凡爾登戰役 | |||||||
第一次世界大戰西方戰線的一部分 | |||||||
戰役態勢圖 | |||||||
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参战方 | |||||||
德國 | 法國 | ||||||
指挥官与领导者 | |||||||
兵力 | |||||||
50個師 | 75個師 (輪換制) | ||||||
伤亡与损失 | |||||||
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凡爾登戰役(法語:Bataille de Verdun;德語:Schlacht um Verdun)乃第一次世界大戰西方戰線之要役,發生於法國東北凡爾登防區。此役由法國第二軍團與德國第五軍團交鋒,為一戰歷時最久之戰事,亦為軍事史上死傷最甚者之一。
1916年2月21日,德軍發動「審判行動」(德語:Unternehmen Gericht),奉德軍總參謀長埃里希·馮·法金漢所擬消耗戰略,以圖攻取凡爾登防區(Région Fortifiée de Verdun)中默茲高地之險要地利,冀迫法軍重兵來援,欲以「流血至死」之法致其頹敗。至2月底,德軍已攻占杜奧蒙要塞,迫臨默茲高地之麓,然未及法軍大部隊抵達之前攻下高地。3月,德軍整編兵馬,轉攻默兹河西岸,法軍砲兵則積極應敵,阻德軍前進。其後,法軍屢試奪回杜奧蒙要塞,德軍亦欲擴大其攻勢,然成果僅限於奪取沃要塞。7月1日,英法聯軍於索姆河戰役開辟新戰場,牽制德軍。7月12日,法金漢指揮之大規模進攻再遭挫敗,遂令第五軍團轉入守勢,法金漢亦於8月29日解職。至10月下旬,法軍發動總攻,先後收復杜奧蒙要塞、沃要塞及東岸廣袤疆域,終使凡爾登戰役告捷,法軍威聲大振。
關於法金漢之計略,荷蘭軍事情報早有所覺,遂於12月通報英國。德軍所謀者,非以大規模進攻求勝,因為先前法英之猛攻已證明此法徒然招致損耗,徒勞無功。法金漢有意仗重砲之威力,以殺傷敵軍大量人員為主。其計畫以凡爾登為限,意欲誘致法軍反覆反攻,耗其戰略儲備,並於英軍力圖支援之徒勞攻勢中挫敗其後援,致使法國無奈之下另行媾和。倘若法軍拒絕議和,則戰略將進入第二階段,由德軍乘敵疲敝之時,徹底擊潰法英聯軍,掃清法軍餘部,並逐英軍出歐洲。為實現此計,法金漢需留足戰略儲備,以應對法英聯軍之支援攻勢,並繼之以反擊,故能調往第五軍團為執行「審判行動」(Unternehmen Gericht)之兵力亦有限[3]。
凡爾登防禦區乃1914年德軍入侵所成之突出部。時法軍總司令約瑟夫·霞飛因比利時列日戰役及那慕爾圍城戰中,比利時要塞迅速失陷,遂認定德軍重砲已使傳統防禦工事不敷使用。1915年8月5日,法軍總參謀部令削減凡爾登防區54座砲台及12萬8千發彈藥,並擬定計畫炸毀杜奧蒙堡與沃堡以防其落入敵手,至德軍於2月21日進攻之際,杜奧蒙堡內已埋設重達五噸之炸藥。凡爾登周圍十八座要塞及諸多砲台僅餘不到三百門火砲,彈藥儲備匱乏,守備兵力亦縮減至僅維修之需[4] 。此處要塞群南向通凡爾登市區之鐵路自1914年弗利雷之戰後已為德軍所切斷,圣米耶勒亦為其所占;而西通巴黎之鐵路亦於1915年7月中旬被德軍第三軍團攻克,該軍自新年以來,自阿戈訥森林南襲,直抵欧布雷维尔[5]。
至1903年,杜奧蒙堡新設混凝土掩體「布爾日火砲室」 (Casemate de Bourges),置75毫米野砲二門,以掩護西南方進路及冷土堡工事(Ouvrage de Froideterre)。自1903年至1913年間,又增設四座可升降鋼砲塔,具全方位射擊之能。東北與西北角設有小型砲塔,各置雙聯哈奇开斯轻机枪;堡壘東側砲塔中,則安裝短管155毫米重砲,向北與東北瞰射,另有砲塔內置雙聯75毫米砲,以掩護鄰近要塞間之間隙。杜奧蒙堡與其村落、六座工事、五處掩蔽所、六座混凝土砲台、一座地下步兵掩蔽所、二座彈藥庫及若干混凝土步兵壕塹,構成一完整之防禦體系[9]。凡爾登要塞體系之間,遍布混凝土步兵掩蔽所、裝甲觀測哨、砲台、指揮所與地下掩體,銜接成網絡。其砲兵力量約有1,000門,其中預備砲250門;要塞間以電話、電報、窄軌鐵路及公路相連。凡遇戰時,凡爾登防禦區駐軍66,000人,糧餉可支半年[10]。
[编辑]自1914年起,凡爾登三面被圍,幾近孤立。1915年7月中旬,德軍第五軍團右翼部隊(由威廉皇儲指挥)經連番局部攻勢,進抵「死女嶺」(La Morte Fille)與285高地山脊,切断了横贯阿戈讷森林、连接巴黎至凡尔登的铁路干线。由此,巴黎—圣默努—萊西萊特—阿戈訥地區克萊蒙—奥布雷维尔—凡尔登的铁路运输彻底中断[11]。法国方面仅余窄轨铁路维持大宗物资的运输,而德军控制的铁路干线距前线仅24公里。第五軍團調動一軍至前線,以充勞役,為攻勢作準備。德軍驅逐當地法國居民,徵用房舍,鋪設數千公里之通信电缆,隱秘儲備彈藥糧秣,佈置砲位並巧妙偽裝。更修築十條新鐵路及二十座車站,開鑿深4.5至14米之地下掩體,足容千餘步兵安置其中[12]。
1916年初,法軍情報獲悉德軍於凡爾登之實力與意圖,然霞飛以為該攻勢僅為佯動,因其乏明確之戰略目的[19]。德軍進攻之時,霞飛原預料主攻在他處,然終於屈於政壓,於1月23日調第七軍往凡爾登,以扼默茲河西岸之北。第三十軍據守默茲東岸之突出部,第二軍則守東岸高地。弗里德里克-喬治·赫爾將軍統八個半師於前線,另二個半師置於近後備。中央集團軍(Groupe d'armées du centre)由朗格勒·德·卡里將軍統轄,備第一、第二十軍各兩師為後備,以及第十九師的大部分兵員;霞飛總計有25個師之戰略後備軍可動員。法軍炮兵增援後,凡爾登地區炮數增至388門野炮及244門重炮,然德軍有炮1201門,其三分之二為重型及超重型,包括十四寸(360毫米)及部分十六寸(410毫米)之迫擊炮。另有八個專用火焰噴射連調往第五軍團[20]。
[编辑]「審判行動」(Unternehmen Gericht)原定於2月12日展開,然因濃霧、暴雨及狂風而延宕,直至2月21日上午7時15分,德軍方始以808門火炮展開十小時的猛烈轟擊。此役德軍沿三十公里長、五公里寬之戰線施射,炮彈數近百萬枚[21]。其中主炮火集中於默茲河東岸,並動用二十六門超重型遠程火炮,口徑達四百二十毫米,轟擊凡爾登之堡壘及城區,其聲隆然,遠播160公里外猶可聞之[22]。
2月22日,德軍已挺進五公里,攻克法拉巴斯村邊之科爾森林(Bois des Caures)。法軍兩營堅守此林兩日,然後撤至薩莫尼厄、博蒙及奥尔讷。德軍攻勢猛烈,法軍第56及59步兵營之指揮官德里昂陣亡,僅118名獵兵(Chasseurs à pied)得以突圍。由於通訊不暢,法軍統帥部至此方始察覺攻勢之嚴重性。德軍雖攻占欧蒙,然其進攻埃貝布瓦森林(Bois de l'Herbebois)卻遭法軍擊退。2月23日,法軍欲奪回科爾森林之反攻亦被挫敗[25]。
德軍轉而自瓦夫里森林(Bois de Wavrille)側擊,迫法軍放棄埃貝布瓦森林之守備。德軍於進攻福斯森林(Bois de Fosses)時損失慘重,而法軍尚守住薩莫尼厄。2月24日,德軍攻勢續行,迫使法軍第三十軍撤出第二道防線。巴尔富里耶將軍所率法軍第二十軍適時抵達,急速前推救援。同日晚間,卡斯泰爾諾將軍建議霞飛調遣菲利普·贝当指揮之第二軍團至凡爾登地區。彼時,德軍已攻占博蒙村、福斯森林及科雷爾森林(Bois des Caurières),並沿哈蘇勒溝谷向杜奧蒙要塞進發[25]。
2月25日日下午三時,德軍布蘭登堡第24團之步兵發起進攻,其第二、第三營並肩前進,每營各列雙波攻勢,每波以兩連為組成。由於側翼部隊接令遲滯,第三營未得支援即獨自進攻。德軍憑藉隱蔽於埃米塔日森林(Bois Hermitage)邊緣之機槍火力,突襲法軍於森林及347高地之陣地,俘虜眾多守軍。法軍於347高地兵力遭側擊,乃退守杜奧蒙村。德軍步兵僅用20分鐘即抵既定目標,並追擊法軍,惟於杜奧蒙教堂遭法軍機槍火力阻擋。一些德軍士兵受阻後尋求掩護,退入森林及溝谷,然德軍炮兵卻誤將此地轟擊。數支德軍小隊為了躲避己方砲火遂冒險突進,分別進入要塞[26]。彼時法軍杜奧蒙要塞內僅有少量維修人員,由一位准尉率領。此皆因1914年列日戰役中比利時堡壘被德軍「大貝莎」420毫米巨炮轟毀後,法軍已撤除大部分凡爾登堡壘之重火炮[26]。
德軍約百人之隊伍嘗試以信號彈與砲兵聯繫,然黃昏降臨,雪霰飄飛,信號遂被遮蔽。部分隊伍決定直接進攻堡壘,遂始割斷堡壘周圍之鐵絲網。此時法軍村中機槍射擊忽止,疑誤德軍為自378高地撤退之法軍祖阿夫兵。德軍得機進逼堡壘東北端,法軍待再度開火時,德軍已抵壘下。德軍尋得堡壘壕溝上方欄杆之間隙,攀緣而下,壕溝四角之機槍堡(法稱「逆坡堡」)皆無人防守,遂未遭射擊。數隊德軍再尋隙進入壕溝掩體,終由棄守之掩體而入堡,抵其中央之防壘街(Rue de Rempart)[27]。
The limited German success had been costly and French artillery inflicted more casualties as the German infantry tried to dig in. By 30 March, Gossler had captured Bois de Malancourt at a cost of 20,000 casualties and the Germans were still short of Côte 304. On 30 March, the XXII Reserve Corps arrived as reinforcements and General Max von Gallwitz took command of a new Attack Group West (Angriffsgruppe West). Malancourt village was captured on 31 March, Haucourt fell on 5 April and Béthincourt on 8 April. On the east bank, German attacks near Vaux reached Bois Caillette and the Vaux–Fleury railway but were then driven back by the French 5th Division. An attack was made on a wider front along both banks by the Germans at noon on 9 April, with five divisions on the left bank but this was repulsed except at Mort-Homme, where the French 42nd Division was forced back from the north-east face. On the right bank an attack on Côte-du-Poivre failed.[36]
In March the German attacks had no advantage of surprise and faced a determined and well-supplied adversary in superior defensive positions. German artillery could still devastate French defensive positions but could not prevent French artillery fire from inflicting many casualties on German infantry and isolating them from their supplies. Massed artillery fire could enable German infantry to make small advances but massed French artillery fire could do the same for French infantry when they counter-attacked, which often repulsed the German infantry and subjected them to constant losses, even when captured ground was held. The German effort on the west bank also showed that capturing a vital point was not sufficient, because it would be found to be overlooked by another terrain feature, which had to be captured to ensure the defence of the original point, which made it impossible for the Germans to terminate their attacks, unless they were willing to retire to the original front line of February 1916.[38]
By the end of March the offensive had cost the Germans 81,607 casualties and Falkenhayn began to think of ending the offensive, lest it become another costly and indecisive engagement similar to the First Battle of Ypres in late 1914. The 5th Army staff requested more reinforcements from Falkenhayn on 31 March with an optimistic report claiming that the French were close to exhaustion and incapable of a big offensive. The 5th Army command wanted to continue the east bank offensive until a line from Ouvrage de Thiaumont, to Fleury, Fort Souville and Fort de Tavannes had been reached, while on the west bank the French would be destroyed by their own counter-attacks. On 4 April, Falkenhayn replied that the French had retained a considerable reserve and that German resources were limited and not sufficient to replace continuously men and munitions. If the resumed offensive on the east bank failed to reach the Meuse Heights, Falkenhayn was willing to accept that the offensive had failed and end it.[39]
[编辑]The failure of German attacks in early April by Angriffsgruppe Ost, led Knobelsdorf to take soundings from the 5th Army corps commanders, who unanimously wanted to continue. The German infantry were exposed to continuous artillery fire from the flanks and rear; communications from the rear and reserve positions were equally vulnerable, which caused a constant drain of casualties. Defensive positions were difficult to build, because existing positions were on ground which had been swept clear by German bombardments early in the offensive, leaving German infantry with very little cover. General Berthold von Deimling, commander of XV Corps, also wrote that French heavy artillery and gas bombardments were undermining the morale of the German infantry, which made it necessary to keep going to reach safer defensive positions. Knobelsdorf reported these findings to Falkenhayn on 20 April, adding that if the Germans did not go forward, they must go back to the start line of 21 February.[40]
Knobelsdorf rejected the policy of limited piecemeal attacks tried by Mudra as commander of Angriffsgruppe Ost and advocated a return to wide-front attacks with unlimited objectives, swiftly to reach the line from Ouvrage de Thiaumont to Fleury, Fort Souville and Fort de Tavannes. Falkenhayn was persuaded to agree to the change and by the end of April, 21 divisions, most of the OHL reserve, had been sent to Verdun and troops had also been transferred from the Eastern Front. The resort to large, unlimited attacks was costly for both sides but the German advance proceeded only slowly. Rather than causing devastating French casualties by heavy artillery with the infantry in secure defensive positions, which the French were compelled to attack, the Germans inflicted casualties by attacks which provoked French counter-attacks and assumed that the process inflicted five French casualties for two German losses.[41]
In mid-March, Falkenhayn had reminded the 5th Army to use tactics intended to conserve infantry, after the corps commanders had been allowed discretion to choose between the cautious, "step by step" tactics desired by Falkenhayn and maximum efforts, intended to obtain quick results. On the third day of the offensive, the 6th Division of the III Corps (General Ewald von Lochow), had ordered that Herbebois be taken regardless of loss and the 5th Division had attacked Wavrille to the accompaniment of its band. Falkenhayn urged the 5th Army to use Stoßtruppen (storm units) composed of two infantry squads and one of engineers, armed with automatic weapons, hand grenades, trench mortars and flame-throwers, to advance in front of the main infantry body. The Stoßtruppen would conceal their advance by shrewd use of terrain and capture any blockhouses which remained after the artillery preparation. Strongpoints which could not be taken were to be by-passed and captured by follow-up troops. Falkenhayn ordered that the command of field and heavy artillery units was to be combined, with a commander at each corps headquarters. Common observers and communication systems would ensure that batteries in different places could bring targets under converging fire, which would be allotted systematically to support divisions.[42]
In mid-April, Falkenhayn ordered that infantry should advance close to the barrage, to exploit the neutralising effect of the shellfire on surviving defenders, because fresh troops at Verdun had not been trained in these methods. Knobelsdorf persisted with attempts to maintain momentum, which was incompatible with casualty conservation by limited attacks, with pauses to consolidate and prepare. Mudra and other commanders who disagreed were sacked. Falkenhayn also intervened to change German defensive tactics, advocating a dispersed defence with the second line to be held as a main line of resistance and jumping-off point for counter-attacks. Machine-guns were to be set up with overlapping fields of fire and infantry given specific areas to defend. When French infantry attacked, they were to be isolated by Sperrfeuer (barrage-fire) on their former front line, to increase French infantry casualties. The changes desired by Falkenhayn had little effect, because the main cause of German casualties was artillery fire, just as it was for the French.[43]
[编辑]五月間,尼維爾將軍接掌第二軍團後,下令第五師師長夏爾·芒然策劃奪回杜奧蒙要塞的反攻計畫。起初的計畫是以3公里的正面發起攻擊,但數次德軍的小規模進攻改變了局勢。他們先後奪取了要塞東南側的福斯科特峽谷和西側的庫勒沃峽谷,隨後又佔領了庫勒沃峽谷南側的山脊,這不僅為德軍提供了更便捷的反擊路徑,還使其能有效觀察法軍在南部和西南方向的防線部署。芒然因此提議先進行一次初步攻擊,奪回峽谷周邊地區,以封鎖德軍可能對要塞進行反擊的路徑。然而,由於法軍需保留足夠兵力參與即將展開的索姆河攻勢,高層拒絕調派更多部隊支援,芒然僅能動用一個師進攻,另有一個師作為預備隊。尼維爾隨後將攻擊規模縮減,目標範圍集中於摩爾歇戰壕(Morchée Trench)、埃夫克神父之帽、豐丹戰壕、杜奧蒙要塞、一處機槍塔和翁格魯瓦戰壕。此行動計劃需在寬1,150公尺的戰線上推進500公尺,以完成攻勢目標[45]
III Corps was to command the attack by the 5th Division and the 71st Brigade, with support from three balloon companies for artillery observation and a fighter group. The main effort was to be conducted by two battalions of the 129th Infantry Regiment, each with a pioneer company and a machine-gun company attached. The 2nd Battalion was to attack from the south and the 1st Battalion was to move along the west side of the fort to the north end, taking Fontaine Trench and linking with the 6th Company. Two battalions of the 74th Infantry Regiment were to advance along the east and south-east sides of the fort and take a machine-gun turret on a ridge to the east. Flank support was arranged with neighbouring regiments and diversions were planned near Fort Vaux and the ravin de Dame. Preparations for the attack included the digging of 7.5 mi(12 km) of trenches and the building of large numbers of depots and stores but little progress was made due to a shortage of pioneers. French troops captured on 13 May, disclosed the plan to the Germans, who responded by subjecting the area to more artillery harassing fire, which also slowed French preparations.[46]
The French preliminary bombardment by four 370 mm mortars and 300 heavy guns, began on 17 May and by 21 May, the French artillery commander claimed that the fort had been severely damaged. During the bombardment the German garrison in the fort experienced great strain, as French heavy shells smashed holes in the walls and concrete dust, exhaust fumes from an electricity generator and gas from disinterred corpses polluted the air. Water ran short but until 20 May, the fort remained operational, reports being passed back and reinforcements moving forward until the afternoon, when the Bourges Casemate was isolated and the wireless station in the north-western machine-gun turret burnt down.[47]
Conditions for the German infantry in the vicinity were far worse and by 18 May, the French destructive bombardment had obliterated many defensive positions, the survivors sheltering in shell-holes and dips of the ground. Communication with the rear was severed and food and water ran out by the time of the French attack on 22 May. The troops of Infantry Regiment 52 in front of Fort Douaumont had been reduced to 37 men near Thiaumont Farm and German counter-barrages inflicted similar losses on French troops. On 22 May, French Nieuport fighters attacked eight observation balloons and shot down six for the loss of one Nieuport 16; other French aircraft attacked the 5th Army headquarters at Stenay.[47] German artillery fire increased and twenty minutes before zero hour, a German bombardment began, which reduced the 129th Infantry Regiment companies to about 45 men each.[48]
The assault began at 11:50 a. m. on 22 May on a 0.62 mi(1 km) front. On the left flank the 36th Infantry Regiment attack quickly captured Morchée Trench and Bonnet-d'Evèque but suffered many casualties and the regiment could advance no further. The flank guard on the right was pinned down, except for one company which disappeared and in Bois Caillette, a battalion of the 74th Infantry Regiment was unable to leave its trenches; the other battalion managed to reach its objectives at an ammunition depot, shelter DV1 at the edge of Bois Caillette and the machine-gun turret east of the fort, where the battalion found its flanks unsupported.[49]
Despite German small-arms fire, the 129th Infantry Regiment reached the fort in a few minutes and managed to get in through the west and south sides. By nightfall, about half of the fort had been recaptured and next day, the 34th Division was sent to reinforce the French troops in the fort. The attempt to reinforce the fort failed and German reserves managed to cut off the French troops inside and force them to surrender, 1,000 French prisoners being taken. After three days, the French had suffered 5,640 casualties from the 12,000 men in the attack and the Germans suffered 4,500 casualties in Infantry Regiment 52, Grenadier Regiment 12 and Leib-Grenadier Regiment 8 of the 5th Division.[49]
[编辑]6月22日,德軍砲兵向法軍砲兵陣地發射超過11.6萬發双光气化學武器,導致超過1,600人傷亡和大量火砲的暫時停火。[53] 隔天清晨5點,德軍向五公里長的防線發動攻擊,並建立一個3乘2公里的突出部。攻勢進行得十分順利,直到上午9點時一些法軍部隊才得以進行後衛行動。在南方的蒂奧蒙要塞和富瓦德特爾要塞被德軍佔領,弗勒里和沙佩勒聖凡村被控制。攻勢發生於自4月以來遭到3.8萬顆砲彈襲擊的蘇維耶要塞附近,德軍此時距離凡爾登要塞僅剩下5公里。[54]
Vous ne les laisserez pas passer, mes camarades(他們絕不能通過,我的戰友們。)[55]
沙佩勒聖凡迅速重歸法軍的控制,德軍的進攻被迫停止。德軍步兵的供水補給陷入危機,突出部在三面受到打擊下變得脆弱,德軍在缺乏雙光氣補給的情況下無法繼續進攻,沙佩勒聖凡成為德軍在凡爾登戰役中到達的最遠處。6月24日英法聯軍開始對索姆河岸進行轟炸。[54] 弗勒里自6月23日至8月17日被法德雙方交替控制了十六次,同時四個法國師從索姆河調至凡爾登。6月24日,法軍火砲恢復到足以切斷德軍前線與後方的聯繫。到了6月25日雙方陷入膠著,克諾貝爾斯多夫下令停止進攻。[56]
[编辑]5月結束時在凡爾登的法軍傷亡已達到18.5萬人,德軍傷亡則在6月達到20萬人。[57] 法國和英國聯軍在索姆河战役初期的突破以及布鲁西洛夫攻势對奧匈軍隊的打擊,使德軍將部分火砲從凡爾登轉移,法國獲得了戰略性的成功。[58]
[编辑]蘇維耶要塞控制了弗勒里東南方1公里的山峰,是2月攻勢的原先計畫目標之一。佔領該要塞將使德軍德以俯視凡爾登。[59] 德軍於7月9日開始進行預備砲擊,試圖利用超過6萬發毒氣砲彈壓制法軍的砲火,但由於法軍裝備改良的M2防毒面具效果微乎其微。[60][61] 蘇維耶要塞和其周圍被超過30萬枚砲彈轟炸,包含直接打擊要塞的500枚360毫米炮彈。[61]
7月11日,德軍三個師發起進攻,但德軍步兵擠在前往蘇維耶要塞的道路上並遭到法軍炮兵的砲擊,倖存的部隊則被佔據要塞上層的60名法軍士兵射擊。來自第140步兵團的30名士兵成功在7月12日抵達要塞頂,德軍士兵已經可以看到凡爾登市建築的屋頂和大教堂的尖塔。在由克萊貝爾·迪皮中尉領導的反擊後,入侵的德軍部隊皆投降或撤退。[61] 7月11日,法金漢下令威廉皇儲將部隊轉入守勢。7月15日,法軍發動一次大型反擊但未能奪回領土。在此月的下半月,法軍僅發動一些小型攻勢。[59]
[编辑]8月一日,德軍對蘇維耶要塞發動900公尺的突擊,使法國發動長達兩週的反擊,奪回一些被佔據的領土。[59] 8月18日,弗勒里被法軍收復。到了9月,法軍已經奪回於7月和8月損失的領土。 8月29日,保罗·冯·兴登堡和第一軍需將軍埃里希·鲁登道夫取代法金漢成為總參謀長。[62] 9月3日,法軍對弗勒里兩翼的進攻使法軍防線推進數百公尺,德軍9月4日和5日的反擊以失敗告終。法軍在9月9日、13日和15日至17日持續進攻,除了在9月4日於塔瓦訥隧道因火災導致474名法軍士兵死亡以外,整體傷亡十分輕微。[63]
[编辑]1916年10月20日,法國發動第一次凡爾登攻勢(1ère Bataille Offensive de Verdun)以奪回杜奧蒙要塞,成功推進超過2公里。22個位於凡爾登的師有7個在10月中旬被替換,法軍步兵排重組為包含步槍手、擲彈兵和機槍手的混合部隊。在為期六天的初步砲擊中,700門法軍野戰砲與榴彈砲發射855,264枚砲彈,包含超過50萬枚75毫米野戰砲彈、10萬枚155枚中型砲彈和373枚370毫米與400毫米超級重砲彈。[64]
位於西南方13公里的貝萊考的兩門法國聖沙蒙列車炮發射400毫米超重型砲彈,每枚重達0.91公噸。[64] 法軍已經識別位於東岸的800門火砲所在,這些火砲足以支持德軍第34、第54、第9和第33預備步兵師,以及作為預備隊的第10與第5師。[65] 至少有20枚法軍超重型砲彈擊中德軍控制的杜奧蒙要塞,其中六枚穿過屋頂並在倉庫中爆炸,引發火災並摧毀7,000枚手榴彈。[66]
芒然將軍指揮的法國第38、第133和第74師於10月24日上午11點40分發動攻擊。[65] 法軍步兵在火砲彈幕和霧氣的掩護下衝出戰壕,並利用尼維爾將軍研發的徐進彈幕推進。[67] 法軍在第38師指揮官阿瑟·德·薩蘭的率領下佔領杜奧蒙要塞,並推進至沃要塞附近。法軍在一系列的行動中損失輕微,成功俘虜超過6,000名敵軍和15門重砲。[68] 10月25日對沃要塞的進攻失敗了,但法軍得以轉移他們的火炮至沃要塞附近,這將對下週的軍事行動產生積極影響。[67]
歐迪奧蒙採石場、蒂奧蒙要塞、蒂奧蒙農場、杜奧蒙村、凱萊特森林、沃池塘、布瓦菲米東側和當盧炮台等一系列地區被收復。[68] 法軍重砲於11月2日開始轟炸沃要塞,德軍在一次由220毫米炮彈引起的爆炸後撤出了要塞。法軍偶然竊聽到德軍宣布撤離的無線電電報,一個法軍步兵連在不開一槍的情況下成功進入要塞。11月5日,法軍推進至原先2月24日的戰線,並停止進攻行動直到12月中旬。[69]
[编辑]第二次凡爾登攻勢(2ième Bataille Offensive de Verdun),由貝當與尼維爾策劃,指揮重任由夏爾·芒然將軍承擔。法軍動員第126師、第38師、第37師及第133師,並以四個預備師及740門重砲支援,展開猛烈攻勢[70]。經六日密集砲火壓制,827門火砲共發射117萬枚砲彈,至12月15日上午10時,法軍發起總攻。最終轟擊階段,藉由偵察機精確引導,砲火直擊德軍戰壕、掩體及觀察哨,德軍防線陷入危機。彼時德軍有五個師駐守,配備533門火砲,佔據防線陣地,前線集結約三分之二的兵力,其餘則作預備隊使用[71]。
The German strategy in 1916 was to inflict mass casualties on the French, a goal achieved against the Russians from 1914 to 1915, to weaken the French Army to the point of collapse. The French had to be drawn into circumstances from which the Army could not escape, for reasons of strategy and prestige. The Germans planned to use a large number of heavy and super-heavy guns to inflict a greater number of casualties than French artillery, which relied mostly upon the 75 mm field gun. In 2007, Robert Foley wrote that Falkenhayn intended a battle of attrition from the beginning, contrary to the views of Wolfgang Foerster in 1937, Gerd Krumeich in 1996 and others but the loss of documents led to many interpretations of the strategy. In 1916, critics of Falkenhayn claimed that the battle demonstrated that he was indecisive and unfit for command, echoed by Foerster in 1937.[76] In 1994, Holger Afflerbach questioned the authenticity of the "Christmas Memorandum"; after studying the evidence that had survived in the Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres (Army Military History Research Institute) files, he concluded that the memorandum had been written after the war but that it was an accurate reflection of Falkenhayn's thinking at the end of 1915.[77]
Krumeich wrote that the Christmas Memorandum was fabricated to justify a failed strategy and that attrition had been substituted for the capture of Verdun only after the attack failed.[78] Foley wrote that after the failure of the Ypres Offensive of 1914, Falkenhayn had returned to the pre-war strategic thinking of Moltke the Elder and Hans Delbrück on Ermattungsstrategie (attrition strategy), because the coalition fighting Germany was too powerful to be defeated decisively. Falkenhayn wanted to divide the Allies by forcing at least one of the Entente powers into a negotiated peace. An attempt at attrition lay behind the offensive in the east in 1915 but the Russians had refused to accept German peace feelers, despite the huge defeats inflicted on them by the Austro-Germans.[79]
With insufficient forces to break through the Western Front and to overcome the reserves behind it, Falkenhayn tried to force the French to attack instead, by threatening a sensitive point close to the front line and chose Verdun. Huge losses were to be inflicted on the French by German artillery on the dominating heights around the city. The 5th Army would begin a big offensive but with the objectives limited to seizing the Meuse Heights on the east bank, on which the German heavy artillery would dominate the battlefield. The French Army would "bleed itself white" in hopeless attempts to recapture the heights. The British would be forced to launch a hasty relief offensive and suffer an equally costly defeat. If the French refused to negotiate, a German offensive would mop up the remnants of the Franco-British armies, breaking the Entente "once and for all".[79]
In a revised instruction to the French Army in January 1916, the General Staff (GQG) wrote that equipment could not be fought by men. Firepower could conserve infantry but attrition prolonged the war and consumed troops that had been preserved in earlier battles. In 1915 and early 1916, German industry quintupled the output of heavy artillery and doubled the production of super-heavy artillery. French production had also recovered since 1914 and by February 1916 the army had 3,500 heavy guns. In May Joffre began to issue each division with two groups of 155 mm guns and each corps with four groups of long-range guns. Both sides at Verdun had the means to fire huge numbers of heavy shells to suppress the opposing defences before risking infantry in the open. At the end of May, the Germans had 1,730 heavy guns at Verdun and the French 548, sufficient to contain the Germans but not enough for a counter-offensive.[80]
French infantry survived bombardment better because their positions were dispersed and tended to be on dominating ground, not always visible to the Germans. As soon as a German attack began, the French replied with machine-gun and rapid field-artillery fire. On 22 April, the Germans suffered 1,000 casualties and in mid-April, the French fired 26,000 field artillery shells against an attack to the south-east of Fort Douaumont. A few days after taking over at Verdun, Pétain ordered the air commander, Commandant Charles Tricornot de Rose to sweep away German fighter aircraft and to provide artillery observation. German air superiority was reversed by concentrating the French fighters in escadrilles rather than distributing them piecemeal across the front, unable to concentrate against large German formations. The fighter escadrilles drove away the German Fokker Eindeckers and the two-seater reconnaissance and artillery-observation aircraft that they protected.[81]
The fighting at Verdun was less costly to both sides than the war of movement in 1914, when the French suffered 约 850,000 casualties and the Germans 约 670,000 from August to the end of 1914. The 5th Army had a lower rate of loss than armies on the Eastern Front in 1915 and the French had a lower average rate of loss at Verdun than the rate over three weeks during the Second Battle of Champagne (September–October 1915), which were not deliberately fought as battles of attrition. German loss rates increased relative to losses from 1:2.2 in early 1915 to close to 1:1 by the end of the battle, a trend which continued during the Nivelle Offensive in 1917. The penalty of attrition tactics was indecision, because limited-objective attacks under an umbrella of massed heavy artillery fire could succeed but led to battles of unlimited duration.[82] Pétain used a noria (rotation) system quickly to relieve French troops at Verdun, which involved most of the French Army in the battle but for shorter periods than the German troops in the 5th Army. The symbolic importance of Verdun proved a rallying point and the French did not collapse. Falkenhayn was forced to conduct the offensive for much longer and commit far more infantry than intended. By the end of April, most of the German strategic reserve was at Verdun, suffering similar casualties to the French army.[83]
The Germans believed that they were inflicting losses at a rate of 5:2; German military intelligence thought that by 11 March the French had suffered 100,000 casualties and Falkenhayn was confident that German artillery could easily inflict another 100,000 losses. In May, Falkenhayn estimated that French casualties had increased to 525,000 men against 250,000 German and that the French strategic reserve was down to 300,000 men. Actual French losses were 约 130,000 by 1 May; 42 French divisions had been withdrawn and rested by the noria system, once infantry casualties reached 50 percent. Of the 330 infantry battalions of the French metropolitan army, 259 (78 per cent) went to Verdun, against 48 German divisions, 25 percent of the Westheer (western army).[84] Afflerbach wrote that 85 French divisions fought at Verdun and that from February to August, the ratio of German to French losses was 1:1.1, not the third of French losses assumed by Falkenhayn.[85] By 31 August, the 5th Army had suffered 281,000 casualties and the French 315,000.[83]
In June 1916, the French had 2,708 guns at Verdun, including 1,138 field guns; from February to December, the French and German armies fired 约10,000,000 shells, weighing 1,350,000 long ton(1,370,000 t).[86] By May, the German offensive had been defeated by French reinforcements, difficulties of terrain and the weather. The 5th Army infantry was stuck in tactically dangerous positions, overlooked by the French on both banks of the Meuse, instead of dug in on the Meuse Heights. French casualties were inflicted by constant infantry attacks which were far more costly in men than destroying counter-attacks with artillery. The stalemate was broken by the Brusilov Offensive and the Anglo-French relief offensive on the Somme, which Falkehayn had expected to begin the collapse of the Anglo-French armies.[87] Falkenhayn had begun to remove divisions from the Western Front in June for the strategic reserve but only twelve divisions could be spared. Four divisions were sent to the Somme, where three defensive positions had been built, based on the experience of the Herbstschlacht. Before the battle on the Somme began, Falkenhayn thought that German preparations were better than ever and the British offensive would easily be defeated. The 6th Army, further north, had 17+1⁄2 divisions and plenty of heavy artillery, ready to attack once the British had been defeated.[88]
The strength of the Anglo-French attack on the Somme surprised Falkenhayn and his staff, despite the British casualties on 1 July. Artillery losses to "overwhelming" Anglo-French counter-battery fire and the German tactic of instant counter-attacks, led to far more German infantry casualties than at the height of the fighting at Verdun, where the 5th Army suffered 25,989 casualties in the first ten days, against 40,187 2nd Army casualties on the Somme. The Russians attacked again, causing more casualties in June and July. Falkenhayn was called on to justify his strategy to the Kaiser on 8 July and again advocated the minimal reinforcement of the east in favour of the "decisive" battle in France; the Somme offensive was the "last throw of the dice" for the Entente. Falkenhayn had already given up the plan for a counter-offensive by the 6th Army and sent 18 divisions to the 2nd Army and to the Russian front from the reserve and from the 6th Army; only one division remaining uncommitted by the end of August. The 5th Army had been ordered to limit its attacks at Verdun in June but a final effort was made in July to capture Fort Souville. The attack failed and on 12 July Falkenhayn ordered a strict defensive policy, permitting only small local attacks to limit the number of troops the French could transfer to the Somme.[89]
Falkenhayn had underestimated the French, for whom victory at all costs was the only way to justify the sacrifices already made; the French army never came close to collapsing and causing a premature British relief offensive. The ability of the German army to inflict disproportionate losses had also been overestimated, in part because the 5th Army commanders had tried to capture Verdun and attacked regardless of loss. Even when reconciled to the attrition strategy, they continued with Vernichtungsstrategie (strategy of annihilation) and the tactics of Bewegungskrieg (manoeuvre warfare). Failure to reach the Meuse Heights left the 5th Army in poor tactical positions and reduced to inflicting casualties by infantry attacks and counter-attacks. The length of the offensive made Verdun a matter of prestige for the Germans as it was for the French and Falkenhayn became dependent on a British relief offensive being destroyed to end the stalemate. When it came, the collapse in Russia and the power of the Anglo-French attack on the Somme reduced the German armies to holding their positions as best they could.[90] On 29 August, Falkenhayn was sacked and replaced by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, who ended the German offensive at Verdun on 2 September.[91]
[编辑]In 2013, Paul Jankowski wrote that since the beginning of the war, French army units had produced numerical loss states (états numériques des pertes) every five days for the Bureau of Personnel at GQG. The Health Service (Service de Santé) at the Ministry of War received daily counts of wounded taken in by hospitals and other services but casualty data was dispersed among regimental depots, GQG, the Registry Office (État Civil), which recorded deaths, the Service de Santé, which counted injuries and illnesses and Renseignements aux Familles (Family Liaison), which communicated with next of kin. Regimental depots were ordered to keep fiches de position (position sheets) to record losses continuously and the Première Bureau of GQG began to compare the five-day états numériques des pertes with the records of hospital admissions. The new system was used to calculate losses back to August 1914, which took several months; the system had become established by February 1916. The états numériques des pertes were used to calculate casualty figures published in the Journal Officiel, the French Official History and other publications.[92]
The German armies compiled Verlustlisten (loss lists) every ten days, which were published by the Reichsarchiv in the deutsches Jahrbuch of 1924–1925. German medical units kept detailed records of medical treatment at the front and in hospital and in 1923 the Zentral Nachweiseamt (Central Information Office) published an amended edition of the lists produced during the war, incorporating medical service data not in the Verlustlisten. Monthly figures of wounded and ill servicemen that received medical treatment were published in 1934 in the Sanitätsbericht (Medical Report). Using such sources for comparison is difficult because the information recorded losses over time, rather than place. Losses calculated for a battle could be inconsistent, as in the Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire during the Great War 1914–1920 (1922). In the early 1920s, Louis Marin reported to the Chamber of Deputies but could not give figures per battle, except for some by using numerical reports from the armies, which were unreliable unless reconciled with the system established in 1916.[93]
Some French data excluded those lightly wounded but some did not. In April 1917, GQG required that the états numériques des pertes discriminate between lightly wounded, treated locally for 20 to 30 days and severely wounded evacuated to hospitals. Uncertainty over the criteria had not been resolved before the war ended. Verlustlisten excluded lightly wounded and the Zentral Nachweiseamt records included them. Churchill revised German statistics by adding 2 per cent for unrecorded wounded in The World Crisis, written in the 1920s and James Edmonds, the British official historian, added 30 per cent. For the Battle of Verdun, the Sanitätsbericht contained incomplete data for the Verdun area, did not define "wounded" and the 5th Army field reports exclude them. The Marin Report and Service de Santé covered different periods but included lightly wounded. Churchill used a Reichsarchiv figure of 428,000 casualties and took a figure of 532,500 casualties from the Marin Report, for March to June and November to December 1916, for all the Western Front.[94]
The états numériques des pertes give French casualties as 348,000 to 378,000 and in 1930, Hermann Wendt recorded French Second Army and German 5th Army casualties of 362,000 and 336,831 respectively from 21 February to 20 December, not taking account of the inclusion or exclusion of lightly wounded. In 2006, McRandle and Quirk used the Sanitätsbericht to increase the Verlustlisten by 约 11 per cent, which gave 373,882 casualties, compared to the French Official History record to 20 December 1916, of 373,231 French casualties. The Sanitätsbericht, which explicitly excluded lightly wounded, compared German losses at Verdun in 1916, averaging 37.7 casualties per thousand men, with the 9th Army in Poland 1914 which had a casualty average of 48.1 per 1,000, the 11th Army in Galicia 1915 averaging 52.4 per 1,000 men, the 1st Army on the Somme 1916 average of 54.7 per 1,000 and the 2nd Army average for the Somme 1916 of 39.1 per 1,000 men. Jankowski estimated an equivalent figure for the French Second Army of 40.9 men per 1,000 including lightly wounded. With a 约 11 per cent adjustment to the German figure of 37.7 per 1,000 to include lightly wounded, following the views of McRandle and Quirk; the loss rate is similar to the estimate for French casualties.[95]
In the second edition of The World Crisis (1938), Churchill wrote that the figure of 442,000 was for other ranks and the figure of "probably" 460,000 casualties included officers. Churchill gave a figure of 278,000 German casualties, 72,000 fatal and expressed dismay that French casualties had exceeded German by about 3:2. Churchill wrote that an eighth needed to be deducted from his figures to account for casualties on other sectors, giving 403,000 French and 244,000 German casualties.[96] In 1980, John Terraine calculated 约 750,000 French and German casualties in 299 days; Dupuy and Dupuy (1993) 542,000 French casualties.[97] In 2000, Hannes Heer and Klaus Naumann calculated 377,231 French and 337,000 German casualties, a monthly average of 70,000.[98] In 2000, Holger Afflerbach used calculations made by Hermann Wendt in 1931 to give German casualties at Verdun from 21 February to 31 August 1916 as 336,000 German and 365,000 French at Verdun from February to December 1916.[99] David Mason wrote in 2000 that there had been 378,000 French and 337,000 German casualties.[86] In 2003, Anthony Clayton quoted 330,000 German casualties, of whom 143,000 were killed or missing; the French suffered 351,000 casualties, 56,000 killed, 100,000 missing or prisoners and 195,000 wounded.[100]
Writing in 2005, Robert A. Doughty gave French casualties (21 February to 20 December 1916) as 377,231 and casualties of 579,798 at Verdun and the Somme; 16 per cent of the casualties at Verdun were fatal, 56 per cent were wounded and 28 per cent missing, many of whom were eventually presumed dead. Doughty wrote that other historians had followed Winston Churchill (1927) who gave a figure of 442,000 casualties by mistakenly including all French losses on the Western Front.[101] R. G. Grant gave a figure of 355,000 German and 400,000 French casualties in 2005.[102] In 2005, Robert Foley used the Wendt calculations of 1931 to give German casualties at Verdun from 21 February to 31 August 1916 of 281,000, against 315,000 French.[103] (In 2014, William Philpott recorded 377,000 French casualties, of whom 162,000 had been killed; German casualties were 337,000 and noted a recent estimate of casualties at Verdun from 1914 to 1918 of 1,250,000).[104]
法國凡爾登境內,有6村於第一次世界大戰中毀滅,迄未重建,然被賦予特別地位,成為無人居住之市镇,即凡尔登地区博蒙、伯宗沃、屈米耶尔-勒莫尔奥姆、弗勒里德旺杜欧蒙、萨莫尼厄附近欧蒙及卢沃蒙-科特迪普瓦夫尔。阿蘭·德尼佐(Alain Denizot)收錄當時攝影圖像,顯示其間地面覆滿炮彈痕跡,範圍約百平方公里,彌覆殆盡[103]。
至1930年代,此地造林,現多為密林所掩,然紅色地帶(Zone Rouge)遺址猶存,成為一片廣闊之墓場,埋葬十餘萬失蹤將士之遺骸,惟有少數經法國林務部發現,移入杜奧蒙骨庫供奉[107]。至1960年代,凡爾登轉而成為法德和解之象徵,兩國以共通之苦難作為紀念。1980年代,凡爾登更被譽為和平之都,諸多機構於此成立,陳舊博物館亦改奉和平與人權之理念[108]。1984年9月22日,德國總理赫尔穆特·科尔與法國總統弗朗索瓦·密特朗冒著滂沱大雨,於杜奧蒙墓園攜手數分鐘,以表彰法德兩國之和解。科爾之父曾於凡爾登戰役中參戰,密特朗亦於第二次世界大戰時於鄰近地區為俘[109]。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Falkenhayn(2004年),第217–218页 引用错误:带有name属性“FOOTNOTEFalkenhayn2004217–218”的
标签用不同内容定义了多次 - ^ Foley(2007年),第192页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第193页
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Holstein(2010年),第35页
- ^ Doughty(2005年),第275–276页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第20页
- ^ Le Hallé(1998年),第15页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第31–32页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第25–29页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第32页
- ^ Sheldon(2012年),第164, 200–201页
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Mason(2000年),第21, 32页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第214–216页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第211页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第211-212页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第213-214页
- ^ Doughty(2005年),第265–266页
- ^ 18.0 18.1 Holstein(2010年),第36页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第217页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第215, 217页
- ^ Mason(2000年),第48–49页
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Mason(2000年),第49–51页
- ^ Schwerin(1939年),第9–12, 24–29页
- ^ Mason(2000年),第54–59页
- ^ 25.0 25.1 Mason(2000年),第60–64页
- ^ 26.0 26.1 Holstein(2010年),第43–44页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第45–50页
- ^ Foley(2007年),第220页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第57-58页
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Mason(2000年),第114–115页
- ^ Williams 1998,第45頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第223頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第224–225頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第225–226頁.
- ^ Doughty(2005年),第283页
- ^ 36.0 36.1 Michelin(1919年),第29页 引用错误:带有name属性“FOOTNOTEMichelin191929”的
标签用不同内容定义了多次 - ^ Foley(2007年),第226页
- ^ Foley 2007,第226–227頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第228頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第228–229頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第230–231頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第232–233頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第234頁.
- ^ Michelin(1919年),第17–18页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第76–78页
- ^ Holstein 2010,第78頁.
- ^ 47.0 47.1 Guttman 2014,第9頁.
- ^ Holstein 2010,第79–82頁.
- ^ 49.0 49.1 Holstein 2010,第91頁.
- ^ Schwencke(1925–30年),第118页
- ^ Holstein(2011年),第82页
- ^ Mason(2000年),第150–159页
- ^ Ousby 2002,第229頁.
- ^ 54.0 54.1 Ousby 2002,第229–231頁.
- ^ Denizot 1996,第136頁.
- ^ Mason 2000,第183–167頁.
- ^ Samuels 1995,第126頁.
- ^ Philpott 2009,第217頁.
- ^ 59.0 59.1 59.2 Doughty 2005,第299頁.
- ^ Doughty 2005,第298頁.
- ^ 61.0 61.1 61.2 Holstein 2010,第94–95頁.
- ^ Holstein 2010,第95頁.
- ^ Doughty 2005,第305–306頁.
- ^ 64.0 64.1 Holstein 2010,第99頁.
- ^ 65.0 65.1 Pétain 1930,第221頁.
- ^ Holstein 2010,第102–103頁.
- ^ 67.0 67.1 Doughty 2005,第307頁.
- ^ 68.0 68.1 Michelin 1919,第19–20頁.
- ^ Doughty 2005,第306–308頁.
- ^ Pétain(1930年),第227页
- ^ 71.0 71.1 Wynne(1976年),第166–167页
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第112–114页
- ^ Doughty(2005年),第308–309页
- ^ Durant & Durant(1967年),第50页
- ^ Wynne(1976年),第168页
- ^ Förster 1937,第304–330頁.
- ^ Afflerbach 1994,第543–545頁.
- ^ Krumeich 1996,第17–29頁.
- ^ 79.0 79.1 Foley 2007,第206–207頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第109–112頁.
- ^ Davilla & Soltan 1997,第7頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第114–120頁.
- ^ 83.0 83.1 Foley 2007,第256頁.
- ^ Clayton 2003,第120–121頁.
- ^ Chickering & Förster 2006,第130, 126頁.
- ^ 86.0 86.1 Mason 2000,第185頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第235–236頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第249–250頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第251–254頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第254–256頁.
- ^ Foley 2007,第258頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第257–258頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第258–259頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第259–260頁.
- ^ Jankowski 2014,第261頁.
- ^ Churchill 1938,第1003–1004頁.
- ^ Terraine 1992,第59頁; Dupuy & Dupuy 1993,第1052頁.
- ^ Heer & Naumann 2000,第26頁.
- ^ Chickering & Förster 2006,第114頁.
- ^ Clayton 2003,第110頁.
- ^ Doughty 2005,第309頁.
- ^ Grant 2005,第276頁.
- ^ 103.0 103.1 Foley 2007,第259頁. 引用错误:带有name属性“FOOTNOTEFoley2007259”的
标签用不同内容定义了多次 - ^ Philpott 2014,第226頁.
- ^ Jackson(2001年),第28页
- ^ Lieu du Mois – Novembre 2011 – La citadelle souterraine – lieu du choix [Place of the Month – November 2011 – The underground citadel – place of choice]. (法语).
- ^ Holstein(2010年),第124页
- ^ Barcellini(1996年),第77–98页
- ^ Murase(2002年),第304页
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[编辑]- NASA satellite map
- Map of the Verdun battlefield, showing fortifications
- Underground at Verdun
- The Battle of Verdun
- Info from
- Verdun (excerpt)
- Dutch/Flemish Forum
- Verdun, A Battle of the Great War
- Douaumont Bataille Ossuaire Three panoramas
- Map of Europe, 1916
- The Battle of Verdun – The Greatest Battle Ever
- Sturm-Bataillon Nr. 5 (Rohr) at German Wikipedia
- Contemporary Schneider artillery catalogue
- Chlumberg, H. "The Miracle at Verdun"
- Battle of Verdun
- Conflicts in 1916
- Battles of World War I involving France
- Battles of World War I involving Germany
- Battles of the Western Front (World War I)
- 1916 in France
- Battles involving the French Foreign Legion
- Battles in Grand Est
- History of Meuse (department)
- Philippe Pétain
- France–Germany military relations