News by Francisco Henriques
We are accepting applications from people interested in participating in the Proença-a-Nova Inter... more We are accepting applications from people interested in participating in the Proença-a-Nova International Archaeological Field Camp (CAPN), over 18 years of age.
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and), lectures, lactures and study trips in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
Soon more information at:
Link to the Book of Abstracts:
website of... more Link to the Book of Abstracts:
website of the congress:
Dear colleagues,
We are contacting you about the Tumuli and Megaliths in Eurasia Congress, scheduled for May this year, in Portugal.
Due to the evolution of the current pandemic situation, it’s impossible to hold an in-person congress, as we would like. We are aware of the general exhaustion caused by the widespread use of teleconferences and that it would be exhausting to have a three-day conference calls.
Nevertheless, there are so many good contributions that it would be a waste to cancel. Since we decided to not postpone the meeting again, we propose a different solution.
We invite all participants with accepted abstracts to record their communications. You may do it the way you find the most suitable (PPT with voiceover, documentary, a video at your site or in your laboratory, etc.). Your video will be added to the congress’ YouTube channel which will allow making your work available to a much larger audience and for much longer.
You can freely disseminate it to colleagues, students, friends and family through email, social media or any other means. You can make the video longer than the time that was established for the presentation in the congress, but you should keep it under 30 minutes.
So, we ask you to send us the video by April 30, 2021, in order to give us time to add the Congress' intro and to upload it to the Youtube channel.
Another good and important new is that, of course, we will refund all payments, meaning that we will reduce to zero the cost of participation.
In the next days, you will be able to freely download the Book of Abstracts with ISBN from the congress website
During the Congress, there will be a virtual multi-room chat platform in order for the congress participants be able to meet, discuss, brainstorm and work together. More details about this will be announced on our next contact.
After the Congress, we will produce a hardcover book with your contributions to be published by a international publisher, with the possibility of the book to be bought also on platforms such as Amazon. In order to ensure that this will be done in early 2022, you should send your papers, in English, until December 15, 2021. We will disclose the publishing guidelines soon.
The Organizing Committee
Pre- and Proto-Historic societies developed different ways to treat their dead. One of the most distinctive was offering them to earth using positive structures as artificial hills such as tumuli, mounds, and kurgans, of circular shape, are the most common across Eurasia, despite enclosing different rituals, suggesting strong structural and ritual similarities despite the geographic and chronological distances.
In the International Congress Tumuli e Megaliths in Eurasia, we aim to discuss the question: why did people so distant in space and time, build the last address for their dead in such a similar shape?
We invite podium and poster presentation focusing from the western megalithism to the central European and Asian Kurgan, and the classic Mediterranian graves. We will give preference to groundbreaking results, interdisciplinary and novel methodological approaches, regional synthesis, and innovative ways of relating them with other realities (enclosures, cromlechs, menhirs, stelae and rock carvings).
We are accepting applications from people interested in participating in the Proença-a-Nova Inter... more We are accepting applications from people interested in participating in the Proença-a-Nova International Archaeological Field Camp (CAPN), over 18 years of age.
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and a modern fossil path), lectures, colloquium and a study trip in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
More information:
Papers by Francisco Henriques
ARQUEOLOGIA EM PORTUGAL, 2023 - Estado da Questão, 2023
O ocidente da Península Ibérica e uma região importante para o conhecimento do Paleolítico Inferi... more O ocidente da Península Ibérica e uma região importante para o conhecimento do Paleolítico Inferior e Medio, porque foi onde terminou a dispersão humana na Eurásia para ocidente. Paralelamente, foi um refúgio ecológico cuja diversidade de recursos e paisagens potenciaram idiossincrasias culturais. Apesar da investigação do Paleolítico em Portugal ter começando no seculo XIX, o seu conhecimento e ainda escasso, pouco detalhado e disperso, tanto no tempo, como no espaço.
O projeto PaleoTejo – Paleolítico Inferior e Medio no Rio Tejo rege-se por três objetivos principais: 1, estudo dos acervos; 2, caracterização geoarqueológica dos contextos; 3, respetiva datação e, por fim, a publicação sistemática dos resultados. Apresentamos o enquadramento histórico das investigações e o estado atual dos trabalhos.
Amanhar a Terra. Arqueologia da Agricultura [Do Neolítico ao Período Medieval], 2023
Estuda-se um exemplar incompleto de sacho/enxó votivo de calcário, o nono que se regista em conte... more Estuda-se um exemplar incompleto de sacho/enxó votivo de calcário, o nono que se regista em contextos calcolíticos peninsulares, todos eles correspondentes a usos funerários da Estremadura portuguesa, evidenciando marcado regionalismo, e sublinha-se a sua relação com a ritualização das práticas agrárias, no contexto das sociedades camponesas do 3.º milénio a.C. do ocidente peninsular.
Revista de Saúde Amato Lusitano, 2003
Apresenta-se alguma da ritualidade ligada ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na área dos concelhos ... more Apresenta-se alguma da ritualidade ligada ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na área dos concelhos de Proença-a-Nova, Vila Velha de Ródão, Castelo Branco e Idanha-a-Nova e o papel do promotor de saúde na mudança para estilos de vida saudáveis.
Revista de Saúde Amato Lusitano, 1997
As psicoses esquizofrénicas caracterizam-se, em termos gerais, por alterações de personalidade, d... more As psicoses esquizofrénicas caracterizam-se, em termos gerais, por alterações de personalidade, do pensamento, da afectividade, da percepção, psicomotoras, por ideias delirantes e por autismo. Neste texto damos um contributo para o seu conhecimento, nesta região, em termos epidemiológicos.
AÇAFA On Line, nº 13 , 2019
Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo 306 Resumo Divulga-se o estudo preliminar de ... more Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo 306 Resumo Divulga-se o estudo preliminar de um conjunto de moedas recolhidas pelo Padre Alfredo Dias, aquando das obras de conservação da Igreja Matriz de Proença-a-Nova e da construção do Centro Paroquial, no início dos anos 80 do século passado. Além das moedas o acervo mantido nas instalações daquele Centro Paroquial inclui um botão e duas mandíbulas humanas.
The preliminary study of a set of coins collected by Father Alfredo Dias, during the conservation works of the Mother Church of Proença-a-Nova and the construction of the Parish Center, in the early 80s of the last century, was released. In addition to the coins, the collection maintained at the facilities of that Parish Center includes a button and two human jaws.
AÇAFA On Line, nº 13 , 2019
Na década de 80 do século passado os subscritores realizaram um vasto conjunto de recolhas etnogr... more Na década de 80 do século passado os subscritores realizaram um vasto conjunto de recolhas etnográficas, predominantemente nos concelhos de Proença-a-Nova e de Vila Velha de Ródão, que foram publicando ou que ficaram inéditas. Uma das temáticas focadas foi a medicina e a farmácia, de cariz popular, vivenciada pelas gentes desta região. O documento não é um estudo, mas apenas uma coleção de patologias, divididas por grandes grupos com as respetivas terapias, ainda que de modo muito incompleto. No final apresenta-se um índice remissivo dos elementos terapêuticos e um breve glossário.
In the 80s of the last century, the authors undertook a wide range of ethnographic recollections, predominantly in the regions of Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão, which were published or kept unpublished.
One of the themes focused on was traditional medicine and pharmacy, experienced by the people of this region. The document is not a study, but just a collection of pathologies, divided into large groups with the respective therapies, although in a very incomplete result.
At the end, a remissive index of the therapeutic elements and a brief glossary are presented.
Açafa on line, 2021
An exceptional and sharp drop in the storage level of the Cedillo reservoir was a rare opportunit... more An exceptional and sharp drop in the storage level of the Cedillo reservoir was a rare opportunity to visit the banks of the Tejo River in Idanha-a-Nova and confirm information about the Caminhos d´El Rei (riverside wall paths constructed during the reign of Philip II of Spain). During these visits it was possible to document a monumental work from modern engineering related to navigation towing in the international sector of the river. Other occurrences of archaeological interest have been documented.
Açafa on line, 2021
We studied a group of two megalithic monuments (dolmen type) in the Center region of Portugal (Ol... more We studied a group of two megalithic monuments (dolmen type) in the Center region of Portugal (Olival dos Morouços, Vila Velha de Ródão, Castelo Branco). This Group seems to be one more example of heterogeneity of structures. Just as in Outeiro de Gregos (Serra da Aboboreira, Baião, Porto, North of Portugal) a case cited by V. Oliveira Jorge, a tumulus of large dimensions can be found, considering area and height, which we call the first monument, and another lower and smaller, called the second monument. In the first one, the chamber has an asymmetric insertion and does not show a corridor. The structure of monument 2 seems to have a central chamber of which two supports remain. In the region of the monuments observed, these are the only ones which were erected on the alluvial plain (Holocene). Like these two constructions, the dolmens of the region are small monuments built of shales and greywackes materials. The monuments on the right bank of the river Tagus (Beira Baixa Province) are traditionally included in a Megalithic Culture of the Beiras. These are featured for being poor in archeological materials? and marked by the predominance of triangular and convex arrow heads, and by the rare appearance of carved shale plaques. The dolmens on the left bank of the Tagus (Alentejo Province) tend to be related with the Megalithic Complex of the Alentejo. All that is left to know is if on the other hand these constructions which are related to the Tagus Valley Archeological Complex of Rock Art (whose last chronological tests showed two megalithic phases and one pre-megalithic phase), may constitute a real unit, regional and intermediate. As far as Beira-Baixa monuments are concerned, an inventory based on a complete prospection of the region is still missing. On the other hand, the excavations carried out up to now have been scarce and show poor monuments or with the contents extremely degraded.
AÇAFA On Line, 2019
Este texto é um registo biográfico, com laivos de etnografia e geografia humana, relativo à vivên... more Este texto é um registo biográfico, com laivos de etnografia e geografia humana, relativo à vivência do autor durante a infância em Vila Velha de Ródão, nas décadas de 60 e 70 do século passado.
O rio Tejo, a povoação e as suas gentes são retratados em pequenas histórias vivenciadas ou ouvidas pelo autor.
The document is a biographic record with hints of ethnography and human geography, related to the author' experiences during childhood in Vila Velha de Ródão in the 60s and 70s of the last century.
The Tagus River, the town and its people are depicted in small stories experienced or heard by the author.
Açafa on line, 2021
In 1986, the authors were invited by the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage (IPPC) to carr... more In 1986, the authors were invited by the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage (IPPC) to carry out a preventive archaeological survey on the Ocreza River, in the area to be submerged by a reservoir intended for public supply to the region of Castelo Branco. The results obtained were documented in a report sent to the IPPC and in a short communication presented at the 2nd Jornadas da Beira Interior (1986) and published in the proceedings book. This text seeks to publish the aforementioned report, making the data obtained during those field works more accessible.
Açafa on line, 2021
This memorandum documents the actions carried out under the Mesopotamos projects “Settlement from... more This memorandum documents the actions carried out under the Mesopotamos projects “Settlement from the 5th to the 1st millennium BC between the Tagus and the Zêzere in the present Beira Baixa”, approved in 2015 by the DGPC as PIPA (Multiannual Research Project in Archeology), and LTDM “Defensive Line of Talhadas-Moradal” mainly having, mainly the Proença-a-Nova (CAPN) Archaeological Field (International) as operational framework. Mesopotamos was in effect between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018.
News by Francisco Henriques
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and), lectures, lactures and study trips in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
Soon more information at:
website of the congress:
Dear colleagues,
We are contacting you about the Tumuli and Megaliths in Eurasia Congress, scheduled for May this year, in Portugal.
Due to the evolution of the current pandemic situation, it’s impossible to hold an in-person congress, as we would like. We are aware of the general exhaustion caused by the widespread use of teleconferences and that it would be exhausting to have a three-day conference calls.
Nevertheless, there are so many good contributions that it would be a waste to cancel. Since we decided to not postpone the meeting again, we propose a different solution.
We invite all participants with accepted abstracts to record their communications. You may do it the way you find the most suitable (PPT with voiceover, documentary, a video at your site or in your laboratory, etc.). Your video will be added to the congress’ YouTube channel which will allow making your work available to a much larger audience and for much longer.
You can freely disseminate it to colleagues, students, friends and family through email, social media or any other means. You can make the video longer than the time that was established for the presentation in the congress, but you should keep it under 30 minutes.
So, we ask you to send us the video by April 30, 2021, in order to give us time to add the Congress' intro and to upload it to the Youtube channel.
Another good and important new is that, of course, we will refund all payments, meaning that we will reduce to zero the cost of participation.
In the next days, you will be able to freely download the Book of Abstracts with ISBN from the congress website
During the Congress, there will be a virtual multi-room chat platform in order for the congress participants be able to meet, discuss, brainstorm and work together. More details about this will be announced on our next contact.
After the Congress, we will produce a hardcover book with your contributions to be published by a international publisher, with the possibility of the book to be bought also on platforms such as Amazon. In order to ensure that this will be done in early 2022, you should send your papers, in English, until December 15, 2021. We will disclose the publishing guidelines soon.
The Organizing Committee
Pre- and Proto-Historic societies developed different ways to treat their dead. One of the most distinctive was offering them to earth using positive structures as artificial hills such as tumuli, mounds, and kurgans, of circular shape, are the most common across Eurasia, despite enclosing different rituals, suggesting strong structural and ritual similarities despite the geographic and chronological distances.
In the International Congress Tumuli e Megaliths in Eurasia, we aim to discuss the question: why did people so distant in space and time, build the last address for their dead in such a similar shape?
We invite podium and poster presentation focusing from the western megalithism to the central European and Asian Kurgan, and the classic Mediterranian graves. We will give preference to groundbreaking results, interdisciplinary and novel methodological approaches, regional synthesis, and innovative ways of relating them with other realities (enclosures, cromlechs, menhirs, stelae and rock carvings).
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and a modern fossil path), lectures, colloquium and a study trip in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
More information:
Papers by Francisco Henriques
O projeto PaleoTejo – Paleolítico Inferior e Medio no Rio Tejo rege-se por três objetivos principais: 1, estudo dos acervos; 2, caracterização geoarqueológica dos contextos; 3, respetiva datação e, por fim, a publicação sistemática dos resultados. Apresentamos o enquadramento histórico das investigações e o estado atual dos trabalhos.
The preliminary study of a set of coins collected by Father Alfredo Dias, during the conservation works of the Mother Church of Proença-a-Nova and the construction of the Parish Center, in the early 80s of the last century, was released. In addition to the coins, the collection maintained at the facilities of that Parish Center includes a button and two human jaws.
In the 80s of the last century, the authors undertook a wide range of ethnographic recollections, predominantly in the regions of Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão, which were published or kept unpublished.
One of the themes focused on was traditional medicine and pharmacy, experienced by the people of this region. The document is not a study, but just a collection of pathologies, divided into large groups with the respective therapies, although in a very incomplete result.
At the end, a remissive index of the therapeutic elements and a brief glossary are presented.
O rio Tejo, a povoação e as suas gentes são retratados em pequenas histórias vivenciadas ou ouvidas pelo autor.
The document is a biographic record with hints of ethnography and human geography, related to the author' experiences during childhood in Vila Velha de Ródão in the 60s and 70s of the last century.
The Tagus River, the town and its people are depicted in small stories experienced or heard by the author.
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and), lectures, lactures and study trips in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
Soon more information at:
website of the congress:
Dear colleagues,
We are contacting you about the Tumuli and Megaliths in Eurasia Congress, scheduled for May this year, in Portugal.
Due to the evolution of the current pandemic situation, it’s impossible to hold an in-person congress, as we would like. We are aware of the general exhaustion caused by the widespread use of teleconferences and that it would be exhausting to have a three-day conference calls.
Nevertheless, there are so many good contributions that it would be a waste to cancel. Since we decided to not postpone the meeting again, we propose a different solution.
We invite all participants with accepted abstracts to record their communications. You may do it the way you find the most suitable (PPT with voiceover, documentary, a video at your site or in your laboratory, etc.). Your video will be added to the congress’ YouTube channel which will allow making your work available to a much larger audience and for much longer.
You can freely disseminate it to colleagues, students, friends and family through email, social media or any other means. You can make the video longer than the time that was established for the presentation in the congress, but you should keep it under 30 minutes.
So, we ask you to send us the video by April 30, 2021, in order to give us time to add the Congress' intro and to upload it to the Youtube channel.
Another good and important new is that, of course, we will refund all payments, meaning that we will reduce to zero the cost of participation.
In the next days, you will be able to freely download the Book of Abstracts with ISBN from the congress website
During the Congress, there will be a virtual multi-room chat platform in order for the congress participants be able to meet, discuss, brainstorm and work together. More details about this will be announced on our next contact.
After the Congress, we will produce a hardcover book with your contributions to be published by a international publisher, with the possibility of the book to be bought also on platforms such as Amazon. In order to ensure that this will be done in early 2022, you should send your papers, in English, until December 15, 2021. We will disclose the publishing guidelines soon.
The Organizing Committee
Pre- and Proto-Historic societies developed different ways to treat their dead. One of the most distinctive was offering them to earth using positive structures as artificial hills such as tumuli, mounds, and kurgans, of circular shape, are the most common across Eurasia, despite enclosing different rituals, suggesting strong structural and ritual similarities despite the geographic and chronological distances.
In the International Congress Tumuli e Megaliths in Eurasia, we aim to discuss the question: why did people so distant in space and time, build the last address for their dead in such a similar shape?
We invite podium and poster presentation focusing from the western megalithism to the central European and Asian Kurgan, and the classic Mediterranian graves. We will give preference to groundbreaking results, interdisciplinary and novel methodological approaches, regional synthesis, and innovative ways of relating them with other realities (enclosures, cromlechs, menhirs, stelae and rock carvings).
CAPN was created in order to investigate the archaeological sites of Proença-a-Nova, a municipality located in Central Portugal, and hopes to attract a broad international participation.
CAPN activities will include excavation at five different archaeological sites (a megalithic grave, a protohistoric hillfort, a modern military battery and a modern fossil path), lectures, colloquium and a study trip in the region.
CAPN is organized by the Upper Tagus Study Association and by the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the support of the Portuguese University of Coimbra, University of Évora, University of Porto and University of Algarve, the Spanish University of Alcalá de Henares, research centres like Hercules Laboratory, Centre for History of Art and Artistic Research, Earth Sciences Institute, the Transdisciplinary Center for Archeology (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar), the Geopark Naturtejo, the Archaeological Research Office of Military Engineering (Portuguese Army) and several companies.
More information:
O projeto PaleoTejo – Paleolítico Inferior e Medio no Rio Tejo rege-se por três objetivos principais: 1, estudo dos acervos; 2, caracterização geoarqueológica dos contextos; 3, respetiva datação e, por fim, a publicação sistemática dos resultados. Apresentamos o enquadramento histórico das investigações e o estado atual dos trabalhos.
The preliminary study of a set of coins collected by Father Alfredo Dias, during the conservation works of the Mother Church of Proença-a-Nova and the construction of the Parish Center, in the early 80s of the last century, was released. In addition to the coins, the collection maintained at the facilities of that Parish Center includes a button and two human jaws.
In the 80s of the last century, the authors undertook a wide range of ethnographic recollections, predominantly in the regions of Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão, which were published or kept unpublished.
One of the themes focused on was traditional medicine and pharmacy, experienced by the people of this region. The document is not a study, but just a collection of pathologies, divided into large groups with the respective therapies, although in a very incomplete result.
At the end, a remissive index of the therapeutic elements and a brief glossary are presented.
O rio Tejo, a povoação e as suas gentes são retratados em pequenas histórias vivenciadas ou ouvidas pelo autor.
The document is a biographic record with hints of ethnography and human geography, related to the author' experiences during childhood in Vila Velha de Ródão in the 60s and 70s of the last century.
The Tagus River, the town and its people are depicted in small stories experienced or heard by the author.
Neste artigo divulgamos a informação conhecida até ao momento, acerca do forno de cal do Monte dos Cancelos, em Malpica do Tejo. Após uma análise da região sob o ponto de vista geológico, abordamos as características da estrutura, provável época de construção e a sua classificação tipológica.
In this paper we disclose the known information so far, about the limekiln of Monte dos Cancelos, at Malpica do Tejo. After analysing the area from a geological point of view, we make an approach to the features of the entire structure, possible date of construction and its typological classification.
The archaeological inventories of 1910 and 2016 are characterized in five municipalities of the old district of Castelo Branco that integrate the present Intermunicipal Community of Beira Baixa, having as reference sources the publication of Proença Jr and Endovelico database (General Directorate of Cultural Heritage).
The St. António Chapel, in Alfrívida, is in a state of complete ruin, just like it was presented in the early seventies (20th century), when we observed it for the first time. Due to the decorative aspects, harmony and imminent risk of losing it irreversibly, it was made the registration and divulgation of the monument. In the decade of 90, after its restoration, the place reinitiated the cult.
Os dados disponíveis, parcialmente publicados, resultam, em grande parte, dos trabalhos de prospecção (para cartas arqueológicas) e dos projectos de investigação executados por diversas equipas da AEAT, desde os anos 70 do séc. XX, nos municípios de Castelo Branco, Vila Velha de Ródão, Nisa, Idanha-a-Nova, Proença-a-Nova e Oleiros.
Nesta comunicação, procuramos fazer um ponto da situação relativo ao conhecimento da ocupação deste vasto território no 2º e 1º milénios antes da nossa era, apontando-se algumas ideias-chave que poderão contribuir para uma discussão alargada de um conjunto de questões centrais à investigação deste período nesta região da Península Ibérica, como a origem das comunidades da Idade do Bronze, a emergência do povoamento de altura fortificado e respectiva cronologia, o impacto colonial fenício e orientalizante na desestruturação das formações sociais do Bronze Final, o surgimento de novas modalidades de povoamento e exploração do território durante a Idade do Ferro e, finalmente, a reacção perante a instabilidade provocada pela conquista romana.
In that work, and somehow contradicting the examples of other rivers (Erges, Aravil, Ocreza and Tejo), for the Ponsul river was pointed out a single area called Ponte do Ponsul. Ulteriorly, to fulfil the lack of information was made specific fieldwork along its river margins.
More than 19km of river terraces were mapped, along the right riverbank, between the Munheca bridge and Castanheira stream. In this sector of the river, the mining area is pratically continuous extending parallel to the bank by a zone between 100m and 1500m wide.
In articulation with the mining operation, mining areas and fronts, tailing piles, an earth-fill dam, water channels and the abnormal aggradation of the Ponsul river and some tributaries were found. In the same way, it is considered that the Roman archaeological sites of Granja (Ladoeiro) and Senhora de Mércoles (Castelo Branco) are intrinsically related with this mining area, and one of them may have been the administrative centre.
In recent years, archaeological research in the territory of Proença-a-Nova took on new dimensions as a result of the commitment of the municipality of Proença-a-Nova with the Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo, by establishing a longer term course of action. In this context, it was possible to extend the knowledge of the archaeological heritage of Proença-a-Nova in three different areas: (1) the development of an inventory of archaeological sites at the municipal level; (2) the study and promotion of megalithic graves, priority given to those integrated into the pedestrian path created by the municipality at Moitas, called “The History in the Landscape”; and, (3) the study and promotion of military structures (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries) belonging to the Defensive Line of Talhadas-Moradal.
This program culminated in 2012 with the creation of Proença-a-Nova International Archaeological Field Camp, whose fourth edition, covering the year 2015, included a diversified program, with excavation works performed at the megalithic monuments of Cabeço da Anta and Vale de Alvito (fourth to third millennium BC), at the eighteenth century fort overlooking the Alvito bridge, and at the walled enclosure of Chão de Galego (second to first millennium BC). The latter illustrates the intention to expand the investigation to the knowledge of this territory ancient settlement patterns.
The selected case-studies, in the municipalities of Sabugal/Guarda, Proença-a-Nova, Vila Velha de Ródão and Ansião, illustrate three different geological substrates (metasediments, granite and limestone) and represent a significant variety of engraving techniques, thematics and chronologies, from recent Prehistory to Contemporary Age.
The lithological and typological diversity of this set of rock art sites allowed us to test the proposed methodology in a diverse range of situations, thereby contributing to the identification of cases where the application may prove more effective. The data needed for calculating the M.R.M. is obtained from three-dimensional scanning of any other technology that is capable of producing point-clouds with a ground sampling value lower than the traces to be detected. In this study, the three-dimensional models were obtained by photogrammetric techniques, based on sets of digital photographs captured with a digital camera.
The M.R.M. approach was used to enhance the visual contrast of the micro-topographical data captured in three-dimensional models, thus enhancing visual perception of the surface morphology. The survey and depiction of petroglyphs using the proposed method is a semi-automatic procedure, objective and provides a greater amount of information for archaeological interpretation. The results were compared with those obtained in the past with conventional recording methods. From this experience, we discuss the advantages and limitations of this new recording technique.
Em 1993 o conjunto formado pelo Castelo (dito dos Templários ou do Rei Vamba) e pela Capela (da Senhora do Castelo) foram classificados como Imóvel de Interesse Público.
O estado de degradação daqueles dois imóveis e o enorme atractivo que aquele espaço exercia na população local e em visitantes justificavam a sua recuperação e requalificação, na óptica de uma utilização sustentada.
Em 1998, a Câmara Municipal de Vila Velha de Ródão e a Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo (AEAT) lançaram o Projecto VAMBA. O Programa adoptado fora definido em texto publicado na revista Ibn Maruan (nº 7, 1997).
Em 2009 as Portas de Ródão foram classificadas como Monumento Natural.
geographical areas such as Portalegre and Cáceres. However, papers with international (#3) and local scope (# 8) show a broad geographic impact. The online series was preceeded by a paper journal that published seven volumes.
The selected case-studies are located in four counties of the central region of Portugal (Ansião, Sabugal/Guarda, Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão) and illustrate three common lithologies in this region (limestone, granite and greywacke). They also include a significant variety of engraving techniques, thematics and cronologies from recent Prehistory to the Contemporary Era, and have all been previously recorded by direct tracing in transparent film.
The 3D scanning surveys used for the MRM calculations were accomplished using a digital SLR camera for capturing overlapping sequences of photographs. Photogrammetry and dense image matching were latter used for calculating dense 3D point-clouds from the image sets.
The MRM was used to increase the contrast of micro-topographic features of the 3D models, thus enhancing the visual perception of the surface morphology. Using this method, the depiction of engravings becomes an automated and objective procedure, increasing the amount of available information for archaeological interpretation.
The results are compared to those obtained in the past, using conventional tracing methods. From this experience we discuss the advantages and limitations of this new documentation technique.
Até 2021 foram intervencionados dez sítios arqueológicos de diferentes tipos e épocas, em 25 diferentes campanhas anuais, um abrigo rupestre (Dobra da Albarda), quatro antas (Cão do Ribeiro, Cimo do Vale de Alvito, Cabeço da Anta e Moita da Galinha), dois sítios muralhados (Chão de Galego e Castelo do Chão do Trigo), uma ermida (Igreja Velha do Peral), um forte e uma bateria militar (Batarias – Ponte do Alvito). Devem acrescentar-se os levantamentos gráficos executados em três abrigos com pinturas pré-históricas (Almourão 1 e 2, Buraca da Moura) e numa rocha gravada (Pedras das Letras). Estas ações foram enquadradas nos projetos Mesopotamos (Povoamento do 5º ao 1º milénio AC entre o Tejo e o Zêzere na atual Beira Baixa) e LTDM (Linha Defensiva das Talhadas Moradal).
Here we report another site, Cobrinhos, located 2,3km upstream from Foz do Enxarrique and 2,5km from the Pleistocene course of the Tagus River. Cobrinhos is an open-air site found in the fall of 2014 during the construction of a new building for a paper factory. The occupation seems to result from a Neanderthal quarry that exploited a dense debris flow from the nearby 400m high quartzite crests. The original archaeological layer seems to have moved downslope and presently occupies an area of 2500m2.
By opposite to what is usual in open-air sites, there are no remains that can be associated to other time-periods, which suggests a good integrity of the deposit.
The assemblage is composed by more than four thousand artifacts, from cores to chips, ~99% in quartzite and ~1% in milky quartz. The cortex present in the artifacts is congruent only with the debris, suggesting an exclusive local exploitation. The industry is typically Mousterian, with predominance of Levallois and Discoidal debitage, and abundant retouched tools, suggesting that retouch was a desirable and not only a result of edge reshaping.
Several sediment samples were taken for geological analysis and absolute dating. Also, the assemblage is presently under study for technological, typological refitting and special analysis.
In short, Cobrinhos represents a novel type-site in Portugal with crucial information to understand Neanderthal ecological and technological behavior.