Don't faint I took a little, well okay, a rather long break from blogging Life got crazy with kids out of school and trying to run a business. Due to the encouragement from a crazy friend, I like to call Herbie, who incidentally just wrote a book for artists that I highly recommend, I'm back to blogging (Thanks Herbie!) :-)
You can check out Di "Herbie" Barton's books at the following website: she also has a new one due out soon!
The Kid's are back in school and we're into October already and I'm trying to maintain some resemblance of sanity during our busiest time of year. Why so busy? well hubby starts working *crush season* at the winery he works at 7 days a week from July through November (yes you read right no days off during this time). What does that mean for us the support group at means Mom attempts to play dual roles as both Mom and Dad (i.e. chief bottle washer and taxi driver extraordinary!). In other words no tag teamin' to get kids places or go to meetings etc. (Anyone have a copy of How to Clone for Dummies?) It also means that hubby works long and hard and comes home very tired and only gets to see the kids in the mornings before they're off to school.
Now that Mr. Morgan is in Junior High (yikes how can that be!) he is as busy as his brother. Jazz band and music lessons after school. Spencer has marching band and that in itself is time consuming and then throw in there Scouts for both of them and its a wonder I have any sanity left...wait maybe I don't LOL
I have snuck some art time in mostly getting ready for a boutique my local art group is putting on: exciting news Flat Aileen has returned home and is washing clothes and packin' her bag to continue on her adventures: had the best time at Christys in Virginia going to Art & Soul with her getting to rub elbows with celebrty artists! Yes, I'm jealous but someone has to stay home and mind the store LOL! A big thank you goes out to Christy for putting up with Flat Aileen and being such a generous hostess. You can check out Christy's art here:
I've been having fun etching copper recently here's my first piece a Copper square with a leaf etched in it:

I used following directions:'s an Altered Journal I created using the copper piece: