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Oolo is a character in Skyward Sword.[1]


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I have recorded information on this creature.

His name is Oolo. He is the most easily flustered of the herbivorous Kikwi race.

Once Oolo moves to Skyloft

His name is Oolo. He is a member of the herbivorous Kikwi race.

He has recently caught the eye of Owlan, who thinks he may be a new species of plant.

Oolo is a Kikwi sporting a leaf mohawk. He is found mimicking a bush when Link first finds him.

After the defeat of Bilocyte, Link can speak to Owlan who tells the young hero that he has completed his collection of all flora in Skyloft, and asks him to find a new specimen to examine. When spoken to in Faron Woods, Oolo will share his continued fear and desire to live somewhere safe. Link will suggest Skyloft and Oolo will excitedly ask to be brought there.

He will then be lifted up to Owlan by LD-301S Scrapper and Link. Though Fi is only 40% certain of Oolo being appropriate for Owlan's request, the instructor would be pleased and study Oolo in his room. Once there though, Oolo will be flustered by Owlan's attention and will complain to Link that, because Owlan fears the other Skyloftians reaction to him, his isolation feels no different from his hiding in the forest.


Oolo's name is derived from oolong, a type of tea.

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  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 295
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