You may have noticed that I have been absent from the world of blogging for a considerable time and my excuse is that I accompanied Mrs H who was exhibiting her artwork, for a little over 9 weeks, at The Loughcrew Megalithic Centre near Oldcastle in Co. Meath. It was very successful and we met a lot of interesting people from all over the world, as well as making lots of new friends and reconnecting with old ones.
Physically we both felt weary after the exhibition closed so we decided to treat ourselves to a bit of R and R to recharge our batteries.
We have a favourite place in which to do this, a world away from our habitat, a place that I can best describe as being an area of old wildness that is skirted by the sea, a place that has always revitalised us with it's gentleness.
Please enjoy the photos.
Tell me do you too have a favourite place where you recharge your inner battery ?
A refurbished Norman Towerhouse
A ladies bike with no sign of the owner and just to make sure that she had not
jumped into the sea I did take a look.
Seeing this oarsmen reminded me of a favourite piece of music, The Lonesome Boatman.
This old timer always catches my eye.
I'm not sure whether the yacht on the quay side has recently been removed from the water or if she has been there all summer.
As for this green hulled boat I assume that it is a workboat of some kind or other.
One thing is for sure it is the first craft I have ever seen to have exhaust pipes on
either side of the wheelhouse.
A bird on the loose ?
Long ago, in a former occupation of mine, seagulls were known as being
re-incarnated Fleet Chief Petty Officers, others knew them as shite hawks.
Now here is a really tidy, neat and clean looking sloop to be proud of.
What about this elderly lady, isn't she in good shape for her age ?
I bet her owner is very proud of her !