Stone Talus

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Stone Talus,(BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule | HWAoCHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)[2][3][4][5] also known as Stone Colossuses,(BotWBreath of the Wild)[6] are recurring Enemies and Sub-Bosses in The Legend of Zelda series.


Breath of the Wild

Hyrule Compendium Entry
137  (142Master Mode) Stone Talus
This enormous monster is naturally camouflaged as a rock formation. Neither sword nor arrow can pierce its stony form, but a cunning adventurer knows to scale its body and attack the ore sprouting from its peak.
Common Locations
West Necluda
East Necluda
Recoverable Materials
Flint Amber Opal Ruby

Stone Taluses appear as a cluster of boulders at first, but once approached, they assemble into large golem-like beings.[7] Luminous, Rare, Frost, and Igneo variations can also be found all around Hyrule Kingdom. Stone Taluses are fairly large compared and deal important amounts of damage.[how many?] They are very slow-moving, so as long as Link stays behind or beneath them, he will be out of harm's way. Stone Taluses can use their large arm structures to punch and swipe across the ground, dealing heavy damage to the impact area. They can also fall forward and crash their entire body into the ground or launch large fragments of their rocky frame at Link.

To defeat a Stone Talus, Link can climb onto its body and attack the Ore Deposit on its back, usually located on top or at the back of the Sub-Boss.[7] Link can inflict double damage using a two-handed Weapon, or four times as much damage using an Iron Sledgehammer. After taking damage, Stone Taluses attempt to throw Link off by shaking themselves. To make climbing easier, Link can use a Remote Bomb to blast apart its arms, hindering it temporarily. Stone Taluses regenerate lost body parts shortly after losing them. Alternatively, Link can stun the Stone Talus by shooting the Ore Deposit on its back, making it fall on its face. Upon being defeated, a Stone Talus leaves behind a variety of Gems, depending of its type.

After Link has beaten Calamity Ganon from the first time, he will be able to talk to Kilton about Stone Taluses.[6] Though Kilton is currently studying them, he has been unable to approach due to their gigantic size, so he asks Link to defeat all of the Stone Taluses in Hyrule on his behalf so that he can analyze the scent their fluids leave behind.[8] If Link achieves this goal, Kilton will reward him with the Medal of Honor: Talus.[9] This research helps Kilton learn about the musculoskeletal structure and diet of Stone Taluses.[10]


Drops of Stone Talus

Stone Talus can drop between 1 and 2 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

100.0 %

As well as between 5 and 8 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

10.0 %

70.0 %

10.0 %

Stone Talus can drop 1 of:

Drop Table
Item Percentage

10.0 %

80.0 %

10.0 %



Tears of the Kingdom

Hyrule Compendium Entry
169  Stone Talus
This enormous monster is naturally camouflaged as a rock formation. Neither sword nor arrow can pierce its stony form, but a cunning adventurer knows to scale its body and attack the ore sprouting from its peak. Lives not only in meadows and rocky areas but also plains.
Common Locations
Gerudo Highlands Depths
Tabantha Frontier
Recoverable Materials

Stone Taluses appear as Enemies in Tears of the Kingdom. Their health has been slightly increased. A new variant called the Battle Talus is also introduced, which are Stone Taluses that are modified to function as a mobile Monster Stronghold replete with chevaux de frise on the undersides of their wooden frames to prevent intruders from climbing.

Other Appearances

Cadence of Hyrule

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Stone Taluses are two tiles wide and move every third beat. They have 3 Heart Containers, but must be hit multiple times to crack them, allowing their Hearts to be reduced, unless the character's Weapon has piercing. If the character is next to the Stone Talus the beat before it moves, it will use an area attack, hitting all eight adjacent tiles. If the Stone Talus is not hit for a while, it will sit still and become immune to attacks while it reforms itself, regaining lost Hearts.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.


  • In early versions of Breath of the Wild, Stone Taluses were referred to as Steppe Taluses.[11]


Names in Other Regions
イワロック (Iwarokku) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[13]Portmanteau of 岩 (IwaRock) and ロック (RokkuRock).
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
岩石巨人 (Yánshí Jùrén) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The People's Republic of China
岩石巨人 (Yánshí Jùrén) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Steen-Talus (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[20][21]Same as English.
The French Republic
Lithorok (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[14][15] 
Lithorok (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Iwarok (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[19] 
The Italian Republic
Sassorok (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[12] 
The Republic of Korea
바위록 (Bawirok) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Russian Federation
Каменный глыбник (Kamennyy glybnik) (BotWBreath of the Wild)[18]Stone clumper
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Talus (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[16][17] 
The Kingdom of Spain
Petrarok (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[22][23] 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. Let's see how many Stone Taluses you've harvested so far... Looks like [X] out of 40. — Kilton (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Stone Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Stone Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. Defeated By: Stone Talus — Game Over (Cadence of Hyrule)
  5. Stone Talus — Game Screen (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
  6. 6.0 6.1 [About monsters...] Dya DYAAAAAAAH! You want to know about monsters? I just LOOOOOVE talking about monsters! Ooh. OOOOOOOH! Let's talk about the huge ones! The stone colossus? The forest giant? The giant sand beast?! Which monster do you want to hear about? — Kilton (Breath of the Wild)
  7. 7.0 7.1 This enormous monster is naturally camouflaged as a rock formation. Neither sword nor arrow can pierce its stony form, but a cunning adventurer knows to scale its body and attack the ore sprouting from its peak. — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  8. I'm currently after them myself, but they're just so big! I can't even get near them... So could I ask you to find them and, uh, harvest their materials? I'm talking all of them. That way, I'll be able to analyze the scent of their fluids that will inevitably stick to your body during battle. That will allow me to determine their habits, behaviors, and overall qualities. I'm counting on you... — Kilton (Breath of the Wild)
  9. You—! You've defeated every last Stone Talus! Oh, you are FRAGRANT, my friend. It smells like there's a Stone Talus standing right in front of me! Tha-thank you so much! Oh, yes! Here, let me give you this. — Kilton (Breath of the Wild)
  10. Thanks to you, I now know their musculoskeletal well as their general diet. — Kilton (Breath of the Wild)
  11. Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Hunting and Gathering Gameplay - Nintendo E3 2016 , YouTube (Video), published June 14, 2016, retrieved January 23, 2017.
  12. 138 Sassorok — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  13. 138 イワロック — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  14. Lithorok — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, European French version)
  15. 138 Lithorok — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  16. Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, Latin American Spanish version)
  17. 138 Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  18. 138 Каменный глыбник — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  19. 138 Iwarok — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  20. Steen-Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  21. 138 Steen-Talus — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  22. Petrarok — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom, European Spanish version)
  23. 138 Petrarok — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
Bosses in The Legend of Zelda Series
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Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom
Echoes of Wisdom
Cadence of Hyrule
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity