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Nackle is a character in Skyward Sword.[1]


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His name is Nackle. He is a member of a highly civilized race of moles called the Mogma. All Mogmas have a deep and abiding love of treasure.

Nackle is a green-haired Mogma found in a Cave in Eldin Volcano. When Link stumbles into him, he is expressing his dismay that Bokoblins have taken over their territory.[2] In return for clearing out the Bokoblins, he gives Link the Digging Mitts.[3]


Nackle’s name is derived from the metal nickel.

Nackle’s and Tyto's names were interchanged in the North American, Latin American Spanish, and French localizations. His Japanese name, ニケル (Nikeru), is derived from ニッケル (nikkeru), Japanese for nickel. His name is also derived from nickel in the Canadian French and German versions.

Names in Other Regions
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  1. Nackle — N/A (Skyward Sword HD)
  2. Grrr... Those creeps just shimmied on in and took over our territory. — Nackle (Skyward Sword)
  3. In that case, take these things! They're something pretty special, if I say so myself. — Nackle (Skyward Sword)
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