgarlock's user avatar
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Install .mobileconfig OTA to device without using Profile Manager web interface

I have a Mac Mini running the current El Capitan public release and Server app. Server is running the Profile Manager module, and I have an iPhone 5S which is both in supervised mode and enrolled to ...
Luke's user avatar
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How do I allow new system preferences in profile manager?

We're using Profile Manager on our group of Macs. The System Preferences options are setup as a whitelist. However, the profile manager doesn't know about certain options, so they get blocked by ...
Brian Knoblauch's user avatar
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Jailbreak Detection in Apple Profile Manager

Am I able to detect if a phone has been jailbroken if it is managed/supervised by Apple Profile Manager?
thebarless's user avatar
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Conflicting Settings in OSX Server Profile Manager (Groups and Users/Devices)

please help me understand what happens if you have nested groups in Profile Manager and you apply conflicting Settings. Which Setting will be Carried oft? E.g.: I have the following groups: All |-...
gutenmorgenuhu's user avatar
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Does Profile Manager support nested device groups?

We have a Mac OS X Server running on 10.10.5 with Server 5.0.15. We are using Profile Manager to deploy some basic configuration settings. There are five Macs besides the server: three MacBook Pros, ...
samh's user avatar
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Profile Manager date format

Can the date format used by Profile Manager be changed? In the host OSX System Preferences control panel, the region is set to Australia and gives the example date of 5/01/2015 for the 5th of January....
P.Turpie's user avatar
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OS X management profiles / root certificate

My father asked me to sort out some things on his MacBook. He's recently left his company where he used his laptop on the company servers/IT system whilst he was there. At some point in the past he ...
harryg's user avatar
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How does codesign and signing of profiles on os x work?

At the moment I am messing around with OS X profile manager and configuration profiles in general. I like the idea of being able to push settings to clients and I'd like to use it for my customers. ...
Christian's user avatar
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Enable guest user and location services with profile manager

Is there a way to enable the guest account and location services with profile manager via built in setting or custom ad on?
Dash's user avatar
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OSX Server Cannot Find itself [closed]

Everything was working perfectly last week when I left it and no-one (accessible by only 4 people in our IT department) has touched it. Okay, we use OS X server and Deploy Studio to manage our apple ...
ForgetMeNought's user avatar
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Profile Manager: Enroll gives a error 500

I'm new to iOS and I'm trying to configure a server to use it as a MDM solution via Profile Manager. So far I have: Configured my OS X Server. Added a signed SSL certificate. Sent some invitations ...
Ivan Arrizabalaga's user avatar