Out of Bubble Kelp

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Out of Bubble Kelp

Out of Bubble Kelp screenshot from Echoes of Wisdom
Quest Giver Business Scrub
Location Zora Cove

"Out of Bubble Kelp" is a Side Quest in Echoes of Wisdom.[1]


At the Zora Cove Smoothie Shop, Princess Zelda can encounter a Business Scrub who appears to be upset.[2] If she speaks to the Business Scrub, they complain that they are missing the Ingredients they need to open their Shop.[3] When they notice Zelda nearby, they explain that they are unable to open the Smoothie Shop because they ran out of Bubble Kelp.[4] Due to their incompatibility with seawater, they cannot gather more.[5] The Business Scrub requires three pieces of Bubble Kelp.[6][7] Following this conversation, "Out of Bubble Kelp" will begin.

If Zelda refuses to give any Bubble Kelp to the Business Scrub, they hope she will reconsider.[8] Alternatively, if Zelda agrees to hand over her Bubble Kelp but does not have enough, the Business Scrub will ask why she lied.[9] When Zelda gives the Business Scrub three pieces of Bubble Kelp, they will thank her for her help.[10] They then reveal that the reason they ran out of Bubble Kelp was because they ate it, though they have learned not to do so in the future.[11] The Business Scrub declares the Zora Cove Smoothie Shop to be open for business, and they give her a Red Rupee as a reward.[12] They advise her not to spend it all in one place, unless it is at the Smoothie Shop.[13] Prior to finishing their conversation, the Business Scrub remarks that they feel as though they have turned over a new leaf.[14] At this point, "Out of Bubble Kelp" will be completed.


Stage Description
1 The Smoothie Shop near Crossflows Plaza is out of materials. The Business Scrub asked you to get three bubble kelp from the ocean.
Complete You gave the Business Scrub some bubble kelp, so the Smoothie Shop could open! The Scrub promised not to snack on their kelp anymore.


Names in Other Regions
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
The People's Republic of China
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
The French Republic
À court d'algues aéro !
À court d'algues aéro!
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
In cerca di Alga frizzante
The Republic of Korea
거품 다시마가 부족해삐!
The Federative Republic of Brazil
Alga oxigenante em falta
The Russian Federation
Аспиросли закончились!
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
¡Falta Alga oxigenante!
The Kingdom of Spain
¡Falta Alga oxigenante!
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. Out of Bubble Kelp — Adventure Log (Echoes of Wisdom)
  2. I've done it now... — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  3. Ughhh, I really stepped in it this time. I don't have what I need to open the shop! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  4. Oh, you a customer? While I'm grateful you dropped by...the Smoothie Shop isn't open yet. See, I ran out of bubble kelp because...well, it doesn't matter why. — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  5. I'm not sure what to do. It only grows in the sea, and seawater doesn't agree with me... — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  6. I need three pieces of bubble kelp to open my Smoothie Shop. — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  7. I don't suppose you've got three pieces of bubble kelp you could part with? — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  8. [Can't help.] Really? I sure hope you'll reconsider. Bubble kelp only grows in the sea, so I can't go get it myself. — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  9. [Got 'em!] Oh, thanks much! Hang on... You don't have three pieces of bubble kelp! Why'd you lie?! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  10. [Got 'em!] Bubba-bubba-bubble kelp! I can't thank you enough. You saved my bark! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  11. I've learned my lesson. That's the last time I snack on ingredients! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  12. Now, I'm pleased to announce that the Zora Cove Smoothie Shop is open for business! To thank you—and celebrate the big day—here's this! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  13. Don't spend it all in one place...unless it's here! — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)
  14. Ahhh... Feels like I've turned over a new leaf. — Business Scrub (Echoes of Wisdom)