Misko's EX Journal

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Misko's EX Journal is an Object in Breath of the Wild.[1]

Location and Uses

Misko's EX Journal is a Book that was written by Misko and can only be found after The Master Trials DLC Pack has been purchased and downloaded. It can be found on a broken shelf in the southern-most structure of Outpost Ruins.

The Book is important for several Side Quests that become available when Link leaves the Great Plateau. It is needed to progress through EX Treasure: Ancient Mask,[2] EX Treasure: Fairy Clothes,[3] EX Treasure: Twilight Relic,[4] and EX Treasure: Phantasma.[5] At first, Link will question the newly-found book, asking himself if he has seen it here before.[6] When read, it tells of Misko stealing the eight treasures from Hyrule Castle and scattering them around the ruins of Hyrule Field, the locations of which are also written:[7]

Side Quest Location Hint Location Reward
EX Treasure: Ancient Mask The ancient mask lies at the ruins where soldiers gathered. From there the waters of Lake Kolomo are visible. Kolomo Garrison Ruins Majora's Mask
EX Treasure: Fairy Clothes Find these pieces at the ruins where trade flourished... Exchange Ruins Tingle's Hood
at the ruins where sinners were imprisoned... Castle Town Prison Tingle's Shirt
and at the village ruins next to farmland where many people once gathered. Mabe Village Ruins Tingle's Tights
EX Treasure: Twilight Relic Her helmet can be found at the temple ruins soaked in the waters of Regencia River. Sage Temple Ruins Midna's Helmet
EX Treasure: Phantasma Find these pieces at a battleground where brave souls tested their skill... Coliseum Ruins Phantom Helmet
at ceremonial grounds where royal guards are honored... Sacred Ground Ruins Phantom Armor
and at the ruins where the soldiers of Hyrule gathered. Hyrule Garrison Ruins Phantom Greaves

The last entry in the book simply states "EX" which is in reference to the Treasure Chests that contain each of the treasures with "EX" emblazoned on it. However, Link will express confusion over its meaning.[8]


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I hid the eight priceless relics I stole from Hyrule Castle in treasure chests... I shall write down their locations. -Misko
Misko's EX Journal
The ancient mask lies at the ruins where soldiers gathered. From there the waters of Lake Kolomo are visible.
Misko's EX Journal

The green garments of the man who wished to be a fairy are hidden in the ruins of Hyrule Field.

Find these pieces at the ruins where trade flourished...

at the ruins where sinners were imprisoned...

and at the village ruins next to farmland where many people once gathered.

Misko's EX Journal

The princess of twilight, whose stories are handed down alongside those of the Hero of Twilight...

Her helmet can be found at the temple ruins soaked in the waters of Regencia River.

Misko's EX Journal

Armor worn by the fierce phantoms, feared even by heroes, is hidden in the ruins of Hyrule Field.

Find these pieces at a battleground where brave souls tested their skill...

at ceremonial grounds where royal guards are honored...

and at the ruins where the soldiers of Hyrule gathered.

Misko's EX Journal
Misko's EX Journal


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. Misko's EX Journal — Game Screen (Breath of the Wild)
  2. The royal family of Hyrule collected historically significant outfits, but they were stolen by a bandit named Misko. One of the items stolen was an ancient mask.

    There's a journal that places the location of this treasure somewhere in the Outpost Ruins...
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  3. The royal family of Hyrule collected historically significant outfits, but they were stolen by a bandit named Misko. Among the items stolen was a fairy's green garments.

    There's a journal that places the locations of the treasure somewhere in the Outpost Ruins...
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  4. The royal family of Hyrule collected historically significant outfits, but they were stolen by a bandit named Misko. One of the items stolen was a helmet of twilight...

    There's a journal that places the location of this treasure somewhere in the Outpost Ruins...
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  5. The royal family of Hyrule collected historically significant outfits, but they were stolen by a bandit named Misko. Among the items stolen was some phantasmal armor.

    There's a journal that places the locations of the treasure somewhere in the Outpost Ruins...
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Was this book always here? — Link (Breath of the Wild)
  7. I hid the eight priceless relics I stole from Hyrule Castle in treasure chests... I shall write down their locations. -Misko — Misko's EX Journal (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "EX" is all that's written on the last page. What could it mean? — Link (Breath of the Wild)