Thursday, September 9, 2021


I watched this few weeks ago when I had my broken-heart. Well, I do still have it but oh well, its healing. Alhamdulillah. I am going to heal bit by bit. Allah knows the best. So went to my brother's house with sobbing and after they calmed me down. They suggested this movie and I actually enjoyed it. I cried for Alberto but mostly I cried for my broken heart more. LOL silly me!


One day, Luca meets Alberto Scorfano, a fellow sea monster child who lives alone above the surface, claiming that his father simply is not around much. Alberto encourages Luca to adventure out of the ocean, showing him that sea monsters turn into humans when dry, but return to their true forms when wet. Luca follows Alberto to his hideout on Isola del Mare,[10] where the boys connect while making and riding a makeshift, fragile Vespa.


Love love love the storyline of this movie. It is simple but meaningful. I laughed a lot when they tried as much as they can to hide the facts that they are sea monsters. I like it how they can dry themselves fast. The love that they taught in this movie is amazing as the love between friends, strangers and family.   

Thank you for watching!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Ada Hantu!

The poster are so plain and so dull. This is my first time when I came across this poster but since I love horror movie so I put it on the list. Fully forget about it then my brother came and said lets watch this movie and you won't regret it and yeah, I watched it 5 times already and will re-watch it anytime soon. 


The concept is totally brilliant. I love how the storyline, simple conflict and best of the best are, all the cast are good in holding their own character. They script are amazing and normal. Since my brother gave out a lil bit out spoiler said that do not give up on this movies halfway because there are more to look forward so, I stayed. If he did not warned me I would already leave when Alif got his leg pulled on the bed because I hate how they make up the ghost's hand. I love the part where they clap the hand and wait for the clap to be replied and love how the camera works with background sound at that moment. Anyway, this movies is too good to give out the spoiler. I love the ending. For me the ending are mostly brilliant. If this series goes to cinema I believe it will make tons of money. Watch it if you haven't.


Thank you for watching!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A Quiet Place Part II

 Watched A QUIET PLACE before watching A QUIET PLACE II.
These two are goodie good and you wont regret it.


During a baseball game, the Abbott family - wife Evelyn, husband Lee, deaf daughter Regan, and sons Marcus and Beau - and other spectators witness a strange cloud-like object hurtle towards the Earth. Hostile extraterrestrial creatures attack and begin slaughtering people. The blind creatures possess armored skin, have extraordinary speed and strength, and track victims with hypersensitive hearing, attacking anything that makes a noise.


Watched this movie without remembering the cast and storyline of the prequel at all. I only remember there are some animals that will kill once they heard the voice. I kind of like this movie a lot. I love how strong the bonding between the family who wants to take care of each other. All the characters are strong and not selfish. I like how the story flow and the part where the baby and Marcus are locked in the hole where there are lack of oxygen does make me feel worried and shaking because I don't want the baby to be dead. Since I dont have any complaint about this movies so I might just leave it here like this and it is highly recommended ! 

Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Its been months!

 Its been months I disappeared. I miss this blog so much. I want to continue writing and do reviews. I don't care if I don't make money out of this but I do miss sharing my thoughts. 
Recently I does not feel like myself at all. I overjoy the moment that been lend to me for a while. I forgot to stay in reality. I want to come back being in reality but in the fantasy world. Real reality world scares me so much. My brother said that I spent too much in my fantasy world that is why even when I came back into reality world it still scares me. Listened to that, I am a bit disappointed as is it my fault?

So, I still see some people viewed my page daily eventho I have not update anything. Thank you so much for it. I am so thankful and I will come back I know I will do. My resolution this year is posting one post per day but I failed. I did come and stared at the monitor couple of times but I got writer block and I know why. I promise I am healing bit by bit nowadays and will come back stronger without care. I miss the old me. I miss me.