Monday, June 30, 2008
Time Imagined
She Dreamed...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Music Inspires me how about you?
I have, I think an eclectic taste in music I like most all music-oldies, alternative, broadway, classical and even some rap and weird Al...pretty much everything but country! My favorite though is Celtic music I find it very inspiring artistically for me. Here's my playlist of with a few of my favorite songs.
Well for some reason my playlist is not showing up if anyone knows a solution please let me know otherwise try the following link maybe it will work:
Friday, June 27, 2008
Bloomin' Buddies!
My beautiful tropical plant is blooming in all our wonderful (NOT) heat. I'm thrilled to see it blooming after nursing it through the cold part of winter by leaving a string of lights on to keep it warm.
Now that it's blooming imagine my surprise when I discovered my wee fairy flowers hanging around! They really seemed to be having a good time, don't they! I didn't let them see me as I quickly snapped some pictures!!
I even had some new ones arrive!
Crafty Blogger Blurb Friday!
I thought I'd mix up the links a bit for this weeks Crafty Blogger Blurbs. I've been hearing that not everyone gets through the list because they're off on to the first few links and then before you know it 5 hours have gone by and it's time to make dinner and the kids are chewing on you toes....oh wait that was a movie wasn't it LOL I know with me a lot of times I feel like I need to leave bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel to find my way back to where I started LOL
Layers Upon Layers
Have you ever wanted to try creating an abstract work but found it too intimidating? Come and try it anyway!
The Impatient Blogger
Madge reviews a fabulous new metal clay book by jewelry making expert Tammy Powley. If you've ever been metal clay curious, this is the book for you!
Learn the anatomy of a polymer clay bead this week.
Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
Kick off summer with a chance to win a copy of Making Designer Mixed-Media and Memory Jewelry, check out some beautiful handcrafted dolls, a free crochet hacky sack pattern and a how-to on making a recycled denim pillow with a bird appliqué.
Crafty Princess Diaries
Get a free metal clay project over at the BeadStyle blog. This downloadable project shows how to make some super easy metal clay beads!
About Family Crafts
Browse through photos of home-made greeting cards and submit your own. Cross Stitch
Stitchers - Start Your Stockings! It is never to early to start on holiday projects, but don't wait too late.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Gothic Joy!

Monday, June 23, 2008
Shout Out
Anyhow, do check it out:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Phenomenal Flowers & Fairies Tutorials

I am so thrilled to play with these embossed blank paper flowers! They're awesome and are a perfect union with my Color Mists, it's a match made in heaven! Now finally I can create the colored flowers I want! You can even stamp on them and then color or visa versa.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Crafty Blogger Blurb Friday!
Craftside- A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
Coming down the isle at Craftside are announcements, party favors and containers, jewelry and ribbon work all with a wedding theme but easily transformed for any occasion or special event!
Crafty Princess Diaries
Thinking of submitting your craft designs to magazines? Do your homework first! Here is lesson 2 on getting your crafts published.
Cross Stitch at
Stitch a Hopeful Quote from Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.
Bangles, cuffs and dangles - it's a plethora of polymer clay bracelets!
Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
Check out another vintage Craft that repurposes old labels and buttons into something with a purpose
The Impatient Blogger
Join The Impatient Crafter™ Margot Potter in this fun filled video lesson where she shows you how to make inked and collaged pendants. Oo la la!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Morgan's Delectable Fudge Cake
Morgan's Delectable Fudge Cake
1 Box of Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix
3 Eggs
3/4 C. Oil
1 1/3 C. of water
1 Bag of Dark Chocolate M & M's
1 Cookies 'n Cream Candy Bar
Chocolate Fudge Frosting
Mix fudge cake mix, eggs, oil and water according to directions. Divide cake mixture between two greased and floured 8" round cake pans. Bake at 350' for 30-35 mins. Spread frosting on one layer of baked cake and place M & M's on top of frosting between cake layers. Place second cake on top and frost. Crunch cookies 'n cream candy bar up into small pieces and sprinkle on top of cake.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Best laid plans of a Gothic arch...
I was excited to see the theme for the Gothic Arch Challenge was anything goes. Since it's been warm here my muse immediately thought of a beach theme.
I dug through my stash and found a background I had already started (I like to start backgrounds and then put them away to use down the road). I had used a piece of off white weathered paint paper from OTM's pastel paper pack (it's hard to tell but the pack really does have some cool papers that can be further colored and altered) and then used chalk inks and inked around the shape of a bird sticker and then removed it.
I decided I just had to play with the glass bead medium again, so I created some faux sand using it. See my process below:
Faux Sand
Add glass medium in a small container
Add 1 drop of 2 Drops of Nickel Azo Gold, 2 drops of iridescent Copper (light), 1 drop of Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide, mix well.
Add extra fine iridescent glam glitter as desired and mix well again.
Spread peanut butter looking mixture onto card.
I added a piece of bamboo trim I found and cut the end to fit.
Embed small shells into wet mixture and allow to dry.
Finished Arch!
Here's the saga story of my arch...
As I began using the glue stick on the back of the image the glue was a bit too sticky and I it just ripped her head right off her body...yep, I had a headless beach babe LOL shoot, I thought I really wanted to use this Vintage Beach Babe image! Then I thought hey, I'll just add another head from a bird or something like that...yep that sounded good! Off I went to go through my bird images and then I got ready to print out my sheet of heads, and for two days I tried to get that sheet to print...nada! There was some kind of corruption problem between the software and the printer. Dang it! I thought, I just want to finish this piece! So early this morning as I was sitting there caffeine deprived waiting for my coffee to be done. I had a brainstorm looking down seeing the head staring up at me and then the flowers, and the piece FINALLY came together Whoo-hoo!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Textured Deli Wrap Journal Tutorial

Friday, June 13, 2008
Crafty Blogger Blurb Friday!
Can you believe it's Friday already! Wow, has this week flown by! We're still trying to get acclimated to school out for summer and developing a summer routine. Anyhow, here is this weeks Crafty Blogger Blurbs, enjoy! Cross Stitch
Don't toss old or unwanted CDs! Transform them with Cross Stitch instead.
Craftside- A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world=Over at Craftside there is an inside peek, patterns and projects from The New Knits For Men and a chance to win a free copy of Making Jewelry with Hardware Gems, and Beads. Sign up for the Craftside Newsletter and get a free postcard desktop frame. Also check out posts that include free Father's Day graphic quote downloads, and patterns and "how-to's" for retro placemats, napkins and a needle felted bag.
Crafty Princess Diaries
Get a crafting blast from the past and flip through the pages with the Crafty Princess and this 1974 Women's Circle magazine.
Diary of a Crafty Chica
Find out why you need to make a bliss book!
Polymer clay hits the beach with a fun shell inspired tutorial.
Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
Over at Sweater Surgery there are some wild photos of Fire Hula Hooping, an Alice In Wonderland cake, picts and crafts from CRAFT Magazine's 07 Release Party at Reform School and crafting/recycling depression era style from my Grandfather in honor of Father's Day.
The Impatient Blogger
Madge shares a new painting by her mother, the coveted Frankfurter Loaf Recipe and details on her Kewpie Doll Challenge!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things...
I get asked a lot what products I like and why, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite products that I use consistently.
First, let me say that I will pretty much use or try anything and have no loyalty to any one product, that is until I discover and I fall in love with how well a product works for me. It's that product that when you don't have it you feel like you lost an arm or hand!
Spray Sealer/clear coat-- I use to be a Krylon girl and do still love a lot of the Krylon products but for a top coat I LOVE PYM II also now labeled as CI SUPER SEAL. This product is amazing! It dries super fast, is non toxic, has awesome protectorates from UV and water/moisture damage. It will leave your piece the same finish as it started with so if you have something matte it will stay matte finish. I now seal everything with it to keep my pieces from fading. I have a mailbox I painted two years ago that is still as bright as ever, and normally it would have been faded after one summer in our intense valley heat!
3D Crystal Lacquer--this product I discovered several years ago as a happy accident of sorts. I had been using Diamond Glaze on a large project until I ran out of DG so I grabbed the bottle of 3D Crystal Lacquer I had bought put away and forgot about. Boy was I happy to discover that the problems I had with DG, cloudiness, bubbles and slow drying time, were gone when I used 3D! I also discovered that 3D Crystal Lacquer dried so much harder, it's the closest I've found to using a regular 2 part resin without all the mess!
Extra fine Glamour Dust - I've been using this fine iridescent glitter for the last 8 years and love it because of how fine it is. A little goes a long way! I was having a hard time finding it locally after all these years so I've started carrying it on OTM so I don't have to panic anymore! A little goes a long way and a bottle will last me a good long time.
Lets talk paper! Yep, I even have favorite printer papers! Epson Presentation Paper Matte (formerly Photo quality Inkjet Paper)--this is the light weight paper and comes 100 sheets a box. I also use Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte (formerly Matte Paper Heavyweight) this paper comes 50 sheets a box. You will get vibrant images printing on this paper. I just recently tried Staples brand of matte heavy weight photo paper and you can actually print on both sides whereas the Epson brand you can only print on one side.
Stay tuned for more products next week!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Send in the Clowns!

Sunday, June 08, 2008
Boy What a Busy Weekend!
Shout Out and Challenge!

Whoops, I almost forgot to mention that Outside The Margins is one of the sponsors for the challenge contest! Check out the prize booty below that OTM is offering:
Friday, June 06, 2008
Crafty Blogger Blurb Friday!
Whoops, I almost didn't make it in time, but better late then never, right! Here's this weeks Crafty Blogger Blurbs!
Craftside- A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
This week at Craftside there are pills as gifts, moments with Slash (from Guns N' Roses), a sneak peek at L.K. Ludwig's new book-True Vision, and a great how-to on making an accordion triangle book with a bead closure.
Crafty Princess Diaries
Marketing your craft work and yourself does pay off! Here are a few examples of why this is true and why marketing is worth your time.
Cross Stitch at
Brighten up your day with a happy little sun or select one of the other fun summer-themed patterns.
Layers Upon Layers
Digital manipulations using a torn paper landscape background
Polymer Clay -CraftGossip -Pearls of Wisdom, a creative challenge.
Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
Stefanie rubs knitting needles with a bunch of superstar knitters at BEA and takes her turn with the sticks and whips up a bunch of cute knitted purses with bangle bracelets for handles and I don't stick with just yarn!
The Impatient Blogger
Join Madge as she shares some sage advice about getting your work published.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Fairy House Obession
I'm obsessed having such fun making these fairy birdhouses. Click the link to see my other fairy houses & tutorial from before:
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
A Special Annoucement

Monday, June 02, 2008
I love when things seem to come together. I was able to finish the Old Friend's piece I posted about previously (see Cleaning is Like a Box of Chocolate.)
I began by spreading Golden's molding paste on the sides and backside of a 10x10 chunky canvas and then combed through it with a paint comb adding texture.
Once the molding paste dried I painted it with Golden's fluid acrylic paints in various colors & layers and then went back with transparent glaze and a baby wipe and hit the high points of the piece with the glaze. Once it was completely dried I added some printed gaffer's tape around the outside as a boarder and some rub-on numbers inside along with the book cover.
Next I added the embellishments: some shells in a small glass bottle of purple sand from Big Sir, a compass and a tag. Now it's ready to send to my friend. I love how serendipitous this piece started :-)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Cleaning is like a Box of Chocolates, you never know what you'll find...
I contemplated several titles when writing this: Anatomy of an Idea....One Thing Leads to Another...and finally settled on a Gumpisim.
Not to long ago I bought some old books on eBay....they weren't really worth anything, but I bought them because of a couple of very old chemistry books that were included in the lot. I gave them to my son who is graduating and going off to college to study chemical engineering. He loved the books, and in the process I got some old books that I could use for my art.... I paid very little for them so for me it was definitely a win-win situation.
Speaking of the books.... while I was cleaning my work area and
trying to make sense out of my mess organizing it, I came upon a couple of the books I mentioned previously. I began thumbing through one and noticed a sweet picture that reminded me of my best friend and I, then I read the story on the page and BLING! BLING! the idea light bulb went into overdrive, especially after I noticed the cover of the book. So of course I continued organizing and cleaning my entire work area, making it something Martha Stewart would be envious of didn't waste time getting to work on my new found idea!
Here's another pictures as my piece progresses...its not done, yet. I'm thinking of using a canvas turned around as a shadow box of sorts to mount it into it, so stay tuned.
The book Saga continues...again while
desperately trying to procrastinate diligently cleaning I thumbed through yet another of those books and I came across a JACKPOT! in between the pages of the book were images that appear to have been cut out of magazines. It looks like they might have been cut out for someone to play paper dolls because outfits were cut out as well. Who knows how long they have been in this book they look to be from the 50s.