Gallery:Echoes of Wisdom
This is a gallery page featuring promotional and pre-release media from and relating to Echoes of Wisdom.
Box Art
American/Latin American box art
Canadian box art
Mexican box art
Brazilian box art
European box art
Dutch box art
German box art
Australian box art
South African box art
Saudi Arabian box art
Southeast Asian box art
Japanese box art
Korean box art
Hong Kong/Taiwanese box art
European Wall Scroll bundle
Wall Scroll
A promotion for the Zelda Keyring and Wall Scroll bundle
A promotion for the Zelda Keyring and Wall Scroll bundle
amiibo bundles
The bundle with the Link's Awakening-style Link amiibo
The bundle with the Tears of the Kingdom-style Zelda amiibo
The bundle with The Wind Waker-style Zelda amiibo
Pre-Order Bonuses
Zelda Keyring pre-order bonus for Europe
Fabric poster pre-order bonus from GameStop
Fabric poster pre-order bonus from GameStop
Art print pre-order bonuses from GameStop Canada
Acrylic stand pre-order bonus from Best Buy
Key artwork
Key artwork
Key artwork
Still World artwork
Artwork released to celebrate the game's launch
An alternate version of the release day artwork
An alternate version of the release day artwork
An alternate version of the release day artwork
Princess Zelda wearing her Disguise
Alternate version o Zelda wearing her Disguise
Artwork celebrating the 2025 New Year
Princess Zelda riding a Horse
Princess Zelda using the Echo ability
Princess Zelda summoning an Echo
Princess Zelda using the Bind ability
Princess Zelda with an Automaton
Princess Zelda
Princess Zelda
Princess Zelda in her Swordfighter Form
The English logo of the game
An alternate English logo
The Japanese logo of the game
The Korean logo of the game
The Traditional Chinese logo of the game
June 2024 Nintendo Direct
Link fighting Ganon
Link defeating Ganon
Link falling into a Rift
Zelda escaping a Rift
Zelda after escaping a Rift
Zelda overlooking Hyrule
A Hylian falling into a Rift
A Rift on a House in Hyrule Castle Town
Zelda meeting Tri
Tri holding the Tri Rod
Tri giving Zelda the Tri Rod
Zelda leaving Hyrule Castle
Zelda using the Tri Rod on a Table
Zelda obtaining the Echo for a Table
Zelda stopped by a cliff
Zelda using the Tri Rod to scale a cliff
Zelda after scaling the cliff
Zelda obtaining the Echo of an Old Bed
Zelda in the Stilled Jabul Waters
Zelda using Water Blocks
Zelda standing in front of a Wind Gust
Zelda Jumping over a Wind Gust
Zelda blocking a Wind Gust with a Decorative Shrub
Zelda passing by a Wind Gust
Zelda on a Trampoline
Zelda entering Gerudo Town
Zelda after Learning the Sword Moblin Echo
Zelda fighting with Sword Moblin Echoes
Zelda baiting Crows with Meat
Zelda baiting Crows with Meat
A Deku Baba Echo attacking a Crow
Zelda fighting with a Tangler Lv. 2 Echo
Zelda using the Echo of an Albatrawl
Impa defeating several Soldiers
Dradd and Kushara arguing with each other
A Business Scrub
Zelda climbing using a Strandtula
Zelda summoning a Strandula Echo
Zelda using a Strandtula to cross a gap
Zelda in the Jabul Ruins
Zelda creating Fires with an Ignizol
Zelda fighting Moblins with a ReDead Echo
Traversing Hyrule Trailer
Hyrule Castle
Hyrule Castle Town
A Sandstorm in the Gerudo Desert
Princess Zelda in Gerudo Town
Gerudo Soldiers discussing Rifts
Princess Zelda in a set of ruins in the Gerudo Desert
The Oasis in the Gerudo Desert
The Oasis
The Oasis
Crossflows Plaza
Jabul Waters
A Sea Zora
The River Zora Village
The River Zora Village
The Sea Zora Village
Kushara and Dradd arguing
Dradd yelling at Kushara
Eldin Volcano
An area full of Lava and a large Rift
Kakariko Village
Princess Zelda outside Goron City
Darston with a pile of Rock Roast
The Faron Wetlands
The Faron Wetlands
A Deku Scrub eating cotton candy
Princess Zelda speaking to a Deku Scrub
Deku Scrubs eating cotton candy
A Hylian woman searching for her Cuccos
A Gerudo Soldier inside the Ancestor's Cave of Rest
Princess Zelda receiving "Ancestor's Cave of Rest Rift"
The Main Quest tab in the Adventure Log
Princess Zelda receiving "Up a Wall"
Zelda receiving "Glide Path"
Princess Zelda during the Side Quest "A Curious Child"
Princess Zelda approaching a Travel Waypoint
Zelda after warping to a Travel Waypoint
A Horse
Zelda riding a Horse
Zelda riding a Horse
Zelda riding a Horse
Zelda summoning her Horse with a Carrot
Zelda summoning her Horse with a Carrot
Zelda riding her Horse
Zelda approaching a Smoothie Shop
Princess Zelda speaking to a Business Scrub
The Smoothie interface
The Smoothie interface
Princess Zelda receiving a Mixed Apple Smoothie
Zelda obtaining the Zora's Flippers
The Equipment interface
Zelda wearing the Disguise
Zelda wearing the Royal Travel Attire
Zelda wearing the Royal Travel Attire
Zelda wearing the Dancing Outfit
Zelda wearing the Dancing Outfit
Zelda scaling a cliff with an Old Bed
Zelda scaling a cliff with an Old Bed
Zelda inside of a Cave
Zelda inside of a Cave
Zelda with the Echo of a Tangler Lv. 2
A large boulder blocking Zelda's path
Tri speaking to Zelda
Zelda picking up the boulder with Bind
Zelda moving the boulder with Bind
Zelda dropping the boulder off a cliff
Zelda dropping the boulder off a cliff
A Treasure Chest embedded in the ground
Zelda pulling the Treasure Chest using Bind
Zelda pulling the Treasure Chest using Bind
Zelda activating Bind
Zelda using Bind on a Lizalfos
Zelda dropping the Lizalfos off a cliff
Zelda using Bind on a Sea Urchin
Zelda using the Sea Urchin to attack Ropes
Zelda using Reverse Bond on a moving platform
Zelda using Reverse Bond on the Echo of an Albatrawl
Zelda using Reverse Bond on the Echo of a Caromadilla
Zelda picking up a Spear Moblin with Bind
Zelda dropping the Spear Moblin into a hole
A Rift forming over Hyrule Castle
Spear Moblins created by a Rift
A large Rift in Jabul Waters
The Gerudo around a Rift at the Desert Temple Ruins
Tri creating an entrance to a Rift
Zelda entering the Rift
Into the Still World Trailer
The King of Hyrule, General Wright, and Minister Lefte falling into a Rift
Tri creating an entrance to a Rift
Zelda entering the Rift
The Still World
A Hylian petrified inside the Still World
Zelda in the Still World
Zelda traversing the Still World
Princess Zelda entering the Suthorn Ruins
Zelda fighting Darknuts in the Suthorn Ruins
Zelda traversing the Suthorn Ruins
Seismic Talus emerging from the ground
Princess Zelda fighting Seismic Talus with Echoes of Ropes
Princess Zelda fighting Seismic Talus with an Echo of a Moblin
Princess Zelda fighting Seismic Talus with an Echo of a Deku Baba
Princess Zelda resting on an Old Bed while fighting Seismic Talus
Pieces of the Gerudo Desert inside the Still World
Pieces of Jabul Waters inside the Still World
Pieces of Eldin Volcano inside the Still World
Princess Zelda solving a puzzle with Bind
Zelda interacting with a puzzle
Zelda Gliding with a Keese Echo
Zelda finding the Mysterious Sword
Zelda obtaining the Mysterious Sword
The Mysterious Sword glowing
Princess Zelda in Swordfighter Form
Zelda clearing a pathway while in Swordfighter Form
Zelda blocking an Enemy in Swordfighter Form
Zelda attacking an Enemy in Swordfighter Form
Zelda fighting Enemies in Swordfighter Form
Energy in the Still World
Dampé creating an Automaton
Zelda activating a Techtite
A Techtite launching into the air
A Gizmol
A Fairy
Zelda holding a filled Fairy Bottle
Official Website
Impa defeating several Soldiers
Zelda bouncing on a Trampoline
Zelda facing Seismic Talus
Darston and several other Gorons
The King of Hyrule
Zelda meeting with several Gerudo women
Zelda speaking to Dradd
Zelda making a purchase from a Goron shop
Zelda with a Pathblade Echo
Tri activating a Travel Waypoint for Zelda
Zelda making a Smoothie
Link facing Ganon
Zelda using an Echo to Glide
Zelda with Lueburry and Minister Lefte
Zelda obtaining the Echo of a Piranha
Zelda speaking to a Gerudo woman
Zelda riding a Horse
Zelda obtaining a Red Rupee
An unknown village
A Rift in a village
The residents of Hyrule Castle Town
Tri holding the Tri Rod
Zelda learning the Echo for a Table
Zelda obtaining the Echo for a Table
Zelda obtaining the Echo for a Green Zol
The River Zora and the Sea Zora arguing
Zelda with a Business Scrub
Zelda speaking to Blossu
Dradd playing an instrument
Deku Scrubs eating cotton candy
Darston outside of Goron City
Zelda with a group of Gerudo Soldiers
Zelda speaking to Medaka
Zelda speaking to Hylians in Hyrule Castle Town
Zelda speaking to a Deku Scrub
A Sea Zora playing a Harp
Darston carrying a Rock Roast to Gol
Zelda speaking to a Hylian
Zelda speaking to Basa
Zelda speaking to an elderly Hylian
Zelda in Gerudo Town
Zelda and Darston with Silv
Zelda speaking to a Gerudo Soldier
Zelda starting "Cuccos on the Loose"
Zelda starting "Finding the Flying Plant"
Zelda starting a "Deliver the Grilled Fish!"
Zelda starting "Tornado Ghost?"
Zelda starting "A Curious Child"
The Still World
The Side Quest tab in the Adventure Log
The Acorn Gathering Mini-Game
The Acorn Gathering Mini-Game
The Slumber Dojo
The Slumber Dojo
The Slumber Dojo
Stamp Guy
Great Fairy
Princess Zelda with a wanted poster of herself
Zelda reading her wanted poster
Zelda next to a wanted poster
Princess Zelda in the Still World
Princess Zelda using top-down view in the Still World