Hasan Saliu
Hasan Saliu, (PhD), is Associate Professor in Graduate Program of Mass Communication and Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo. He teaches seminars in mass communication theory, research methods and public relations.
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Papers by Hasan Saliu
The media play an important role on creating the image of the refugees in the host country. The local public creates an image, an opinion or a prejudice about the foreigners in their country. The creation of this image starts as soon as the media report on various conflicts and then continues with the arrival of the refugees in a host country. Besides of their suffering, the media coverage focuses also on possible adverse action or on ordinary crimes committed by refugees in asylum countries and this often increases the sensitivity of intolerance of the local public toward refugees. The transmission of negative attitudes for the refuges by various political organizations of the host country enhances the intolerance of people in the host country toward the refugees.
However, also the refugee has a pre-cooked image about the host country where he is being housed. He arrives in the host country with his memories, his culture, his lifestyle and with the information obtained earlier during his lifetime about the country where he now is a refugee, or other European countries. The image of a country or a population begins with the readings provided by the school system, continuing with the information provided by the media regarding a certain country. Apart from this, there is also the impact of government officials statements broadcasted by the media and those statements make people take an attitude or create an image which could be either friendly or hostile (unfriendly) toward that country. In today’s circumstances of the global insecurity, we constantly pose the question “why do they hate us” and how could we possibly be more attractive to avoid the need of using the ‘carrot and stick’ in order to direct the others in the desired direction?
The paper will address also the channels of communication and contents of message that encourage intolerance towards other cultures, spread more through online forums, where communication actors are often Muslim clerics.
The findings show that the media has a double role between these two parties: they may cause the increase of intolerance of the refugees toward the values of the host country, or they may cause the increase of intolerance of the host country public toward the refugees.
In recent years there has been a vast amount of these kinds of audio-visual massages that spur intolerance against other cultures. At the time when millions of people are communicating simultaneously through internet as a mediating channel without the need of physical presence, in a world when everybody sees all and knows everything and where numerous linguistic, political, cultural, religious, and other differences, make communication and tolerance even more complex.
immigrants, even within the host country, have the option of selecting information for consumption, selecting the topic for discussion in the public virtual sphere, but also to disseminate information. Through social networks these individuals discuss different issues in society. Using these networks a certain image for the host country is often created. Though the image of a country is created from readings in schools and not only, through media, visits, etc., however discussions within various forums online and in closed facebook groups create the possibility of demonizing a country for religious reasons or cultivating the feeling of victimization within immigrants. The research question here is what is the role of this online communication where different
groups or forums promote the language of hatred, intolerance and extremism? Through the survey of some online forums in Kosovo where debates are held for religious issues, the findings prove that online media has today enabled the creation of ghetto communication groups. These online communication ghettos spur the extremist spirit by refusing to communicate with other ghettos that deal with issues of general interest or that could also affect the mitigation of negative attitudes towards the host country. Interconnection between these
communicative pockets in cyberspace is a challenge both for fighting hate speech and safety in general.
Tuttavia, anche il rifugiato ha un’immagine “preconfezionata” sul paese ospitante. Il rifugiato arriva con i suoi ricordi, la sua cultura, il suo stile di vita e con le informazioni ottenute in precedenza riguardo al paese ospitante o in generale alla cultura dei paesi europei. L’immagine di un paese inizia con le letture e gli studi che avvengono durante il periodo scolastico, e continua a formarsi attraverso le informazioni fornite dai media riguardo a un determinato paese o civiltà. Le dichiarazioni di funzionari politici o governativi trasmessi dai media che esprimono atteggiamenti nei confronti dei rifugiati hanno un impatto altrettanto forte sugli atteggiamenti dei rifugiati verso il paese ospitante (Kunczik, 1997). Dunque, i media possono rivestire un duplice ruolo tra queste due parti: possono causare l’aumento di intolleranza dei rifugiati verso i valori del paese ospitante, o possono causare l’aumento di intolleranza pubblica del paese ospitante verso i profughi.
Nelle attuali circostanze d’insicurezza globale, ci poniamo costantemente la domanda “perché ci odiano” (Arndt 2006) e come potremmo diventare più riconosciuti per evitare la necessità di utilizzare il ‘bastone e carota’, al fine di indirizzare gli altri nella direzione desiderata? (Nye Jr. 2004).
Domande di ricerca che possono essere approfondite nel panel:
Qual è il ruolo dei media nel creare l’immagine di rifugiati nell’opinione pubblica del paese ospitante?
Qual è l’immagine dei rifugiati nei diversi paesi europei?
Il rifugiato ha un’immagine del paese ospitante creata prima della sua partenza, oppure questa si forma dopo un certo periodo dal suo arrivo e dipende dalle reazioni, dagli atteggiamenti e dai comportanti delle persone che vivono nel paese di asilo?
Il ruolo dei media rispetto alla questione dei rifugiati nei dibattiti pubblici: per esempio lo spazio da essi dedicato alla cronaca nera nei discorsi riguardanti i rifugiati etc.
Raccontare le migrazioni. Il giornalismo italiano tra fatti e storytelling
The paper will address the channels of communication and contents of message that encourage intolerance towards other cultures, spread more through online forums, where communication actors are often Muslim clerics.
As the wave of Asian and Africans immigrants to Europe is increasing, the host authorities are unable to identify, to manage or to neutralize the anger with which certain immigrants come. Having in consideration the dimension of memory of origin that immigrants have, the paper recommends the increase of commitment and serious cooperation by the authorities of the countries of origin where the immigrants come from, in order to reduce the inflammatory language against others and especially in public religious preaching, particularly a global cooperation in the "global public sphere" - internet. In other words, a global cyber police against inflammatory messages and against intercultural and interreligious hate speech, in the era of “global migrant”.
Key words: Stereotypes, image, public sphere, intercultural communication, hate speech.
Proponente: Hasan Saliu (AAB College, Pristina – Kosovo)
I media giocano un ruolo importante nella creazione dell’immagine dei rifugiati nel paese di accoglienza. L’opinione pubblica si crea un’immagine, un’opinione o un pregiudizio sugli stranieri. La creazione di questa immagine si fonda su quanto riportato dai media rispetto a vari conflitti e continua poi con l’arrivo dei profughi in un paese ospitante. Oltre che sulle sofferenze dei rifugiati, la copertura dei media si concentra spesso sulle possibili azioni ostili o sui crimini ordinari commessi dai rifugiati nel paese di asilo. I media trasmettono anche gli atteggiamenti negativi nei confronti dei rifugiati che vengono da varie organizzazioni politiche del paese ospitante. Anche questo tipo di informazione aumenta l’insofferenza della popolazione de paese ospitante verso i profughi.
Tuttavia, anche il rifugiato ha un’immagine “preconfezionata” sul paese ospitante. Il rifugiato arriva con i suoi ricordi, la sua cultura, il suo stile di vita e con le informazioni ottenute in precedenza riguardo al paese ospitante o in generale alla cultura dei paesi europei. L’immagine di un paese inizia con le letture e gli studi che avvengono durante il periodo scolastico, e continua a formarsi attraverso le informazioni fornite dai media riguardo a un determinato paese o civiltà. Le dichiarazioni di funzionari politici o governativi trasmessi dai media che esprimono atteggiamenti nei confronti dei rifugiati hanno un impatto altrettanto forte sugli atteggiamenti dei rifugiati verso il paese ospitante (Kunczik, 1997). Dunque, i media possono rivestire un duplice ruolo tra queste due parti: possono causare l’aumento di intolleranza dei rifugiati verso i valori del paese ospitante, o possono causare l’aumento di intolleranza pubblica del paese ospitante verso i profughi.
Nelle attuali circostanze d’insicurezza globale, ci poniamo costantemente la domanda “perché ci odiano” (Arndt 2006) e come potremmo diventare più riconosciuti per evitare la necessità di utilizzare il ‘bastone e carota’, al fine di indirizzare gli altri nella direzione desiderata? (Nye Jr. 2004).
Domande di ricerca che possono essere approfondite nel panel:
Qual è il ruolo dei media nel creare l’immagine di rifugiati nell’opinione pubblica del paese ospitante?
Qual è l’immagine dei rifugiati nei diversi paesi europei?
Il rifugiato ha un’immagine del paese ospitante creata prima della sua partenza, oppure questa si forma dopo un certo periodo dal suo arrivo e dipende dalle reazioni, dagli atteggiamenti e dai comportanti delle persone che vivono nel paese di asilo?
Il ruolo dei media rispetto alla questione dei rifugiati nei dibattiti pubblici: per esempio lo spazio da essi dedicato alla cronaca nera nei discorsi riguardanti i rifugiati etc.
Raccontare le migrazioni. Il giornalismo italiano tra fatti e storytelling
Mass media and refugees: image, stereotypes and prejudices
Proponente: Hasan Saliu (AAB College, Pristina – Kosovo)
Versione italiana
The media play an important role on creating the image of the refugees in the host country. The local public creates an image, an opinion or a prejudice about the foreigners in their country. The creation of this image starts as soon as the media report on various conflicts and then continues with the arrival of the refugees in a host country. Besides of their suffering, the media coverage focuses also on possible adverse action or on ordinary crimes committed by refugees in asylum countries and this often increases the sensitivity of intolerance of the local public toward refugees. The transmission of negative attitudes for the refuges by various political organizations of the host country enhances the intolerance of people in the host country toward the refugees.
However, also the refugee has a pre-cooked image about the host country where he is being housed. He arrives in the host country with his memories, his culture, his lifestyle and with the information obtained earlier during his lifetime about the country where he now is a refugee, or other European countries. The image of a country or a population begins with the readings provided by the school system, continuing with the information provided by the media regarding a certain country. Apart from this, there is also the impact of government officials statements broadcasted by the media and those statements make people take an attitude or create an image which could be either friendly or hostile (unfriendly) toward that country (Kunczik, 1997).
Thus, media has a double role between these two parties: they may cause the increase of intolerance of the refugees toward the values of the host country, or they may cause the increase of intolerance of the host country public toward the refugees.
In today’s circumstances of the global insecurity, we constantly pose the question “ why do they hate us” (Arndt, 2006) and how could we possibly be more attractive to avoid the need of using the ‘carrot and stick’ in order to direct the others in the desired direction? (Nye, Jr. 2004).
Research questions:
What is the role of the media in creating the image of the refugee in the mind of the host country public (people)?
What is the image of the refugee in different European countries?
Does the refugee have an earlier gained image for the host country, or he gains it by the reactions, the way they are being hosted and the behaviors of the people in the host country?
The role of media on refugee issues in public discussions: e.g. the space that media dedicate to the black chronicle in the discourse regarding refugees;
Telling about the migrants. Italian journalism between facts and storytelling.
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