Since buying my new camera I have found myself becoming rather attached to it.
There are times when it is not with me that I scold myself especially when I see a particular scene that, to my mind, would make an interesting photo.
So here are just a few of those photographs, things that have recently caught my eye.
The Ship on a Stick.
This can be found on the outskirts of Portumna, Co. Galway quite close to the River Shannon
upon which I doubt very much it will ever cruise again.
A conglomeration of coastal properties that sit under the Burren uplands and on the banks of
Galway Bay. The smallest of them always attracts my eye.
The Keep
A very well preserved circular building made of local stone.
I often wonder whether it was once a lot higher, though I guess that we shall never know.
Kiosk Lady
She must have plenty to natter about for she is always there,
chatting away at all times of the day and night.
Rainbows on the wall
I captured these lads early one morning floating about and looking rather attractive,
my one complaint is that the pots of gold are nowhere to be found.
Fresh leaves in Sunlight
The scene caught my eye this morning while visiting Mrs H in her studio,
so I dashed indoors for my camera.
The Dog in the Doorway
How could I not resist capturing the magnificent Toby
guarding the entrance and enjoying the scent of spring.
It is a rambling garden that we have, with worn down paths that flow easily amongst
whispering wild flowers where bees and other small creatures live in harmony.