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Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

Kelas GUBAHAN hantaran

ramai yg bertanya skrg k zue ada buat kelas gubahan idak? mmg x der dulu, tp oleh krn ada demand n ramai bakal pengantin skrg prefer nak buat n cungkil bakat sdiri....y not kan.
so now officially k zue buka utk kelas gubahan. yg bakal dipelajari byk ok..n mcm2 dr segi tips n teknik. Espc for freshflower.

so sesiapa berminat bleh wassup k zue 0192993324
class will be at your own convenience time and day dear... :-) #kelasgubahan

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

PAKEJ & contest

Assalam semua..

Assalam..PROMO julung kali by ZC, promosi Bijak & Jimat ni sempena Ramadan & Aidilfitri


*booking period: now-31/8/2014
*event: 1/8/2014 - 5/1/2015
*price not inclusive transportation
*hanya utk pelamin dlm Rumah
*nak pelamin ARTIFICIAL, minus rm500 dr harga pakej...{c, byk jimat tu..:-) }
*LIMIT to 5 org terawal dear

kita calling2, pm, whatsapp ke k.zue yer 0192993324...dial trus no ni
tanya arr apa jua nak tanya dik weiii...moh k.zue lyn sakan menjawab..haha x rugi k

btw ada contest utk Zues Collections FB fan page n IG follower.. SUPER REBATE Contest..for info visit the media network

FB: zues collections
IG: zuescollections

ok...jgn terlepas grab pakej bijak&jimat ni...5 yg terawal..1stcome 1st serve 

Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 GOODIE bag

Salam all….mencari pakej goodie bag terbaik n jimat tp memuaskan hati..ZC menyediakan pakej goodie bag mampu utk semua ….bleh mix n match juga mengikut citarasa anda..n if ada budget bleh war2kan so kita citer2 n discuss2..yg penting smua happy!!
Doc 2

PAKEJ 2014

salam semua…utk thn 2014 ZC ada pakej utk hantaran n pelamin. Kalu ada yg nak budget atau mewah lg pun bleh…juz give us a call/sms/wassup to 019-2993324…kita citer2 n discuss2 eh..insyaallah smua bleh asal smua happy !!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kelas Gubahan Hantaran

ZC nak adakan kelas gubahan hantaran dibulan puasa ni...

sesiapa yg berminat bleh arr pm/whatsapp Zue@0192993324 for info..

insyaallah dr kelas ni byk yg bleh dipelajari utk kegunaan diri sendiri atau mungkin perniagaan anda...
kelas 5/7/2014
jgn lupa daftarkan diri anda sekarang!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SALE giler2 murah…dulang berukir tebuk

Assalam semua..

ZC nak buat sale utk dulang terpakai kami dgn harga murah…even murah untuk pengetahuan semua, dulang2 ni masih dlm keadaan TIP TOP tau…x der deffect pun…so siapa yg berminat bleh wassup saya @  019-2993324

details dulang seperti dibawah dan ZC menjual dlm bentuk SET bukan PIECEs yer…so kalu nak beli kena beli semua peice..9 pieces in 1 SET

DSC_0242 DSC_0243

size 2.5’ x 10.5’ x 10.5’

DSC_0244 DSC_0241

size 2.5’ x 10.5’ x 10.5’

DSC_0142 Untitled-1 copy

size 2.5’ x 10’ x 10’

DSC_0138 DSC_0139

size 2.5’ x 10’ x 12’

yg berminat nak beli untuk kegunaan apa jua….bleh wassup saya yer..

harga MURAH dr biasa …siapa cepat dia dapat…tq all

Saturday, August 3, 2013

salam LEBARAN 2013

salam buat semua pengunjung blog ZC…maaf coz lately ni agak jarang mengupdate blog since adanya bb kecik in da house…my life turns havoc skit dgn kerja, working mommy cores n buss hobi ni…so mmg jrg dpt beronline mcm dulu.  so nak perkenalkan my lil prince juga here:

            Zaim 3x3 zaim hazran hafez

sesungguhnya Ramadan dah hamper penghujung..sblm ZC terlupa lg..lets me ask for forgiveness utk smua ksalahan n ksilapan buat all my past customers yer...kurang n lebih minta dimaafkan!! salam aidilfitri....!! berhati2 di jln raya n jgn main mercun..bunga api bleh...hehehe :)


berjumpa lg lpas raya Smile

Friday, May 31, 2013

ZC Package 2013

as at 2/8/2013: OUR PROMO PACKAGE HAS BEEN EXTENDED untill further notice…

salam semua..tahun ini ZC is getting serious with the business..we want to expand and as a first step we are offering a good package for all the bride to be out there to grab. Do check out our package below:
wedding1APROMO 1wedding 2
We did do for photo booth corner, candy buffet n guess wishing corner, interested?? Do inform and we quote you accordingly to your budget.

For hall dais and decoration pls send details and we quote.

email to: [email protected]

Thursday, March 14, 2013


hi all..ZC nak jual dulang koleksi lama so here comes the PROMO: dulang spt gambar + hantaran fresh flower = RM100 ONLY/PER DULANG (self collect) utk 9 dulang SHJ..siapa cepat dia dapat yer...

harga dulang tu kalu ikut rega jual n gubahan slalunya will cost more than that, plus dulang2 smua dlm koleksi CUN2 lg.. :)

siapa confirmkan dulu dgn siap payment booking RM200 dikira pembeli sah...however kalu ada CANCELLATION, deposit is not refundable yer.

interested?? email [email protected] OR 019-2993324 (watssup)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

COACH anyone??

hi all...semua...ZC comes with a collections of COACH handbag..an ORIGINAL/AUTHENTIC handbag for ladies. Brought direct frm US juz for u all.....its comes with a dust bag, box and a price tag as a proof of purchase. This is NOT an imitation/AAA grade coach....our supplier is a MAS stewardess. do not afraid of its originality!!

for ladies...time2 nak kahwin ni ler bleh dapatkan handbag2 mcm ni..kalu beli kat butik2 coach sekitar kl ni, if not more than RM1500 x dpt ler...kalu x percaya, bleh survey2 dulu ya...n kalu dpt bonus tahunan or apa2 skali pun, nak reward diri sdiri..why not handbag COACH kan... :), ianya pilihan ramai!!

for coach catalogue, pls refer to our page: COACH HANDBAG

Saturday, March 2, 2013

its not TOO late introducing {Velo Belleza}

salam semua….ZC nak share another online buss yg baru launch…its an online shop for shawl, hijab n tudung…well ianya permulaan yg baru di tahun baru ni even dah 3 bln skrg dlm thn 2013 ni..tp rasanya x terlambat utk venture in any bussiness slagi kita ada semangat, keyakinan n usaha + tawakkal….actually VB dah di launch since last monday wif good opening PROMO…tp dun worry..even ZC lambat announce disini tp di ZC fanpage dah lama kami war2kan…so bleh visit here for more info:

we have change to http://velobelleza.com.my/


Friday, August 17, 2012

mari BERAYA!!

Salam Buat Semua pengunjung ZC. bepa hr nak menamatkan bln mulia ni...sedih lak tp x sabar juga kdg2 tu..almaklum nak braya sakan..SAKAN ker? baju pun x der. oleh itu sayonara to Ramadhan n welcome tu SYAWAL!!

however Slamat menyambut raya aidilfitri...semoga slamat pergi n pulang buat kenkawan, sdara mara & yg terUTAMA Pengunjung2 SEMUA..maaf zahir batin kalu ada tersilap kata n tersalah tulis dlm blog ni.

Maaf seribu kali coz ramadhan ni mmg agak sibuk..x sempat nak balas email n even update blog n FB..insyaalah semuga lpas raya saya akan lebih free utk buat sgala update. JUMPA lg nanti!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Raya COOKIES 2012

again n again...hi to all
we have raya home made cookies in the house...for those interested do place order early n closing date is in a 2nd week of ramadhan...

price rm25 - 50pcs
delivery FOC for ordering of 5 bottles and more (restricted area)
self collect for purchase less than 5 bottles @ Sunway PJ and BTP, Rawang.

interested email to [email protected]
gosh..forgot to put name of cookies...well its avail now!!
pink crunchy oatmeal - new menu & recommended

almond choc brownies

blueberry cheessy - HOT selling last yr

bread crumb choc - HOT selling last yr

choc almond crunchy -new menu & recommended

coconut toasted - recommended

green pistachio - recommended 

samprit chip

snow almond - new menu & recommended

snow white suji

snowy oat

btw..nama2 biskut ni ada lah gambaran sebenar rasa biskut2nya juga..bkn stakat nama yer..mmg crunchy, reflect the names - rasa almond, pistachio, coconut, oat n etc....taste able home made cookies!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

HAMPER corp 2012

hi all
for those who are looking for a diffnt type n theme of hamper...wooden carving is our choice in a luxury looks of boxes or e' common one in a jar/canister for the goodies. its all up to you...do read for more info frm our catalogue.

click catalogue for larger image :)

for those interested...email to [email protected]

Sunday, January 8, 2012

in MAGAZINE again..

hi all..this is another hantaran previously made but just published in the Pesona Pengantin mag – Jan 2012.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


hi all…such a long holiday is it..hope SYAWAL still meriah till its end. juz to share some happy news for me for my small biz – the magazine photoshoot with majalah PENGANTIN is out now. its appear in Oktober edition as below..enjoice the piccas.

m_DSC_0856 m_DSC_0855

m_DSC_0858 m_DSC_0857

m_DSC_0106 m_DSC_0104

well so left another 2 more hantarans n maybe insyaallah in next kluaran of majalah pengantin…wait n c….