The Blocked Road

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The Blocked Road

The Blocked Road screenshot from Echoes of Wisdom
Location Suthorn Prairie

"The Blocked Road" is a Side Quest in Echoes of Wisdom.[1]


On Suthorn Prairie, Princess Zelda can encounter a Hylian man who in unable to pass a pile of Wooden Boxes and Boulders.[2] If Zelda approaches him, the man claims that the pile is blocking a path to Hyrule Ranch, and he advises that she not travel this way.[3] He is also considering taking a different path, but he does not want to admit defeat.[4] After this conversation, "The Blocked Road" will begin.

Using Bind, Zelda can move the Wooden Boxes and Boulders behind the man. When she speaks to him afterwards, the man laments his situation, but he realizes that the path has been cleared after her turns around.[5] Recognizing that Zelda opened the path, he gives her a Red Rupee as a reward.[6] He expresses how relieved he is to be able to use the shortcut before he departs.[7] Following this, "The Blocked Road" will be completed.


Stage Description
1 You encountered a man standing around in Suthorn Prairie. There's junk that's totally blocking his convenient shortcut.
Complete You moved the clutter that was blocking the Suthorn Prairie shortcut. The man was glad he could take his convenient route.


Names in Other Regions
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
The People's Republic of China
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Het geblokkeerde pad
The French Republic
La route bloquée
La route bloquée
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
La strada bloccata
The Republic of Korea
막혀 버린 길
The Federative Republic of Brazil
O caminho bloqueado
The Russian Federation
Перекрытый путь
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
La ruta cortada
The Kingdom of Spain
La ruta cortada
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See Also


  1. The Blocked Road — Adventure Log (Echoes of Wisdom)
  2. No getting past that. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)
  3. This is the shortcut back to the ranch! Who's the prankster that blocked it off? I hope you're not planning to go this way. The road's blocked. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)
  4. I might consider taking another route, but that feels like admitting defeat. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)
  5. Welp, not as if standing here's going to get the junk out of my way. *sigh* Not sure how much longer I can just wait here... Huh?! It's clear! And with the road cleared out, I won't have to break my back climbing over that stuff. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)
  6. You cleaned things up, huh? Well, thanks! That's a big help! Here's something for your trouble. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)
  7. Ah...a cool breeze, a clear path, and the sweet taste of convenience. — Hylian (Echoes of Wisdom)