Conference Papers by Cem Babadoğan
Ana araştırma konusu yükseköğretim kurumlarında akademik ve idari süreçlerin yeniden
tanımlanması... more Ana araştırma konusu yükseköğretim kurumlarında akademik ve idari süreçlerin yeniden
tanımlanması olan çalışmanın amacı, tasarlanan süreç mimarisinin ve bu mimariyi oluşturan süreç
bileşenlerinin Bologna Sürecinden nasıl etkilendiğini bir örnek uygulama ile ortaya koymaktır. Bu
kapsamda, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi’ndeki belirli bir akademik birim için süreç kapsamında ele
alınarak yürütülen faaliyetler tanımlanmış ve bir süreç listesi oluşturulmuştur. Süreçler mimari model
üzerinde yönetsel, temel ve destek süreçler olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Süreçlerde izlenen adımlar, bir
süreç modeli ile tanımlanmıştır. Tedarikçi (öncül) süreçler, girdiler, birim ve kişiler, çıktılar ve müşteri
(ardıl) süreçler gibi fonksiyonel bileşenler belirlenmiş ve iş süreci model ve notasyonu (BPMN 2.0)
kullanılarak süreç haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan analizler sırasında, Bologna
Süreci gerekliliklerinin, mevcut süreçlere köklü değişimler getireceği ve aynı zamanda yeni süreçlerin
tanımlanmasını da zorunlu kılacağı gözlemlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Süreç mimarisi, süreç yaklaşımı, akademik süreçler, idari süreçler, Bologna süreci
Papers by Cem Babadoğan
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ders arastirmasi modelinin uygulanabilirligi ve etkililiginin belirlenmesi... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ders arastirmasi modelinin uygulanabilirligi ve etkililiginin belirlenmesidir. Arastirma, 2013–2014 egitim-ogretim yili birinci yariyilinda Kayseri’de dort ortaokulda Ingilizce dersinde, ders arastirma dersi dongusu uygulanarak gerceklestirilmistir. Nitel arastirma yontemine gore tasarlanan arastirmada katilimci ogretmenlerle yapilan gorusme ve grup gorusmelerinden elde edilen veriler, betimsel/icerik analizi ile cozumlenmistir. Arastirma bulgulari, ders arastirmasi modelinin uygulanabilirligi ve etkililigi konusunda katilimci ogretmenlerin hemfikir olduklarini ve ders arastirmasi modelinin hem ogrenci hem de ogretmen ogrenmesinin temelini dusunmeye odakladigi icin cok boyutlu kazanim sagladigini ortaya koymustur. Bununla beraber, ders arastirmasi modelinin basarili bir sekilde uygulanabilmesi icin, ogretmenlerin ders cizelgelerinin, sureci saglikli bir sekilde yurutebilmelerine olanak saglayacak sekilde duzenlenmesi ve ders kitaplarindaki konu yogunlugunun azaltilmasinin gerekli oldugunu ortaya koymustur. AbstractThis study aimed to determine the practicability and effectiveness of the lesson study model. The study was conducted in English classes through five lesson study cycles in four middle (lower-secondary) schools in Kayseri province during the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year. The data of this qualitative study were obtained from teachers through individual and focus-group interviews and were analyzed through descriptive statistics and content analysis. The general findings of the study indicated that the participants agreed upon the practicability and effectiveness of the lesson study model. It was also seen that the participants perceived this model as a tool that is able to provide multi-dimensional attainments since it focused on the fundamentals of both learners’ learning and teachers’ own learning. To be able to implement this model more efficiently, teachers’ course schedules should be arranged in a way that they can perform their duties more productively and the density of the content in course books should be decreased.
Egitim-ogretim faaliyetlerinde temel amac bireylerde olumlu yonde davranis degisikligi gerceklest... more Egitim-ogretim faaliyetlerinde temel amac bireylerde olumlu yonde davranis degisikligi gerceklestirmektir. Bu faaliyetlerde ogrenme stillerinin dikkate alinmasi onemlidir. Bu arastirmanin amaci 2009 - 2010 egitim doneminde Gazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Turkce ve Ingilizce Tip Bolumunde ogrenim goren donem 1 ogrencilerinin ogrenim stillerini ve etkili olabilecek bazi faktorleri saptamaktir.Arastirma Mart 2010 - Nisan 2011 tarihlerinde yapilmistir. Arastirma evrenini 374 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Turkce tiptan 243 ogrenciye (%73.6), Ingilizce tiptan 40 ogrenciye (%90.1) ulasilmistir. Veri kaynagi olarak demografik ozellikleri iceren sorular ve ogrenme stillerini saptamaya yonelik Grasha-Reichmann Ogrenme Stili Olcegi ile akademik basari puanlari kullanilmistir.Kizlarin %79,5'i, erkeklerin %94,0'u Turkce tiptadir. Ingilizce tiptaki kizlarin orani erkeklere gore anlamli derecede yuksek saptanmistir (p<0.001). Turkce tiptaki ogrencilerin bagimsiz, isbirlikli ve bagimli ogrenme stili puan ortalamalari digerlerine gore daha yuksektir. Ingilizce tiptaki ogrencilerin bagimsiz ve isbirlikli ogrenme stili puan ortalamalari digerlerine gore daha yuksektir. Her iki bolumde de hem kizlarin hem de erkeklerin rekabetci ogrenme stili puanlari diger stillere gore daha dusuktur. Turkce tiptaki ogrencilerin K1, K2, K5 ve Kort puanlari ile bagimsiz ve isbirlikli ogrenme stil puanlari arasinda pozitif yonde zayif iliski varken Ingilizce tiptaki ogrencilerin sadece K4 puani ile isbirlikli ogrenme stil puani arasinda negatif yonde orta derecede iliski oldugu belirlenmistir. Turkce tiptaki ogrencilerin sadece PDO puani ile isbirlikli ogrenme stil puanlari arasinda pozitif yonde zayif iliski oldugu, Ingilizce tiptaki ogrencilerin PDO puani ile bagimli ogrenme stil puani arasinda negatif yonde orta derecede; KDT puani ile cekingen ogrenme stil puani arasinda pozitif yonde orta derecede oldugu saptanmistir.Ogrencilerin isbirlikli ogrenme stili puanlari her iki bolumde de diger stil puanlarina gore yuksektir. Kucuk grup calismalarinin tiplerine ve bolume gore ogrenme stili degisiklik gostermektedir.AbstractThe fundamental aim of the instructional and educational activities is to achieve affirmative behavioral changes in individuals. It is important to consider learning styles in the content of these activities. The aim of this study is to determine the learning styles and the influential factors of term 1 students of Turkish and English Departments of medical faculty at Gazi University in 2009-2010 educational semesters.The study was performed between March ?April 2010. The population of the study comprises 374 students. Of this population 243 (73.6%) is from Turkish department and 40 (90.1%) was English department. Questions for demographic features, Grasha Reichman Students Learning Style Scale (GRSLSS) and academic performance scores were used for gathering data.Seventy nine point five percent of the girls, 94.0% of the boys were in Turkish department. The number of girls was statistically higher than boys in English department (p<0.001). Independent, collaborative and dependent learning styles scores were higher than other styles in Turkish department students. Independent and collaborative learning styles scores were higher than other styles in English department students. Competitive learning style scores of girls and boys were lower than other styles in both departments. While there were positive, poor correlation between K1, K2, K5 and mean score of K exams with independent and collaborative learning style scores of Turkish department students, negative, intermediate correlation was determined between only K4 score exam with collaborative learning style scores of English department students. It is determined that there were positive, poor correlation between only Problem Based Learning (PBL) score with collaborative learning style scores of Turkish department students, negative, intermediate correlation was between PBL score with dependent learning style scores; and positive, intermediate correlation between Evidence Based Medicine score with avoidant learning style scores of English department students.Collaborative learning style scores of the students are higher than other style scores for both departments. Learning styles differ for small group sessions and for departments.
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, Mar 21, 2023
The purpose of this research is to analyze the mathematics course self-efficacy perceptions of se... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the mathematics course self-efficacy perceptions of secondary school students studying in Azerbaijan and Türkiye in terms of various variables. The study groups of the research consisted of secondary school students aged 10-14. In the study, the Self-Efficacy Perception Scale Against Mathematics prepared by Umay was used. The results show, mathematics self-efficacy perceptions of secondary school students working in both countries in the research unit are close to each other and at a moderate level. While the self-efficacy perceptions of secondary school students in Azerbaijan do not differ according to the variables of gender, mother's employment status, father's employment status, mother's education level, father's education level, and socio-economic status, they differ in terms of contribution according to the age variable. Keywords: Mathematics; perception; self-efficacy.
Ankara Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık eBooks, 2021
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi dergisi, 1980
Burada bir ogretmen dorduncu sinifta, ogrenme gruplari denemesi yapmaktadir. O “bunun bir duzensi... more Burada bir ogretmen dorduncu sinifta, ogrenme gruplari denemesi yapmaktadir. O “bunun bir duzensizlik” oldugunu dusunur. Bir grupta, ogrenciler kimin yazim isini yapacagi konusunda anlasmazlik icindeyken diger bir grupta da bir cocuk katilmada cekingenlik gosterip sessizce oturmaktadir. Ucuncu bir grubun iki uyesi futbol hakkinda konusurken ucuncu uyesi ise odev yapabilmektedir. O zaman ogretmen, “benim ogrencilerim isbirligi icinde nasil calisacaklarini bilmiyorlar” diye ic cekebilir.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
It is aimed to determine the learning styles and the influential factors of term 1 students of Tu... more It is aimed to determine the learning styles and the influential factors of term 1 students of Turkish and English Departments of medical faculty at Gazi University in 2009-2010 educational semesters. The population of the study comprises 374 students. Questions for demographic features, Grasha Reichman Students Learning Style Scale and academic performance scores were used for gathering data. Independent, collaborative and dependent learning styles scores were higher than other styles in Turkish department students. Independent and collaborative learning styles scores were higher than other styles in English department students. Competitive learning style scores of girls and boys were lower than other styles in both departments. It is determined that there were positive correlation between only Problem Based Learning score with collaborative learning style scores of Turkish department students; negative correlation was between Clinical Skill Education score with dependent learning style scores; and positive correlation between Evidence Based Medicine score with avoidant learning style scores of English department students.
Turkish Journal of Education, Jan 31, 2018
The purpose of this study is to improve students' knowledge and awareness regarding the scale of ... more The purpose of this study is to improve students' knowledge and awareness regarding the scale of pollution that has engulfed the İstanbul Strait as well as the general threats faced by the ecosystem. Towards this end, 2310 1-12 grade students were sampled from schools in Istanbul to serve as study participants. To collect the research data, two different instruments namely Personal Information Questionnaire and Information Tests developed by the researchers were used. When the data collected with the questionnaire was examined, it was observed that students' knowledge concerning marine pollution generally came from their teachers and the Internet. Students who took most information from the Internet were those in the high school. The least source of information to students however was civil society organizations. With respect to the courses at school, the students reported taking most information regarding pollution of the sea from their science and social studies' textbooks. When it comes to the results obtained using the tests administered, it was observed that the average scores for posttest were higher than the average scores for pretest across all the levels. In order to examine whether or not the difference between the posttest average scores and the pretest average scores is significant, a t-test analysis was performed; and the results revealed that across all the levels, the differences observed between the average scores for posttest and pretest are significant. These findings and results provide concrete supports for the success of the educational training implemented in the study.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, besinci sinif ogrencilerinin okudugunu anlama basari puanlarini belirleyer... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, besinci sinif ogrencilerinin okudugunu anlama basari puanlarini belirleyerek bu puanlari bazi etkenler acisindan incelemek, ogrenme stilleri dagilimlarini saptamak ve okudugunu anlama basari puanlarini yordayan etkenleri belirlemektir. Arastirma grubunu Altindag, Cankaya ve Mamak ilcelerinden ucer tane olmak uzere Ankara genelindeki dokuz ortaokuldan 1307 besinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmustur. Arastirma grubunun okudugunu anlama basarilari; Kutlu, Yildirim, Bilican ve Kumandas (2011) tarafindan gelistirilen Okudugunu Anlama Testi ile olculmus, Okudugunu Anlama Testinin puanlamasi yine bu arastirmacilarca gelistirilen dereceli puanlama anahtariyla yapilmistir. Arastirma grubunun ogrenme stillerini belirlemek amaciyla Grasha-Reichmann Ogrenme Stilleri Olcegi kullanilmistir. Toplanan verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistiklerle beraber, Kruskal-Wallis H testi, Mann-Whitney U Testi kullanilmis, okudugunu anlama basarisini yordayan degiskenleri belirlemek amaciyla asamali regresyon analizi modeli kurulmustur. Gerceklestirilen analizler sonucunda; okudugunu anlama acisindan kiz ogrencilerin erkek ogrencilerden; evinde kitaplik bulunan ogrencilerin bulunmayanlardan; evinde daha fazla kitap bulunan ogrencilerin az kitap bulunanlardan, bugune kadar okudugu kitap sayisi fazla olan ogrencilerin daha az kitap okuyanlardan daha basarili oldugu gorulmustur. Bununla birlikte arastirma grubunun baskin ogrenme stillerinin isbirlikli, katilimci ve bagimli oldugu bulgusuna ulasilmistir. Asamali regresyon analizi sonucunda okudugunu anlama puanini; okunan kitap sayisi, cinsiyet, okumaya dayali odev yapma, evde kitaplik bulunmasi, gunluk kitap okuma suresi ve ogrenme stili degiskenlerinin yordadigi belirlenmistir.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine fifth graders' reading comprehension scores, examine their reading comprehension level across some variables, identify their learning styles distribution, and assess which variables predict their reading comprehension scores. The participants include 1307 fifth grade students of nine elementary schools of three district (Altindag, Cankaya and Mamak) of Ankara. Data collection instruments were Reading Comprehension Test, designed by Kutlu, Yildirim, Bilican ve Kumandas (2011), and Grasha-Reichmann Learning Styles Inventory. In order to analyze the data, some descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and multiple linear regression were employed. The finding of this study indicated that girls outperform boys in comprehension as well as those who have a bookshelf (library) at home. Moreover, those who have more books at home and who have read more books up to now are more successful in comprehension than others. It has been also revealed that dominant learning styles of participants were cooperative, participant and dependent. Finally, results of the regression model showed that such variables as number of books read, gender, doing reading exercises, having a bookshelf at home, time spent for reading per day and learning styles predict reading comprehension.
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi dergisi, 1979
İlköğretim Online (elektronik), Jun 1, 2009
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
The fundamental purpose of this study is to present concrete examples of instructional design fro... more The fundamental purpose of this study is to present concrete examples of instructional design from theory to practice and to evaluate these examples. In the study, "meaningful learning theory" of Ausubel, one of the descriptive theories which enlighten teaching-learning processes, and "information processing theory" of Gagne, one of the prescriptive theories are analyzed. Related to these theories, instructional designs are developed for in-class activities of the social studies course. These examples are compared with the inclass activities of Ausubel and Gagne's teaching theories.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
It is aimed to determine the learning styles-oriented perceptual preferences (modalities) of the ... more It is aimed to determine the learning styles-oriented perceptual preferences (modalities) of the sixth grade students studying in primary schools in the central district of Edirne and the learning and teaching styles-oriented perceptual preferences (modalities) of their English teachers. This study was done in frame of survey research model. The subjects of this study were 642 sixth grade students and their 20 English teachers who were working at fifteen different primary schools in the central district of Edirne in 2010-2011 academic year. In order to determine the learning modalities of the students and the teachers, Grasha-Riechmann Learning Styles Inventory; and for the teaching modalities of the teachers Grasha Teaching Styles Inventory was used. Both scales were adapted to Turkish by the researcher. The obtained data were analyzed in the SPSS package program. To analyze the data collected, frequency, percentage, mean values were calculated and the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and correlation tests were used. The findings of the study indicated that i) the students' collaborative and participant learning modalities are more dominant than the other learning modalities, ii) gender is an important factor for avoidant, collaborative, dependent and participant learning modalities, iii) socioeconomic status is not an important factor affecting the learning modalities, iv) students' report card marks are determining factor for just the avoidant, dependent and participant learning modalities. When the learning modalities of the teachers were investigated, it was revealed that teachers' participant and dependent learning modalities are more dominant than the learning modalities of collaborative, competitive, independent and avoidant. In terms of the teach ing modalities of the teachers, it is identified that the teachers got the highest percentage point from the personal model sub-scale. Also, the findings showed that the sex variable is an important factor in favor of the females for the expert and personal model teaching modalities. The variable of seniority had no significant effect on the differentiation of teaching modalities of the teachers. The correlation analysis between teaching and learning modalities of the teachers also showed a statistically significant relationship between some learning and teaching modalities.
Milli Eğitim Dergisi, Aug 1, 2020
In this study; primarily the concepts of poverty, social exclusion, and social inclusion were exp... more In this study; primarily the concepts of poverty, social exclusion, and social inclusion were explained, then social inclusion policies of and activities in European Union and Turkey summarized and finally the project of "Promoting Social Inclusion at Densely Roma Populated Areas (SIROMA)" co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey for the social inclusion of Roma people in Turkey and the extracurricular activity programs developed in the training phase were introduced. The findings of the pre-monitoring and-evaluation of the activities implemented in the pilot schools were presented. Within the scope of the extracurricular activities training programs in the project, 18 student and 18 teacher books were prepared for six different topics in preschool , primary school, and secondary school levels. The studies of monitoring and evaluation for the extracurricular activities and materials prepared in the project were conducted in 12 cities and 44 schools. According to the findings of the pre-monitoring and-evaluation study, it was seen that student and teacher materials are sufficient and applicable. It was determined that the program and activities that are among the project outcomes are supportive and complementary to the curriculum at all levels.
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Jun 28, 2014
Problem Statement: One of the initial tasks of the school staff is to create a safe environment, ... more Problem Statement: One of the initial tasks of the school staff is to create a safe environment, which is free of negative behaviors and role models. However, there has been a concern for the violence in the schools. Most of studies in the literature has focused on aggression, violence, and bullying among students. But, teacher violence against students hasn't been studied sufficiently. In order to investigate this type of violence, a self-report instrument is needed.
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
This application forecasts learning outcomes from a sentence based on sentence’s verb to detect... more This application forecasts learning outcomes from a sentence based on sentence’s verb to detect outcome learning outcomes. Application uses .NET Core API & .NET Standard technology for possible future multi-platform support. It uses Bloom’s taxonomies to determine the potential learning outcomes and export the final document as a “. json†file which is a special text format. One data package for a sentence is including these titles: Methods,Techniques,Approaches, Strategies,Classifications,Measure & Analysis and learning outcomes forecasts underneath these titles. According to the previous version, the changes:UI transformed to new design language “Fluent Designâ€, which is introduced by Microsoft.Assistant mode for one sentence with Q&A style chat UI.Support for dictionary in different areas.Keywords: Bologna process, measurement and evaluation, learning outcomes forecast program, acquired learning outcomes, cross platform development, xamarin framework, .net core, .net ...
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
In this study, the competencies of the Undergraduate English Language Teaching Programmes belongi... more In this study, the competencies of the Undergraduate English Language Teaching Programmes belonging to the universities selected as samples from seven regions of our country were examined by using the document analysis method. It has been understood that the concepts of ‘knowledge’, ‘skill’ and ‘competence’ which are the components of the ‘competency’ concept as well as differences in the expression are not fully distinguishable. It was also observed that while the competencies were being written, universities did not adopt the same grammatical rules. In this study, arrangements were made with the focus was on providing a common framework both conceptually and formally, and suggestions were tried to be developed. It is thought that this work will be useful for programmes that have difficulty in expressing their competencies correctly.Keywords: Bologna process, English language teaching programme, competency.
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
Education has been adapting itself to the constant change and renewal of the world in every field... more Education has been adapting itself to the constant change and renewal of the world in every field. Higher education in Turkey also suffered from this situation and one of the steps taken to improve the quality of education must be included in the Bologna Process. This study examines the programme competencies of the undergraduate programmes of the classroom education in the seven selected universities, to make comparisons among the universities and to make arrangements. A case study was used in qualitative research methods. As a result, it was seen that there were mistakes in writing and expressing programme competences. Also, some of the universities have never implemented programme competencies, even when it is wrong to classify programme competencies into sub-dimensions as knowledge, skills and competence. Regulations can be made in terms of distribution in the sub-dimensions of language proficiency and competences in programme competencies, and seminars related to programme comp...
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
The idea of establishing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), aiming to establish a balance... more The idea of establishing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), aiming to establish a balance between diversity and unity among higher education institutions, started with the Sorbonne Declaration, first published in 1998.The EHEA seeks to ensure that higher education systems are compatible and comparable to one another while preserving their unique differences. This study is aimed to examine the programme competencies of the Department of English Language and Literature. To represent the universe, a state university offering education in English Language and Literature from Turkey’s seven regions are chosen, aimed to create a common language for writing the competencies and correct the existing programme competencies. In order to bring the programmes together on a common ground and to be recognised both nationally and internationally, it is important to ensure that the programme competencies are written in a more simplified way without creating comorbidity and classified in t...
Conference Papers by Cem Babadoğan
tanımlanması olan çalışmanın amacı, tasarlanan süreç mimarisinin ve bu mimariyi oluşturan süreç
bileşenlerinin Bologna Sürecinden nasıl etkilendiğini bir örnek uygulama ile ortaya koymaktır. Bu
kapsamda, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi’ndeki belirli bir akademik birim için süreç kapsamında ele
alınarak yürütülen faaliyetler tanımlanmış ve bir süreç listesi oluşturulmuştur. Süreçler mimari model
üzerinde yönetsel, temel ve destek süreçler olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Süreçlerde izlenen adımlar, bir
süreç modeli ile tanımlanmıştır. Tedarikçi (öncül) süreçler, girdiler, birim ve kişiler, çıktılar ve müşteri
(ardıl) süreçler gibi fonksiyonel bileşenler belirlenmiş ve iş süreci model ve notasyonu (BPMN 2.0)
kullanılarak süreç haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan analizler sırasında, Bologna
Süreci gerekliliklerinin, mevcut süreçlere köklü değişimler getireceği ve aynı zamanda yeni süreçlerin
tanımlanmasını da zorunlu kılacağı gözlemlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Süreç mimarisi, süreç yaklaşımı, akademik süreçler, idari süreçler, Bologna süreci
Papers by Cem Babadoğan
tanımlanması olan çalışmanın amacı, tasarlanan süreç mimarisinin ve bu mimariyi oluşturan süreç
bileşenlerinin Bologna Sürecinden nasıl etkilendiğini bir örnek uygulama ile ortaya koymaktır. Bu
kapsamda, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi’ndeki belirli bir akademik birim için süreç kapsamında ele
alınarak yürütülen faaliyetler tanımlanmış ve bir süreç listesi oluşturulmuştur. Süreçler mimari model
üzerinde yönetsel, temel ve destek süreçler olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Süreçlerde izlenen adımlar, bir
süreç modeli ile tanımlanmıştır. Tedarikçi (öncül) süreçler, girdiler, birim ve kişiler, çıktılar ve müşteri
(ardıl) süreçler gibi fonksiyonel bileşenler belirlenmiş ve iş süreci model ve notasyonu (BPMN 2.0)
kullanılarak süreç haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan analizler sırasında, Bologna
Süreci gerekliliklerinin, mevcut süreçlere köklü değişimler getireceği ve aynı zamanda yeni süreçlerin
tanımlanmasını da zorunlu kılacağı gözlemlenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Süreç mimarisi, süreç yaklaşımı, akademik süreçler, idari süreçler, Bologna süreci