My really good friend
Michelle from California sent me this award the other day totally catching me off guard. I've not been really good at posting lately...most of you know about my third move of the year and the flood so I am not going into any additional details.
Here is the award that Michelle gave me:

This award had some rules attached:
1) Put the award on your Blog
2) Pass the award on to other bloggers who bring sunshine into your life
3) Link the Nominees in your post
4) Let them know you nominated them by leaving a comment on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award
So here is my list of some people who bring sunshine to my life:
Giovanna Irde (but I always call her Gio')...can't wait to meet her face to face this summer
Serena Aratri (the happy stamper; check out her stamps at Impronte D'Autore)
Sabrina Rovatti (currenty living in Switzerland but a gypsy just like me)
Anthonette Chavez (also in California but never met in person...can you believe that?)
Joanne Travis (in rainy Seattle and you would never know that from all the bright and wonderful goodies she creates)
Brandi Wiggins (probably doesn't even know she brings sunshine in my life with all her inspiring works of art)
So while I'm here posting, I thought I would share a few things:
Here's the beginning of my new scraproom

Here's a Maya Road prize I won last month:

And here are a few last purchases:

Hope you will all have a wonderful weekend!!!