Papers by Ayşemine Dinçer
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The aim of this research is to evaluate Preschool Teacher Education Program (PSTEP) according to ... more The aim of this research is to evaluate Preschool Teacher Education Program (PSTEP) according to the views of prospective teachers. Study group of the research consists of eight senior prospect ive teachers in the preschool teaching department. The participants were asked to express their views on specific questions regarding P STEP. Semi structured interview was chosen to obtain participants' views on specific questions regarding PSTEP. The dat a was analyzed with content analysis technique. According to the results of the study, prospective teachers are not satisfied with the rate of the content categories in gene ral. Considering the content of the courses, it is recommended that some courses should be removed; some of them should be combined; the content category of some courses needs to be revised; some new compulsory and elective courses should be added; and some elective courses should be compulsory. In addition, it is stated that most of the courses in the program are not appropriate for preschool teaching subject area; thus the content of these courses should be reorganized. M oreover, credit hours of the practice of the courses should be increased so that prospective teachers can transfer t heir theoretical knowledge into practice effectively. Results of the study suggest that PSTEP needs to be reorganized in some aspects to be more beneficial f or the students.
Last five decades have witnessed the comprehensive growth of science education around the world a... more Last five decades have witnessed the comprehensive growth of science education around the world as the science is regarded as the major tenets of innovation and economic growth. Various extant studies on science education have concentrate on how to deliver and put the science in both curriculum and classrooms. However, there are rarely researches on the evaluation of the science curriculum and its impact on the scientific skills. Likewise, despite the science curricula being implemented from the 2009 onward in Ankara Children’s University, they have not yet been evaluated so far. This is the why it is essential for the evaluation of them due to the changes in the national science curricula and technological developments. This study aims at evaluating to update, change, or reform the science curricula in terms of learning objectives, content, learning activities, and the evaluation. Utilizing the mixed method, the study group was composed of 1,218 participating children and nine scie...
Öz Araştırmanın temel amacı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nda görevli aday öğretmenlere yönelik uygulan... more Öz Araştırmanın temel amacı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nda görevli aday öğretmenlere yönelik uygulanan aday öğretmenlerinin adaylıktan asil öğretmenliğe geçiş sürecine ilişkin yaşadıkları sorunları ortaya koymak ve bu sorunların çözümü konusunda öneriler geliştirmektir. Bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aday öğretmenlerin adaylıklarının kaldırılması sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunlar ve çözüm önerilerine ilişkin görüşlerini almak amacıyla 2 açık uçlu sorudan oluşan bir görüşme formu hazırlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Görüşme formu sonucunda elde edilen nitel veriler, belirlenen konu başlıkları altında kategorilere ayrılmıştır. Daha sonra her bir kategori için belirlenen veriler, içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, yedi farklı ilden adaylık eğitimi almış 52 öğretmenden oluşmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilere incelendiğinde; öğretmenlerin en çok dile getirdiği sorunların başında uygulamanın okula uyumu zorlaştırdığı, öğretmen motivasyonunu olumsuz etkilediği ve uygulama süresince görev alan danışman öğretmenlerin gerekli mesleki yeterliklere sahip olmadıkları gelmektedir. Konuya ilişkin çözüm önerilerine bakıldığında; performans değerlendirme sürecine belirli bir sınıf düzeyinden sonra öğrenciler de dahil edilebilir. Teorik sınavlar yerine daha çok uygulamaya dayalı bir değerlendirme süreci tercih edilebilir. Öğretmenlik bölümlerini tercih edenler, üniversiteye girişte mesleğe yönelik bir takım testlerden geçirilebilir. Öğrenci başarısı, öğretmeni değerlendirme sürecinde bir ölçüt olarak ele alınabilir. Abstract The main purpose of the research is to reveal the problems that the candidate teachers applied to the candidate teachers in the Ministry of National Education about the transition process from candidacy to noble teaching and to develop suggestions on solution of these problems. Qualitative research method was used in this study. An interview form consisting of 2 open ended questions was prepared and implemented in order to get opinions about the problems and solutions proposed by the candidate teachers in the process of eliminating their candidacy. Qualitative data obtained as a result of the interview form are categorized under the headings of the specified subjects. Then the data for each category was subjected to content analysis. The study's study group consisted of 52 teachers who had received seven different candidates. When the results obtained from the research are examined; The most frequently expressed problems of the teachers are that the practitioner complies with the reading, adversely affects the motivation of the teacher and the consultant teachers who take part during the application do not have the necessary professional competences. When we look at the solution proposals for the topic; Students may be included in the performance evaluation process after a certain grade level. Instead of theoretical exams, a more practical evaluation process may be preferred. Those who prefer teaching departments can be passed a number of occupational tests at the university entrance. Student success can be considered as a criterion in the teacher evaluation process.
Öz Bu araştırma, 4+4+4 yapılanması sonrası uygulamaya konulan 2. ve 3. sınıf İngilizce öğretim pr... more Öz Bu araştırma, 4+4+4 yapılanması sonrası uygulamaya konulan 2. ve 3. sınıf İngilizce öğretim programlarını öğretmen görüşleri doğrultusunda değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Veri, Ankara ilinde 10 farklı devlet ilkokulunda görev yapan 12 öğretmenle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Öğretmenlerin mesleki deneyimleri 5 ile 17 yıl arasında değişmektedir. Veri toplama araçlarından elde edilen veriler, betimsel analiz yöntemi ve NVivo 8 nitel veri analizi programı ile çözümlenmiştir. Toplanan veri görüşme formunda yer alan her bir soruya uygun olacak şekilde oluşturulmuş beş tema (kategori) etrafında yorumlanmıştır. Yapılan görüşmelerde öğretmenlerin program olarak ders kitaplarını temel aldığı görülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçları öğretmenlerin 2. ve 3. sınıf İngilizce öğretim programını yaş ve düzey uygunluğu, içeriğin sarmal olarak düzenlenmesi, konuşmaya ve dinlemeye ağırlık vermesi gibi açılardan olumlu bulurken ekstra materyal eksikliği, kalabalık sınıflarda uygulanma zorluğu, ders saatine oranla içeriğin yoğun olması, okulların fiziki imkânlarının eksikliği ve öğretim programının öğretmenlere yeterince tanıtılmaması gibi açılardan eleştirdiklerini göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: İngilizce öğretim programı, program değerlendirme, öğretmen görüşleri. Abstract This research aims to evaluate the English language curriculum for second and third grades which were implemented after 4+4+4 Regulation in relation to teachers' opinions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 teachers working at ten different state primary schools in Ankara. Interviewed teachers had an experience in teaching ranging from five to seventeen twelve years. Data of the study was analyzed by using descriptive analysis method and NVivo 8 for Windows. Data were interpreted around six categories standing for each of the interview questions. During the interviews it was found that the teachers see coursebooks as the curriculum. The results of the study indicated that teachers appreciated the 2nd and 3rd Grade English Language Curricula in terms of age and level relevance, spiral content organization, focus on speaking and teaching while they criticized it mostly in terms of lack of extra materials, unsuitability to be applied in crowded classrooms, heavy content for the prescribed time, the deficiency of schools' facilities and the inadequacy of the familiarization of the curriculum to the teachers.
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the 1st grade Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual acco... more In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the 1st grade Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual according to the opinions of experts from different fields. Experts’ opinions were taken by composing a group of 19 people and data was analyzed via document analysis technique. According to the results of this study, it was concluded that inconsistency existed among the curricular components such as objectives, content, measurement and evaluation; content was not well-structured; measurement and evaluation activities did not hold
qualifications for evaluation; most of the activities and visuals were not appropriate for the target group’s development level; books included negative hidden messages and finally there were many language and expression problems. Therefore, it is concluded that 1st grade Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual should be revised and redesigned by the responsible authorities in the framework of book design principles.
Keywords: 4+4+4 regulation, Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual, Evaluation of textbooks, Elementary school curriculum, primary school curriculum.
Papers by Ayşemine Dinçer
qualifications for evaluation; most of the activities and visuals were not appropriate for the target group’s development level; books included negative hidden messages and finally there were many language and expression problems. Therefore, it is concluded that 1st grade Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual should be revised and redesigned by the responsible authorities in the framework of book design principles.
Keywords: 4+4+4 regulation, Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual, Evaluation of textbooks, Elementary school curriculum, primary school curriculum.
qualifications for evaluation; most of the activities and visuals were not appropriate for the target group’s development level; books included negative hidden messages and finally there were many language and expression problems. Therefore, it is concluded that 1st grade Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual should be revised and redesigned by the responsible authorities in the framework of book design principles.
Keywords: 4+4+4 regulation, Turkish textbooks and teacher’s manual, Evaluation of textbooks, Elementary school curriculum, primary school curriculum.