Koko's Kitchen

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Koko's Kitchen

Quest Giver Koko
Location Kakariko Village
Reward Hasty Veggie Cream Soup
Next Quest
Cooking with Koko

"Koko's Kitchen" is a Side Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


The Side Quest begins when Link speaks to Koko while she is standing at one of the Cooking Pots in Kakariko Village. Koko shares her plan to make Veggie Cream Soup, as she has heard it is nourishing and fortifying.[2] She shares the recipe, which is stewing a Swift Carrot, Rock Salt, and Fresh Milk together in a Cooking Pot.[3] However, Koko panics when she realizes that she does not have any Swift Carrots.[4] She becomes sad, recalling that she promised Hasty Veggie Cream Soup to her sister, Cottla.[5]

Link can offer to help Koko by fetching some Swift Carrots, which she will be grateful for.[6] Koko says that she only needs one and she will wait for Link to get it.[7] Once night comes, though, she will need to go home.[8] If Link takes too long, Koko will go home for the night and he will have to return during the daytime when she goes back to the kitchen. Should Link refuse to help her or withholds Swift Carrots, Koko will call him cold.[9]

The nearby General Store, High Spirits Produce, sells Swift Carrots. Several Merchants in the area also offer Swift Carrots.

Koko continues to chastise herself for being so forgetful, and she begins to think she is a bad sister who is unable to look after Cottla the way their mother could.[10] If Link has a Swift Carrot in his Inventory, Koko will be able to smell them.[11] Once Link hands one over, she happily thanks him and begins to Cook.[12]

As soon as dinner is finished, Koko will give some of her Hasty Veggie Cream Soup to Link to reward him for his help, ending the Side Quest.[13] She goes on to say that she intends to keep experimenting in the kitchen to become an excellent cook like her mother.[14] If Link has a full Inventory, Koko will complain that she is unable to give him the Meal.[15] After Link makes space for the Soup, Koko will be happy.[16]


Stage Description
1 Today's special is hasty veggie cream soup! At least, that's what Koko had in mind, but she forgot to stock up on swift carrots, the key ingredient.

Hasty veggie cream soup is her little sister Cottla's favorite meal, and Koko hates to see her cry. If only she had some swift carrots...
Complete Koko was panicking after forgetting to stock up on swift carrots for the hasty veggie cream soup. But now that she has the ingredients she needs, there's a big smile on both Koko's and Cottla's faces.

   /////Koko's Recipe Corner/////
One serving of hasty veggie cream soup:

Add rock salt and fresh milk to a bowl of swift carrots. Heat and stir to taste.


Names in Other Regions
ココナ's キッチン (Kokona's kitchin) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
珂珂娜的廚房 (Kēkēnà de chúfáng) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Koken met Koko[17]Cooking with Koko
The French Republic
Les recettes de Coconoa 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Kokos Küche 
The Italian Republic
La cucina di Coco 
The Republic of Korea
코코나의 키친 (Kokonaui kichin) 
The Russian Federation
«Кохия Коко» («Kokhiya Koko») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Las recetas de Koko 
This table was generated using translation pages.
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See Also


  1. Koko's Kitchen
    Kakariko Village
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Today's dinner is veggie cream soup! It's super nourishing and fortifying! Well, that's what they say, anyhow. It must be true! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  3. All you do is toss a swift carrot, rock salt, and fresh milk in a pot and stew it up. Then, voilà! So yummy! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  4. ...OH, NO! Koko is all out of swift carrots! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  5. But...Koko promised to make Cottla some hasty veggie cream soup... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  6. [I'll bring you some.] Thank you! So much! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  7. OK, Koko just needs one swift carrot! Just one and Koko can get cookin'! Koko will be waiting for you here! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  8. Though, once it gets dark out, Koko will have to head home... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  9. Oooh, that's cold... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  10. Koko promised to make Cottla some hasty veggie cream soup... But silly Koko forgot the swift carrots! Koko is supposed to take Mother's place for Cottla... Koko is a bad big sister... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  11. ...Huh? HUH?! Koko smells swift carrots... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  12. Is that...a swift carrot?! Thank you so much! So very much! Now Koko can make dinner for Cottla... Yeah! Time to get cookin'! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Ooooh, it came out perfect! Here, please have some! Koko's treat! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  14. Koko wants to try cooking different things so Koko can be a great chef, just like Mother! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  15. Huh? Your pouch is full? But Koko can't give you any food if you don't have room for it! Koko worked so hard to make it... Koko wanted to thank you... — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  16. You made space in your pouch for Koko? Oh, you've made Koko so happy! Thank you so much! — Koko (Breath of the Wild)
  17. Koken met Koko — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)