Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, May 29, 2020
Araştırma" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden türetilmiştir. Öz Finansal hizmetler sektöründe yapılm... more Araştırma" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden türetilmiştir. Öz Finansal hizmetler sektöründe yapılmış olan bu çalışmanın temel amacı; firma yöneticilerinin duygusal zekâ düzeylerininin uyguladıkları çatışma yönetimi stratejileri üzerindeki etkisini çalışan algısına dayanarak incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, 150 çalışanlı finansal hizmetler sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmanın 106 kadrolu çalışanına bir anket uygulanmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlara göre, çalışan algısına yönelik olarak yöneticilerin duygusal zekâlarının uyguladıkları çatışma yönetimi stratejileri ile etkileşimde olduğu ve özellikle "kişisel yetenekler ve iletişim becerileri" duygusâl zekâ boyutunun çatışma yönetimi stratejilerini etkilediği görülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında, duygusal zekâsı yüksek yöneticilerin "bütünleştirme ve işbirliği" ile "kaçınma" stratejilerine başvurma oranlarının arttığı, "ödün verme" ile "hükmetme" stratejilerine başvuru düzeylerinde ise azalış olduğu ortaya konmuştur.
Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced... more Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced the organizations to improve their own communication infrastructures and to effectively use their internet sites. Like all other organizations, sport club institutions have considered the vital importance of investing in social media activities and creating their corporate reputation through their connections with their supporters. Thus, social media channels and public relations via social media have been the most essential tools of the organizations to build company image and increase their corporate reputation among the stakeholder groups, particularly their supporters. Taking into account the suggested influence of effective use of social media on building corporate reputation, the current study examined the relationship between supporters’ social media usage frequency and their perceptions of corporate reputation. A cross-sectional research design has been applied in order to obtai...
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational trust between corporate reputa... more The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational trust between corporate reputation practices and organizational engagement in airline sector. In the first section, results of the relationship between corporate reputation practices, organizational trust and organizational engagement are examined. In the following section, data was gathered from 343 participants. According to the results of the study, corporate reputation practices and organizational trust have effect on organizational engagement but organizational trust hasn't had any intervening role between these variables.
Sayginlik, prestij, taninmislik, imaj, kimlik, marka, kredibilite gibi farkli kavramlarla ifade e... more Sayginlik, prestij, taninmislik, imaj, kimlik, marka, kredibilite gibi farkli kavramlarla ifade edilen itibar, son yillarda arastirmacilarin ilgisini ceken bir konu haline gelmistir. Kurumlarin itibari, en net tanimiyla, kurum icerisindeki ve kurum disindaki paydaslarin kurumun gostermis oldugu faaliyetlere iliskin algilamalarinin butununu yansitan bir kavramdir. Itibar olcumu ise, kurumlara iliskin bu algilamalari yansitan olcutlerdir. Bu calismanin amaci, itibar kavramina iliskin yapilacak genel bir tanim cercevesinde Turkiye’de ve Dunya’da yapilan akademik ya da populer nitelikte olan itibar olcumlerine iliskin karsilastirmali olarak bilgi vermektir.
Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımı, çalışanların olumlu duygu ve davranışlarına odaklanma konusunda araş... more Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımı, çalışanların olumlu duygu ve davranışlarına odaklanma konusunda araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu araştırmalar da, daha fazla güdülenmiş insan kaynaklarına, güçlü örgüt kültürüne ve olumlu yönetim politikalarına katkı sağlamıştır. Örgüte cezbolma, İngilizce'deki ''engagement'' kavramından yola çıkılarak dilimize uyarlanmış, bireyin çalıştığı kuruma kendini adamasını, yoğunlaşmasını, tutkunluğunu, heyecanını, enerjisini, bağlılığını ve dinamikliğini ifade eden pozitif bir düşünce yapısını karşılamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgüte cezbolma kavramına ilişkin operasyonel tanımın yapılması ve kavramla ilgili kapsamlı bilginin verilmesidir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin kurumsal itibar uygulamalari ile orgute ... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin kurumsal itibar uygulamalari ile orgute cezbolma iliskisinde, kuruma guvenin rolunu ortaya koymaktir. Bu dogrultuda ilk bolumde, arastirma modelinde yer verilen degiskenlerden kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari, kuruma guven ve orgute cezbolma kavramlari aciklanmistir. Ilerleyen bolumde ise, havacilik sektorunde yapilan ve 343 denekten toplanan anket verileri degerlendirmeye alinmistir. Cikan sonuclara gore, kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari ve kuruma guvenin orgute cezbolmayi ortaya cikardigi ortaya konmustur. Bununla birlikte kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari ile orgute cezbolma arasindaki iliskide kuruma guvenin araci olmadigi ifade edilmistir
In organizations, employees meet ethical behavior and also unethical behavior which damage organi... more In organizations, employees meet ethical behavior and also unethical behavior which damage organizations and employees. Whistleblowing occurs as using organizations' resources badly, stealing, bribing, discrimination, do not obeying the rules in organizations. That is so important to blowing these kinds of behaviors. Whistleblowing is about reflecting unethical behavior inside and outside the organizations. The purpose of the study is giving an operational definition of whistleblowing, investigating whistleblowing in organizations in terms of legal regulations and evaluating of protecting whistleblowers.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2021
In this study, we construct a classificatory scheme of impression management tactics and apply it... more In this study, we construct a classificatory scheme of impression management tactics and apply it to a sample of sustainability report and annual report CEO statements issued by large Turkish companies. We find a wide range of impression management tactics applied in both types of CEO statements. However, impression management in sustainability report CEO statements emerges as more limited and uniform, revealing clearer prioritizations of impression management tactics when compared to annual report CEO statements. Sustainability report CEO statements emphasize tactics that allow the company to highlight carefully selected, isolated aspects of their sustainability engagement. At the same time, they rarely employ tactics that are geared towards more systematic (quantitative) performance evaluation. We attribute these differences to the way in which corporate sustainability performance is commonly conceptualized and evaluated, emphasising qualitative performance dimensions rather than ...
Due to the increasing sustainability concerns among society and investors, companies share inform... more Due to the increasing sustainability concerns among society and investors, companies share information demonstrating their social and environmental impacts to make an impression in corporate reports. Thus, impression management is used to influence company stakeholders’ perception of their performance through graphs. Graphs presented in corporate reports are powerful impression management tools which communicate performance-related messages to the stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of graphs to apply various impression management tactics in economic, social, and environmental disclosures of corporate reports. In this research, the use of graphs as an impression management tool has been determined through the corporate reports of 49 companies selected in the BIST (Borsa Istanbul) Sustainability Index of 2018 and 2019, Turkey. In total, 502 graphs in the reports of the selected companies were examined by descriptive analysis and the findings were statistical...
Employees are key stakeholders for companies to maintain their sustainability. Obtaining and disc... more Employees are key stakeholders for companies to maintain their sustainability. Obtaining and disclosing information related to employees can help companies to manage and evaluate the effectiveness of human resources. This paper investigates human resource disclosures in corporate annual reports of 54 insurance companies in Turkey and identifies the determinants of the disclosure for the period of 2007–2017. For this purpose, human resource disclosures with eight subdimensions as employee health and safety, employment of minorities or women, disabled employee, employee training, employee assistance and benefits, employee remuneration, employee profiles and employee morale were obtained from corporate annual reports by content analysis. The data were statistically tested with correlation analysis and a pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) models to determine the effects of return on assets, return on equity, leverage, firm size, number of employees, age of firm, public listing status, ...
Purpose-Understanding the disclosed information about the company is necessary for decision-makin... more Purpose-Understanding the disclosed information about the company is necessary for decision-making. Prior research shows that companies could use different writing style to obscure negative information. The main aim of the paper is to review readability measures and to understand how readability of corporate reports could be used as a tool for impression management. Methodology-The literature is rewived to find out the readability measures and to understand how readability of corporate reports could be used as a tool for impression management. Findings-It is found that different readability formulas are developed in the literature. The most common readability formulas are developed on text in English. However, there are different readability measures in different language. Conclusion-To disclose corporate information in readable form is necessary condition for stakeholders' their decision making process. In addition, corporation could use readability of disclosed information for their impression management.
Purpose-The main purpose of this study is to understand companies' sustainability disclosures on ... more Purpose-The main purpose of this study is to understand companies' sustainability disclosures on social media from the perspectives of impression management tactics at organizational level. Methodology-This study is theoretical to meet the requriements about call for studies of the corporate use of social media by looking at sustainability mechanism and organizational impression management. Also, it has a desire to make a preposition about further qualitative and quantitative studies in Turkish organizations by analyzing corporate social media accounts Findings-Companies want to give the impression of being a sustainable actor by balancing the favorable and unfavorable information they give to their stakeholders. For this reason, organizations can use sustainability narratives as a way to formalize their stakeholders' expectations or manipulate their perceptions on social media. Social media are among the best ways to communicate with the stakeholders of companies. They allow organizations to engage in timely and direct contact at low cost and with higher levels of efficiency than traditional communication tools. Bu using impression management tactics as assertive and defensive, they can project a positive impression of their social and environmental performance on social media platform. Conclusion-Our theoretical suggestions demonstrate that social media provides a favorable communication environment to the sustainable firms. Also by this way, this study makes a better understanding of corporate self-presentational behaviours on social media and the effecf of stakeholder perception among social media users.
Sustainability reporting can help organizations to measure, understand and communicate their econ... more Sustainability reporting can help organizations to measure, understand and communicate their economic, environmental, social performance, whether it has positive or negative results. These reports introduce the organizational values, strategy and governance model. In these reports, organizations can manage their self-presentation more strategically from face to face interactions. The purpose of this paper to investigate organization's CEOs statements by using of writing styles in Sustainability Reports. In line with research purpose, 17 companies that are listed in BIST sustainability index were analyzed by looking at their sustainability reports. Writing styles as length, bold and italic sentences, signature of CEO, title, reporting framework, beginning and ending of the messages, photograph of CEO and colors that are used in CEO statements were analyzed. As a conclusion, companies have different writing styles to influence their stakeholders. Almost 1-2 pages are used in reports to inform stakeholders by CEOs. Main topics, valuable explanations, titles and signatures were given in bold or italic figure.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, May 29, 2020
Araştırma" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden türetilmiştir. Öz Finansal hizmetler sektöründe yapılm... more Araştırma" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden türetilmiştir. Öz Finansal hizmetler sektöründe yapılmış olan bu çalışmanın temel amacı; firma yöneticilerinin duygusal zekâ düzeylerininin uyguladıkları çatışma yönetimi stratejileri üzerindeki etkisini çalışan algısına dayanarak incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, 150 çalışanlı finansal hizmetler sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmanın 106 kadrolu çalışanına bir anket uygulanmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlara göre, çalışan algısına yönelik olarak yöneticilerin duygusal zekâlarının uyguladıkları çatışma yönetimi stratejileri ile etkileşimde olduğu ve özellikle "kişisel yetenekler ve iletişim becerileri" duygusâl zekâ boyutunun çatışma yönetimi stratejilerini etkilediği görülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında, duygusal zekâsı yüksek yöneticilerin "bütünleştirme ve işbirliği" ile "kaçınma" stratejilerine başvurma oranlarının arttığı, "ödün verme" ile "hükmetme" stratejilerine başvuru düzeylerinde ise azalış olduğu ortaya konmuştur.
Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced... more Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced the organizations to improve their own communication infrastructures and to effectively use their internet sites. Like all other organizations, sport club institutions have considered the vital importance of investing in social media activities and creating their corporate reputation through their connections with their supporters. Thus, social media channels and public relations via social media have been the most essential tools of the organizations to build company image and increase their corporate reputation among the stakeholder groups, particularly their supporters. Taking into account the suggested influence of effective use of social media on building corporate reputation, the current study examined the relationship between supporters’ social media usage frequency and their perceptions of corporate reputation. A cross-sectional research design has been applied in order to obtai...
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational trust between corporate reputa... more The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational trust between corporate reputation practices and organizational engagement in airline sector. In the first section, results of the relationship between corporate reputation practices, organizational trust and organizational engagement are examined. In the following section, data was gathered from 343 participants. According to the results of the study, corporate reputation practices and organizational trust have effect on organizational engagement but organizational trust hasn't had any intervening role between these variables.
Sayginlik, prestij, taninmislik, imaj, kimlik, marka, kredibilite gibi farkli kavramlarla ifade e... more Sayginlik, prestij, taninmislik, imaj, kimlik, marka, kredibilite gibi farkli kavramlarla ifade edilen itibar, son yillarda arastirmacilarin ilgisini ceken bir konu haline gelmistir. Kurumlarin itibari, en net tanimiyla, kurum icerisindeki ve kurum disindaki paydaslarin kurumun gostermis oldugu faaliyetlere iliskin algilamalarinin butununu yansitan bir kavramdir. Itibar olcumu ise, kurumlara iliskin bu algilamalari yansitan olcutlerdir. Bu calismanin amaci, itibar kavramina iliskin yapilacak genel bir tanim cercevesinde Turkiye’de ve Dunya’da yapilan akademik ya da populer nitelikte olan itibar olcumlerine iliskin karsilastirmali olarak bilgi vermektir.
Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımı, çalışanların olumlu duygu ve davranışlarına odaklanma konusunda araş... more Pozitif psikoloji yaklaşımı, çalışanların olumlu duygu ve davranışlarına odaklanma konusunda araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu araştırmalar da, daha fazla güdülenmiş insan kaynaklarına, güçlü örgüt kültürüne ve olumlu yönetim politikalarına katkı sağlamıştır. Örgüte cezbolma, İngilizce'deki ''engagement'' kavramından yola çıkılarak dilimize uyarlanmış, bireyin çalıştığı kuruma kendini adamasını, yoğunlaşmasını, tutkunluğunu, heyecanını, enerjisini, bağlılığını ve dinamikliğini ifade eden pozitif bir düşünce yapısını karşılamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgüte cezbolma kavramına ilişkin operasyonel tanımın yapılması ve kavramla ilgili kapsamlı bilginin verilmesidir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin kurumsal itibar uygulamalari ile orgute ... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, havacilik sektorunde calisanlarin kurumsal itibar uygulamalari ile orgute cezbolma iliskisinde, kuruma guvenin rolunu ortaya koymaktir. Bu dogrultuda ilk bolumde, arastirma modelinde yer verilen degiskenlerden kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari, kuruma guven ve orgute cezbolma kavramlari aciklanmistir. Ilerleyen bolumde ise, havacilik sektorunde yapilan ve 343 denekten toplanan anket verileri degerlendirmeye alinmistir. Cikan sonuclara gore, kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari ve kuruma guvenin orgute cezbolmayi ortaya cikardigi ortaya konmustur. Bununla birlikte kurumlarin itibar uygulamalari ile orgute cezbolma arasindaki iliskide kuruma guvenin araci olmadigi ifade edilmistir
In organizations, employees meet ethical behavior and also unethical behavior which damage organi... more In organizations, employees meet ethical behavior and also unethical behavior which damage organizations and employees. Whistleblowing occurs as using organizations' resources badly, stealing, bribing, discrimination, do not obeying the rules in organizations. That is so important to blowing these kinds of behaviors. Whistleblowing is about reflecting unethical behavior inside and outside the organizations. The purpose of the study is giving an operational definition of whistleblowing, investigating whistleblowing in organizations in terms of legal regulations and evaluating of protecting whistleblowers.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2021
In this study, we construct a classificatory scheme of impression management tactics and apply it... more In this study, we construct a classificatory scheme of impression management tactics and apply it to a sample of sustainability report and annual report CEO statements issued by large Turkish companies. We find a wide range of impression management tactics applied in both types of CEO statements. However, impression management in sustainability report CEO statements emerges as more limited and uniform, revealing clearer prioritizations of impression management tactics when compared to annual report CEO statements. Sustainability report CEO statements emphasize tactics that allow the company to highlight carefully selected, isolated aspects of their sustainability engagement. At the same time, they rarely employ tactics that are geared towards more systematic (quantitative) performance evaluation. We attribute these differences to the way in which corporate sustainability performance is commonly conceptualized and evaluated, emphasising qualitative performance dimensions rather than ...
Due to the increasing sustainability concerns among society and investors, companies share inform... more Due to the increasing sustainability concerns among society and investors, companies share information demonstrating their social and environmental impacts to make an impression in corporate reports. Thus, impression management is used to influence company stakeholders’ perception of their performance through graphs. Graphs presented in corporate reports are powerful impression management tools which communicate performance-related messages to the stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of graphs to apply various impression management tactics in economic, social, and environmental disclosures of corporate reports. In this research, the use of graphs as an impression management tool has been determined through the corporate reports of 49 companies selected in the BIST (Borsa Istanbul) Sustainability Index of 2018 and 2019, Turkey. In total, 502 graphs in the reports of the selected companies were examined by descriptive analysis and the findings were statistical...
Employees are key stakeholders for companies to maintain their sustainability. Obtaining and disc... more Employees are key stakeholders for companies to maintain their sustainability. Obtaining and disclosing information related to employees can help companies to manage and evaluate the effectiveness of human resources. This paper investigates human resource disclosures in corporate annual reports of 54 insurance companies in Turkey and identifies the determinants of the disclosure for the period of 2007–2017. For this purpose, human resource disclosures with eight subdimensions as employee health and safety, employment of minorities or women, disabled employee, employee training, employee assistance and benefits, employee remuneration, employee profiles and employee morale were obtained from corporate annual reports by content analysis. The data were statistically tested with correlation analysis and a pooled OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) models to determine the effects of return on assets, return on equity, leverage, firm size, number of employees, age of firm, public listing status, ...
Purpose-Understanding the disclosed information about the company is necessary for decision-makin... more Purpose-Understanding the disclosed information about the company is necessary for decision-making. Prior research shows that companies could use different writing style to obscure negative information. The main aim of the paper is to review readability measures and to understand how readability of corporate reports could be used as a tool for impression management. Methodology-The literature is rewived to find out the readability measures and to understand how readability of corporate reports could be used as a tool for impression management. Findings-It is found that different readability formulas are developed in the literature. The most common readability formulas are developed on text in English. However, there are different readability measures in different language. Conclusion-To disclose corporate information in readable form is necessary condition for stakeholders' their decision making process. In addition, corporation could use readability of disclosed information for their impression management.
Purpose-The main purpose of this study is to understand companies' sustainability disclosures on ... more Purpose-The main purpose of this study is to understand companies' sustainability disclosures on social media from the perspectives of impression management tactics at organizational level. Methodology-This study is theoretical to meet the requriements about call for studies of the corporate use of social media by looking at sustainability mechanism and organizational impression management. Also, it has a desire to make a preposition about further qualitative and quantitative studies in Turkish organizations by analyzing corporate social media accounts Findings-Companies want to give the impression of being a sustainable actor by balancing the favorable and unfavorable information they give to their stakeholders. For this reason, organizations can use sustainability narratives as a way to formalize their stakeholders' expectations or manipulate their perceptions on social media. Social media are among the best ways to communicate with the stakeholders of companies. They allow organizations to engage in timely and direct contact at low cost and with higher levels of efficiency than traditional communication tools. Bu using impression management tactics as assertive and defensive, they can project a positive impression of their social and environmental performance on social media platform. Conclusion-Our theoretical suggestions demonstrate that social media provides a favorable communication environment to the sustainable firms. Also by this way, this study makes a better understanding of corporate self-presentational behaviours on social media and the effecf of stakeholder perception among social media users.
Sustainability reporting can help organizations to measure, understand and communicate their econ... more Sustainability reporting can help organizations to measure, understand and communicate their economic, environmental, social performance, whether it has positive or negative results. These reports introduce the organizational values, strategy and governance model. In these reports, organizations can manage their self-presentation more strategically from face to face interactions. The purpose of this paper to investigate organization's CEOs statements by using of writing styles in Sustainability Reports. In line with research purpose, 17 companies that are listed in BIST sustainability index were analyzed by looking at their sustainability reports. Writing styles as length, bold and italic sentences, signature of CEO, title, reporting framework, beginning and ending of the messages, photograph of CEO and colors that are used in CEO statements were analyzed. As a conclusion, companies have different writing styles to influence their stakeholders. Almost 1-2 pages are used in reports to inform stakeholders by CEOs. Main topics, valuable explanations, titles and signatures were given in bold or italic figure.
Papers by Emel Esen