User talk:Shizhao/2014
Jimmy_xu_wrk使用多重管理员帐号,与lanwil为同一个人,无故打击其他用户发言,并以莫须有的罪名将其他用户封禁,并且私自移除他人对他的管理员罢免投诉,态度非常嚣张,请管理员移除他的管理员身份——留言) 2014年2月14日 (五) 15:31 (UTC)
[编辑]你大爷是动态IP,你封不动的,哈哈。--留言) 2014年10月10日 (五) 14:38 (UTC)
[编辑]没玩过《古墓丽影》也不能顺手了解一下? 残料不是一个普遍使用的翻译
Shizhao,您好!<GAS口語魅力>為台灣傳播研究者及傳播工作者王介安發表的「口語傳播」理論與技術,於2012年曾發表於台灣「傳播管理學刊」,並無廣告意圖,僅期盼能將一個新的學術研究及理論公開,讓後續針對口語傳播有興趣的研究者參考。還請協助查核,並恢復此條目。感激不盡! Wang4123(留言) 2014年1月2日 (四) 14:47 (UTC)Wang4123(留言)
[编辑]很抱歉在繁忙之中打攪您。從前年開始,除了破壞中文維基百科的台北捷運條目相關以外,更將破壞範圍擴大到日文版和英文版,即使在中文版的破壞能快速被停止,他還是在封禁期間破壞外語版本,而因為語言問題及地區差異,我不知道該如何讓那兩區的管理員聽得懂,所以最後是擱置等他玩膩。去年底本以為他終於玩完了,沒想到今年初又有三個IP(、、破壞中文維基百科的台北捷運相關條目,而且一樣把破壞範圍擴張到英文版和日文版,雖然中文版暫時將那三個IP封禁兩周並且半封鎖遭到破壞的條目,但我擔心會不會又換一個IP繼續破壞,並且在英語日語版本繼續玩多重IP。得知中文維基百科有三位監管員,但我不清楚哪位現在有空並且了解這個情形,所以先向看起來頻繁活動的您請教:如果有免洗IP在破壞其他語言的條目時該如何處理,謝謝。--Bhenry1990(留言) 2014年1月3日 (五) 19:20 (UTC)
The Signpost: 01 January 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: The year in review
- In the media: Does Wikipedia need a medical disclaimer?
- Book review: Życie Wirtualnych Dzikich
- Discussion report: Article incubator, dates and fractions, medical disclaimer
- Traffic report: A year stuck in traffic
- WikiProject report: Where Are They Now? Fifth Edition
- Featured content: 2013—the trends
- Technology report: 2013: Year in review
[编辑]目前管理員T.A Shirakawa已經在Wikipedia:當前的破壞處理匿名IP對台北捷運相關條目的破壞,但有件事我想提一下:2011年時的台灣捷運相關條目就已經被匿名IP以完全相同的模式破壞,而這些IP後來受到的封禁都長達數個月。既然這已經是累犯了,我也希望管理員能考慮比兩周更長的封禁,畢竟要是有人能持續在兩年來都存在這種破壞心態,如此的封禁期限將不足以遏止它。--Howard61313(留言) 2014年1月4日 (六) 14:46 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #91
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata reached 100000000 edits
- d:User:Dexbot is the first bot to reach 10000000 edits
- Wikisource is due to receive Wikidata Phase 1 on January the 14th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: none
- Newest task forces: MediaWiki task force
- Showcase items: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Q309988)
- Fun Fact: According to Wikidata, this is the year of 2004 (Q2014)
DevelopmentWord from John- To give this section some life, since the development team had their holidays last week meaning nothing really got done (let them have one week off at least), I'll say a few words. 2014 is a new year and thus a new start, over the last year Wikidata celebrated its first birthday which brought reflection over what Wikidata had accomplish. Therefore I want to use the start of 2014 to reflect what Wikidata can do. For my personal over view see this page. For the summary, while it is meant to be a weekly simple update, I feel this can be used a lot more effective to put across not only what happened on Wikidata but things about Wikidata on other wikis, I am hoping to start a section over this within the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions for the summary, feel free to drop me a message at meta or Wikidata. Thanks.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Public holiday (P832) propery
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]原星章 | |
迟来的感谢,感谢您为维基付出的超过10年的贡献! ZLC. talk 2014年1月5日 (日) 12:15 (UTC) |
[编辑]您好。已更新了File:Cufenew.jpg的版权信息,请阁下过目。—独语者~向他开炮 2014年1月6日 (一) 01:17 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2014年1月6日 (一) 03:14 (UTC)
[编辑]在FA评选中,本人發现你的投票未簽名,本人已将它回退,敬请留意。LC 2014年1月7日 (二) 07:37 (UTC)
[编辑]不好意思,關於圖像版權的事,我不會弄也看不懂。那是從英文wiki的有版權圖像弄來的,除非閣下願意指導,不然我也只能束手待刪。Koala0090(留言) 2014年1月9日 (四) 06:52 (UTC)
[编辑]有关十字军大屠杀的讨论,涉及到你,可以去说明当时是个什么情况:关于是否存在管理员利用特权迫害 --更好版本(留言) 2014年1月9日 (四) 12:02 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #92
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource is deployed to testwikidata
- A group of students is working on suggestions to make it easier to add missing information. They published a status report and a rough first demo.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: track gauge, pathogen transmission process, CVR, ERA Journal ID
- Newest task forces: Manga and Anime task force
- Showcase items: Douglas Adams
- Fun Fact: Does not exist (Q404)
- Wikidata's presence: The Dutch Wikipedia have a category for coordinating coordinates on Wikidata (Categorie:Wikipedia:Coördinaten niet op Wikidata)
- Development
- Adrian Lang joins the team
- Cirrus Search is now the default search on Wikidata and should improve d:Special:Search's handlich of special characters for example
- Made the “in other languages” box also show up for people who have not configured a babel box (bugzilla:49079)
- No longer showing a table of content when it has less than 3 items in it to prevent it from showing up on property pages (bugzilla:58422)
- More performance improvement work
- Finishing touches on quantities datatype user interface
- Display qualifiers in non-Java Script user interface
- Prevented import of wikitext into the main namespace (bugzilla:47070)
- Split the DataValues component into more clearly defined libraries and switched Wikibase over to use these
- Switched Wikibase to use Wikibase DataModel 0.6
- Changed development and installation workflows to make use of the dependency manager Composer (more details)
- Made tests run with less warnings (especially in Firefox)
- Started replacing wikibase.fetchedEntities with a proper entity store
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Public holiday (P832) propery
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
This Month in GLAM: December 2013
[编辑]书生兄,关于Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/01/04中对中国名人录(第五版)删除操作,我窃以为阁下操作过于武断了。这么多年来,我很欣赏阁下做事果断坚强的决心,也赞赏你无论是在维基还是在私下会面时保持的儒雅,也欣赏你就事论事不避亲贤的态度;但阁下在过去半年中,显然受到了很多因素干扰。我唯独希望你能够在一群激进的年轻人和一批编辑数量上万的老编辑中,能够做到平衡和公正。您的阅历应当清楚地提醒您,维基需要什么样的编辑,又需要什么样的政客。谢谢。--Walter Grassroot (♬) 2014年1月13日 (一) 06:39 (UTC)
- 在三个编辑请求转移、五个编辑请求保留的情况下,阁下忽略共识或争议,直接删除。--Walter Grassroot (♬) 2014年1月13日 (一) 06:51 (UTC)
- 也就是等于说,有八名编辑参与讨论(其中三名主编请求保留Sgsg、Dirrival和我),然后你在看完(或没有看)条目和所有编辑意见后,否定了所有人的全部意见;然后,以你自己的意见作为最终的裁断结论么?--Walter Grassroot (♬) 2014年1月13日 (一) 07:07 (UTC)
- 什么也不想说了,对您的水平深感失望。明明是没共识结束讨论,您也不看大家的讨论意见就自己删了,您是管理员还是上帝?Sgsg(留言) 2014年1月13日 (一) 08:27 (UTC)
- 也就是等于说,有八名编辑参与讨论(其中三名主编请求保留Sgsg、Dirrival和我),然后你在看完(或没有看)条目和所有编辑意见后,否定了所有人的全部意见;然后,以你自己的意见作为最终的裁断结论么?--Walter Grassroot (♬) 2014年1月13日 (一) 07:07 (UTC)
Shizhao在User talk:Walter Grassroot上给出的理由是“条目主题是书籍,内容应该是介绍本书内容,而不是列出书中所出现的人名,这不是百科内容”,但这只需要修改条目内容即可,完全不需要把整个条目删除。--Pengyanan(留言) 2014年1月13日 (一) 09:12 (UTC)
- 已經有中國名人錄,要不要每版都用一個條目介绍?「只需要修改条目内容」在中國名人錄進行即可。--Risk留言 2014年1月13日 (一) 10:38 (UTC)
这样的列表中大量红链的存在恰恰能提示中文维基人,我们缺少些什么,应该往哪个方向努力,被删除实在是太遗憾了--学有机化学,品人生百味 2014年1月13日 (一) 09:19 (UTC)
- 如果阁下不满意我的意见,您可以允许我花时间去完善。这么多年来,您清楚鄙人的编辑水平,也明白我对维基的立意和立场;凡是条目,我都愿意去修改、去填充、去拯救、甚至愿意去遵循任何管理层的要求去写,为何采取如此极端的情况,当着那么多主编面直接删掉,连弥补的空间都不给。--Walter Grassroot (♬) 2014年1月13日 (一) 11:31 (UTC)
对不起,此前在下以为各个版本的中国名人录都是独立的各自不同的内容,但事实上各版之间有许多重复的人物。在下没仔细看条目就发言,有些过激了。但在下始终认为作为列表的中国名人录,民國之精華等条目不但有存在的必要,而且对中文维基大有裨益。--学有机化学,品人生百味 2014年1月13日 (一) 12:03 (UTC)
--学有机化学,品人生百味 2014年1月13日 (一) 12:43 (UTC)
- 早就應該這樣,不去擴充中國名人錄,還喊着書生「連彌補的空間都不給」,武斷地指書生武斷,實在情理所不容。--Risk留言 2014年1月13日 (一) 12:51 (UTC)
- 但是目前中国名人录(第五版)的内容给删掉了,怎么整合好呢?还有谁有第一第二版以及各增补版的内容,没有全部的内容无法整合啊--学有机化学,品人生百味 2014年1月13日 (一) 14:23 (UTC)
換言之,著作權的擁有人是中華民國政府,其新聞稿的合理使用請參見合理使用條目中對中華民國著作權法第50條的介紹:以中央或地方機關或公法人之名義公開發表之著作,在合理範圍內,得重製、公開播送或公開傳輸。--金剛不壞(留言) 2014年1月14日 (二) 01:36 (UTC)
- 這些圖片的使用,都是在十大建設,且與條目的主題:十個在台灣的重大建設有關;再者,美援火車圖片也與美援條目有關、閱兵圖片也與國慶日 (中華民國)有關,到底哪裡和閣下指稱的:維基百科對於非自由內容有更為嚴格的要求,如同文字內容不能抄襲、侵權一樣,非自由圖片內容的使用也必須在條目中有足夠適量的文字對圖片主題有所說明和評論,只是簡單的展示、陳列非自由的圖片是不可以的哪裡不符合?--金剛不壞(留言) 2014年1月14日 (二) 01:48 (UTC)
- 我也說了,請閣下看清楚再做編輯動作,為何你看不到?
閣下毀掉別人辛苦編輯的心血也許很爽,但下次在揮大刀之前,能多花幾分鐘看清楚後再砍嗎?--金剛不壞(留言) 2014年1月14日 (二) 02:19 (UTC)
最後,我先傳了圖,不代表我不會擴充文字與參考來源。--金剛不壞(留言) 2014年1月14日 (二) 02:30 (UTC)
與網絡實名制維基的英文條目是 Real-name system,在網絡上亦可找到意思一樣,但名稱稍異,而Internt real-name system及real-name registration system主要還是在中國的網站找到,名稱 Real-name system 多見於英文網站。此中文條目的內容,其敘述韓國的部分,遠不及英文條目。本人搜尋過社會學的期刊,暫未發現相關研究,因此使用英文維基的Real-name system名稱,是合理的做法,不明閣下為何刪去英文名稱?還是閣下找到正確而有別於上述的英文名稱?煩請賜教。(User talk:kaikeung 留言 2014年1月14日 19:12 UTC+8)參考條目:
我的问题很简单,一个读者,有一天想查“艺术流派”这个词,却查不到。你觉得这样合适吗?这就是为什么我前几天创建这个条目。与之紧密相关的词条有艺术运动、艺术类型两个,分别提供了不同的有用的信息。我不是一定要坚持我的编写方式,毕竟个人难免有局限性;我就是觉得现在这样,一个广为人知的概念(可以说是高频词)却没有对应的词条,连个重定向都没有,不完整啊。(同时@User:Snorri) SzMithrandir(留言) 2014年1月14日 (二) 15:24 (UTC)
已经补充了檔案File:Ars Technica-front page.jpg的版权或来源信息
[编辑]管理员您好: 我是不爱思考得猪,已经补充檔案File:Ars Technica-front page.jpg的版权或来源信息和檔案File:Ars Technica logo.png的版权或来源信息。详情请见这两个档案的File:页摘要部分。 谢谢 不爱思考得猪(留言) 2014年1月15日 (三) 16:06 (UTC)
This Month in Education: January 2014
[编辑]此IP正在条目帕金森氏症和癫痫加入广告,且警告无效。User:Zuishi一望而知是其傀儡,希望协助处理。—思域无疆 讲大道 做事体 拿窝机器 2014年1月16日 (四) 12:44 (UTC)
[编辑]MerinoSheep於2014/1/16 不理會我要求她參予討論區異議表達,已三次無理由撤銷我於條目鄭明析的修訂內容,煩請協助處理 Alien98(留言) 2014年1月16日 (四) 14:24 (UTC)Alien98
[编辑]閣下曾對此圖提出速刪請求,而在下回覆指英文維基百科也有此圖時,閣下在英文維基百科提出速刪請求,現特此告知英文維基百科的管理員已經拒絕請求。--Quest for Truth(留言) 2014年1月17日 (五) 21:25 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #93
[编辑]- Events
- upcoming: FOSDEM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource now gets its language links via Wikidata
- Reasonator gets extended functionality
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: PlantList-ID, Danemark Job Code (DISCO-08), Instruction Set, Thailand central administrative unit code, student of, archive URL
- Showcase items: ethanol
- Fun Fact: A Space Odyssey (Q2001)
- Development
- Enabled language links for Wikisource
- Move more part of an item page from JS to HTML to improve performance and non-JS interface
- Database performance improvements
- Work on forward compatibility for new entity types
- Introducing the EntityStore service to improve modularity
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
The Signpost: 15 January 2014
[编辑]- Op-ed: Licensed for reuse? Citing open-access sources in Wikipedia articles
- News and notes: Wikimedia Germany asks for "reworking" of Funds Dissemination Committee; should MP4 be allowed on Wikimedia sites?
- In the media: Is Google hurting Wikipedia traffic?; "Wikipedia-Mania" in the New York Times
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Sociology
- Traffic report: The Hours are Ours
- Technology report: Architecture Summit schedule published
我為版權不明的事道歉,但可否請您協助我別再犯-- ✯✯✯✯✯ - 討論 2014年1月20日 (一) 10:13 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #94
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour on Monday, February 3rd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Development Plan for 2014+ has been published
- Wikidata stats now also includes statistics for ranks
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ICTV virus ID, rector, fictional analog of, writable file format, readable file format, place made
- Showcase items: Cactaceae
- Development
- Daniel and Katie took part in the MediaWiki Architecture Summit in San Francisco
- Bugzilla:60027 Add language to label and description field to make it less likely that people enter a label or description in a wrong language
- Bugzilla:58394 Avoid throwing out of bounds error when adding new claims
- Bugzilla:50570 API now reveals qualifier hashes
- Bugzilla:57213 API now reveals data type ids
- Bugzilla:57754 Die if wbeditentity tries to clear from an old revision id
- Bugzilla:55795 Add API option to show snaks in a list rather than grouped by property
- Refactor of ChangeOp remove functionality
- Continued to move parsing and validating of values from the frontend into the backend to improve performance and make the non-JS user interface more useful
- Finished the Wikidata build script (We use it to pull together code from various git repositories into a single one for deployment)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 22 January 2014
[编辑]- Book review: Missing Links and Secret Histories: A Selection of Wikipedia Entries from Across the Known Multiverse
- Special report: The few who write Wikipedia
- News and notes: Modification of WMF protection brought to Arbcom
- Featured content: Dr. Watson, I presume with the Tramp* Traffic report: No show for the Globes
- Technology report: Architecting the future of MediaWiki
[编辑]麻烦您去处理下维基教科书上的快速删除候选,我都提报了很多天了…… 囧rz…… (P.S. 因为维基教科书上的管理员很久没管理过了,所以我想请问您认为我能否担任维基教科书的管理员以维护维基教科书。) ——Nigel 2014年1月25日 (六) 14:34 (UTC)
陈小枫 → Shichen
[编辑] 陈小枫(留言) 2014年1月27日 (一) 15:25 (UTC)
[编辑]涉及非公开的隐私信息,请速速处理--ParkTien 2014年1月29日 (三) 03:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #95
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata is at FOSDEM in Brussels, Februrary 1st-2nd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Quantities released on Wikidata!
- Wikisource phase 2 coming Februrary 25th.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: attendance, refractive index, electronegativity, proportion, sandbox-quantity, number of pages, number of platforms , flattening, floors above ground, number of cylinders, masts, number of speakers, g-factor, orbital eccentricity, gross tonnage, total produced, redshift, Mohs' hardness, ELO rating, atomic number, LibraryThing work identifier, EUL control number, capacity, population, Human Development Index, from narrative, launch contractor, valvetrain configuration, KOATUU identifier
- Development
- Deployed quantities to Wikidata! :)
- Made patch to make wbmergeitems more reliable Bugzilla::55960
- Wikidata edit permissions now included in wikimedia OAuth edit groups
- Moved Diff repo to Github
- Work put into make the frontend use backend formatters through the api
- Refactoring of the ValueView extension
- MergeItems special page merged as an experimental feature
- Our easy RDF fork is now included using composer
- Fixed wbmergeitems issues
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
[编辑]你可以在任何时候通过移除{{You've got mail}}或{{YGM}}来移除本通知。
--Lanwi1(留言) 2014年2月1日 (六) 21:05 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 January 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Wiki-PR defends itself, condemns Wikipedia's actions
- Traffic report: Six strikes out
- WikiProject report: Contesting Contests
- Arbitration report: Kafziel case closed; Kww admonished by motion
- Recent research: Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
[编辑]原來你在香港很出名的!真的失敬失敬!名叫「時昭」,1973年國慶日出生,華東理工大學畢業,親建制派人士。哼,原來還被人解任至少7次!嘩!佩服佩服!我對你真的要重新評價了。~,~ 靈車甩尾棺材甩(留言) 2014年2月6日 (四) 21:54 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #96
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- See the office hours logs at meta
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- See the FOSDEM slides
- Thiemo joins the Wikidata development team
- Development
- More work on badges by Bene*
- Lots of Lua improvements by hoo (separate announcement with details soon)
- Created backend Time parsers (yet another necessary step towards doing more in the backend instead of in Java Script in the frontend)
- Automatic builds created, tested and deployed to beta labs every day!
- Investigate Elastic Search as possible backend for queries
- Made Wikibase Query work with our new component structure
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]原星章 | |
感谢至始至终为维基百科做出贡献的维基人shizhao! ZLCLCLC&谈话 2014年2月8日 (六) 09:17 (UTC) |
[编辑]請問如何使用群發消息功能?可否請您將列在订阅列表協助送报至用戶對話頁?--安可 ♪(留言 ) 2014年2月11日 (二) 01:42 (UTC)
[编辑]User talk:Shiouloo、User talk:Musicinsummer、User talk:Naturenice和我懇求把Template:頻道資訊這帖子作全鎖所, 只有管理員閣下才可進行編輯和修改. 因有很多台劇編輯員反應和投訴, 某編員把各頻道國家/地區參數亂改, 但又不淮別人修改, 當成自己的地方. 謝謝.--Pedrotangtang(留言) 2014年2月11日 (二) 03:09 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: January 2014
您好,您在 文件:中国南极泰山站.jpg 有关于您的信息/回复
[编辑]您好,您在 文件:中国南极泰山站.jpg 有关于您的信息/回复--ZLCLCLC&谈话 2014年2月12日 (三) 13:50 (UTC)
The Signpost: 12 February 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: WMF bites the bullet on affiliation and FDC funding, elevates Wikimedia user groups
- In the media: WikiVIP; Art Feminism; Medical articles; PR manipulation; Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- Featured content: Space selfie
- Traffic report: Sports Day
- WikiProject report: Game Time in Russia
- Technology report: Left with no choice
請協助處理File:Republic of China National Emblem.svg顏色修改問題
畢竟,四分之三的意見如果還不能算初步共識的話,那豈不是鼓勵所有使用者:「發生編議爭議時,除了你之外,就算所有人都意見一致,你仍然可以綁架整個編輯內容必須依照你的意思、其他使用者都必須向你妥協。」這樣就失去「討論」和「尋求共識」的意義了。謝謝您!--Akira123(留言) 2014年2月13日 (四) 07:40 (UTC)
请问阁下在没有任何解释的情况下,为何仍然将其归类为“来源不明档案”并删除?请给出一个合理且令人信服的理由,谢谢。 --Soimort(留言) 2014年2月14日 (五) 02:10 (UTC)
[编辑]請問一下,File:Attached map in 1895.jpg CSD F6:沒有被條目使用的非自由版权檔案。這是指這圖片因為目前沒有條目使用,所以被刪除? 還是是指此圖片為非自由版權檔案而被刪除? 因為是第一次上傳圖片,所以很多地方不太清楚 Walter(留言) 2014年2月14日 (五) 07:00 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #97
[编辑]- Discussions
- Reasonator
- By hovering over a wikilink you will see the first paragraph.
- The "personal settings" allow you to import your Babel info from Wikidata. This can be used to restrict the random items you will get.
- The first iteration of "on the fly" text generation for English. It works for "humans" and, is completely based on the available Wikidata information.
- You can now add labels in your language from within Reasonator. Technically oAuth is used. It now takes just one click to add a label in your language.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: IAAF ID, Lagrangian point
- Showcase items: Vesta (Q3030)
- Development
- Wrote performance tests so we can track performance improvements better
- Did a code review of all gadgets that are enabled by default in Wikidata. Found and fixed a performance bottleneck.
- Work on making the interface more responsive, e. g. live preview when editing labels and updating the watchlist star when saving.
- Started refactoring and fixing issues with automatically created summaries that are, for example, created by bots via API calls.
- Fixed an issue with OAuth on Wikidata because of permissions
- Started code review of the code the student team is working on for suggestions
- Discussed updates to the data model document to be able to update it to the actual implementation
- Did a technical debt analysis and design review of Wikibase.git, with initial focus on WikibaseLib
- Got (backend) EntityStore on the way, so we can test API modules without touching the database
- Further work on TimeParsers move to the backend
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the belongs to jurisdiction (P1001) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in Education: February 2014
[编辑]您好,我是南方周末的记者,我们最近在做一个有关中文维基百科的报道,希望能了解中文维基百科的发展历史,您是中文维基百科的资深管理员,能和您聊一聊您参与编辑中文维基百科中的故事吗?我的邮箱是[email protected],不好意思打扰了,非常希望您能和我们联系,祝好~
File:Cast Away film.jpg的快速删除通知
[编辑]該圖片已被條目使用,並不滿足WP:CSD中F6之無條目使用之非自由版權圖像,請查照。--眼鏡虎 (討論|貢獻) 2014年2月18日 (二) 04:09 (UTC)
[编辑]请前辈指教一个问题 我在54式152毫米榴弹炮上传了一张50年代 大阅兵 影像照片 大约是1949-1959 不管哪个时间段都超过50年了 这张照片在阅兵视频可以找到片段 请问这帮忙看下 这个照片模板 还需要添加什么信息Wokesiet(留言) 2014年2月18日 (二) 09:57 (UTC)
您好,管理员,我可以给您一个准确的答复:本人还不知道“维基导游”的功能,所以“维基导游”暂不收录珠海公交路线。另:本条目我先前已经完善了,为何还告诉我缺乏关注度?烦请审查一下,尽量保留此条目。如果删除了这条目,将来我再添加这条目,可能会引起不必要的麻烦。xinzi2010 2014年2月18日 (二) 12:22 (UTC)
[编辑]你需要向我交代一下為何香港島專線小巴1號線的投票中,只有1票保留,而你會刪除!--靈車甩尾棺材甩(留言) 2014年2月18日 (二) 16:38 (UTC)
您好,雖然本檔案下方的連結段落顯示「沒有頁面連接到本檔案」,而我不知道為什麼,但那是錯誤顯示的訊息。目前該檔案是由條目「艾莎 (迪士尼)」專門使用的,希望能不要因此刪除檔案,可點入該條目中查證。--Howard61313(留言) 2014年2月21日 (五) 02:03 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2014年2月21日 (五) 02:37 (UTC)
[编辑]The Signpost: 15 February 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Foundation takes aim at undisclosed paid editing; Greek Wikipedia editor faces down legal challenge
- WikiProject report: Countering Systemic Bias
- Featured content: Holotype
- Traffic report: Chilly Valentines
- Technology report: ULS comeback
Wikidata weekly summary #98
[编辑]- Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikisource will receive access to the data in Wikidata on February 25th. Planning is taking place at d:Wikidata:Wikisource.
- 1 week left to give initial input for the user interface redesign
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: impact factor, Municipality code (Denmark), USB ID, Home world, Cardinality of the group, Internet media type, Bluebook abbreviation, Z39.5 abbreviation, ISO 4 abbreviation, CODEN, landing site, US Congress Bio identifier, Scopus Source ID, Scopus Affiliation ID, Scopus EID, Scopus Author ID, IPTC Media Topic, topic's main portal, Regensburg Classification, Library of Congress Classification, neutron number
- Fun Fact: Wikidata has reached 30 million statements
- Development
- Refactored the suggestions drop-downs when entering properties for better performance
- Fixed a misdirected arrow in left-to-right languages (bugzilla:61308)
- Worked on an Apache redirect issue (bugzilla:54273)
- Found and started fixing an issue that asked users for additional languages they don't want according to their Babel box (bugzilla:61446)
- Table-of-contents link to the statements section of an item was broken
- Kept poking TimeParsers
- Made WikibaseDatabase feature complete for use with WikibaseQueryEngine
- Work on caching javascript config variables in parser cache
- Investigate using ElasticSearch as term index backend to take some load of the most-used database table
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the MedlinePlus ID (P604) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help develop the next summary here!
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Gakmo(留言) 2014年2月24日 (一) 09:50 (UTC)
- 王菲那张我已经更新了信息。关于图上传了很多次的事,详见讨论页。
- 关于电台司令的那张,你在放上快速提删模板之前我就已经修改了信息。
请慎虑。--Sunrisezihan(留言) 2014年2月24日 (一) 14:10 (UTC)
[编辑]这个问题我记得之前已经有管理员和你提过。就是机器人会莫明其妙地把明明有条目使用的合理使用图片认为没有条目使用,加上速删标签,然后有一些就让你删除了。我刚才只好重新上传。近两个月来已经看过的这种情况(我只看到自己上传的)已经上百次。User:Lanwi1知道这个情况,他已经删除这些速删标签至少上千次。--刘嘉(留言) 2014年2月25日 (二) 03:02 (UTC)
[编辑]請問這個發音是「當北」或「當擺」?Fort123(留言) 2014年2月27日 (四) 01:05 (UTC)
修改版權模板了。--Howard61313(留言) 2014年2月27日 (四) 01:14 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 February 2014
[编辑]- Special report: Diary of a protester—Wikimedian perishes in Ukrainian unrest
- Forum: Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
- News and notes: Wikimedia chapters and communities challenge Commons' URAA policy
- Traffic report: Snow big deal
- WikiProject report: Racking brains with neuroscience
- Featured content: Odin salutes you
- Recent research: CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism
[编辑]請問閣下為何刪除我放在crossing field的兩張圖片?我有把它放在條目裡,為什麼仍然會是孤立?--Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年8月1日 (五) 13:30 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #99
[编辑]- Discussions
- Discussion about defining lists
- Open RfAs: לערי ריינהארט, Pamputt
- Closed RfAs: Epìdosis (Successful)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: unemployment rate, manner of death, file extension, received signal, prevalence, connecting service, first performance, Universal Decimal Classification, Chinese Library Classification, Dharma Drum Buddhist College place ID, Dharma Drum Buddhist College person ID, MEP directory identifier, Rodovid ID, handle, Gewässerkennzahl, LIBRIS editions, numeric value, visitors per year, Geokod, approximation algorithm, transmitted signal
- Showcase item: Why not improve Kleinmachnow (Q104192) to showcase standard?
- Wikidata's presence: are using Wikidata identifiers in their data storage
- Development
- Made loading items a lot faster
- Enabled access to the data on Wikidata for Wikisource
- Fixed the diff view sometimes showing the wrong revision
- Attended ConFoo and learned all of the things
- Released Wikibase DataModel Serialization 0.1
- Continue work on caching javascript config variables in parser cache
- Started to make Wikidata even faster by removing StaticExpert and BifidExpert
- Started reviewing interface animations. You should be able to disable them all by setting $ = true; in your Special:MyPage/common.js.
- Fixed Wikidata looking a bit odd when enabling the Typography refresh Beta feature.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the MedlinePlus ID (P604) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]已修訂,請查看是否已達標準。感謝。 Vanros Kloud K.S.H Benson C.C.Y Edward Hyde Steinway I ,Ioannes Pavlvs X™You Can't See Me 2014年3月3日 (一) 11:37 (UTC)
您对Let It Go (迪士尼歌曲)的移动已被回退,无论是按名从主人原则,还是按最常用名称原则,随心而行都不应该当条目标题,如有兴趣参加讨论,可在Talk:Let It Go (迪士尼歌曲)回复,谢谢。--Pengyanan(留言) 2014年3月5日 (三) 06:17 (UTC)
[编辑]這個為香港法例(這裏)規定的文獻,另有網站對其評論,關注度已足夠。另外,我會留意一下试图提及的用户名「user:SiuMai」在技术上不合法。創的條目,如果不足關注度,我會盡本份提刪,最後,我要求取該條目原始碼。--靈車甩尾棺材甩(留言) 2014年3月6日 (四) 12:15 (UTC)
在下使用的图片,全部来自于 红旗轿车网,使用经过网站同意和支持。
Wikidata weekly summary #100
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikiquote will get language links via Wikidata on April 8th. Coordination is happening at d:Wikidata:Wikiquote
- Did you know?
- Development
- Added more details to the diffs of time and geocoordinate values (will show which globe the coordinate is on and so on now as well)
- More work on badges by Bene* - most work left is now in the GUI part of it
- Removed unneeded and unused permissions/rights
- Fixed a bug concerning spaces in quantities (bugzilla:61911)
- Started work on taking ranks into account for queries, the property parser function and Lua. (By default only preferred values should be used if available. If not available then it should use values with rank normal.)
- and now use as their data repository, instead of
- Started work on WikibaseInternalSerialization component
- Released Wikibase DataModel 0.7 -
- Added indexes to Wikibase QueryEngine
- Improved SQLite support in Wikibase Database
- Started moving virtual machine instances of various test systems to the new Wikimedia Datacenter
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the sport (P641) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
同时,请将此模版使用的消息发送给其他的维基百科管理员们,多谢!Shwangtianyuan(留言) 2014年3月8日 (六) 23:57 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: February 2014
This Month in GLAM: February 2014
The Signpost: 05 March 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Wikipedia Library finding success in matching contributors with sources
- Traffic report: Brinksmen on the brink
- Discussion report: Four paragraph lead, indefinitely blocked IPs, editor reviews broken?
- WikiProject report: Article Rescue Squadron
- Featured content: Full speed ahead for the WikiCup
[编辑]诚邀您参与维基百科:互助客栈/条目探讨对独裁政体条目的讨论。 斬斷紅線!!!(留言) 2014年3月13日 (四) 15:54 (UTC) |
[编辑]您好,之前被提刪的「檔案:Tangled Soundtrack.jpg」和「檔案:Early concept art of Frozen's Elsa.jpg」兩張圖片均以按照英語維基的原檔案補充版權來源。而且,兩者在英語維基那邊都已經決定保留了,這邊是否也能考慮?--Howard61313(留言) 2014年3月13日 (四) 16:02 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 楊晚亭 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年3月14日 (五) 02:36 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #101
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Media Hack Days, Berlin March 22nd-23rd
- Ateliers Wikidata, Bordeaux, France March 22nd-23rd
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NLC authorities, Atlas ID, fuel system, supercharger, ID (General Administration of Press and Publication), ISMN, NUKAT authorities
- Development
- Changed the {{property}} parser function and Lua’s mw.wikibase.entity.formatPropertyValues to only return the statements ranked as preferred or if none are available the ones ranked as normal (This will probably go live on April 25th.)
- Worked on improving page load time further by reducing the number of reloads during page loading
- Made diffs for time and geocoordinates more complete and prettier
- Continued research for user interface redesign
- Tpt worked on optionally showing links to other sister projects in the client’s sidebar (bugzilla:54374)
- Wrote a fix for Wikidata changes not showing up in the client’s watchlist (bugzilla:62149)
- Updated a major chunk of our inline code documentation
- Continued discussing technical details about how coordinates should be stored in Wikibase
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the Léonore ID (P640) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 12 March 2014
[编辑]- Traffic report: War and awards
- News and notes: Wikimedians celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month
- WikiProject report: Examining the Russian Wikipedia's Entomology Project
- Featured content: Ukraine burns
[编辑]为了让更多人了解各地香烟的警告信息,我于近期创建了烟盒警告信息条目。请各位管理员和用户参考一下en:Tobacco packaging warning messages,对此文进行翻译,多谢!Shwangtianyuan(留言) 2014年3月16日 (日) 06:12 (UTC)
[编辑]不好意思,故事是自己寫的,並沒有侵犯版權,謝謝。能不能改回來 - jackhsu888
This Month in Education: March 2014
請說明回退理由,如果是不能容忍綠鏈,那我已經自己取消了(但我認為加了是正確的,而且,我改正了文中一個音譯錯誤的機場名稱,為什麼閣下連這一起回退?)。--Howard61313(留言) 2014年3月20日 (四) 00:45 (UTC)
Sony Open Tennis.png
[编辑]你好。訊息框的內容該填的我都填了,版權問題我也做了詳細的闡明。我不曉得哪一點不合標準,需要動用到「刪除」。請明示,謝謝。--Chinyen (留言) 2014年3月20日 (四) 00:54 (UTC)
我不曉得怎麼添加,那個維基百科:文件版權標誌也沒有教人怎麼去添加,只是在說要人補充。另外,我在上載的時候,可能是忘記選擇一個分類,導致沒有出現所謂的版權標誌,但是現在想要補充的時候,卻不曉得從何下手。如果您能補充,就請您幫我補充,不然,刪掉了之後我可能又會再上載,畢竟這是文章需要的檔案。--Chinyen (留言) 2014年3月20日 (四) 01:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #102
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Cambridge revisited II documents how you can query Wikidata and put the results on a map.
- Cambridge revisited V shows that maps have popups with texts generated on Wikidata statements and labels.
- The architecture of the Wikimedia storage of the meta data of media files discusses that integration of Commons is a subset of what we can achieve when we consider the whole of media files.
- Spaghetti Open Data, Bologna. March 28th - 30th
- GLAM Treffen, Bremen. March 29th - 30th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Riksdagen person-id
- Development
- Continued making the UI faster
- Fixed Wikidata changes not showing up in the watchlist on the client (Wikipedia, etc.) (bugzilla:62149)
- Decided to turn off the inoperable language subdomains for now to reduce confusion
- Created initial version of Wikibase Internal Serialization component
- wbEntity and wbUsedEntities JavaScript variables are now cached in the parser cache
- Ongoing refactoring to get rid of the previously used numeric ID numbers in favor of prefixed IDs
- Made wbsearchentities aware of previously unquoted percent characters
- Put some time into fixing longstanding oddities that made the developers cry from time to time
- Worked on reducing internal usage of EntityContent, in preparation for redirect support
- Worked on performance issues with JSON dump generation (hopefully we can start generating dumps soon)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 19 March 2014
[编辑]- Interview: Nate Ott: the writer behind 71 articles in the English Wikipedia's largest-ever good topic
- Forum: Wikimedia Commons mission: free media for the world or only Wikimedia projects?
- News and notes: Foundation-supported Wikipedian in residence faces scrutiny
- Traffic report: Into thin air
- WikiProject report: We have history
- Featured content: Spot the bulldozer
- Technology report: Wikimedia engineering report
[编辑]刚才被你删除的那些图片经过检查已被条目使用。那些图片因为不明错误导致无法显示页面链接至图片的信息而被机器人提删,我现已快速恢复。以后处理机器人提删的图片时要注意这个情况。--Lanwi1(留言) 2014年3月24日 (一) 01:36 (UTC)
[编辑]煩請把現代獨裁者及獨裁政體列表刪除前最後一版本內容貼至我個人用戶頁User:hanteng/現代獨裁者及獨裁政體列表,部分內容我在更新擴充更新政體列表及獨裁政體列表會用的到。--❦‽維基vs百度‽來源專題 hanteng✉ 2014年3月26日 (三) 11:18 (UTC)
[编辑]用戶User:Naturenice和IP用戶59.120.66.83在電視節目相關條目上發生了衝突,請見Wikipedia:互助客栈/求助的「我有問題」討論。IP用戶表示Naturenice是長期破壞者,因此不斷回退他的編輯;Naturenice則稱自己的編輯受到跟蹤,許多有用或格式沒有錯誤的部份都被全盤回退了,而且說覺得受到了攻擊。我查看了一下,並且私下和Naturenice交流了,發覺他並沒有做出任何惡意破壞行為,反而每次都是IP用戶誇大其錯誤(比如格式不對等等),不合理地回退他的編輯。IP用戶在勸導下,仍則拒絕與他平和地交流。他是有心編輯維基百科的,對於他的困擾,我很希望你作為管理員可以幫忙調解紛爭,有必要時可能要對59.120.66.83的騷擾性行為進行制止。請看看Naturenice討論頁過去的討論內容(他近期全都刪除了,請看歷史)。鋼琴小子 打個招呼 查看貢獻 2014年3月29日 (六) 03:26 (UTC)
- 如果我有任何不合理的回退行為,你大可以指出,而不是像Naturenice一般避重就輕,不斷迴避其所作出的破壞並反指對方破壞。閣下身為局外人,不分青紅皂白就將別人的反破壞稱作「騷擾性行為」,恐怕該學習究竟何為「善意推定」的是閣下才對。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 03:39 (UTC)
- 有可能需要兩人針對每項疑似破壞性編輯逐個分析。鋼琴小子 打個招呼 查看貢獻 2014年3月29日 (六) 04:05 (UTC)
- 贊成,但拒絕溝通的人似乎不是我。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 04:40 (UTC)
- (:)回應:誰先口出惡言的,還好意思說我拒絕溝通,我之後也在你用戶頁要跟你溝通,結果哩,你連理都不理,還講的理直氣壯,你以為你自己說大話就很不了起,跩什麼跩啊,不要太囂張了--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:08 (UTC)
- 請你冷靜。指出你的破壞行為就等於口出惡言?我沒少回應你吧,結果不是沒反應就是整段全部移除,這難道不是拒絕溝通嗎?留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:21 (UTC)
- (:)回應:我3月16日寫給你,我等了好久,結果等到我去互問客棧你21號才出聲,那你有什麼資格說我拒絕溝通,而且早上既然你話講的那麼絕,那我留在你用戶頁的留言有啥用啊,我不想跟你說了,簡直是浪費時間--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:46 (UTC)
- 見[1][2],你哪次回我了?再說我在客棧回你你也沒回應啊。「我不想跟你說了,簡直是浪費時間」這是你自己說的,我可沒冤枉你。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:00 (UTC)
- (:)回應:那請問一下這是什麼[3]--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:09 (UTC)
- 這是你承認你存在破壞行為的留言。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:17 (UTC)
- (:)回應:不然哩,那時候我本為用好了,可是預覽後發現覺得怪怪的,本想說作廢回上一頁,結果就不小心按到確定鍵--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:24 (UTC)
- 既然是「不小心的」那為什麼過去5個多小時還沒有改回來?留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:33 (UTC)
- (:)回應:想說已經存檔了,就不要再改來改去了。你到底還有什麼要問的?你不累我都覺得很累、很浪費時間,你想鬧那是你家的事,我可不想在這邊一直跟你口水戰,我想做自己的事,有不對的你再修改,沒有的就不要在撤銷了。--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 08:16 (UTC)
- (:)回應:那請問一下這是什麼[3]--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:09 (UTC)
- 見[1][2],你哪次回我了?再說我在客棧回你你也沒回應啊。「我不想跟你說了,簡直是浪費時間」這是你自己說的,我可沒冤枉你。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 06:00 (UTC)
- (:)回應:我3月16日寫給你,我等了好久,結果等到我去互問客棧你21號才出聲,那你有什麼資格說我拒絕溝通,而且早上既然你話講的那麼絕,那我留在你用戶頁的留言有啥用啊,我不想跟你說了,簡直是浪費時間--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:46 (UTC)
- 請你冷靜。指出你的破壞行為就等於口出惡言?我沒少回應你吧,結果不是沒反應就是整段全部移除,這難道不是拒絕溝通嗎?留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:21 (UTC)
- (:)回應:誰先口出惡言的,還好意思說我拒絕溝通,我之後也在你用戶頁要跟你溝通,結果哩,你連理都不理,還講的理直氣壯,你以為你自己說大話就很不了起,跩什麼跩啊,不要太囂張了--Naturenice(留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 05:08 (UTC)
- 贊成,但拒絕溝通的人似乎不是我。留言) 2014年3月29日 (六) 04:40 (UTC)
- 有可能需要兩人針對每項疑似破壞性編輯逐個分析。鋼琴小子 打個招呼 查看貢獻 2014年3月29日 (六) 04:05 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 March 2014
[编辑]- Op-ed: Why we're updating the default typography for Wikipedia
- Comment: A foolish request
- News and notes: Commons Picture of the Year—winners announced
- Traffic report: Down to a simmer
- WikiProject report: From the peak
- Featured content: Winter hath a beauty that is all his own
- Recent research: Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates; analysis of "In the news" discussions; user hierarchy mapped
- Technology report: Why will Wikipedia look like the Signpost?
Wikidata weekly summary #103
[编辑]- Discussions
- Wikiquote notability
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Summary: The summaries will now be sent out on Saturday as opposed to Friday.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: astronomical filter, National Archives specific records type ID, National Archives topical subject ID, National Archives geographic ID, National Archives organization ID, National Archives person ID, compressor type, Internet Broadway Database person ID, Internet Broadway Database show ID, Internet Broadway Database production ID, Internet Broadway Database venue ID, English Heritage list number, apparent magnitude
- Newest task forces: Heraldry task force
- Development
- Reduced page load time significantly once again. Page load time was cut to roughly 2/3. For now we’re happy with the resulting page load times. We’ll start concentrating on other areas of the user interface now.
- Fixed faulty selection handling when adding a property using the keyboard (bugzilla:62868)
- Worked on fixing issues with handling of spaces in quantities (bugzilla:62567)
- Fixed miscount of Wikidata changes on the client watchlist (bugzilla:45812)
- Wrote new browser tests for special pages using the Cucumber and Selenium frameworks
- Improved error formatting, localisation and handling. We will work on error message wording next to make them more understandable.
- Worked on the code which propagates page moves from the clients into Wikidata as a preparation for allowing page deletions to appear on Wikidata
- Made the Wikibase extension work with the new “Compact language links” Beta feature and a bit more independent from the UniversalLanguageSelector in general
- The student team working on the entity suggester has finished the first version of it. The code is being reviewed now and is hopefully ready for deployment soon. Once it is deployed it will show you what new properties you could add to an item.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]为什么不属于“合理使用”,请指教。谢谢。--如沐西风(留言) 2014年3月31日 (一) 07:59 (UTC)
- 图下有文字叙述。球队的队徽指明使用年份就足够了,再说别的有些多余。另外,类似指引的维基百科:合理使用中并未有这个规定。阁下凭自己的观点来做这样的操作是否有些不妥?--如沐西风(留言) 2014年3月31日 (一) 13:22 (UTC)
[编辑]最近Lanwi1自荐成为用户查核员,你是否也想成为用户查核员?--GZWDer(留言) 2014年3月31日 (一) 12:49 (UTC)
[编辑]最近由于反px问题有人蓄意修改条目,夸大对二甲苯的危害性,是否应当对其条目暂时进行保护。如同首页一般,谢谢AsdZhang(留言) 2014年3月31日 (一) 16:06 (UTC)
[编辑]您好,因User:Sz-iwbot在三个月内均未受到IP封禁影响,经获授权人士查核确认,IP封禁例外权已被解除。如未来仍需要该权限,烦请重新申请。详见Wikipedia:IP封禁例外。祝编辑愉快。--Jimmy Xu 论 2014年4月1日 (二) 10:40 (UTC)
by jonas
會很奇怪嗎?--宇帆(留言·聯絡) 2014年4月4日 (五) 01:13 (UTC)
[编辑]你阻止了非机器人增加所有跨语言链接的操作。但是请注意有些(带井号的)跨语言链接仍然是有必要的。--GZWDer(留言) 2014年4月4日 (五) 15:43 (UTC)
[编辑]友善星章 | |
好厉害! 至善堂(留言) 2014年4月5日 (六) 15:01 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #104
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Toolkit 0.1.0 released!
- Wikidata development has been going on for two years!
- Wikiquote gets Phase I on Tuesdays (April 8th)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: JSTOR journal code, Openpolis ID, Philippine Standard Geographic Code ID
- Development
- Property of an existing claim can no longer be changed through API with wbeditentity (bugzilla:62425)
- UI for simple query SpecialPage (bugzilla:55593)
- minor fixes in the UI
- UI for claims on property pages
- worked on review of property suggester (review)
- still looking for a working student/intern
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the original language (P364) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 02 April 2014
[编辑]- Special report: On the cusp of the Wikimedia Conference
- News and notes: Wikimedia conferences—soul-searching about costs, attendance, and future
- Traffic report: Regressing to the mean
- WikiProject report: Deutschland in English
- Featured content: April Fools
[编辑]请问:第一,管理员是否拥有对方针的完全解释权?第二,天津名特足球俱乐部中两枚曾用队徽的使用究竟违反了维基百科:非自由内容使用准则的哪一条?第三,所谓“需要足够的文字叙述,而不仅仅是图片的陈列”,文字叙述是否足够仅凭一名管理员的判断是否太过主观?或者说,写多少算是足够?最后,这种粗暴的方法是否真正有利于维基百科的发展,是否真正符合维基百科的宗旨?谢谢!--如沐西风(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 03:19 (UTC)
- 感谢回应。但我仍然希望阁下可以详细回答上面的第二个问题。另外,既然Infobox中的队徽可以保留,为什么文中的就不能保留?如果“仅仅是列出来,而在文中没有足够的内容提到,并不能成为合理使用”,那请阁下把infobox中的队徽也移除。谢谢。--如沐西风(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 03:55 (UTC)
- 另外,我不觉得那两幅队徽与条目的正文(旧版本)无关。--如沐西风(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 03:59 (UTC)
这是有多么恨 已被删除的页面啊?呵呵
[编辑]Wangxuan8331800 今天删除了页面;但是 经过解释, 02:44 恢复了页面,并挂 【hangon】。 可是 您又不看清楚, 又删除了页面, 这是多么恨被删除页面啊, 呵呵。
2014年4月8日 (二) 02:44 Wangxuan8331800(讨论|贡献)还原页面六段式项目管理 (还原3个版本:undid because User talk:Yzyzyz1979) 2014年4月8日 (二) 02:25 Wangxuan8331800(讨论|贡献)删除页面六段式项目管理 (G5: 曾经依存废讨论被删除的重建内容) 2014年4月8日 (二) 02:07 Wangxuan8331800(讨论|贡献)删除页面六段式项目管理 (存废讨论通过:Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/03/31)
我的个人页面 资料里,有我的邮箱 地址: [email protected] 感谢帮助改善条目。
1、这个主题的关注度比较高。在业界有相当的讨论和传播,搜索百度、腾讯、google也有或多的资料。我理解的关注度,第三方是指第三方业界客观介绍, 而不是必须新闻媒体的报道。 尤其在国内这种新闻管制的情态下,要求必须要媒体公开报道,很多 wiki条目 和内容都改写了。
2、原创研究,这个不是个人的创造。 没有太多的来源引用,是我没有找到特别官方的文档;手头只有上次讨论会的材料, 和讲师的文档。--Yzyzyz1979(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 03:15 (UTC)
如果您对 相关问题,确实有疑问, 可以留下 手机号码,我可以call过来 详细讨论。--Yzyzyz1979(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 03:15 (UTC)
Re: small
[编辑]见我在编辑摘要说的,“不要使用绝对尺寸”。small{font-size:smaller;}big{font-size:larger;}或者small{font-size:.9em;}big{font-size:1.11em;}或者small{font-size:90%;}big{font-size:111%;}都行,但不要small{font-size:small;}big{font-size:large;}或者small{font-size:12.6px;}big{font-size:15.5px;}。Liangent(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 09:51 (UTC)
- 默认的就是small{font-size:smaller;}big{font-size:larger;},但我也不知道14px加一次smaller为什么就到11px了。Liangent(留言) 2014年4月8日 (二) 09:53 (UTC)
我不是放了宇帆(留言·聯絡) 2014年4月8日 (二) 22:55 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 102學年度高中籃球聯賽 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年4月9日 (三) 00:47 (UTC)
[编辑]在下第一次上傳圖片,不太明白CSD F4模板的意思,但參考過其他同類圖片已作出修正,希望更正後符合要求,請過目並提出指示。謝謝。
--WL28(留言) 2014年4月10日 (四) 02:53 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: March 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #105
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Announcing ToolScript. With ToolScript can be used to get the output of all Magnus' tools
- Feline mayors of the world or why Wikidata is awesome
- A Rijksmuseum representative indicated what kind of information she hopes Wikidata will deliver
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikiquote now gets its sitelinks via Wikidata. Welcome, Wikiquote! Access to the other data will follow.
- Do you want automatic sidebar links to other Wikimedia projects powered by Wikidata? Here you go: Thanks Tpt!
- Use Wikidata for internationalization on any website! How awesome is this? Very!
- Vote for some Wikidata talks for Wikimania
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: KulturNav-id, compression ratio, patent number, OmegaWiki Defined Meaning, phone number, International Standard Recording Code, Theatricalia play ID, Swiss Football Association Club Number, Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level, ISFDB publisher ID, Swedish Football Association ID, Box Office Mojo film ID, Parsons code, ISFDB series ID, ISFDB publication ID, ISFDB author ID, Linguist list code, NARA online catalogue
- Development
- Still looking for an awesome intern. Do you know someone who'd fit?
- Bene* continued working hard on making “badges” (the “featured” and “good article” stars) in Wikidata a reality
- Finishing touches for Statements on properties
- Worked on better error messages when parsing failed
- Updated the translations to use much easier to manage JSON files for each language
- Made a list of hard to understand messages that should be reworded
- Implemented a usable interface for Special:SimpleQuery
- Closed a backdoor that let you change the property of a snak via the API, sorry guys
- Continuous refactoring and improving of the code base that defines what Wikidata and the Wikibase extensions are
- Kept Wikidata up to date with the typography update
- Started to redesign the Wikibase page on
- Investigated if standard spam prevention features of MediaWiki work as they should on Wikidata (Result: mostly yes but some fixes/tweaks are needed.)
- Released version 1.0 of the Diff extension.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the movement (P135) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 09 April 2014
[编辑]- Special report: Community mourns passing of Adrianne Wadewitz
- News and notes: Round 2 of FDC funding open to public comments
- Traffic report: Conquest of the Couch Potatoes
- WikiProject report: Law
- Featured content: Snow heater and Ash sweep
Re:請補充檔案File:WWE Legends house.png、File:Total Divas logo.jpg、File:NXT Wrestling.png的版權或來源信息
Re:請補充檔案File:WWE Legends house.png、File:Total Divas logo.jpg、File:NXT Wrestling.png的版權或來源信息
[编辑]已補充,請查閱,感謝! Vanros Kloud K.S.H Benson C.C.Y Edward Hyde Steinway I ,Ioannes Pavlvs X™You Can't See Me 2014年4月14日 (一) 13:56 (UTC)
Request for auto-review right
[编辑]Hi, Sorry for writing in English. My edit on your wiki is just replacing renamed files which is affected by commons file mover tool. So I think patrolers don't need to patrol my edit, it may save their time & works. It would be nice if you give me autoreviewer right on this wiki (OR instruct me where should i apply ). Thanking you in advance.(I marked your page in my watchlist)--NahidSultan(留言) 2014年4月14日 (一) 19:51 (UTC)
- Thanks. Cheers :) --NahidSultan(留言) 2014年4月15日 (二) 05:55 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2014
[编辑]Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 2014年4月15日 (二) 21:46 (UTC)
[编辑]你好,我正在編修這個項目,請勿隨意清空,這會被認為是一種破壞行為。如果閣下對這個條目的內容有所疑問,請先提出討論,謝謝。--Alfredo ougaowen(留言) 2014年4月16日 (三) 01:38 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 102學年度高中籃球聯賽 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年4月18日 (五) 17:22 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #106
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- List of items without images but possibly free images available
- Any interested in another Wikidata office hour? (Say yes)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO, earliest written record
- Development
- Lots of small little cleanups.
- Sprintbreak as most people are taking a few days off.
- Happy Q21196! Say Hi to the Q108636 ;-)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
Wiki ViewStats TOP 500 zh
[编辑]Hi Shizhao, I'm currently working on a process to store the daily TOP 500 viewed pages of some major languages in the local wikis, Looks like this: en:User:Wiki_ViewStats/TOP_500. In chinese wiki, I get stuck because I'm hitting the abusefilter: [info] => Hit AbuseFilter: 新用户加入明显宣传性内容.
The executing user is Wiki ViewStats, which will only edit this user page and subpages. Would you mind to mediate with chinese admins to make this work, or point me to the right page in chinese wiki to request this? Would be great. Thanks in advance --Hedonil(留言) 2014年4月21日 (一) 16:00 (UTC)
- Thanks for making the Wiki ViewStats user member of the confirmed group. I tried some minutes ago, but hitting the abuse filter again [4]. --Hedonil(留言) 2014年4月22日 (二) 09:01 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 April 2014
[编辑]- Special report: 2014 Wikimedia Conference—what is the impact?
- Wikimania: Winning bid announced for 2015
- News and notes: Wikimedian passes away
- WikiProject report: To the altar—Catholicism
- Featured content: There was I, waiting at the church
- Traffic report: Reflecting in Gethsemane
[编辑]為何同我講,這圖片不是我上載的呢Gordonhhc(留言) 2014年4月25日 (五) 03:18 (UTC)
IFAW logo
[编辑]来源已经补充。谢谢!荒野土豆(留言) 2014年4月25日 (五) 03:47 (UTC)
[编辑]對於此條目,您贊成刪除,我個人絕對不會反對刪除,我回退過自己寫的內容,不該出現在維基百科的我決不會支持,但我心裡有那麼一點希望條目能留下來,畢竟我花了很久才找到一點參考資料,這或許表示它關注度不足,但其實這主要是因為這個論壇本身比較封閉,只靠人口耳相傳,還有在其他論壇,以及部落格上的分享,但這些無法作為參考。 不過,它是台灣地區最大的Android裝置專門論壇這是比較可以確定的,根據Alexa的數據,我把台灣流量前五十名的網站看過一遍,以Android裝置為討論主題的網站確實只有APK.TW,這起碼證實了這一點。 總之,能否協助我改善關注度問題呢。-- ✯✯✯✯✯ - 討論 2014年4月25日 (五) 12:47 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #107
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Lydia will give an update on Wikidata at the WMF Metrics and Activities meeting
- Indian Parliamentarians' Label-a-thon is taking place to add labels for all members of the Lok Sabha.
- In May, edit-a-thons hounouring Adrianne Wadewitz are taking place to add more gender related information to Wikidata.
- Wikidata office hour on May 19th at 17:00 UTC.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Time and geocoordinates have been reworked and need some testing at Found issues? Let Lydia know.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Worked on making it possible to use languages not supported by MediaWiki in Wikidata
- We now also display statements with "no value" or "unknown value" on the client (when using the parser function or Lua)
- Created another maintenance script to fix data integrity issues
- Finishing touches on the first version of the new entity suggester
- Simple queries are starting to work (If you want to see a demo attend the WMF Metrics and Activities meeting)
- Worked more on making error messages localizable
- Released Wikibase DataModel 0.7.4
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 高陞戲院 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年4月28日 (一) 08:25 (UTC)
Re:请补充檔案File:Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Cover Art.jpg的版权或来源信息
[编辑]该文件的合理使用的标识和来源信息均已存在,不清楚还需要补充什么信息,烦请明示。--JuneAugust(留言) 2014年4月29日 (二) 01:55 (UTC)
我这么调用{{quote|测试|gqqnb}}渲染出来是没有边框的。这是故意的吗?--Gqqnb(留言) 2014年4月30日 (三) 05:45 (UTC)
The Signpost: 30 April 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: WMF's draft annual plan turns indigestible as an FDC proposal
- Interview: Wikipedia in the Peabody Essex Museum
- Featured content: Browsing behaviours
- WikiProject report: Genetics
- Traffic report: Going to the Doggs
- Recent research: Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google; 43% of academics have edited Wikipedia
Wikidata weekly summary #108
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Lydia gave a first demo of simple queries and other cool stuff at the WMF Metrics and Activities Meeting
- ongoing this weekend: Youth Science Hack Day where a team is working on a Wikidata powered quiz app
- upcoming: Data Science Day
- upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Development
- Got simple queries in shape for a first demo at the WMF Metrics and Activities Meeting
- Cleaned up constraints checks and input validation
- Worked on requirements for the user interface redesign
- Started work on monolingual text datatype
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
您好, 您在2014年5月4日 (日) 02:05 (UTC)所刪除的頁面 飛哥與小佛 (真人電影版)被 以 飛哥與小佛(電影)的標題重建. 兩者內容幾乎完全一致. 是否可以快速刪除 飛哥與小佛(電影)? ---Orientalboy(留言) 2014年5月4日 (日) 02:58 (UTC)
[编辑]在Wikipedia:檔案存廢討論/記錄/2014/04/27中,閣下刪除了採用Cc-by-2.0許可進行授權的的圖片,請問閣下刪除的理據呢?--金剛不壞(留言) 2014年5月4日 (日) 07:59 (UTC)
[编辑]我刚刚在无限恐怖的页面挂了{{hangon}},并且在讨论页留下意见,为何会被直接删除?按照程序不是应该等到讨论页讨论结束后再删除吗?请复查谢谢。—Snorri(留言) 2014年5月4日 (日) 13:51 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下撤除了我對「水滸傳」條目的編輯。請勿破壞建設性的編輯。如有理據,請見示。Queensroad(留言) 2014年5月5日 (一) 02:56 (UTC)
您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「方芳 (国际友人)」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論條目的存廢。維基百科非常歡迎您的編輯,但請先看看編輯幫助和維基百科不是什麼,以免犯了常見的錯誤。
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2014年5月9日 (五) 03:11 (UTC)
The Signpost: 07 May 2014
[编辑]- In focus: Foundation announces long-awaited new executive director
- News and notes: New system of discretionary sanctions; Buchenwald; is Pirelli 'Cracking Wikipedia'?
- WikiCup: 2014 WikiCup enters round three
- In the media: Google and the flu; Adrianne
- WikiProject report: Singing with Eurovision
- Featured content: Wikipedia at the Rijksmuseum
- Traffic report: TMZedia
Wikidata weekly summary #109
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- There will be a German handbook on Wikidata and authority control. Feedback and proofreading is very welcome until next week at
- Development
- Attending the MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- Work on finalizing the JSON dumps
- More work on simple queries to get them ready for performance and security review and a first release
- Legoktm created an API module to retrieve the current dispatch stats status
- Fixed an issue with iferror when using the property parser function (bugzilla:55347)
- Show correct data in the in other languages box for older revisions (bugzilla:63309)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in GLAM: April 2014
Wikisource meetup at Wikimania 2014
[编辑]Wikimania 2014 will be held in London this August and it will be a great opportunity to discuss how to use the recently created Wikisource Community User Group to coordinate and to better promote Wikisource. We would like to invite the participants of each Wikisource language community to showcase the projects has been working in the past year and, of course, learn from each other experiences. See you there? Sign up in the meeting page.
—The preceding MassMessage was sent by Micru to the members of the Wikisource Community User Group according to this delivery list (sorry the duplication if you already received the message through the ws mailing list).--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年5月13日 (二) 09:55 (UTC)
另外“讽刺集”比“讽刺诗”在google上更多。 --向端粒,向酶解,投上冷冷的一眼,骑士呵,向前! 2014年5月15日 (四) 02:04 (UTC)
File:Hebei Zhongji FC logo 2011 - 2012.jpg被删
[编辑]我记得已经为此文件补充了来源。请复查。谢谢。--如沐西风(留言) 2014年5月15日 (四) 13:01 (UTC)
This Month in Education: May 2014
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年5月15日 (四) 20:08 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 May 2014
[编辑]- Investigative report: Hong Kong's Wikimania 2013—failure to produce financial statement raises questions of probity
- News and notes: 'Ask a librarian': connecting Wikimedians with the National Library of Australia
- Featured content: On the rocks
- Traffic report: Eurovision, Google Doodles, Mothers, and May 5th
- WikiProject report: Relaxing in Puerto Rico
- Technology report: Technology report needs editor, Media Viewer offers a new look
Wikidata weekly summary #110
[编辑]- Discussions
- Closed RfCs: Clarifying the requirement for property creation, Quality is measurable, One vs. sereveral sitelink-item correspondence, Property documentation redux and DBpedia import process
- Open RfA: Dexbot (adminbot)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- wrap-up blog post of the MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
- upcoming: SMWCon
- upcoming: IRC office hour on Moday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Data access for Wikiquote will be enabled on June 10th. Coordination and questions should go to d:Wikidata:Wikiquote.
- Superclasses maps shows coordinates for a class of items on a map. Classes are coming from Wikidata.
- The EditItem suggester was released. You give it a property and it will return a list of items likely missing that property.
- The new duplicate item finder lists items that should potentially be merged.
- Did you know?
- Development
- We're looking for a PHP developer to join the dev team and work on Wikidata. Apply!
- Looking for a cool university project with impact? We have some of them around Wikidata - not just for computer science students. Get in touch with Lydia.
- Had a lot to think about and recap from the Zürich Hackathon, e.g. things regarding search, suggestions as well as the user interface redesign
- Started doing mockups of the new user interface (Nothing to show yet, sorry!)
- Setup an autogenerating code documentation instance on labs at Hint: Submitting patches that make the inline code documentation even better is a good starting point to get involved in coding
- Continued working on the site and FAQ
- Worked on new datatype monolingual text (basically a string with an associated language)
- Reworked a hell lot of “change operations” code that’s responsible for each and every edit as well as validating user input and API requests, for example denying empty descriptions and finding and blocking unnecessary duplications
- Checked all the new Beta features that the teams in San Francisco are developing and made sure they work with Wikidata
- Our efforts to make Wikidata faster broke some gadgets so we helped fixing them. Sorry for the breakage!
- Dug into odd display bugs with the MonoBook skin and attempted to fix them (bugzilla:64741)
- More testing on simple queries
- Tpt worked on making inter-project links in the sidebar a beta-feature
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]想请教一下为什么File:UEFA Super Cup 2013.png在欧洲超级杯冠军主教练列表中的使用属于非合理使用? --You can you up(留言) 2014年5月19日 (一) 03:10 (UTC)
模板:Infobox Film
[编辑]模板:Infobox Film的hk name在黑魔女:沉睡魔咒轉換錯誤,「黑魔后:沉睡魔咒」變成「黑魔後:沉睡魔咒」。-日月星辰(留言) 2014年5月20日 (二) 14:41 (UTC)
[编辑]維基百科:互助客棧/方針#維基百科:人物收錄準則之新聞主播現正投票,請踴躍參與。--Qui cherche trouve 2014年5月21日 (三) 03:51 (UTC)
[编辑]您好,我想請問一下網壇四巨頭#賽季頂尖記錄裡面,為什麼只有溫網的圖片才能使用,而其他三個的圖片就不能使用?謝謝。--Chinyen (留言) 2014年5月22日 (四) 00:38 (UTC)
(~)補充:可是我對比了gen跟兩張圖片,它們的摘要那邊都掛著非自有版權圖像的標誌啊。--Chinyen (留言) 2014年5月22日 (四) 01:08 (UTC)
[编辑]User:Shizhao:一.「太平經」是東漢以來各書誌所用的經名,《正統道藏》經書本身亦題「太平經」,現代學者,包括條目來源中引用的陳國符、湯用彤、王明、林富士、劉琳、劉屹、邢義田、劉昭瑞、黎志添、吉元昭治、田中文雄、Barbara Hendrischke,一律用「太平經」;User:Shizhao改到「太平清領書」,根據何在,請出示來源。二.請勿擅自修改「新條目」提名,請學會尊重提名人的權利。三.歡迎User:Shizhao補充條目,但務請具備來源。四.有誰把《天官曆包元太平經》稱作「太平經」?請出示來源。謝謝。Banyangarden(留言) 2014年5月23日 (五) 06:49 (UTC)
The Signpost: 21 May 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: "Crisis" over Wikimedia Germany's palace revolution
- Traffic report: Doodles' dawn
- Featured content: Staggering number of featured articles
关于模板 *mp
[编辑]shizhao您好,我注意到您于2013年6月7日引入了{{*mp}}模板并用于首页新闻模板Template:Itn,这造成了模板中的日期不显示,且英文的首页新闻模板en:Template:Itn并没有这么做,en:template:*mp也是个标明废弃不用的模板。因此有点好奇该模板的实际用途,谢谢指教--Kegns(留言) 2014年5月24日 (六) 22:40 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #110
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata office hour log
- Wikiconference USA in New York on May 30th and June 1st
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Editors may now include their ORCID identifiers (and others, such as VIAF) on their user pages, using the Authority control template. You can register for an ORCID at
- Play the Wikidata Game
- Development
- jQuery 1.9 compatibility fixes
- More fixes for gadgets (authority control, preview gadget)
- Improve formatting and handling of snak formatting errors
- Continued working on monolingual text data type
- Continued making messages easier to understand
- Removed a bunch of unused code, interfaces and methods
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the academic degree (P512) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
米歇尔·霍华德仍然是中将,只是参议院于2013年12月20日通过了她晋升上将的提名,但时至今日她依然没有晋升,参议院通过和正式晋升是两回事,请看官方简历 。而且你回退了以后出现了一些基本的概念错误,我现在都要修正过来,请不要再次回退。
[编辑]您好。由於乏人維護,有關模板已停用,新式樣請見WP:新聞動態候選/header。--Gakmo(留言) 2014年5月28日 (三) 04:36 (UTC)
考慮到T:ITN也使用ITN-update,已將其改寫,無需人手更新。--Gakmo(留言) 2014年5月28日 (三) 04:44 (UTC)
[编辑]馬如龍 (清朝)之存废讨论关闭后,为何只移走关注度模版?--留言) 2014年5月29日 (四) 08:37 (UTC)
谢谢帮助!--留言) 2014年5月29日 (四) 12:12 (UTC)
[编辑]李迪權存废讨论Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/05/07#.E9.A6.AC.E5.A6.82.E9.BE.8D_.28.E6.B8.85.E6.9C.9D.29通过为何至今未删?--留言) 2014年5月29日 (四) 08:40 (UTC)
Re:Es 母語使用者的分類
[编辑]原來是這樣,難怪我怎樣刪都會自動冒出來,因為是維基數據那邊有多出來一個簡體的數據連到d:Q9429232,正好維基語錄當中有一個連結正好連結到這個數據當中,正確來講所有的語言跟維基媒體的項目都連結到d:Q6400684當中,所以全域機器人不小心連到前面的數據,導致沒辦法顯示在後者當中,現在我直接將數據那邊回退,本地端我就不會繼續動,至於跨維基的機器人產生的Bug必須要由書生您來去協調,不好意思麻煩您。--T.A Shirakawa(Talk - Mail) 2014年5月30日 (五) 05:34 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #111
[编辑]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: FakirNL, Josve05a
- Wikidata:Tours
- RfC: Open datasets (Meta)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The seventeenth million item is made then delete as a dupe. So seventeenth million plus 2 anyone?
- Development
- More work on mockups for new user interface design. Hope to have something publishable soon.
- More work on monolingual text datatype
- Fixed lots of small bugs when editing statements like bugzilla:65398
- Made progress on globe precision issues (bugzilla:65535 and bugzilla:64887)
- Cleaned up installation instructions
- Tagged version 1.0 of Wikibase Internal Serialisation and Wikibase Datamodel Serialisation
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 28 May 2014
[编辑]- Interview: Casliber reaches one hundred featured articles
Wikipedia's second featured article centurion - News and notes: The English Wikipedia's second featured-article centurion; wiki inventor interviewed on video
- Recent research: Overview of research on Wikipedia's readers; predicting which article you will edit next
- Featured content: Zombie fight in the saloon
- Traffic report: Get fitted for flipflops and floppy hats
[编辑]Wikipedia:檔案存廢討論/記錄/2014/05/27當中的File:Functional Group Reduction 3.jpg漏刪。感謝!臺灣杉 在此發言 (會客室) 2014年6月3日 (二) 04:08 (UTC)
閣下於Wikipedia:檔案存廢討論/記錄/2014/05/27以“刪除”為結果結束以上檔案的存廢討論,不過該檔案實際上尚未刪除,請複查。-Lif…lon 2014年6月5日 (四) 14:51 (UTC)
我已经几年没参与维基的活动了,因此完全没有对上传过此图的印象。但这样一来,意味着这种图至少是3、4年前或之前上传的(甚至可能更早,因为我不记得3、4年前还在写条目时有没有自主上传过图片)。为什么此刻才发出快删的通知? --Алексеевский Скажите,пожалуйста! 2014年6月6日 (五) 06:47 (UTC)
[编辑]阁下删除侵权页面时似乎忘记移动我建的临时页面了。--留言) 2014年6月6日 (五) 13:22 (UTC)
- 完成,不过看起来新条目推荐直接通过了临时页面,这下坑爹了 囧rz…… --砜中嘌呤的白磷萃取 打谱 2014年6月6日 (五) 13:39 (UTC)
[编辑]敢问书生前辈一下那两张照片究竟问题出在哪里?需要怎么去做? 在下真的不太懂啊?希望书生前辈赐教Wokesiet(留言) 2014年6月6日 (五) 15:34 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #112
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- User:Thepwnco is working on some Wikidata:Tours during for a FOSS project
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Italian Chamber of Deputies ID, eye color, number of injured, EPSG ID
- Development
- Did a lot of cleanup in Wikibase.git
- thePHPcc thinghy
- Released DataValues Time 0.6
- Add time support to QueryEngine
- Release Wikibase DataModel 0.8
- Worked on the way deleted items are formatted (= shown on other items)
- Released ValueView 0.6, which includes refactoring of the entity suggester code, bug fixes.
- Fix issue with entering strings (newline character sometimes got added and then cause api error)
- Fix bug 64658 (date adjustment dialogue doesn't show up on Firefox with Monobook skin)
- Fix bug 64887 (issue with display of globecoordinate when precision does not match predefined precisions)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 04 June 2014
[编辑]- Special report: IEG funding for women's stories—a new approach to the gender gap
- Op-ed: "Hospitality, jerks, and what I learned"—the amazing keynote at WikiConference USA
- News and notes: Two new affiliate-selected trustees
- In the media: Reliable or not, doctors use Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Autumn in summer
- Featured content: Ye stately homes of England
幫助:互助客棧、著作權、IRC聊天頻道。--臺灣杉 在此發言 (會客室) 2014年6月9日 (一) 06:03 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: May 2014
閣下曾撤銷本人對「人類學」等六項條目的編輯。請勿破壞建設性的編輯。如有理據和來源,請出示。Queensroad(留言) 2014年6月11日 (三) 03:32 (UTC)
閣下曾撤銷人類學條目中以下的外部連結:王銘銘:〈談人類學的歷史基礎與人文價值(上)〉、王銘銘:〈談人類學的歷史基礎與人文價值(下)〉、王銘銘:〈他者的意義——論現代人類學的「後現代性」〉、王銘銘:〈從埃利亞斯的文明論看西方人類學的「學派」〉。王銘銘是英國倫敦大學人類學的博士,曾任北大教授,是權威學者,三篇文章的主題都是人類學。閣下撤銷理據何在,請見示。Queensroad(留言) 2014年6月12日 (四) 02:51 (UTC)
閣下說:「从整个人类学的角度而言,王的几篇文章并非人类学的权威著作」。什麼是「整個人類學的角度」?憑什麼說王銘銘不是權威?閣下是人類學家嗎?如有理據,請開示。Queensroad(留言) 2014年6月13日 (五) 06:07 (UTC)
外部連結所列是「人人必看的經典」?誰說的?維基政策?Queensroad(留言) 2014年6月13日 (五) 06:19 (UTC)
The Signpost: 11 June 2014
[编辑]- Paid editing: Does Wikipedia Pay? The Moderator: William Beutler
- Special report: Questions raised over secret voting for WMF trustees
- News and notes: PR agencies commit to ethical interactions with Wikipedia
- Traffic report: The week the wired went weird
- Featured content: Politics, Ships, Art, and Cyclones
Wikidata weekly summary #113
[编辑]- Discussions
- Wikidata participation in Wiki Loves Pride
- Discussion: Delete as a new user group
- RfC: Refining "part of"
- Open RfAs: Calak, Andre Engels
- Closed RfAs: Taketa (successful) Jiangui67 (successful) 555 (successful)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The preview gadget has been rewritten and now comes with a completely new user interface. You can enable it here.
- Wikiquote received access to the data on Wikidata (aka phase 2) on Tuesday.
- Try out the new Wikidata Property Browser.
- The Merge gadget has been updated. It is now faster and only one edit per merge is performed.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Continued with the implementation of redirects. There are a lot of corner cases to work out...
- Created new data value handlers for quantities and geo coordinates, bringing queries closer
- Moved browser tests to a new repository at to make the main Wikibase repo smaller and cleaner
- Fixed a bunch of issues with the monobook skin
- Made some more jQuery 1.9 compatibility fixes
- More cleanup for the coming switch to WikibaseDataModel 1.0.
- Icinga Dispatch Lag monitoring scripts, including IRC notifier bot, have been tested and are ready for Ops implementation. This should give us quicker notifications in case the notifications to Wikipedia and co about changes on Wikidata are slow again.
- Enabled data access for Wikiquote
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]參見此差異連結--林勇智 2014年6月15日 (日) 13:49 (UTC)
This Month in Education: June 2014
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年6月16日 (一) 05:12 (UTC)
请你理解我的心情(但我也明白你要抓侵权照片应付别人很焦急),所以能告诉我理由吗,如果真是我错我改,可以吗?- I am Davidzdh. 2014年6月20日 (五) 13:31 (UTC)
- File:福州中考准考证反面.jpg那张照片我就是作者,然后我也不知道我要怎么证明我授权使用这张照片。至于合理使用的照片File:2014屏北体育中考.jpg,一进考场相机就被收走,只有记者有机会拍,我真的无能为力了,你说完全有机会拍摄,有什么证据?- I am Davidzdh. 2014年6月20日 (五) 13:40 (UTC)
- 好吧了解,谢谢阁下提醒。- I am Davidzdh. 2014年6月23日 (一) 02:59 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2014年6月21日 (六) 02:42 (UTC)
The Signpost: 18 June 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: With paid advocacy in its sights, the Wikimedia Foundation amends their terms of use
- Special report: Wikimedia Bangladesh: a chapter's five-year journey
- Traffic report: You can't dethrone Thrones
- WikiProject report: Visiting the city
- Featured content: Worming our way to featured picture
Wikidata weekly summary #114
[编辑]- Discussions
- Idea collection: data quality and trust
- Open RfAs: PMG, Dr Zimbu, 콩가루
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Several Wikipedias now have a template (d:Q17195970) for articles which have a related property in Wikidata.
- User:Thepwnco is working on a documentation overhaul and updating Help pages for a FOSS project - leave feedback on suggested changes here
- First concept designs of Wikidata's possible new interface
- GenderCounter uses Wikidata to provide an accurate service with distinguishing male and female names
- ca.wikipedia found a nice way to use Wikidata. They're comparing their living people to Wikidata to see if any of them have a date of death there. They're then put into a category for review: ca:Categoria:Persones vives a revisar
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: BBC Your Paintings, successor, predecessor, ITTF ID, points/goal scored by, TLS, Anime News Network ID, Monte Carlo Particle Number, Number of points/goals conceded, points for, matches/games drawn/tied, matches lost/games lost, matches won/games won
- New task forces: LGBT task force
- Development
- Created a script that provides the schema creation SQL for Wikibase Query
- Releases Wikibase Internal Serialization 1.1
- Made WikibaseDataModelJavascript a separate component at
- Continued working on full redirect support for items. It touches a surprising big chunk of the code base.
- Continued working on the QueryEngine code base and it’s data type support.
- Fixed and updated the most recent implementation of the property and item selector widget, e.g. a MonoBook specific bug.
- Pushed along reviews and deployment of the entity suggester code that will make suggestions for new properties to be added to items. Our hope is to have it through performance review for the next deployment.
- Pushed along reviews of the “in other projects” sidebar:
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Note from John
- Hey everyone, it's rare these small sections come along but there is a bit of interesting news to get across which one line under 'noteworthy stuff' won't be the best for. For the next 6 summaries, they will be translatable at Wikidata. This is an interesting idea which was first proposed on the delivery page and on Wikidata-l by Base. This is purely a trial and if you all want the summaries to remain translatable, please participate! You can view the first translated summary (hopefully) here! Also sorry for this one being late :)
[编辑]如题,删掉的理由是没挂来源,但是还没到2分钟就挂上模板了,你删的时候来源参考俱在,为何强删?飞贼燕子(留言) 2014年6月23日 (一) 07:01 (UTC)
Re:请补充檔案File:Mi5 crest and logotype.svg的版权或来源信息
[编辑] 合理使用, 難道說我的模板用的不對? Bluedeck 2014年6月24日 (二) 05:59 (UTC)
- 像現在這樣可以了嗎.Bluedeck 2014年6月24日 (二) 07:26 (UTC)
[编辑]User:Talkindexbot什麼時候可以繼續更新維基百科:對話頁討論索引?--Good afternoon! (Discussion) 2014年6月24日 (二) 09:26 (UTC)
- @Good afternoon:,代码得重写了,现在的因为mediawiki的升级,已经跑不了了--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年6月25日 (三) 00:16 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--思域无疆大道 事体 机器 2014年6月26日 (四) 17:26 (UTC)
[编辑]「遊俠」是中國自戰國時代以來就通用的名詞,《史記》有〈遊俠列傳〉,《漢書》有〈遊俠傳〉,遊俠是中國歷史上的一個固有名詞,與俠客、俠士意思類同,故條目「遊俠」應重定向到「俠客」。以「遊俠」作為遊戲中的角色,是20世紀的新用法,與中國固有的遊俠大不相同,故應加括號以顯示其分別。希望閣下整理一下自己對「遊俠」一詞的認識,與中國人固有的用法是否相符。Banyangarden(留言) 2014年6月27日 (五) 02:51 (UTC)
请问能否回复一下促使您封禁其的diff编辑?--广雅 范★ 2014年6月27日 (五) 15:54 (UTC)
The Signpost: 25 June 2014
[编辑]- Exclusive: Foundation's new executive director speaks to the Signpost
- News and notes: US National Archives enshrines Wikipedia in Open Government Plan, plans to upload all holdings to Commons
- Featured content: Showing our Wörth
- WikiProject report: The world where dreams come true
- Discussion report: Media Viewer, old HTML tags
- Traffic report: Fake war, or real sport?
- Recent research: Power users and diversity in WikiProjects, the "network of cultures" in multilingual Wikipedia biographies
Wikidata weekly summary #115
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata intro and QA, June 29th in Paris
- Open Hack Day, 5th and 6th of July, London
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: contains settlement, coincident with, ID, ID, China railway TMIS station code, MTR station code, capital of, NSK identifier, daily ridership, binding of software library, ASI Monument ID, ihsi identifier, Iranian National Heritage registration number, LNB identifier, BBC Your Paintings, replaced by, replaced, ITTF ID, points/goal scored by, TLS, Anime News Network ID
- Development
- Redirects are moving slow because they touch so much of our and the core code base, but they are coming closer!
- Final touches on the monolingual data type and UI
- Fixed some smaller but nasty bugs in the UI like not being able to change only the rank
- Finally improved the most confusing error messages and hints you get to read when using the Wikibase client or repo
- The Wikibase DataModel JavaScript component (which moved to it’s own repository) reached version 0.2.0
- Continued working on the QueryEngine component (the foundation for queries)
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]折疊式空間桁架名字沒有問題,的確找不到太多可靠第三方來源,這是我上班的公司生產的產品之一,目前少量在販賣還沒打開市場,所以條目還沒有更進一步的資料。mingjun (留言) 2014年6月30日 (一) 14:17 (UTC)
(Francis Perrin)和(Oklo)並無法產生有效之連結,因此我於昨日將其改為弗朗西斯·佩兰,並刪除(Oklo)保留奥克洛(Oklo),且英文版為維基百科之最主要版本,而且該條目並無較法文版內容還少。因此我仍認為以{{link-en|弗朗西斯·佩兰|Francis Perrin}較佳,故將其改回。若有不宜,請告知原因,感謝。 和平奮鬥救地球(留言) 2014年7月2日 (三) 02:11 (UTC)
為何您仍固執要改回沒辦法產生連結的(Francis Perrin)和(Oklo)呢?
我相信您應該不是在破壞條目,畢竟該條目是您建立的。和平奮鬥救地球(留言) 2014年7月4日 (五) 01:40 (UTC)
為何不應該連結外語版本?那為何要用(Francis Perrin)而不是(Francis Perrin)??和平奮鬥救地球(留言) 2014年7月4日 (五) 02:05 (UTC)
[编辑]- 在非正常死亡人数不能达成基本一致共识的情况下,符合各方意愿的模糊表述是而且只能是唯一的一种表述!
- 在中国土地上死亡的人数,不论怎样统计,原始数据只能出自中国。因为原因很简单,外国人当时不可能到中国基层去统计第一手资料!
- 外国人的统计方式也许很科学或比较科学,但统计方式的科学并不能直接证明统计结果的正确!
- 运用时间—事实反证法,从这些年许多欧美国家官方和私人机构在亚非、中国等地区颠倒黑白制造虚假信息的事实,可以间接证明他们关于中国大跃进时期非正常死亡人数统计的信度存在严重危机!--Qinfbwww(留言) 2014年7月3日 (四) 04:55 (UTC)
- 维基百科是百科全书,不是资料堆积库,更不是缺乏确凿事实支持的资料堆积库!有关非正常死亡人数作为备注不符合中立性原则吗?难道非得将它写进词条正文吗?--Qinfbwww(留言) 2014年7月3日 (四) 08:30 (UTC)
另:“2月底,毛泽东和林彪在武汉秘密调集沈阳军区第三十八军进入北京,3月突然控制了人民日报,广播电台等要害部门。”——请出示这段内容的资料来源好吗?如果不能出示资料证据,就只能删除了。--Qinfbwww(留言) 2014年7月3日 (四) 10:02 (UTC)
[编辑]话说我们华理真是出人才,最资深管理员和最顽固反对滥权管理员的用户都出自华理。扯远了,请问时昭学长,您当时对于廖汉腾条目予以删除处理,是不是手误了?如果您没有误判,那请问您删除这个条目是出于什么道理?-- 上海灘悍將雖陣亡 守望者精神永不滅 2014年7月5日 (六) 03:19 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #116
[编辑]- Discussions
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Open Hack Day, 5th and 6th of July, London
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata got 10 times easier to use with the entity suggester
- Lydia needs your help with some selfies (already uploaded ones are at c:Category:Wikidata selfies)
- Wikidata the Game has a new game: occupation
- As part of the Outreach Program for Women d:User:User:Thepwnco is continuing improving all help pages to help new users understand Wikidata better. At the same time w:User:Discoveranjali is helping with social media outreach and creating presentations workshops about Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Upcoming API change (wblinktitle)
- Deployed entity suggester.
- More work on redirects. They are taking shape. Done with much of the groundwork. We've seen the first one! :D
- Continued work on user interface redesign mockups
- Monolingual text datatype is also taking shape but needs more user interface love to make it intuitive.
- Investigated making its own client so you can for example get access to better Lua functions for access to an item's label on a discussion page. Outcome: Should be possible but needs some more work.
- Fixed bugs
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 02 July 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Wikimedia Israel receives Roaring Lion award
- In the media: Wiki Education; medical content; PR firms
- WikiProject report: Indigenous peoples of North America
- Traffic report: The Cup runneth over... and over.
- Featured content: Ship-shape
- Technology report: In memoriam: the Toolserver (2005–14)
[编辑]词条不客观吗?来源不准确吗?2014年7月8日 (二) 05:31 (UTC)2014年7月8日 (二) 05:31 (UTC)2014年7月8日 (二) 05:31 (UTC)
您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「南朝 (日本)」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論條目的存廢。維基百科非常歡迎您的編輯,但請先看看編輯幫助和維基百科不是什麼,以免犯了常見的錯誤。
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--AT 2014年7月8日 (二) 11:16 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: June 2014
The Signpost: 09 July 2014
[编辑]- Special report: Wikimania 2014—what will it cost?
- Wikimedia in education: Exploring the United States and Canada with LiAnna Davis
- News and notes: With echoes of the VisualEditor, conflict breaks out again over tech initiative
- Wikicup: Wikicup's third round sees money, space, battleships and more
- Featured content: Three cheers for featured pictures!
- Traffic report: World Cup, Tim Howard rule the week
Wikidata weekly summary #117
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Two new GuidedTours (aka interactive tutorials) have been released—we now have one on editing items and one on editing statements! Both tours are available from the Wikidata:Tours portal and feedback can be left on the talk page at Wikidata_talk:Tours. The work was a combined effort of User:Bene* and Outreach Program for Women intern User:Thepwnco.
- We passed another milestone \o/ 10 million items now have an "instance of" or "subclass of" statement making it easy to tell what the item is about.
- Last week to add some selfies. We need more!
- Items with no image around you? Here you go! (change the number in the URL and click toggle markers) Thanks Magnus!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: GUI toolkit or framework, SFDb ID, non-native language spoken, nominated for, number of seats in legislature, Cycling Archives Cyclist ID, licensed to broadcast to, MusicBrainz series ID, script directionality, World Glacier Inventory ID, original combination, Foundational Model of Anatomy ID, bug report page, FCC Facility ID, convicted of
- Development
- Bene* worked with the dev team this week. He pushed forward support for storing badges (eg featured article) on Wikidata and implemented the first two guided tours.
- CTRL+ click and middle click on a search result in the entity selector now opens the result in a new tab.
- Further progress on redirects
- Fixed a number of annoyances with the entity selector
- Continued work on mockups for new user interface
- Investigated what issues come up if we make its own client. Things look good so we will probably enable it soonish. This will mean you can link Wikidata pages in items and access the data in them on other pages on Wikidata.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which has been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]张新芳被人恶意标注侵权,请去Wikipedia:互助客栈/条目探讨#.E5.BC.A0.E6.96.B0.E8.8A.B3看看。--留言) 2014年7月14日 (一) 00:37 (UTC)
[编辑]你好,我不是來反對你把某些圖片標註為非合理使用的(以2013–14年香港甲組足球聯賽為例),但是現時關於圖像合理使用的指引好像有點不清晰……其實是不是應該把2013–14年香港甲組足球聯賽中的所有球隊的標誌都除去,才符合合理使用的原則?英文維基百科在這方面執行得頗為嚴格,任何球隊標誌(如不在該球隊的條目中)不到一會兒已經有人刪除,謝謝。--Antonytse(留言) 2014年7月15日 (二) 04:07 (UTC)
- 謝謝解答!--Antonytse(留言) 2014年7月16日 (三) 12:33 (UTC)
This Month in Education: July 2014
- MACEDONIA: Internet marketing students learn about Wikipedia and suggest ways to improve its fundraising
- ISRAEL: Haifa University students write Wikipedia articles for academic credit
- MEXICO: Editing about Literary Theory in UNAM
- MEXICO: Professor training continues as part of the Wiki Learning program
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Education program presented at BarCamp
- GERMANY: Wikimedia Deutschland June Activities
- UK: 6th International Integrity and Plagiarism Conference
- UK: VLE content reuse at Wikimania
- TWL: The Wikipedia Library
- WMF: Learning & Evaluation to publish quarterly newsletter
- WMF: Updates from the Wikipedia Education Program and the Wikipedia Education Collaborative
- Articles of interest in other publications: Brazil, South Africa, The Signpost, and more
To assist with preparing the newsletter, please visit the newsroom. Past editions may be viewed in the archives.
[编辑]感谢您的对于国标问题的说明,在下还是想再确认细一点,还望您不吝指教。在国标里,有的内容视强制性的“必须(如何如何)”,有的是“宜。。。(怎么怎么样)”,是不是强制性的(须。。。。)是公有领域,而“宜。。。”不属于公有领域? 上海復活 傳奇再現 2014年7月18日 (五) 04:32 (UTC)
The Signpost: 16 July 2014
[编辑]- Special report: $10 million lawsuit against Wikipedia editors dismissed with help from WMF, but plaintiff intends to refile
- Wikimedia in education: Serbia takes the stage with Filip Maljkovic
- News and notes: Bot-created Wikipedia articles covered in the Wall Street Journal, push Cebuano over one million articles
- Traffic report: World Cup dominates for another week
- Featured content: The Island with the Golden Gun
Wikidata weekly summary #118
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Development
- Finished setting up JSON dumps. If everything goes well, a first dump will be available on Monday evening
- Worked on badges UI integration and made initial progress at making them editable
- Did a lot of JavaScript refactoring in order to put Api related code into an own component
- Made it possible to access data from Wikidata items on Wikidata itself using Lua (not yet enabled)
- Fixed a bug that allowed creation of items with the same label+description of another item
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]不知道你是赵先生还是施先生,请问,为什么要删掉我对信息条目的添补? -Matthew --Matt 2014年7月21日 (一) 03:19 (UTC) shizhao 先生,请问,你除了会删除新内容,以你‘螳臂’之力,阻碍科技的发展,研究的创新与进步,你还会做什么?你是如何混入维基百科的队伍的?不觉得羞耻么?这是一个简体中文的平台?你为什么用繁体?你有什么资格在这里进行破坏和捣乱?问你删除的原因,你为何不做答复?--Matt 2014年7月23日 (三) 01:45 (UTC)—以上未簽名的留言由MatthewZhou(對話|貢獻)加入。你连维基百科由大家贡献智慧这个基本原则和目的都不懂,有什么资格来这里做编辑,做内容管理?v~v n年前就被弹劾了数次,自己都没有一点儿反省和自检? --Matt 2014年7月23日 (三) 05:52 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--Good afternoon! (Discussion)千里送鵝毛 禮輕情意重 2014年7月21日 (一) 09:10 (UTC)
[编辑]希望能早日把你这种垃圾赶出这块原本健康的平台!--Matt 2014年7月23日 (三) 05:56 (UTC)
[编辑]江泽民条目内容严重失真,且有大量不可靠来源、曲解来源、自我总结原创研究等内容,在下和“脑内补完”移除这些内容,但疑似傀儡账号User:Humorvery反复加入且违反3RR,管理员广雅范根本无视这些问题内容,按照现在严重有违方针的版本保护条目一年,使得条目无法正常修改也无法重写[5],放任傀儡肆虐诋毁生者,在此对“范”管理员保护违规的问题版本提出严重抗议! 上海復活 傳奇再現 2014年7月24日 (四) 06:13 (UTC)
[编辑]你好,我在Wikipedia:当前的破坏補充了有關User:Linyunpang的編輯是破壞的證據,請查看一下證據是否足夠,謝謝!--Antonytse(留言) 2014年7月24日 (四) 12:17 (UTC)
關於File:Crossing field (Ainme Album).png和File:Crossing field (Album B).jpg的版權或來源信息
[编辑]你好,蘇州大大!很感謝大大你對維基站務貢獻!但以上的兩張圖片在創立的時候已經有標示用途,請問大大是否看錯了?--Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年7月25日 (五) 1:17 (UTC)
- 我搞錯了= = --Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年7月25日 (五) 2:03 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 July 2014
[编辑]- Forum: Did you know?—good idea, needs reform
- Wikimedia in education: Education program gaining momentum in Israel
- News and notes: Institutional media uploads to Commons get a bit easier
- Traffic report: The World Cup hangs on, though tragedies seek to replace it
- Featured content: Why, they're plum identical!
Wikidata weekly summary #119
[编辑]- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The first draft for the Main page redesign is ready for review (a summary of proposed changes can be found at Project Chat)
- User:Thepwnco is working on updating Wikidata documentation for all sister projects, starting with Wikidata:Wikisource
- Drop by the Wikidata Lounge, a new initiative to promote friendliness and civility started by d:User:Micru
- Wikinews will get sitelink support on August 19th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: b-side, executive producer, OpenPlaques identifier, pet, Lost Art-ID, journey origin
- Development
- Published the first JSON dumps
- Finishing touches on badges support
- Finishing touches on redirects
- Finishing touches on the "in other projects" beta feature that displays links to sister projects in the sidebar of Wikipedia for example
- Tested and fixed issues with allowing sitelinks to Wikidata pages and accessing item data via Lua on Wikidata itself
- Final tests before we can start switching to the new serialization format
- The code for simple queries is being reviewed by the Foundation. This is hopefully the last step before we can deploy this too.
- Worked on improving the code of the {{#property}} parser function in preparation of allowing arbitrary data access and allowing linked output.
- Monthly Tasks
- Fix a format or content violation for the World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850) property
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]閣下不要這樣死板嘛。。。那個是enwiki移植過來的。。。直接就把信息複製了。。。-- シャナ™蜜瓜包 ❂購買點此❂シャナ俺の嫁留言於中華民國103年 暨 2014年7月29日 (二) 06:20 (UTC)
The Signpost: 30 July 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: How many more hoaxes will Wikipedia find?
- Book review: Knowledge or unreality?
- Wikimedia in education: Success in Egypt and the Arab world
- Featured content: Skeletons and Skeltons
- Traffic report: Doom and gloom vs. the power of Reddit
- Recent research: Shifting values in the paid content debate; cross-language bot detection
Wikidata weekly summary #120
[编辑]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: Gabbe
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata's new Main page is almost ready to go live, but is still in need of a visually-appealing banner! Got an idea for an eye-catching design that represents what Wikidata's all about? Submit proposals before August 11 at d:Wikidata:Portal Redesign/Banner
- Wikidata's tours are now translatable. You may help translating at d:Wikidata:Tours/Items and d:Wikidata:Tours/Statements.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: published in
- Showcase items: Kleinmachnow
- Development
- Created CLI script to import entities into the QueryEngine store (
- More work on redirects (should be good to deploy on August 19th)
- More work on the monolingual datatype
- Started work on rewriting the sitelinks part of the user interface (that’s the first coding steps of getting us a new user interface design)
- Final touches on badges (should be good to deploy on August 19th)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]請問閣下為何刪除我放在crossing field的兩張圖片?我有把它放在條目裡,為什麼仍然會是孤立?--Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年8月3日 (日) 9:34 (UTC)
- 那是不是oath sign、Rising Hope那些也需要刪除?如果不用我會把那兩張圖片加回上去。煩請回話哦~ --Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年8月5日 (二) 9:33 (UTC)
- 看來大大真的很忙啊,因為如果沒有你的回覆我可創建不了新的唱片條目啊,煩請回話哦~ --Railgun Girl /(≥ώ≤)/粉絲信箱久經沙場的戰績 來!為維基百科作戰囉! 2014年8月7日 (四) 8:13 (UTC)
Re:请补充档案File:2013 CONCACAF Gold Cup logo.svg的版权或来源信息
[编辑]请问需要补充什么资料啊?来源、版权信息、以及合理使用LOGO都已经写明了啊?--痞子狒狒(留言) 2014年8月6日 (三) 01:25 (UTC)
Re:请补充檔案File:Sen no Kiseki II.jpg的版权或来源信息
[编辑]管理員您好,該檔案條目的原內容連結「falcom_販売店様向け商品資材置き場[6] (原始版權持有者:Falcom)」,此連結即是原版權持有者Falcom公司官方的網頁,也註明原版權持有者為Falcom,版權以及來源信息都是官方也都有註明,請管理員您再查證或指示哪邊應該改進,感謝您的處理!--BrentBarry(留言) 2014年8月6日 (三) 03:51 (UTC)
不知是否為我忽略了選擇授權協議的問題,已補上,麻煩管理員您再看看是否已達標準,再次感謝!--BrentBarry(留言) 2014年8月6日 (三) 07:02 (UTC)
HiW-Bot retires :)
[编辑]Hello Shizhao! The bot is retired. Please remove the bot flag and could the user and talk page please be edit protected? Thanks for letting me operate my bot here! --Hedwig in Washington(留言) 2014年8月7日 (四) 07:05 (UTC)
该重定向页的存废还在Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/08/05#郭美美 (炫富女)讨论中!对是否删除存在争议,您在讨论结束前就快速删除此条,为此我提出强烈抗议!请您予以纠正!我已在Wikipedia:存廢覆核請求提出复核请求。如果您认为Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/08/05#郭美美 (炫富女)的讨论已取得共识,那就请以取得共识为由关闭那里的讨论,但别以这种本来就站不住脚的快速删除来关闭一个正在进行的正常提删讨论。--Pengyanan(留言) 2014年8月8日 (五) 06:09 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 脫原保、童挥厚 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年8月8日 (五) 06:14 (UTC)
The Signpost: 06 August 2014
[编辑]- Wikimedia in education: Leading universities educate with Wikipedia in Mexico
- News and notes: "History is a human right"—first-ever transparency report released as Europe begins hiding Wikipedia in search results
- Traffic report: Ebola drives reader interest* Featured content: Bottoms, asses, and the fairies that love them
- Technology report: A technologist's Wikimania preview
Wikidata weekly summary #121
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikimania \o/ It was amazing and Wikidata all over the place. Wikidata's true potential is starting to show.
- Guided tours and Wikidata: How to explain a complex project and encourage new editors
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Editing Wikidata directly from Wikipedia
- Histropedia now uses Wikidata to build timelines
- Slides and videos of first Wikidata talks at Wikimania online: 1 2 3 (more slides and videos will follow))
- First prototype screenshot of asking questions to Wikipedia mobile readers (similar to Wikidata the Game)
- Userboxes
- Did you know?
- Development
- Attended Wikimania and Socrates
- Worked on rewriting the sitelinks part of the user interface to make it ready for the new user interface design
- Discussed Wikidata, structured data on Commons and a ton of other things with many people at Wikimania
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]我恰巧到了維基語錄看一看,發覺用户页已經被提請快速刪除一個月多了,但還沒處理。閣下身為該處的管理員,請協助處理積壓事務。--人生不如意事十常八九,無論什麼時候也要保持樂觀的Good afternoon! 2014年8月13日 (三) 13:23 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: July 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #122
[编辑]Wikidata weekly summary #114
- Discussions
- Open RfOS: John F. Lewis
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Help choose which banner will be featured on the new Main page! Click here to view the two banner candidates and leave your feedback before August 20th 16:00 UTC.
- Wikidata Translate, a Wikidata-based Google translator open source clone.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: journey destination, score method, grave picture, present in work, Fide ID, Norsk filmografi ID, Jewish Encyclopedia ID, plea, collection size
- New task forces: WikiProject Movies
- Development
- Finished a large number of new features and got them ready for roll-out. More in this email.
- Wikibase made a big step forward to finally switch to DataModel 1.0.
- Improved support for entity IDs bigger than 2 billion (32 bit integer).
- We had to adapt Wikibase to some major changes (more major than usual, partly caused by discussions at Wikimania) in MediaWiki core: The default Vector skin became it’s own component and the ResourceLoader got some small but important updates.
- Continued work on refactoring code of the user interface to make it ready for new design
- Wrote a script to get number of users having wikidata in their recent changes/watchlist from the database
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here
The Signpost: 13 August 2014
[编辑]- Wikimania: Promised the moon, settled for the stars
- Op-ed: Red links, blue links, and erythrophobia
- Special report: Twitter bots catalogue government edits to Wikipedia
- News and notes: Media Viewer controversy spreads to German Wikipedia
- Wikimedia in education: Wikimedia Global Education: WMF's Perspective
- In the media: Monkey selfie, net neutrality, and hoaxes
- Featured content: Cambridge got a lot of attention this week
- Traffic report: Disease, decimation and distraction
已补充檔案File:Linksys logo.png的版权或来源信息
[编辑]今天阁下往维基导游中导入了许多公交路线条目。与维基百科一样,这些内容同样不适合在维基导游中拥有独立条目。维基导游有自己的内容收录标准,希望阁下再次往维基导游导入条目时首先能了解一下这方面的内容。谢谢。--印天胤議 2014年8月18日 (一) 10:38 (UTC)
[编辑]- 本条目本来就存在许多问题:多处句子、文字、标点不准确,个别章节大段内容重复,等等——这样的条目何以成为优秀条目?
- 六四事件之“武力镇压”说毫无来源出处,应当删除!请管理仔细查证为盼!谢谢!--凤白(留言) 2014年8月19日 (二) 01:39 (UTC)
This Month in Education: August 2014
[编辑]- Wikimania: Education at Wikimania
- U.S & Canada: U.S. and Canada Program Spring 2014 wrap-up
- Taiwan: Wikimedia Taiwan dreams of Open Knowledge
- Armenia: Vanadzor, Armenia again welcomes WikiCamp
- Netherlands: Education pilot projects by Wikimedia Nederland
- Sweden: Wikimedia Sverige creates Open Badges for education program
- Germany: Wikimedia Deutschland's July education activities
- Tech: VisualEditor for students and educators
- Media: Articles of interest in other publications: Israel, India, Armenia, Ukraine
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 韓琳 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年8月21日 (四) 02:48 (UTC)
您在Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2014/08/07#聖朝鼎盛萬年青/temp下结论说要删除,但聖朝鼎盛萬年青只是和萬年青 (小說)重复,应该合并,而非删除。聖朝鼎盛萬年青在遭到侵权提删后,原作者在聖朝鼎盛萬年青/temp写了新的版本,该版本若不侵权,应该在移动到聖朝鼎盛萬年青后再合并到萬年青 (小說),而不应删除聖朝鼎盛萬年青/temp页面,这是不尊重编者编辑的行为。我2014年8月18日 (一) 07:53 在Wikipedia:存廢覆核請求提出了复核请求,有管理员Wong128hk表示支持,但至今一直没人解决该复核请求。我请求您回应一下,这是您删除的条目,您觉得删除是否有问题??--Pengyanan(留言) 2014年8月22日 (五) 10:42 (UTC)
The Signpost: 20 August 2014
[编辑]- Interview: Improving the visibility of digital archival assets using Wikipedia
- Traffic report: Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
- WikiProject report: Bats and gloves
- Featured content: English Wikipedia departs for Japan
- Op-ed: A new metric for Wikimedia
[编辑]Hello Shizhao, hope you are fine. I'm sorry that I'm writing in English. I'm a filemover at Wikimedia Commons and with the help of commons script I automatically replace the old file name with the new one. Currently I have 43 edits in this wiki. And in future it'll increase as I'll rename more files in commons. So as a patroller of Commons, English Wikipedia, Bengali Wikipedia and other various wikis I don't want that patrollers of this wiki should waste some of their time and work by patrolling my edits. That's why I request to you to grant me autoreviewer right or redirect me to the proper place to request please. Notify me please when you reply. --Pratyya (Hello!) 2014年8月24日 (日) 13:17 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #123
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata at Wikimania 2014 in London
- "Growing items" by User:Micru, an essay about modelling concepts and understanding items
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The new Main page will go live early next week! Template:Ll for more details and to leave any last comments
- It will be possible to show the badges like "Featured Article" stored on Wikidata in the sidebar of the clients (Wikipedia, Wikisource, ...) starting Tuesday. Wikipedia will follow on Thursday.
- Starting Tuesday we will deploy a new beta feature on the clients. It will allow you to show links to other sister projects in the sidebar based on the links in Wikidata.
- Planning for structured data support for Commons is starting to pick up speed. Get involved: Also maybe attend the office hour?
- Did you know?
- Development
- Deployed lots of new features like badges, access to language links for Wikinews and Wikidata, the monolingual text data type and redirects!
- Working hard on making the new UI a reality, mainly refactoring the UI widgets right now. Covers a lot of ground and will take some time.
- More work on HHVM issues that need to be fixed before Wikidata can switch to it.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]您好,在不知情的情況下,該列表被人提請刪除。維基的投票制度是不是該改一下了,為什麼只有一票的刪除票就被刪除。另外,列表本來就是不斷地增加的啊,不是所有的列表像國家列表一樣,長時間不需要更新。另外,列表的內容包含了中港台三地譯名,人物的國籍和出生日期,這些內容是分類無法代替的吧。以無限大這樣的理由刪除,著實是不能接受。另外,該列表不是只有中文版,還有其他語言版本,而且英文版還分了男女和大滿貫系列,中文只有一個列表就被刪除,是不是太草率了?--Chinyen (留言) 2014年8月25日 (一) 02:07 (UTC)
可是「無限大」這樣的理由適用於很多列表吧,電視劇專題跟電影專題這樣的列表不勝枚舉,難道也要以此作理由行刪除之舉嗎?列表正文之前一般不都可以掛一個「不斷補充」的模板嗎?像台灣偶像劇列表、日本電視劇列表也同樣是無限大的吧。本人不覺得「無限大」是很有力的說服力,反而是站不住腳的理由。--Chinyen (留言) 2014年8月25日 (一) 02:27 (UTC)
An important message about renaming users
[编辑]Dear Shizhao, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.
As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.
Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.
The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.
Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.
In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.
Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.
Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 2014年8月25日 (一) 18:24 (UTC)
--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!
[编辑]我拜托你真的别乱删配音演员的条目了,你就不能尊重下配音演员的劳动吗?你真的想让维基百科不如百度百科吗?8045889a (請留言) 2014年8月26日 (一) 07:25 (UTC)
[编辑]您好,User:Orzel Bialy反映早前曾被误判为傀儡而被误封,随后虽然获得解封,但由于账户已被全域锁定,仍然无法登录。由于您是监管员,所以向您求助,希望您进行核查并给予全域解封。—Chiefwei(查 - 论 - 编 - 历) 2014年8月27日 (三) 06:37 (UTC)
- User:Lanwi1于2014年3月27日解封的理由是“据编辑记录,不是User:1abacada的傀儡”,查其贡献记录均为ACG条目编辑,与User:1abacada贡献无重合,且并无破坏历史,因此在下怀疑应是误判。—Chiefwei(查 - 论 - 编 - 历) 2014年8月28日 (四) 02:47 (UTC)
關於Orzel Bialy被錯誤封禁
[编辑]回應您在管理員Chiefwei頁面提出, 有關Orzel Bialy的問題. 本人Orzel Bialy既不認識不良用戶1abacada, 也不是其傀儡, 但不知何故被管理員Mys 721tx指是傀儡而在3月21日遭封禁, 其後管理員Lanwi1已在3月27日根據編輯紀錄確認我不是傀儡, 只是由於我仍被全域封禁而無法登入. 封禁日誌在此:
本人查閱Mys 721tx的討論頁面, 這人身為管理員但曾涉及不當行為. 既然已有管理員確認我不是傀儡, 那麼我認為這已足以成為解封理據.留言) 2014年8月28日 (四) 03:22 (UTC)
[编辑]Shizhao阁下您好! 首先非常感谢您对我所上传相关图片的版权辨识与管理!在此需要相应的表达我的几点意见与建议。 阁下认为以下文件:
190px | 190px | 190px | |
190px | 190px | 190px |
- 行业标准是根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》的规定,是由中华人民共和国各主管部、委(局)批准发布,在该部门范围内统一使用的标准,从严格意义上讲,有广义和狭义之分。广义的标准化法律是指调整涉及有关标准化的社会关系和社会秩序的法律规范的总和,它包括《标准化法》以及与之相配套的各项法规和规章;狭义的标准化法律,即是指1988年12月29日全国人大常委会颁布的《中华人民共和国标准化法》,故由政府相关部门核发或颁布的行业标准属于其法律法规的延伸著作;
- 行业标准是国家机关的决议、决定、命令和其他具有立法、行政、司法性质的文件及其附属衍生著作,其不适用《中华人民共和国著作权法》第五条之第一款,故行业标准不涉及著作权;
- 亦根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》第二十二条之第七款之规定,所上传的这几个文件均符合其定义,并充分保障了其文件附属的相关权利;
TVBS588(留言) 2014年8月29日 (五) 02:49 (UTC)
- 请问如果在不删除文件的前提下如何使用其他的的版权以保留上述文件,请阁下予以帮助告知,非常感谢!
TVBS588(留言) 2014年8月29日 (五) 03:47 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 August 2014
[编辑]- Featured content: Cheats at Featured Pictures!
- In the media: Plagiarism and vandalism dominate Wikipedia news
- News and notes: Media Viewer—Wikimedia's emotional roller-coaster
- Traffic report: Viral
Wikidata weekly summary #124
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- past: OpenSym
- upcoming: IRC office hour about structured data for Wikimedia Commons
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New Main Page and other new features
- Breaking changes for gadgets
- Badges support via Wikidata has been rolled out to Wikipedia and other sister projects. If the icons shown are not the ones your project would like please request a change here.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NIEA building ID, Cadw Building ID, color index, absolute magnitude
- Development
- Deployed more new stuff \o/ (in other projects sidebar; new internal serialization format; showing badges on the Wikipedias and other sister projects; Special:GoToLinkedPage)
- Added a new “item-redirect” permission
- Continuous work and reviews for the new JavaScript user interface
- DataModel 1.0 will be more strict when adding Claims or Statements to Entities. Quite some tests needed to be made compatible
- Adopted to recent API changes (getPossibleErrors and others got dropped)
- Replaced hundreds of class name aliases in the code with the actual class names
- Attended OpenSym
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- 原內容移往User:Hanteng/獨裁政體列表
- 按程序將討論存檔於Talk:獨裁政體列表
- 延長討論
謝謝 --❦‽維基vs百度‽來源專題 hanteng✉ 2014年9月1日 (一) 05:39 (UTC)
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 毛岸龙 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年9月5日 (五) 07:56 (UTC)
[编辑]你的編輯(血染的風采)因含有 侵權url 被提刪了,如有任何異議,請到Wikipedia:修订版本删除请求提出,謝謝! 9shi 2014年9月6日 (六) 05:59 (UTC)
The Signpost: 03 September 2014
[编辑]- Arbitration report: Media viewer case is suspended
- Featured content: 1882 × 5 in gold, and thruppence more
- Op-ed: Automated copy-and-paste detection under trial
- Recent research: A Wikipedia-based Pantheon; new Wikipedia analysis tool suite; how AfC hamstrings newbies
- Traffic report: Holding Pattern
- WikiProject report: Gray's Anatomy (v. 2)
[编辑]此君無視政府主管機關(臺中市政府)將台鐵捷運紅線 (台中)納入台中捷運定義範圍之事實[7],固執己見堅持將有關台鐵捷運紅線任何敘述從台中捷運頁面與模板完全移除[8][9],已構成對條目的破壞,懇請閣下將此編輯者封禁,感激不盡。郭燃(留言) 2014年9月12日 (五) 12:31 (UTC)
- (-)反对:台鐵捷運是捷運?我直接寄信給交通局,問「台鐵捷運算是真正的捷運嗎」好不好?在桃園捷運公司、高雄捷運公司也曾把它納入範疇,但他根本上就不是捷運是政府機關全部都承認的,無須辯駁了。另早有人為了避免爭議另立台鐵捷運及臺中市快捷巴士條目了。--Aotfs2013 (留言) 2014年9月12日 (五) 12:45 (UTC)
- 該君甚至連這樣參考來源完整的客觀引述[10]都容不下去了,甚至不容許台中捷運頁面出現「台鐵捷運紅線」六字,這對於重視資訊完整性與多元觀點的維基百科是一大損傷(何況市政府觀點是重要觀點);請管理員大人明鑑。郭燃(留言) 2014年9月13日 (六) 10:48 (UTC)
- (:)回應:台鐵捷運紅線是由交通部負責的,一點都不關捷運工程處的事,您查一下好嗎?您是維基新手嗎?破壞應該直接去破壞者提報頁面提報,怎麼會直接向特定管理員提出?而維基百科亦無階級之分,何來管理員「大人」一詞之說?--Aotfs2013 (留言) 2014年9月13日 (六) 11:42 (UTC)
- (:)回應:再來您連國家制定的大眾捷運法都不採信了,您從何立場來認為台鐵捷運紅線屬於捷運?更不用說您以為台鐵捷運紅線的主管機關是台中市政府這種荒謬的認知了。--Aotfs2013 (留言) 2014年9月13日 (六) 11:46 (UTC)
- 臺鐵捷運的主管機關確實不是台中市政府,但是台中捷運的主管機關就是市政府。這個條目講的是台中捷運,理當以台中捷運主管機關的觀點為主。您的觀點沒有舉出任何來源可考,若有來源,亦可在條目上與市政府的觀點並列,而非打壓與你意見相左之觀點的呈現。我的採認立場就是台中市政府。{市政府「認為」台中捷運紅線屬於台中捷運}這句話是一個事實,好比{中華民國政府「認為」中華民國領土範圍涵蓋台灣與大陸}這句話也是事實,應被寫入條目中。本討論串已轉貼至wp:當前的破壞。郭燃(留言) 2014年9月13日 (六) 15:26 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: August 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #125
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The new main page can now be translated.
- Did you know?
- Development
- Performance improvements for "in other projects sidebar" beta feature and bug fixes in the feature on wikis with sidebar cache enabled (e.g. zhwiki, commons)
- Worked on performance improvements to badges feature
- Fixing bug with xml format in the API, and added tests for it so hopefully this does not break again!
- Worked more on enabling statements on properties
- Further work on new user interface design groundwork - mostly refactoring and enabling editing of multiple sitelinks and label/alias/description at once
- First pokes at usage tracking
- Drafted an RfC to improve recent changes so we can show Wikidata changes also when enhanced recent changes is enabled
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 10 September 2014
[编辑]- Op-ed: Media Viewer software is not ready
- Featured content: The louse and the fish's tongue
- WikiProject report: Checking that everything's all right
- Traffic report: Refuge in celebrity
[编辑]“编辑3000次或以上”和“编辑1500次条目或以上”是“或”的关系。另外咱之前做过一个了~--Jimmy Xu 论 2014年9月15日 (一) 02:46 (UTC)
[编辑]您好,我看到您將中華民國足球協會當中的歷史會徽、會旗以非合理使用移除了。這些標章都屬於中華足協擁有,用在中華足協頁面裡展示其變遷沿革,為何不合理呢?懇請解惑。--jitcji(留言) 2014年9月15日 (一) 03:49 (UTC)
- 來源,其則因仰賴公路總局、臺灣省政府公報,其資料上甚為有限,理當擴充性會受到質疑。
- 有效介紹,其則因內容都僅列出路線,而所謂路線也只不過是行經地名聚落,然後對每一個地方列出里程,在百科收錄上所講求陳述與介是顯然有所不同,比如像興建的歷史、開發的過程、沿線的地理環境、完工後帶動地方的發展、影響當地的環境、沿線居民的反映及興築的起源……等介紹記載,但是卻連一項也都沒有,條目的關注度也就勢必受到質疑。
- 關注度不是一時的,其則因條目所記載的這條鄉道,在完工後至今有沒有發生過什麼事值得被收錄,如果只是單純用地名與里程來充當行經之路線,以此做為創建條目之基準,這做法是不是有濫建條目的嫌疑是值得商榷。
就這以上三項的問題而言,閣下可以大膽地對每一個像彰2線這種「鄉道」的條目去提交存廢討論,但這不表示這麼做就是立場支持刪除,畢竟提交存廢就是供人討論這條目的去留,也就是說,條目的死刑執行與否是交由各位意見去決定,提交只不過是被送到法庭等待審判罷了,這也是往往很多人一見到存廢討論就先直覺地認定要刪掉條目,多多少少都會引來情緒發言之人,但若是沒有閣下的拋磚引玉去提交存廢討論,很難想像維基百科是不是繼續該容忍臺灣這些公路迷創建像彰2線這種「鄉道」的條目?--留言) 2014年9月15日 (一) 17:51 (UTC)
- (~)補充:最後回應給那些公路迷們,與其理直氣壯說似是而非的話,倒不如面對「來源」、「有效介紹」、「關注度不是一時的」這些問題比較實際,繼續要這麼當局者迷,也就別休怪別人有權依照Wikipedia:关注度去提交存廢,到時候沒有多少人會想理會不給糖吃就只會哭鬧的公路迷們,哭鬧就是說你們自以為是的否對刪除的種種意見與理由,而不敢面對「來源」、「有效介紹」、「關注度不是一時的」這些問題。--留言) 2014年9月15日 (一) 17:51 (UTC)
This Month in Education: September 2014
[编辑]- Wikipedia Education Collaborative welcomes five new members
- Wikimedia Deutschlands recent activities: events, events and more events
- Working with Wikipedia expands at Tec de Monterrey
- Digital agenda for education and open badges to be tested
- Most successful Czech course continues again this year
- Articles of interest in other publications
Headlines · Highlights · Single page · Newsroom · Archives · Unsubscribe · MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年9月17日 (三) 15:19 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道 2014年9月17日 (三) 20:56 (UTC) 您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「2008年圖博抗議」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論该页面的存廢。
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道 2014年9月17日 (三) 20:58 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 September 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: Wikipedia's traffic statistics are off by nearly one-third
- In the media: Turkish Twitter outrage, medical translation, audience metrics
- WikiProject report: A trip up north to Scotland
- Featured content: Which is not like the others?
- Traffic report: Tolstoy leads a varied pack
藏人自稱 བོད་(bod)。所以有學者為“蕃”強配個入聲音bot。現在普通話無入聲,於是讀成平聲bo。但是中國古代往往用陽聲韻音譯外語閉音節。原則是用-m音譯外語-p、-b、-v等閉音節,唇音對唇音;用-n音譯外語-t、-r、-s等閉音節,舌音對舌音;用-ŋ音譯外語-k、-g等閉音節,齶音對齶音。
所以用陽聲韻字“蕃” (中古音*byan)音譯bot,是正常的。既然“堅昆”今天不能讀如入聲字“結骨”,“欽”今天不能讀如入聲字“泣”,“蕃” 今天也不能讀如入聲字 “撥”。
莫非你看不懂什麽叫陽聲對閉音節,就亂改?--柳漫(留言) 2014年9月26日 (五) 05:44 (UTC)
海外华人事件列表,您好,该条目参加了删除投票。但是并未有人提出删除或保留,请问为何被删除? Hikaruangeel(留言) 2014年9月27日 (六) 06:53 (UTC)
[编辑]您好,我日前依據中華奧林匹克委員會官方網站公布的標準規格及示範圖,更正中華奧委會旗和中華奧委會徽圖檔,卻被一個叫Fry1989的用戶以網頁圖片看起來有一點變形所以不值得採信的理由兩度回退,我認為非常沒有道理。得知您也是共享資源的管理員,希望您能協助我更正並保護圖檔以免再被破壞,謝謝您。--jitcji(留言) 2014年9月27日 (六) 13:22 (UTC)
[编辑]請幫忙處理种群在台灣正體下顯示成族群(英語:Population,或稱族群)的問題,謝謝!Kanashimi(留言) 2014年9月28日 (日) 03:43 (UTC)
The Signpost: 24 September 2014
[编辑]- In the media: Indian political editing, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Congressional chelonii
- Featured content: Oil paintings galore
- Traffic report: Wikipedia watches the election in Scotland
- WikiProject report: GAN reviewers take note: competition time
- Arbitration report: Banning Policy, Gender Gap, and Waldorf education
- Recent research: 99.25% of Wikipedia birthdates accurate; focused Wikipedians live longer; merging WordNet, Wikipedia and Wiktionary
Wikidata weekly summary #126
[编辑]- Discussions
- A new blocking policy has been accepted.
- Proposal for an individual engagement grant to use Wikidata items for citations needs your input
- RfC: redirect vs. deletion
- Events/Blogs/Press
- past: Open Government WikiHack organized by Wikimedia DC in Washington, DC
- upcoming: Wikidata training organized by Wikimedia UK with Magnus in London
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- With the deployment next Tuesday you will be able to edit all sitelinks at once as well as all fields of the "in other languages" box. This is an intermediate step towards the new user interface and will evolve further over the next weeks. You can see what is coming on Tuesday now already on
- WikiProject Names aims to improve name related data on Wikidata. Initial focus is on first names (given names). Half of items for first names still need cleaning up, but 15% of items for persons already have a given name defined.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Stack Exchange tag, ID, sourcing circumstances, has contributing factor, has immediate cause, birth name (Monolingual text), title, Nupill Literatura Digital - Document, Nupill Literatura Digital - Author, Commons Creator template, monogram, cause of, Cycling Quotient ID, male population, female population, number of households, contributing factor of, immediate cause of, used by, end cause, family name identical to this first name, country for sport, parents of hybrids, Glad identifier, identifier
- Showcase items: Hessian Broadcasting Corporation, Fishing Creek
- Development
- Jan Zerebecki has joined the Wikidata dev team.
- Worked on supporting statements on properties in WikibaseDataModelSerialization (bugzilla:66425)
- Fixed broken xml api output (bugzilla:70531), as well as some inconsistencies in the xml format and added tests that should help avoid future breakage in the xml format
- Finished performance improvements for badges
- Worked on entity usage tracking
- Pietro from the EAGLE project came to visit us, one of the first 3rd party users of Wikibase. See
- Added a hook point to allow 3rd party users (like the EAGLE project) of Wikibase to control what goes into the search index
- Started work on a widget that lets you edit badges right in the item instead of going to the special page
- Use checkboxes instead of a multiselect to edit badges on d:Special:SetSiteLink
- Work on hhvm-related issues in Wikibase and temporarily disabled the beta feature on Wikidata until fixes are deployed for the issues.
- Deployed new code on test.wikidata! (to be deployed on wikidata on Tuesday), see mw:Wikidata_deployment#wmf.2F1.25wmf1
- Work on fixing empty maps in the JSON serialization, differentiate them from empty lists (fixed prerequisite bugzilla:70606)
- Jeroen made a little video demonstrating how you can get a clone of Wikibase DataModel, set it up, and run it's tests:
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 01 October 2014
[编辑]- From the editor: The Signpost needs your help
- News and notes: Wikipedia article published in peer-reviewed journal; Wikipedia in education
- Dispatches: Let's get serious about plagiarism
- Featured content: Brothers at War
- Traffic report: Shanah Tovah
- WikiProject report: Animals, farms, forests, USDA? It must be WikiProject Agriculture
Wikidata weekly summary #127
[编辑]- Discussions
- [[:d:Wikidata:Requests for comment/User conduct policies|Closed RfC: User conduct policies]
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Toolkit 0.3.0 released - Wikidata Toolkit
- ProteinBoxBot is making Wikidata the canonical resource for referencing and translating identifiers for genes and proteins from different species
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: depends on, motto, series ordinal, Federal Register Document Number, monogram, cause of, Cycling Quotient ID
- Development
- Investigated and fixed issues with time values
- Investigated issues with coordinate value precision
- Fixed a number of issues related to HHVM
- Further work on usage tracking
- Created smoke tests for items and properties
- Created a widget to edit badges directly on the item without going through the special page
- Prepared for a week of work with the WMF multimedia team and volunteers next week to get more planning done for structured data support for Commons
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]閣下曾掛關注度模板之條目 游耀光 已到限期,如閣下認為該條目現時尚未合乎關注度標準,可作提刪。--Nivekin※請留言 2014年10月6日 (一) 03:21 (UTC)
[编辑]请阁下参考这里Talk:Windows_9#关于该条目— 坟前的丁香花 卍 请给我留言 2014年10月9日 (四) 01:09 (UTC)
知道你貢獻在維基獲獎無數了,但universal在英文的解釋(所有存在的事物)是俗成的,在中國譯宇宙也是俗成的,不要拿那些很複雜的時空連續體來說,人家不要用一個把標題變得難懂的解釋,也不要拿印度或古希臘式的世界來說,那只需要用英文的cosmos宇宙 (系統)就行了,兩者在英文是不同的詞語。如果照你的意思很易把人體或精神等microcosmos(小宇宙)和太空的macrocosoms(大宇宙)混淆的。
Gx9900gundam(留言) 2014年10月9日 (四) 17:22 (UTC)
The Signpost: 08 October 2014
[编辑]- In the media: Opposition research firm blocked; Australian brushfire
- Featured content: From a wordless novel to a coat of arms via New York City
- Traffic report: Panic and denial
- Technology report: HHVM is the greatest thing since sliced bread
感謝你指出上載圖片需要資料來源, 請看現在是否可接受
[编辑]條目冤罪殺機中的四幅最近加入的圖片,本人已參考英文頁面的圖片,補充了來源資料。只是仍不大肯定目前是否可接受,煩請閣下查看。順便在此提出,不知閣下能否看看該條目目前有沒有機會成為優良條目?本人花了很多時間翻譯英文頁面(它被評為特色條目)和加入各參考來源。Orzel Bialy(留言) 2014年10月11日 (六) 04:06 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: September 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #128
[编辑]- Discussions
- Open RfA: Nikosguard
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- All human genes are now wikidata items, for example: Here is one (of approximately 40,000) called "spinocerebellar ataxia 37" - Blog post about this to appear here:
- Want to be kept up-to-date on structured data on Commons? There is now a new newsletter you can subscribe to.
- Interested in some statistics about the data on Wikidata? Check Wikidata Stats every now and then. (Thanks Magnus for moving it to the new dump format.)
- Did you know?
- Development
- Spent the week with the WMF multimedia team and volunteers to get more clarity about structured data on Commons. We'll be asking for feedback on a lot of stuff over the next weeks. The main info hub is taking shape at Commons:Structured data.
- More fixes for the switch to HHVM
- Looked into possible performance improvements. Some of them will be taken into the next sprint.
- Battled a handful of nasty issues on the live-site
- Wikibase DataModel 1.1 was released
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 15 October 2014
[编辑]- Arbitration report: One case closed and two opened
- Discussion report: en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2014-10-15/Discussion report
- Featured content: Bells ring out at the Temple of the Dragon at Peace
- In the media: College player falsely linked to sports scandal by Wikipedia; the Nobel Prizes
- Op-ed: Ships—sexist or sexy?
- Technology report: Attempting to parse wikitext
- Traffic report: Now introducing ... mobile data
- WikiProject report: Signpost reaches the Midwest
Wikidata weekly summary #129
[编辑]- Discussions
- Do you want to see constraint violation reports and referencing improved? Please provide input.
- Events/Blogs/Press
- IRC office hour about structured data on Commons (log)
- hackathon around scholarly articles on Wikidata (etherpad with notes)
- Blog post about the meeting to discuss structured data on Commons in Berlin
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Clusters of humans and species on Wikidata
- New parameter in the template Property documentation: subject item; see [this example edit] for how to use it
- New tool: Linked Items. Returns sorted, de-duped list of Q values from a Wikipedia page, or chunk of wiki-text. Thank you, Magnus!
- Wikidata annotation tool is looking for feedback
- Wikidata: A Free Collaborative Knowledgebase by Denny and Markus has been published. It gives a very nice non-technical overview of Wikidata.
- Magnus re-wrote Wiki ShootMe to now use Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Always wanted to know which topics have amazing articles on Wikimedia projects across many languages? Here you go!
- Newest properties: At the Circulating Library ID, MacTutor id (biographies), allmovie identifier, number of survivors, given name version for other gender, name in native language, tempo marking, manifestation of, zbMATH author ID, Executive Order number
- Development
- Improvements to sitelink editing usability
- Released Wikibase DataModel 2.0
- Profiling and performance improvements in Wikibase and Wikibase DataModel
- Implementing LabelLookup, which is needed to improve performance of EntityId formatting. This will lead to improved item page loading times.
- Added new featured list and recommended article badges.
- Remove most usage of class aliases to be compatible with HHVM (dependencies of bugzilla:71295)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
刪除操作錯誤,請參考:維基百科:存廢覆核請求#醬油蟹。 --Qui cherche trouve 2014年10月23日 (四) 01:39 (UTC)
[编辑]你好,我想要知道真正的問題在那裏? 我有貼上"來源"了,請問你的來源貼要放那裏? ---User:Lyj714 2014年10月23日 (四) 22:19 (UTC)
The Signpost: 22 October 2014
[编辑]- In the media: The story of Wikipedia; Wikipedia reanimated and republished; UK government social media rules; death of Italian Wikipedia administrator
- Featured content: Admiral on deck: a modern Ada Lovelace
- Op-ed: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution—a wiki-protest
- WikiProject report: De-orphanning articles - a huge task but with a huge team of volunteers to help
- Traffic report: Death, War, Pestilence... Movies and TV
Wikidata weekly summary #114
[编辑]- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Game now has a 'Commons Categories' game
- Did you know?
- Development
- Made significant performance improvements (to be rolled out next week)
- Worked on usability improvements to the editing of sitelinks
- When you link to an image on Wikimedia Commons in a statement it will now show up in “global usage” there.
- Made the phpunit tests for Wikibase much faster
- Wikibase phpunit tests on travis pass with hhvm now
- Fixed label/description uniqueness constraint checks
- Work on entity usage tracking
- Year formatter now shows the year instead of the unformatted ISO string in case of a precision mismatch
- Diff and old revision pages don’t run the JavaScript UI any more, should be much faster now
- Introduced a Changers concept to the JavaScript frontend, wrapping the API and entityStore functionality
- Identified issue causing content in the old serialization format to be included in XML dumps
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--333-blue(留言) 2014年10月27日 (一) 12:56 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 October 2014
[编辑]- Featured content: Go West, young man (By the way, there is a monster at the end of this article)
- In the media: Wikipedia a trusted source on Ebola; Wikipedia study labeled government waste; football biography goes viral
- Maps tagathon: Find 10,000 digitised maps this weekend
- Recent research: Informed consent and privacy; newsmaking on Wikipedia; Wikipedia and organizational theories
- Traffic report: Ebola, Ultron, and Creepy Articles
关于File:Wang Zengqi.jpg的问题请教阁下
Wikidata weekly summary #131
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata turned 2 on Wednesday! Have a look at the notes from the community and development team and add your note. Also don't forget to check out all the cool presents (a painting, speed improvements, a huge load of unconnected articles that you can help connect via the Wikidata Game, WikidataLDF, a recent changes visualisation)!
- Wikidata II
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata is nominated for 2 Open Data Awards! \o/ Magnus and Lydia will attend the award ceremony next week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
- Wikidata as the central hub for open life science data
- What is Wikipedia about? Great data viz based on Wikidata
- Super Lachaise, a mobile app based on Wikidata for a cemetery in Paris
- Random items without statements
- Tutorial: How to make a “descendants of” timeline using Wikidata
- Updated statistics on the topics with most highly-rated articles on Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: deepest point, Desa code of Indonesia, Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID, Catalan object of cultural interest ID, Municipality code of Brazil, Pleiades identifier, MalaCards ID, natural product of taxon, official blog, University of Barcelona authority ID, Beilstein Registry Number, Gmelin Number
- Development
- Worked around memory corruption in zend PHP
- HHVM beta feature is enabled again for Wikidata
- Fixes for various breaking changes in mediawiki core
- Work on language fall backs for new serialization code
- Work on fixing XML dumps
- Work on making Special:Version correct again for Wikidata extensions
- Implemented LabelLookup to improve performance further
- Worked more on remaining tasks for simple queries
- Poked remaining tasks for statements on properties
- Further improvements to the usability and workflow of sitelink editing
- Wrote browser tests for authority control gadget
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
疑似新用戶User talk:华夏正本和某匿名IP用戶之爭,懇請 shizhao 兄及其他管理員協助維護、著手調查,多謝。--Gzyeah(留言) 2014年11月3日 (一) 13:54 (UTC)
- @Kegns:感激閣下相助!@Shizhao:從條目編輯歷史來看,User talk:华夏正本與User talk:Manfeideniao之痕跡頗為相似,還有早前短期內頻繁出現的三位(User talk:Stttgo/User talk:Ffyyiio 0o9/User talk:Yucheng48),不知其相互之間是否有傀儡嫌疑,煩請各位管理員明鑑,多謝!--Gzyeah(留言) 2014年11月3日 (一) 14:43 (UTC)
- @Kegns:,@Shizhao:,@Gzyeah:,我就是该名ip用户,对于引发编辑战我深表遗憾,这非我所愿。实际上这两个月来怀疑有某个、甚至是一群网友在各大百科网站(除了维基,还有百度,搜狗,360百科,互动百科,中文百科在线,这些编辑极其相似,编辑时间也是近这两个月的事情,可以认为是同一个/同一群网友所为)正有系统性的破坏客家词条。鉴于他们的恶劣行为,所以我想和他们讨论是不可能的事情。只能用ip身份一次又一次的撤销他的编辑(其实我正考虑要向维基百科管理员求助,以申请词条保护),对于引发的编辑战,我再次向各位管理员致歉,并保证不会再有下次。最后我要说的是目前客家词条的版本正是破坏者User talk:华夏正本的破坏后的版本,各位管理员可以比较核实,我恳请诸位能尽快恢复至破坏者User talk:华夏正本编辑前的真正版本,谢谢。留言) 2014年11月3日 (一) 23:41 (UTC)
- @Kegns:,@Shizhao:,@Gzyeah:,各位管理員請看看鏈接吧,我已經不想再多說些什麼:[11]。留言) 2014年11月17日 (一) 11:53 (UTC)
- 除了中文维基的客家词条,网友User talk:华夏正本还曾在粤语维基百科的客家词条(以其本号User talk:华夏正本及IP身份27.38.227.127、和27.38.164.18)引发编辑战,迫使粤语维基管理员将该词条列于半保护才免被破坏,此为粤语维基客家词条的历史版本 [12]。其实,如我曾说该网友在近期不间断地破坏各大百科关于客家的词条(无论是知名或知名度不足的百科),其用险恶用意路人皆知。然而这毕竟是发生在其他维基范围以外的的事情大家也无从追究,但维基百科的公信力非其他百科所能及,我恳请管理员们决不能让该网友进行持续性的破坏,本人恐怕明年客家词条解禁后,还会再度发生类似的事情。还请各位管理员明鉴,多谢,有言语不敬之处,请诸位见谅。留言) 2014年11月17日 (一) 16:30 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--寢食難安仙度拉(留言) 2014年11月4日 (二) 12:31 (UTC) 您好,您先前创建或编辑的页面「文革名词列表」已被提出存廢討論,正在討論该页面的存廢。
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Qui cherche trouve 2014年11月5日 (三) 04:42 (UTC)
[编辑]该用户的扰乱行为具体是?[13] 拉票?--Kuailong™ 2014年11月5日 (三) 16:47 (UTC)
The Signpost: 05 November 2014
[编辑]- In the media: Predicting the flu; MH17 conspiracy theories
- Traffic report: Sweet dreams on Halloween
[编辑]我想问下,如果我想将一个论述提升为指引,如何设置设置投票条件(例如需要多长的投票时间等),想参考通用关注度和人物关注度的指引投票确认,但无法找到对应的共识表决结果,感觉最近的IAR方针投票时长太短,不确认是否适合。所以特此咨询一下。——路过围观的Sakamotosan 2014年11月10日 (一) 01:54 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #132
[编辑]- Discussions
- Zero error rate - help improve the quality of Wikidata's data
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata won the Open Data Award by the Open Data Institute in the category Publisher \o/ (blog post by ODI, blog post by WMDE)
- Tutorial: Create instant location based timelines using Wikidata queries
- Did you know?
- Less than 23% of Wikidata items have no statement. Down from ~53% a year ago.
- Newest properties: consecrator, Slovene Cultural Heritage designation, penalty, charge, judge, defender, prosecutor, defendant, number of casualties, deepest point, Desa code of Indonesia, Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID, Catalan object of cultural interest ID
- Development
- Continued work on LabelLookup and related code to further improve performance
- Made it possible to show references in statements on property pages. (Remaining bugs before roll-out are issues with adding/editing/removing statements on property pages.)
- Further improvements to sitelink editing (The edit toolbar now floats so it doesn't scroll out of the page on a long list of sitelinks. An empty row for adding a new sitelink is shown by default when editing to make this faster and take less scrolling.)
- Further adapting of simple query code so we can get it to review at the Foundation again.
- Lots of bug fixes all over the place
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--3BL. 此討論區謝絕廢話 2014年11月11日 (二) 09:23 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: October 2014
[编辑]本人已依從圖片更新前那位維基人的格式去填寫,不清楚還有甚麼所謂"版權資訊"仍未有填上,煩請明示。--Foamposite(留言) 2014年11月15日 (六) 02:26 (UTC)
- 本人已嘗試在File:DBC5Logo2014.jpg加入來源,請看這是否已達標。--Foamposite(留言) 2014年11月15日 (六) 02:36 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #133
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming office hours for Commons (Nov 20th) and Wikidata (Dec 3rd). More details on the office hour page.
- GLAM/Wikidata hackathon in Amsterdam
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Help make sure these items have labels in your language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NATO code for grade
- Development
- Work on reviving the tree of life built from Wikidata data
- Added a "featured portal" badge (Q17580674)
- Improved the performance of getting labels and sitelinks in Lua (and decreased the memory usage)
- Did groundwork on applying page deletions to the repo
- Refactor initialization of EntityView so that we can use batched label lookup for improved performance.
- Added IRC to available protocolls for the URL datatype
- Improved calendar model display
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--3BL. 此討論區謝絕廢話 2014年11月16日 (日) 10:29 (UTC)
The Signpost: 12 November 2014
[编辑]- In the media: Amazon Echo; EU freedom of panorama; Bluebeard's Castle
- Featured content: Wikipedia goes to church in Lithuania
- WikiProject report: Talking hospitals
- Traffic report: Holidays, anyone?
[编辑]網球運動員列表這個條目是專門用來創建網球比賽,快速轉換譯名用的,沒有這個條目的話,轉換譯名需要花比較多的時間,既然已經刪除,那些資料是我用好多時間所累積出來的,以後我也是有需要用到的,我希望可以將裡面的資料,放置到我的沙盒內,麻煩你了。--Rivalry(留言) 2014年11月17日 (一) 03:49 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #134
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Had a great hackathon for GLAM and Wikidata in Amsterdam last weekend
- IRC office hour about structured data on Commons (logs)
- Building a periodic table using Wikidata
- Lydia will be speaking at internetdagarna in Stockholm on Monday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons will get Phase 2 on December 2nd
- The Sum of all Paintings - new app to nicely display data related to artwork
- Institutions on Commons without an item on Wikidata
- Wikidata descriptions being used to help clarify search results in the Wikipedia mobile app
- WikidataTodo now shows you tasks to be done on Wikidata related to a specific country as well
- VisualEditor coming as a beta feature
- Statements on properties are getting closer to the finish line. You could help figure out which properties to use for describing and classifying properties.
- Did you know?
- Development
- When a page is deleted on a client (Wikipedia, etc) its sitelink is now removed automatically from its Wikidata item
- Reworked the automatic precision detection for coordinates
- The long planned split of the code base into two independent Wikibase Repo and Client extensions is getting closer pretty fast these weeks
- Made good progress on making the sitelinks section much more compact and moving it into the right-hand sidebar
- While still reworking lots of details that slightly changed in DataModel 2.0 we already started working on a possible DataModel 3.0
- More performance optimizations in the form of more advanced label lookup implementations
- Implemented file-based cache of SiteStore to improve performance
- Bug fixes
- Updated the property suggester with new data! :)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
The Signpost: 26 November 2014
[编辑]- Featured content: Orbital Science: Now you're thinking with explosions
- In the media: A Russian alternative Wikipedia; Who's your grandfather?; ArtAndFeminism
- Recent research: Gender gap and skills gap; academic citations on the rise; European food cultures
- Traffic report: Big in Japan
- WikiProject report: Back with the military historians
[编辑]管理員好,今晚台灣行政院院長江宜樺宣布將辭職,但尚無繼任人選,也尚不清楚交接日期,卻已有大量匿名用戶任意編輯這兩個條目,我不勝其擾,還請管理員能將這兩個條目保護。--Yr(留言) 2014年11月29日 (六) 15:12 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--3BL. 此討論區謝絕廢話 2014年11月30日 (日) 00:20 (UTC)
[编辑]建議將討論頁再次存檔。--3BL. 此討論區謝絕廢話 2014年11月30日 (日) 00:24 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧 · 刪除指導 · 存廢覆核請求 · IRC聊天頻道--HYH.124(留言) 2014年11月30日 (日) 14:26 (UTC)
[编辑]我希望可以重新恢復偵盟會的版面,我不知道版面那裡有問題,如果有問題請您跟我說,我想盡快恢復版面,謝謝!!!。--3BL. 此討論區謝絕廢話 2014年12月1日 (日) 22:01 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #135
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: Internetdagaarna in Stockholm
- Past: Hacks/Hackers in Berlin
- Picture this!
- Wikidata identifiers and the ODNB - where next?
- Wikidata and identifiers - part 2, the matching process
- IRC office hour on Wednesday
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Commons will get access to the data on Wikidata on Tuesday
- Statements on properties and language fallbacks are coming
- VisualEditor is now available as a beta feature to make editing of project and help pages easier
- Did you know?
- Development
- Moved the sitelink section into a sidebar (if the page is too narrow it will float below the statement section like it is now)
- Wrapping up work on injecting LabelLookups into EntityView (should boost performance)
- Implemented new notification bar to replace the notification bubble we had before
- Fixed more issues with geocoordinates
- Wrapping up work on client side usage tracking (important for arbitrary access)
- Making language fallback work for referenced entities (via LabelLookup)
- Transformations for pass XML dumps got merged, should fix phabricator:T74348
- Enabled Statements on Properties on for testing
- JSON dumps will no longer contain redirects from the week after next week on
- Improved performance of client’s other projects sidebar
- Worked on bug triage (looking at the testme bugs)
- Replaced the custom Wikidata Jenkins continuous integration slaves with regular ones
- Fixed error in DataModel that was noticed by DataModelSerializer tests
- Input on mw:Wikibase/Indexing
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
This Month in Education: October 2014
[编辑]- Sweden: Swedish teacher wins national award for teaching with Wikimedia projects
- Greece: Greek university giving credit for translation of Wikipedia articles
- Greece: Wikipedia in Secondary and Adult Education: presentation at CIE2014 in Corfu, Greece
- Serbia & Hungary: Wikicamp 2014 in Serbia and Hungary brings chapters together
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian college students will explore Wikipedia in a new lecture course on "New Media and Participatory Culture"
- Bulgaria: Bulgarian college teachers "became nodes" in the Wikipedia Network
- Israel: 9th grade students in Be'er Sheva, Israel conclude a year-long project on Wikipedia
- Mexico: New classes and activities at Tec de Monterrey
- Catalonia: Education Program Extension enabled on Catalan Wikipedia
- Ukraine: Education Program Extension enabled on Ukrainian Wikipedia
- Netherlands: Education Program Extension enabled on Dutch Wikipedia
- WMF: Data Collection Round II has started: be part
- Articles of interest in other publications: Poland, Philippines, United States, WikiProject Medicine, Jimmy Wales, and more
Headlines · Highlights · Single page · Newsroom · Archives · Unsubscribe
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2014年12月3日 (三) 20:55 (UTC)
This Month in Education: November 2014
[编辑]- France: Wikimedia France obtains an agreement from the French Ministry of Education
- Mexico: Tec de Monterrey wrapping up semester projects
- Mexico: A student in Mexico makes the best of her study to edit Wikipedia
- Egypt: Egyptian Student invites his colleagues at Al-Azhar University to edit Wikipedia
- Sweden: Successful Wikipedia assignments presented by faculty at national conference in Sweden
- Global: Wikipedia Education Collaborative members meet in Edinburgh
- Global: Iberoconf discusses Wikipedia in education
- Global:Welcoming new WMF staff supporting education
- Articles of interest in other publications: MIT, Myanmar, and Jimmy Wales
关于File:Wuhan Airlines logo.png版权问题
Lovin346(留言) 2014年12月5日 (五) 04:54 (UTC)
[编辑]不倦星章 | |
^^ Gp6vu86(留言) 2014年12月6日 (六) 14:48 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 03 December 2014
[编辑]- Op-ed: Who edits health-related content on Wikipedia and why?
- In the media: Embroidery and cheese
- Featured content: ABCD: Any Body Can Dance!
- Traffic report: Turkey and a movie
- WikiProject report: Today on the island
Wikidata weekly summary #136
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- IRC office hour (log)
- Wikidata for research - a grant proposal anyone can edit
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons now has access to the data on Wikidata
- Statements on properties are now live
- Sneak peek at a prototype for checking Wikidata's data against 3rd party databases
- The Game has a new mode: alma mater
- Work is ongoing for a bot job to tag thousands of objects in OpenStreetMap with the equivalent Wikidata ID
- Resolver finds Wikidata items for a given identifier (VIAF, GND, IMDB, ...)
- English-Wikipedia now has a template, RedQ, which puts a Wikidata link next to red links for subjects which have no Wikipedia article in any language, This should prevent duplicate Wikidata items from being created when an article is written, and assist Wikipedia editors to find relevant facts and sources. Please copy it to other-language Wikipedias.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: working title, undercarriage
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Wikidata for research aims to integrate Wikidata more closely with research, and to this end, a grant proposal is being drafted.
- Development
- Started work on units
- More work on evaluating options for querying
- Implemented Property DataType (for relationships between properties)
- Improvements to get by with fewer memcache request on clients
- Work on file-based cache of the SiteStore
- Work on improved label lookup performance
- Wrapping up work on usage tracking
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
Hi Shizhao ! Could you help me to check the text and correct errors in the biographical section of the article on a Russian artist? My Chinese is very weak. Thank you so much! - Leningradartist(留言) 2014年12月8日 (一) 23:42 (UTC)
The Signpost: 10 December 2014
[编辑]- Op-ed: It's GLAM up North!
- In the media: Wikipedia is "a rancorous, sexist, elitist, stupidly bureaucratic mess"
- Traffic report: Dead Black Men and Science Fiction
- Featured content: Honour him, love and obey? Good idea with military leaders.
This Month in GLAM: November 2014
Wikidata weekly summary #137
[编辑]- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: departure transaction, acquisition transaction, port, curator, pendant of
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Music
- Development
- More work on making it possible to query Wikidata data (mw:Wikibase/Indexing)
- Further improvements to performance on the clients (Wikipedia etc)
- Fixed and improved JSON dump creation process
- Finishing touches on new sitelinks section
- Worked more on supporting quantities with units - first basic version is making good progress
- Unprotected Q183 (Germany) again (had to be protected to ensure site availability)
- Improved performance for page views on Wikidata (no longer accessing actual entity data blob, when page is available from parser cache)
- Moved issues from github to phabricator and closed/checked bugs marked for testing
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]您好,每个人编辑东西都要付出心血的,我写的内容有什么不可修改的问题吗?以至您一定要全部删除? 镜孖(留言) 2014年12月15日 (一) 15:16 (UTC)镜孖
您好,剛剛發現2014/12/10頁面存廢討論後被刪除的條目賣性者已由原創建者重新創建,我不確定目前版本和之前版本是否相同,是否可以請您協助確認?謝謝,祝編安--Wolfch (留言)-賀維基百科條目突破八十萬個 2014年12月17日 (三) 18:23 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 December 2014
[编辑]- In the media: Wikipedia's year in review video; Checking in with Wikipedia's founders
- Arbitration report: Arbitration Committee election results
- Featured content: Tripping hither, tripping thither, Nobody knows why or whither; We must dance and we must sing, Round about our fairy ring!
- Traffic report: A December Lull
[编辑]打擾了。由於沒找到正規途徑請求隱藏某個編輯歷史,所以來找您幫忙。須要隱藏的是這一編輯,因為我的操作失誤導致暴露了我不宜公開的本機名字及用戶名。謝謝。鋼琴小子 打個招呼 查看貢獻 2014年12月20日 (六) 07:23 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #138
[编辑]- Discussions
- Open RfAs: Petr Matas
- Closed RfAs: Jared Preston (Successful)
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: subproperty of, mandatory qualifier, NIST/CODATA ID, EgliseInfo ID
- New task forces: Freebase, Sled dog racing
- Showcase items: Lion
- Development
- Happy holidays from the dev team, everyone :)
- ~=[,,_,,]:3
- Enabled other projects sidebar feature as default on Italian Wikipedia
- Deployed new code to Wikidata, including performance improvements, language fallback, and property data type
- Fixed some small issues that popped up after deployment
- Ongoing work on performance improvements (batched label lookup)
- Ongoing work on the JavaScript widgets needed for the planned redesign
- Ongoing work on the WikibaseJavaScriptApi extension that was split from the Wikibase code base
- Finished tree of life
- Some more work on support for units
- Closed/checked even more ‘testme’ bugs on Phabricator
- Wikidata Query has gotten a number of stability fixes. To increase availability and performance we now have multiple instances of it with a load balancer in front of it.
- The data for the entity suggester has been updated. Suggestions when adding new statements should be even better now.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
[编辑]- 抱歉,或許您沒注意到編輯說明。請參考[14],繁體只有「紈褲」,沒有「紈袴」。若還有問題,請先討論好,在下會自行更改,請勿再回退,謝謝!
- 順帶一提,上次關於種群的問題,並未等到您的回應。請幫忙處理种群在台灣正體下顯示成族群(英語:Population,或稱族群)的問題,謝謝!Kanashimi(留言) 2014年12月23日 (二) 09:03 (UTC)
The Signpost: 24 December 2014
[编辑]- From the editor: Looking for new editors-in-chief
- In the media: Wales on GamerGate
- Featured content: Still quoting Iolanthe, apparently.
- WikiProject report: Microsoft does The Signpost
- Traffic report: North Korea is not pleased
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--——凝 ✉ 2014年12月28日 (日) 17:18 (UTC)
为什么4票保留,3票删除,也删除,我不是来责怪阁下的。我只是为我感到悲哀,辛辛苦苦满怀热情地翻译一个模板,也没侵权,却被当地人提删,累觉不爱了。--Fxqf(留言) 2014年12月29日 (一) 09:48 (UTC)
[编辑]你好!我是一个维基新手,把中国历史年表等图形化,发在中国历史等条目里。个人感觉,这些图片能表示朝代在中国历史中的位置、与其他朝代的相互关系,虽然“唐突”,但还是有一些意义,比较生动直观。仅个人感觉。 求助维基很多年,编辑维基完全是一个新手,对这里很不了解,希望能得到你的帮助。如果大家都感觉不好,我就都删了吧。不好意思,感谢!Yuyiding
[编辑]今日因故到偽基百科上瀏覽,卻發現了這張圖片,明顯衝著閣下而來(而且上傳日期顯示是去年),整個把維基百科的爭執延燒到偽基百科。不知閣下是否有注意到,特此告知。 - 和平、奮鬥、救地球!(留言)~消除歧見、互助合作、共創美好未來! 於 2014年12月31日 (三) 02:09 (UTC)
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--Nivekin※請留言 2015年1月2日 (五) 04:07 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 December 2014
[编辑]- News and notes: The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
- In the media: Study tour controversy; class tackles the gender gap
- Op-ed: My issues with the Wiki Education Foundation
- Featured content: A bit fruity
- Traffic report: Surfin' the Yuletide
- Recent research: Wikipedia in higher education; gender-driven talk page conflicts; disease forecasting
幫助:互助客棧、刪除指導、存廢覆核請求、IRC聊天頻道--AT 2015年1月3日 (六) 10:38 (UTC)
[编辑]你好,超级战队系列里面还就是差手裏剑战队忍忍者和救急战队GOGOV还有电磁战队百万连者图片标志介绍啊,你可以把这三个图片添加进去好吗,谢谢你了 多谢你了
你好,所有全部超级战队系列和假面骑士系列还有奥特曼系列图片和图像还有所有全部演员明星资料档案你可以把这个添加进去好吗,谢谢你了 多谢你了
Wikidata weekly summary #139
[编辑]- Discussions
- Provide your input on article placeholders based on Wikidata
- new RfC: CoI editing
- Anonymous artists at wiki project visual arts
- Events/Blogs/Press
- We need to start talking about scaling Wikidata over the next months and years: Scaling Wikidata: success means making the pie bigger
- The next big step for Wikidata—forming a hub for researchers
- wikidata4research4all
- There was a well-attended Wikidata meetup at 31C3
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Query now runs on multiple, load-balanced, self-restarting servers. Thanks to Yuvi for the help.
- Vandals suck. Don't know how to help us fight them? Here are two pages to get you started: Wikidata:Vandalism and Wikidata:Abuse filter.
- The Wikidata BEACON generator was updated by Magnus. It now uses all properties with “formatter URL”, so always up-to-date with target URLs. It is faster, too.
- Number of visual artworks on Wikidata by institution
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Terminologia Histologica (TH), Terminologia Embryologica (TE), ICD-9-CM, operations and procedures key (OPS), ICD-10-PCS, central government debt as a percent of GDP, AniDB identifier, main property, awarded for work, Pokémon browser number, inscription, quote, subtitle, BBC Your Paintings artwork identifier, has vertex figure, index case of, number suspected, number probable, number confirmed, general formula, this taxon is source of, Route number, LAC identifier, CONA, ATCvet, TGN, Chess Club ID, Chess Games ID, Cycling Database ID, ProCyclingStats ID, DOI Prefix, Alexa rank, has index case, related property, number of faces, MPAA film rating, unveiled by, station number, wing configuration, TERYT municipality code, referee, YouTube video identifier, BBF identifier, Korean Movie Database ID, Dictionary of Welsh Biography ID
- Showcase items: Iggy Azalea, Helsinki
- Development
- Happy new year! :) It'll be a great one for Wikidata!
- Have you filed bugs in the past? Awesome! It'd be super helpful if you have a look at your old bugs and see if they are still relevant. You can find them at (make sure you're logged in on Phabricator)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item