Stamp (Character)

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This article is about the character in The Minish Cap. For other uses of the term Stamp, see Stamp (Disambiguation).

Stamp is a character in The Minish Cap.[2]


Descriptionshide ▲
A busy, hardworking postal employee, although he can be a touch edgy.
The stamp he uses is his own personal one, so please don't borrow it. Thanks.

Stamp is a resident of Hyrule Town. Described as high-strung and excitable,[3] he resides behind the counter of the Post Office, stamping letters, bemoaning the endless nature of his work,[4] and expressing his frustration at the futility of bringing in more employees.[5] After Link Fuses Kinstone Pieces with the Postman, Stamp is inspired to help people by recruiting Swiftblade to write the Swordsman Newsletter, and enlists Marcy's help in distributing it.[6]

The stamp that Stamp uses is his own personal one.[1]


Names in Other Regions
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
Franco Boll[7]
The Kingdom of Spain
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  1. 1.0 1.1 A busy, hardworking postal employee, although he can be a touch edgy. The stamp he uses is his own personal one, so please don't borrow it. Thanks. — Figurine (The Minish Cap)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 270
  3. She's mellow and laidback, entirely unlike the high-strung and easily excitable Stamp. — Figurine (The Minish Cap)
  4. STAMP! STAMP! Right to left... STAMP! STAMP! It never ends... — Stamp (The Minish Cap)
  5. STAMP! STAMP! Even if we hire more people... STAMP! STAMP! It just doesn't matter... — Stamp (The Minish Cap)
  6. I really wish I could do more to help people... Wait! I've got it! I'll ask Swiftblade to start up a newsletter for adventurers! That'll be a great way to provide a useful service for everyone... Hm. It's going to be a lot of work, though. I should get Marcy to help me. — Stamp (The Minish Cap)
  7. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 270
  8. Encyclopedia, TOKYOPOP, pg. 270