Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello 2012!!!

and goodbye 2011!!! Wishing everyone a happy and a blessed new year to come!! Thanking the Lord for all the blessings of 2011, for all that has been good, holy and gracious, asking for forgiveness for all the way we've sinned, failed or stumbled! No matter what happens to us tomorrow or the next day or the one after that , just remember our destiny lies with God !
What is there for us to fear?

Iam also reposting this project I made for Clear Scraps!!

I am SO giddy to share this project :) . Can't tell you ho much I enjoyed working on this calendar. Really, there were no stopping or slowing me down once I strated with it. This
 Clear Scraps Calendar Kit. is totally awesome!

Other Supplies used:
Accent Scrapbooking Embellishments, 7Gypsies, Technique Tuesday Banner Stamp, Basic Grey, DCDW Stickers, Donna Downy Flower Stamps, Making Memories & Pink Paislees Papers, Heidi Swapps Masks, Martha Stewart Punch, Quick Kutz.

Have a Scrappy Day!!!!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Love Peace JOy Frame!!

More Christmas project! Before I forget here's a quick post just to share another Christmas project I created for my Clear Scraps team!!! You can check it out here!

thanks for peeking into my simple life!!!
love - peace - joy


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Acrylic Cone !!

Hi  everyone!!! just want to share this project created for my Clear Scraps Team!!!

Supplies used:
Clear Scraps XL Acrylic Scallop Circle; 
Clear Scraps Acrylice Butterfly Mini Album;
Pink Paislee  Paper; Regular Twine; Big Shot; Sizzix Embossing folder; Stazon Ink  pad.

How to:
Step 1: Trace the scallop circle acrylic onto the pattern paper and cut out.
Step 2.  Roll th acrylic scallop circle to form a cone shape. Put a mark on the edge where the cone connect.
Step 3.  Punch a hole on the mark and use a twine or ribbon to hold the cone together.
Step 4: Do the same with the pattern paper but use a tape instead of twine.
Step 5: Put the paper cone inside the acrylic and punch 2 holes on each side and thread a string or ribbon through - use to hang the cone.
Step 6: Embellished the cone with acrylic butterfly.  Add texture  by using sizzix embossing powder and dub stazon ink pad for color. Attached on the cone using Zip dry glue.

Thank you all for looking!!!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Snowy Night!!

Hello hello!!! I hope you all had a good Christmas!! So in a few more days 2011 will end...are you ready to tackle the coming year?!?! Are you looking forward to another year of eventful and exciting year.  Whatever your plans and expectations are, I wish you all a happy and fruitful New Year.  Everyday is a blessings from God and the coming year is no different. Our hearts desires are put there by God and all we need to do is listen to it and act on it. :)

Few more projects to show you before the end of the year! this layout is created for my Quick Quotes Team! 

Thanks for peeking into my simple life! until next time!



Friday, December 23, 2011

Home for the Holiday!

Before it gets really busy I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! My house smells so good right at this moment, the baking has begun!!! :) My daughter and niece are doing the baking. I don't bake by the way! But, this afternoon I spent at least 2 hours preparing/wrapping hundred of little egg rolls!! bam, it's done :).
There will be more cooking for me tomorrow! It's a lot of work but I look forward to it.
I also took few more photos in the middle of all the busy-ness. I just got to! :)
Wish you all a joyous holiday and blessings to the coming year!
Love - Peace and Joy!!

Thanks for peeking into my simple life!!! until next time!!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

QQ Challenge!!!

Just a quick post to show these tags i made for my QQ Team. It's a Christmas tag challenge!! You should check it out!!! as always they have some awesome prizes!!! QQ Challenge #10.
Here are the supplies I used with these tags!
QQ Damsel in Distress
QQ Julie Je t'aime
QQ Powder Puff Chalking Ink-Blue Hawaiian
QQ Powder Puff Chalking Ink - Purple Passion
QQ Powder Puff Chalking Ink - Limeade
Purple Onion and Pink Paislee Stamps
Big Shot
Sizzix Embossing folder

 Okay, thanks for looking into my simple life, until next time!


Friday, December 16, 2011

More Christmas Cards.......

Cards are so addicting to make, you can't really just make one,  just like starting a bag of potato chips! :)
I made some of these a week ago and yes its undergoing snail mail or possibly reached its destination.
                                 This first card is what I made with  gorgeous QQ Dec Kit.

And these are the ones I made for my Clear Scraps Team!

thanks for peeking into my simple life, until next time!!!
more Christmas project to come!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hello!!! I am super excited,  I was picked to join the 2012 Imaginisce Design Team!  I just want to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity and I am looking forward to work with such talented ladies and awesome products!!! Congratulations ladies and here's to he new 2012 Imaginisce design Team....wooohooo!!!!

Here is the announcement!! and the 2012 Imaginisce Design Team!!

Abby Laubenstein (Illinois, US)
Adora Concepcion (Washington, US)
Cari Locken, DT Co-ordinator (British Columbia, Canada)
Diana Fisher (New York, US)
Guiseppa Gubler (Utah, US)
Heather Leopard (Texas, US)
Ilene Tell (Delaware, US)
Mary Ann Jenkins (California, US)
Shelley McDaniel (Texas, US)
Tiffany Hood (Utah, US)
Rebecca Keppel (Arizona, US)
Rosangela Philippsen (Curitiba, Brazil)
Regina Mangum (California, US)
Rhonda Van Ginkel (Minnesota, US)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking forward to a very creative year!! thanks for peeking into my simple life!

Love to all

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Naughty or Nice!!

Hi, I am going thru my scrapbook gallery and I stumble on this, someone is bored I guess LOL!! Can I just tell you this is my favorite layout of all time. Looking at this just makes me happy! :) I made this layout more than 2 years ago and have submitted this several times for publication (just because I forgotten I already have and it did not get picked up) LOL! anyhow, for me I think this is my best work ever!! :) and so I am re-posting it again! Just because......

thank you for peeking into my simple life!!! untile next time!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Unwrapped Christmas Magic Album....

Hello and happy Sunday to all!!! Have I told you how much I love Christmas!!! :) . The joy of gift giving,    and the excitement of receiving are all so heart warming. It gives me  warm and fuzzy feeling inside. And, there's the fun of decorating, the tree trimmings, hanging lights outside , wrapping presents and planning a family feast on that special day. It gives me the feeling of excitement. The family and friends get together,
the greetings thru e-mail, long distance phone calls and a beautiful hand made cards. It gives me a feeling of so much blessings, love and the true meaning of Christmas.  Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season!!! Anyhow,  my scrappy projects also reflect the seasons celebration, I am so inspired and happy creating my projects. :) Let me share some of it!! This album I made for my Clear Scraps Team using the Clear Scraps an acrylic stocking album such a fun project to work on.  Other supplies used are: Webster Papers, Pink Paislee Paper, House of 3 Printables; Making Memories embellishements and more.....

Thanks for peeking into my simple life......Adora

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Stocking

Hello!!! More Christmas project to share! I actually made this one a while back for my Clear Scraps team. This was used at the last CHA. The DT members were asked to decorate a page of the Clear Scraps Stocking album that will reflect our individual scrapbooking style! So, what do you think, does this project represents me? :)  Oh well I am unsure of my style anyways! I am very much a paper scrapper, I rely a lot on papers to embellished my pages,  I also consider myself  a fast scrapper, I am all for instant gratification.:) I do love certain techniques and learning and experimenting them, it adds a lot to a page. So, how would you define your scrapping style? 

Thanks you once again for peeking into my simple life........Adora!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Believe Album

Yup!!! and this is my favorite album cover ever!!! I created this album for  Clear Scraps   using the new
12X12 Top Load Album.  I love love this album and I feel so lucky to have to worked on this fabulous product. You can find more at Clear Scraps...

Other supplies used: Pink Paislee, Fancy Pants, Imaginisce.

Thank you for peeking and until next time!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Good day y'all!!! :) just a quick post to share this layout I made of my son Miguel! This is the new 
QQ Dec page kit! It's a very lovely kit! I also embellished it with Clear Scraps Clean N Chip Believe!!
You should check it out at Clears Scraps Blog with a little write up! :)

Here's a closer look!
Thanks you all for peeking into my simple life!!!
Until next time!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!!!

Yes, Christmas season is upon us once again!!!  The most wonderful and the busiest season of all!
The tree is up, some lights are hanged outside, halls are decked, and a little shopping done!  So excited for Christmas, it's all about family, presents, good food, decorations and most importantly, its the celebration of the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ!! The reason that no matter how busy we get, there is the peace and joy inside us.  

thanks for peeking into my simple life......
until next time!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fun Snow Day - QQ Dec Kit!!

Greetings eveyone!!! So have you seen snow yet in your neck of the woods?? :) Right now the coldness feels like it will come down anytime soon! As long as I don't have to drive on it, that will be fine and hopefully on a weekend!  Speaking of snow, let me share with you this layout of my grandson and the cutest snowman he built together with his uncle Miguel!!! I love how it leans on the side and to me it looks like he was smiling! :) Don't you think?  Anyhow this is what I created of the Quick Quotes Dec. Page Kit!  I love this kit, it's so perfect for this layout!!!
Yes, another GORGEOUS kit from QQ!!!

A close look of the little details! Pleated paper and ribbon and the title
attached to a folder banner.
If you love snow and waiting for it, I hope you get one soon! :)
Thanks for peeking into my simple life.......until next time!!