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The Subscreen,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | LADXLink's Awakening DX | LANSLink's Awakening (Nintendo Switch) | OoTOcarina of Time | OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages)[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Sub Screen,(ALttPA Link to the Past) or Sub-Screen,(LALink's Awakening)[10] is a recurring interface in The Legend of Zelda series. The term refers to pause menus or parts thereof.


Subscreens are so named for appearing as a modal window over the Game Screen. They are divided into one or more separate components for items, typically screens, named Items, Equipment, Quest Status Screen, Collection Screen, Gear, or Inventory. In earlier titles,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX) the Inventory comprises the entire Subscreen, making the two terms synonymous in those cases. The Subscreen may include the Map, though in some games it is considered a separate screen entirely. The Subscreen usually includes a Saving button, sometimes on a screen named System, sometimes alongside controller layouts or configuration options.

Opening the Subscreen pauses gameplay. It cannot be used during cutscenes.

The Legend of Zelda

Main article: Inventory

The Adventure of Link

A Link to the Past

Link's Awakening

Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch

Main articles: Map, Items and System

Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time 3D

Majora's Mask

Majora's Mask 3D

Oracle of Seasons

Oracle of Ages

The Subscreens in Oracle of Ages can be accessed by pressing the start (or plus) button and scrolled through using the select (or minus) button.[11] The first Subscreen is the Item Screen where Link's Items can be equipped;[12] second is the Quest Status Screen where Rings can be equipped;[13] third is the Essence Screen where the current age, Pieces of Heart, and Essences obtained can be viewed. The game can also be Saved on the Essence Screen.[14]

Four Swords

Main articles: Map Screen and Pause Screen

The Wind Waker

Main articles: Items, Map and Quest Status Screen

Four Swords Adventures

Main article: Status

The Minish Cap

Main articles: Inventory, Quest Status Screen and Map

When the START button is pressed in The Minish Cap, the player is taken to one of the game's three Subscreens: the Items Screen, the Quest Status Screen, and the Map. The L and R buttons can be used to switch between the three Subscreens.[15]

Twilight Princess

Main articles: Items, Map and Collection

Phantom Hourglass

Main articles: Collection, Map, Sea Chart and Items

Spirit Tracks

Main articles: Collection, Map, Rail Map and Items

Skyward Sword

Main articles: Gear Screen and Collection

A Link Between Worlds

Main articles: Gear Screen, Items and Pause Menu

Tri Force Heroes

Main article: Pause Menu

Breath of the Wild

Main articles: Adventure Log, Inventory, System and Map


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 17
  2. You've got a Piece of Heart! Press SELECT on the Subscreen to see. — N/A (Link's Awakening DX)
  3. Press START during the game, and the Subscreen appears. This is broken into four different Subscreens (as shown below). (Ocarina of Time manual, pg. 14)
  4. Gear Subscreen (Ocarina of Time 3D manual, pg. 6)
  5. Majora's Mask manual, pg. 17
  6. Want to learn about the Subscreens? — Know-It-All Bird (Oracle of Seasons)
  7. Want to learn about the Subscreens? — Know-It-All Bird (Oracle of Ages)
  8. The Minish Cap manual, pg. 10
  9. Subscreen — System (Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch)
  10. Link's Awakening manual, pg. 10
  11. Press START to access the Subscreen, then press SELECT to scroll through screens. — Know-It-All Bird (Oracle of Ages)
  12. First is the Item Screen, then the Quest Status Screen. Next is the essence screen. — Know-It-All Bird (Oracle of Ages)
  13. Pick a ring to wear on the Quest Status Screen. — Know-It-All Bird (Oracle of Ages)
  14. Go to the Save Screen. — Essence Screen (Oracle of Ages)
  15. The Minish Cap manual, pg. 11