Papers by S.M. Suhail Hussain

IEEE Access, Dec 31, 2023
Designing a properly coordinated protection scheme for a multi-microgrid is very challenging beca... more Designing a properly coordinated protection scheme for a multi-microgrid is very challenging because of their distinct characteristics. A microgrid can be operated in a grid-connected mode through direct connection to utility or through another grid-connected microgrid. It can also operate in an islanded mode or get connected with another independent microgrid. The various operation modes and topologies under which the system may operate bring major challenges such as the bi-directional flow of power and substantial variation in fault current. Such characteristics make protection schemes of conventional radial distribution systems unreliable options. In this paper, a centralized communication-assisted protection scheme based on artificial neural networks is proposed. The scheme operates in a cascaded process. In the first stage, a central protection controller is responsible of identifying and isolating the microgrid or tie line which has the fault. In the second stage, the local protection controller will be activated due to detection of islanding condition. It will then identify and isolate the faulty line accordingly. Identification of fault location is accomplished through neural networks trained with massive amount of three phase voltage and current measurements of all buses and lines during different fault scenarios using MATLAB/Simulink environment. The proposed scheme utilizes IEC 61850 based standardized communication to monitor the multi-microgrid and send the trip commands. Finally, the performance evaluation of the proposed scheme in terms of end-to-end delays including neural networks computational delay and communication network delay through extensive simulations is also presented which proves the effectiveness of the proposed protection scheme. INDEX TERMS Communication assisted protection, distributed energy resources, microgrid, neural networks.
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in power system has led to changes in... more With the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in power system has led to changes in its operation. The renewable energy sources with their intermittency poses may challenges for smooth integration. In this regard, the energy storage systems are viewed as potential solution for providing the smooth power system operation with integration of renewables. However, there are different types of energy storage systems with different operational capabilities, costs and limitations. This paper presents review of state-of-the-art smart and innovative electrical energy storage systems. Further, the impact of these storage systems on power systems is reported. This research would be helpful in choosing the energy storage system for deployment in particular application.

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Jun 1, 2017
Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are being increasingly integrated in the distribution systems... more Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are being increasingly integrated in the distribution systems and resulting in complex power flow scenarios. In such cases, effective control, management and protection of distribution systems becomes highly challenging. Standardized and interoperable communication in distribution systems has the potential to deal with such challenges to achieve higher energy efficiency and reliability. Ed. 2 of IEC 61850 standards, for utility automation, standardizing the exchange of data among different substations, DERs, control centers, PMUs and PDCs. This paper demonstrates the modelling of information and services needed for control, management and protection of distribution systems with integrated DERs. This paper has used IP tunnels and/or mapping over IP layer for transferring IEC 61850 messages, such as sample values (SVs) and GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event), over distribution system Wide Area Network (WAN). Finally performance of the proposed communication configurations for different applications is analyzed by calculating End-to-End (ETE) delay, throughput and jitter.

Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution, Sep 4, 2018
Distance protection is the most widely used protection technique for transmission line protection... more Distance protection is the most widely used protection technique for transmission line protection due to its enhanced selectivity towards fault, fast response, and availability of various relay programming algorithms. However, when faults are detected in zone 2 of a relay, instantaneous tripping is not possible and are cleared after an inherent time delay. Sometimes, this increased disturbance duration may lead to system instability, power quality problems, or may result in increased plant damage. To address this issue, communication-assisted accelerated distance protection has been employed. To have this communication for tele-protection through standardised and interoperable means, an IEC 61850 GOOSE-based communication-assisted distance protection scheme is employed. This IEC 61850 GOOSE-based accelerated scheme must meet the stringent performance requirements. Thus, this study presents the experimental validation and performance evaluation of IEC 61850 GOOSE-based accelerated protection scheme by transporting GOOOSE messages through tunnelling in inter-substation for accelerated distance protection scheme. A system-in-the-loop platform has been developed to analyse the end-to-end delay performances of GOOSE messages under different WAN scenarios here. It has been found that for worst-case scenario, there is a significant operating time saving in the proposed scheme.

IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
The trend of transforming substations into smart automated facilities has led to their swift digi... more The trend of transforming substations into smart automated facilities has led to their swift digitalization and automation. To facilitate data exchange among equipment within these substations, the IEC 61850 standard has become the predominant standard. However, this standardization has inadvertently made these substations more susceptible to cyberattacks, which is a significant concern given the confidential information that is transmitted. As a result, cybersecurity in substations is becoming an increasingly critical topic. IEC 62351 standard provides guidelines and considerations for securing the IEC 61850 messages to mitigate their vulnerabilities. While securing Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages has received considerable attention in literature, the same level of scrutiny has not been applied to Sampled Value (SV) messages despite their susceptibility to cyberattacks and similar frame format. This paper presents the impact of replay and masquerade attacks on SV messages. It also develops a scheme for securing SV messages against these attacks. Due to high sampling rate and time critical nature of SV messages, the time complexity of security scheme is critical for its applicability to SV messages. Hence, in this work, SV emulators have been developed in order to send these modified secure SV messages and investigate their timing performance. The results show that the proposed scheme can mitigate replay and masquerade attacks on SV messages while providing the necessary high sampling rate and stringent timing requirements.

2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)
This paper proposes IEC 61850 communication for predictive dynamic stability scheme (PDSS) in mic... more This paper proposes IEC 61850 communication for predictive dynamic stability scheme (PDSS) in microgrids. The required phasor data for estimation of future angles is communicated through IEC 61850-90-5 Routable-Sampled Value (R-SV) messages. Similarly, the protection commands (i.e. Trip signals) issued by the microgrid central controller, running PDSS algorithm, are communicated as Routable-GOOSE (R-GOOSE) messages. Furthermore, this paper presents the real time laboratory implementations of proposed IEC 61850 communication using IEC 61850 emulator platform. This IEC 61850 emulation platform is required to analyze the applicability and feasibility proposed IEC 61850 communication before its real-life implementation. Finally, the performance evaluation of proposed IEC 61850 communication for realizing PDSS scheme in terms of end-to-end (ETE) delays is presented.

2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Green Technology (ICISGT), 2019
Microgrids are localized group of electric power generating resources and loads employed for incr... more Microgrids are localized group of electric power generating resources and loads employed for increasing grid resiliency and reliability during emergency and severe weather conditions. The microgrids can operate in grid connected as well as islanded mode. Once islanded, the microgrid needs resynchronization for connecting back to the utility grid for operating in grid-connected mode. This resynchronization process of microgrid is carried out by synchrophasors through Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) in this paper. The resynchronization conditions are as per the IEEE 1547 Std. Although resynchronization of microgrid using PMU has been explored, but the demonstration of resynchronization process in real time has not been reported yet. Thus, in this paper, real time simulation of the microgrid is carried out in a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) environment and resynchronization is achieved by PMU. The real time demonstration of the proposed approach helps in validating the technique an...
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2020
With the increasing shift toward electric vehicles (EVs) as a means of transportation, their part... more With the increasing shift toward electric vehicles (EVs) as a means of transportation, their participation in smart grid operations is gaining importance. If not managed properly, charging a large fleet of EVs could lead to detrimental effects on the smart grid's reliability and stability. On the other hand, EVs can support the grid through vehicle-togrid (V2G) operation and help improve frequency stability and maximize energy use from renewable resources. Managing all these cases requires effective coordination, which hinges on communication between different equipment from varying vendors. Therefore, a standardized modeling that lends itself to interoperability is vital.

2018 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2018
In this paper, out of phase re-closing of islanded microgrid with utility grid is considered. Act... more In this paper, out of phase re-closing of islanded microgrid with utility grid is considered. Active synchronization of microgrid with the help of synchrophasors through Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) is considered. Synchronization is achieved by satisfying the microgrid reconnection requirements specified by IEEE 1547 std. The voltages and phase angles are measured by IEC 61850-90-5 PMUs. The 61850-90-5 PMU, MGCC and DER controller communication are modeled according to IEC 61850 and implemented with UDP/IP. The phase angle differences at PCC, if any before synchronization, are eliminated by MGCC. MGCC coordinates the DERs, as per constraints, to produce the required active power in microgrid to eliminate the phase angle difference. The synchronization process is demonstrated through simulations.

Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems
The conventional power systems are evolving as smart grids. In recent times cyberattacks on smart... more The conventional power systems are evolving as smart grids. In recent times cyberattacks on smart grids have been increasing. Among different attacks, False Data Injection (FDI) is considered as an emerging threat that has significant impact. By exploiting the vulnerabilities of IEC 61850 Generic Object-Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Values (SV) attackers can launch different FDI attacks. In this paper, a real-time set up capable of simulating FDI on GOOSE and SV protocols is developed to evaluate the impact of such attacks on power grid. IEC 62351 stipulates cybersecurity guidelines for GOOSE and SV, but only at communication or Information Technology (IT) level. Hence there is a need to develop a holistic security both at IT and Operation Technology (OT) level. In this regard, a novel sequence content resolver-based hybrid security scheme suitable to tackle FDI attacks on GOOSE and SV is proposed. Furthermore, the computational performance of the proposed hybrid se...
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET)
IET Renewable Power Generation

World Electric Vehicle Journal
Power system control is an important issue with regard to power system safety, flexibility, and r... more Power system control is an important issue with regard to power system safety, flexibility, and reliability. Over the years, various new power system control strategies have been explored, but the main disadvantage of these control strategies is their complexity in structures with respect to industrially applied PID controller. The present paper introduces a novel control strategy based on modified disturbance rejection control, which is a modification of the PID controller that not only preserves the simplicity of control design but also offers an effective control based on state observer-based control law. The proposed control strategy addresses some basic limitations of a PID controller and implements modified control law to remove these limitations. In order to prove the effective control of the proposed control strategy, a standard IEEE-39 bus power system integrated with renewable energy generations is developed, and a comparative analysis of the proposed controller is perform...
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields

Electronics, 2020
Smart grid technology enables active participation of the consumers to reschedule their energy co... more Smart grid technology enables active participation of the consumers to reschedule their energy consumption through demand response (DR). The price-based program in demand response indirectly induces consumers to dynamically vary their energy use patterns following different electricity prices. In this paper, a real-time price (RTP)-based demand response scheme is proposed for thermostatically controllable loads (TCLs) that contribute to a large portion of residential loads, such as air conditioners, refrigerators and heaters. Wind turbine generator (WTG) systems, solar thermal power systems (STPSs), diesel engine generators (DEGs), fuel cells (FCs) and aqua electrolyzers (AEs) are employed in a hybrid microgrid system to investigate the contribution of price-based demand response (PBDR) in frequency control. Simulation results show that the load frequency control scheme with dynamic PBDR improves the system’s stability and encourages economic operation of the system at both the cons...

IEEE Access, 2019
There is growing awareness towards cybersecurity threats in power systems. IEC 61850 standard fac... more There is growing awareness towards cybersecurity threats in power systems. IEC 61850 standard facilitates communication between different Intelligent Electronic devices (IEDs) and eases interoperable operation with set data and message structures. An unwanted consequence of this standardized communication over ethernet is increased viability to cyber threats. The IEC 62351-6 standard stipulates the use of digital signatures for ensuring integrity in IEC 61850 message exchanges. However, the digital signatures result in higher computational times which makes it very difficult to use for Generic Object-Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) messages. This short communication article proposes implementation of the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms, such as Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) and Advanced Encryption Standard-Galois Message Authentication Code (AES-GMAC), for GOOSE message integrity. Lab tests are run to observe their timing performances and feasibility for GOOSE. INDEX TERMS IEC 62351, IEC 61850, generic object-oriented substation Events (GOOSE), cybersecurity, hash-based message authentication code (HMAC), advanced encryption standard-galois message authentication code (AES-GMAC).

Scientific Reports
IEC 61850 is emerging as a popular communication standard for smart grids. Standardized communica... more IEC 61850 is emerging as a popular communication standard for smart grids. Standardized communication in smart grids has an unwanted consequence of higher vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Attackers exploit the standardized semantics of the communication protocols to launch different types of attacks such as false data injection (FDI) attacks. Hence, there is a need to develop a cybersecurity testbed and novel mitigation strategies to study the impact of attacks and mitigate them. This paper presents a testbed and methodology to simulate FDI attacks on IEC 61850 standard compliant Generic Object-Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) protocol using real time digital simulator (RTDS) together with open-source tools such as Snort and Wireshark. Furthermore, a novel hybrid cybersecurity solution by the name of sequence content resolver is proposed to counter such attacks on the GOOSE protocol in smart grids. Utilizing the developed testbed FDI attacks in the form of replay and masquerade att...

The ongoing pandemic due to novel coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly unsettled the h... more The ongoing pandemic due to novel coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly unsettled the health sector with a considerable fatality rate. The main factors that help minimize the spread of this deadly virus are the proper use of masks, social distancing and antibody growth rate in a person. Based on these factors, we propose a new nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm named COVID-19 Based Optimization Algorithm (C-19BOA). The proposed C-19BOA mimics the spread and control behavior of coronavirus disease centered on three containment factors: (1) social distancing, (2) use of masks, and (3) antibody rate. Initially, the mathematical models of containment factors are presented, and further, the proposed C-19BOA is developed. To ascertain the effectiveness of the developed C-19BOA, its performance is verified on standard IEEE mathematical benchmark functions for the minimization of these benchmark functions and convergence to the optimal values. These performances are compared...
2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT)
Papers by S.M. Suhail Hussain