I have a MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) with an M1 Max chip and 64gb memory. I also use a Logitech G502 Hero as my daily driver. It's been working flawlessly for about a year or two since I purchased it.
A bit of back-story: After multiple long days at my computer, my hand was getting tired. I attempted to utilize an XBOX controller as a mouse, and installed several utilities in the process, as it wasn't as simple as I thought. Here's a list of software I attempted, more or less in order:
- Enjoyable (worked, but was missing some inputs)
- Controller Mate (didn't like, uninstalled immediately)
- Steam (Worked the best, but was clunky as heck to configure.)
- USB Overdrive (didn't try it, uninstalled)
- 11Clicks (MAX/MSP external) (more for diagnosis, this is where I first noticed the click issue.)
Somewhere between Steam and 11Clicks, I began to experience issues. I uninstalled all these using "App Cleaner" from Freemacsoft. (11Clicks was simple to just delete the external.) Over time, I discovered more issues. Here is what I'm currently experiencing.
- Stuck clicks: If a scroll event is registered while middle click is down, the next click and drag will stick.
- Horizontal Scroll - Shift + Scroll does not scroll horizontally. It does scroll vertically.
- Possibly a red herring: tracking has been off. I used to sit at ~3200 dpi. I then had to jack it up to ~6000 dpi, and now I'm at 850 dpi, all of these changes were to achieve roughly the same movement on screen.
What I've done.
- I've rebooted
- Uninstall/Reinstall Logitech GHUB.
- Reboot into safe mode
- Install LGHUB in safe mode.
- Tested two additional mice (total of 3 external mice don't work)
- Internal trackpad has been working flawlessly, though today I've noticed odd scrolling behavior.
- Fresh install of LGHUB on my old (2012) MBP
- Tested G502 on 2012 MBP - Worked like a charm, no issues.
- Reinstalled MacOS 12.6.3
- Deleted the following preferences:
- com.apple.AppleMultitouchMouse.plist
- com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse.plist
- com.apple.driver.AppleHIDMouse.plist
- Repair all drives and volumes from Recovery OS. (There were some errors, but they were repaired, issue persists)
- Contacted apple and Logitech support. Both are moving very slow. I will attempt apple again tomorrow.
What I've been unable to do:
I scoured my system folder and deleted a few files related to the software I had installed. I found some .dext files from USBOverdrive and Controller Mate that claim I don't have permission to delete. ("The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items").
I've created aliases of all the files that I want to delete or cant, or I suspect might be troublesome.
I want my horizontal scroll back, and I want to be able to use CAD software without fear of my mouse sticking and distracting me again.
Note: I believe this to be one issue, since all issues seemed to show up around the same time.
Any help restoring my mac back to normalcy would be greatly appreciated. I know this is a lot but this is the whole story. Thanks.