Tuesday, August 7, 2012


With nuttin’ but a box cutter, big pachucos, and my dangling chutzpa, I managed to hijack Arlee Bird’s blog, Tossing It Out. I’m appearing there nightly for one day only! 
(Aug. 8, 2012)
There is nothing wrong with your television set computer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. I be controlling da transmission. I will control the horizontal. I will control the vertical. I can roll the image, make it flutter. I can get on down with my bad self! I can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next fifteen minutes, I be controlling all that you see and hear. I repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set computer. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to . . . The Twilight Zone  The Outer Limits 
da Boid’s blog, Tossing It Out. Click HERE.
Oops. Sorry ‘bout that, J-Dogg. I meant... click HERE!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

Monday, August 6, 2012

“IT IS WRITTEN” (Part 1 Of 2)

Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
~ 'Revelation', chapter 13

A person would likely think that my three favorite words in The Holy Bible are “God is love”. Like the two witnesses that God says all things are to be established by, that statement appears twice in the fourth chapter of 1st John, my favorite book of The Bible.

However, in truth, my three favorite words to be found in The Bible are “It is written.” Because “It is written” implies that The Word Of God – the canonized books of The Holy Bible – is Personally guaranteed by God Himself to be The Truth. Scripture is sure, it cannot be altered by anyone; if God says so-and-so is true, if God says such-and-such will come to pass, you can rest assured that it is true, and it will come to pass.

Therefore, the expression “It is written” encompasses EVERYTHING found in The Bible, including the statements “God is love”.

There is also a lesson to be learned in the phrase “it is written”. In fact, two of the lessons it took me a long time to finally accept are “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine…” [Matthew 7:6] and “it is written”. The first lesson is that you should not waste spiritual wisdom on people who are willfully blind and rebelling against God. And the second lesson is, do not fear, because God has told you in His Word exactly how everything will ultimately turn out.

In earlier blog bits I told you how impressed I was by Bible scholar E.W. Bullinger, whom my buddy Br’er Marc had recommended to me. Naturally, the importance of the phrase “it is written” did not escape Bullinger. In his book ‘How To Enjoy The Bible’ Bullinger writes:
This is the Lord’s first ministerial utterance [Matt. 4:4]. Could language tell us more pointedly and plainly that we are again on the same battle-field in which the truth of God’s Word is at stake? … “It is written.” This is an utterance which settles such questions for ever; and closes the mouth of Satan and all “his ministers” (2 Cor. 11:15). At least, it closed the mouth of Satan; though men’s mouths will be open and vent their blasphemies until they are closed in judgment.

Three times did the Lord Jesus use that first utterance, “It is written”, and three times did He utter no other than the words written, until He dismissed the Old Serpent with the rebuke: “Get thee hence, Satan.” … Does not this fact speak to us? Surely the fact that the Lord’s ministry began and ended with a three-fold reference to the Word of God emphatically assures us that – THE BEGINNING AND END OF ALL MINISTRY IS THE WORD OF GOD.

What God has recorded in The Bible is etched in stone; no one can change it.

I said to a friend of mine recently:

“The longtime, ongoing and blatantly disastrous economic decisions made by our government seem to make no sense and cannot be understood until you view it though the "New World Order" agenda lens. Then it all suddenly makes perfect sense.

The idea is to create a single global government for satan to temporarily rule. But how are you going to do that if one country is prospering far more than any other country on Earth? Why would a prospering country alter its form of government and accept some new type of government that incorporates all of the other nations on the planet? IT WOULDN'T! 

You don't fix what's not broken; you don't change something if it's working really well and improving the average living conditions. So, in order to get the
USA to embrace a new form of (global) government, they must make certain that we fall economically and socially. The economy of the USA must be wrecked, making us desperate enough to accept the supposed remedy that the Global Oligarchy has been planning all along. This coming single global government, or “New World Order”, is satanic at heart and it is described in the 13th chapter of the Bible’s book of ‘Revelation’.

“So our "leaders" deliberately poison our country, and when we are sick enough to cry out for some medicine, they will then give us the medicine they've cooked up: a Global Government, a “New World Order” that the satanic “Beast” will ultimately control.

“The truth is staring us right in the eyes but the average American is too blind, too enamored with “bread and circuses” to recognize it. Therefore, WE WILL lose the liberty and the road map to prosperity that our Founding Fathers established for us. And we DESERVE to lose them because we didn't appreciate them sufficiently, which is proven by the fact that we weren't vigilant enough to attempt protecting them”.

I do not personally know anyone who has read more books than I have about the coming “New World Order”, the single One-World Government that will result in a terroristic totalitarian regime of Biblical proportions. (See The Bible’s book of ‘Revelation’)

Over nearly two decades, I have read the good . . . 

‘The Creature From Jekyll Island
‘None Dare Call It Treason …25 Years Later’
‘Foundations: Their Power And Influence’
‘Treason: The New World Order’
‘The Shadows Of Power’
‘One World’

I have read the bad . . . 

‘Behold A Pale Horse’
‘Saint Germain On Prophecy: Coming World Changes’
‘The Judas Goats’
‘Philip Dru: Administrator’
[‘Dru’ is atrocious writing but essential reading.]

And I have read the ugly mediocre . . . 

‘The United Nations Exposed’
‘Proofs Of A Conspiracy’
‘The Bilderberg Group’
‘Rule By Secrecy’

...and on and on and on. The knowledge I’ve acquired didn’t come solely by reading books either; I’ve done a little ‘Boots-On-The-Ground’ research as well (e.g., I’ve personally interviewed author A. Ralph Epperson more than once; I’ve toured the Freemason’s Grand Lodge in Phoenix and studied in its private library). What I don’t already know about the “New World Order” probably isn’t much worth knowing.

When I first became aware of the “New World Order” plot and saw it clearly manifesting through the machinations of our government, our judiciary, and our mainstream media and so-called “entertainment” companies, I was greatly alarmed, greatly distressed emotionally. For several years I was anxiously attempting to spread the word, to alert my fellow Americans to what was being foisted upon us. I felt I needed to alert everyone I could so that this satanic plot could be thwarted.

Over time I came to the conclusion that We The People would not acknowledge the coming totalitarian world government. Whether most Americans were just too frightened to willingly look at the truth (i.e., in a state of denial), or were too lazy to bother studying it, or were actually supernaturally blinded from seeing the truth in order that the “New World Order” global government could be established, I realized that the American people could not be awakened to the danger that awaits them in the not-too-distant future.

As I stated previously, it took me awhile to learn the two Biblical lessons I mentioned above, to calm down and take it in stride when thinking about the eventual end of our liberty and Constitutional way of life. But it finally did get through to me that neither I nor anyone else, regardless of who they are, can alter what “is written”. God’s ‘Revelation’ says there will be a single global government temporarily controlled by “the Beast” or Beelzebub, and it would be foolish and arrogant of me to think I could somehow stop it.

Why then do I still write about this subject and speak to individuals about it, and loan out documentaries and suggest books to read that pertain to it? That question will be answered in Part 2.

Continued below, or click HERE.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy

YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.

“IT IS WRITTEN” (Part 2 Of 2)

Continued from Part 1.
I cannot change some things. But I can write about them. … Writing may not change the world. But writing can make people think and feel …and sometimes it can make people act. Not always, but sometimes. Now I am trying to use my writing to do the little good I can before I leave this planet.
~ George Williams III
‘In The Last Of The Wild West’

There are actually a number of organized groups lurking in the shadows of America, preparing to do battle with the “Illuminati” when they begin to fully install their demonic “New World Order”.

These groups might go by various names, some harking back to historic forces with impressive pedigrees (and sometimes updated for our times). Names like The Spartacus Fifty, Neo-Minutemen, Mobilized Militia, 21st Century Yankee Doodle Society, The Anti-Federalist League, New South Confederacy, Citizens Safety Committee, State Rights Shotgun Messengers, and Reconstituted Nevada 601.

Perhaps they choose to identify with strong beasts with fierce natures, selecting group names like Pro-Liberty Wildcat Force, Big Dog Rebel Brigade, North American Underground Wolf Pack, The Great White Brotherhood, or LEAD U (Liberty Eagle American Defense Unit).

There is Operation Vampire Killer 2000, and some less fanciful names that are more practical in representing the things these militia groups stand for. Monikers like The Freedom Fighters, NVC (National Vigilance Committee), C-R R (Counter-Revolutionary Radicals), and The Second-Righter Fighters.

Although Idaho has been a hotbed for these militia groups for many years now, they actually exist in various states throughout the Union.

On one hand, I have to admire the man who is willing to go to war against overwhelming odds in defense of his liberty and his family. Unfortunately, however, their noble plans to repel the satanic force attempting to funnel all the nations into a Global Totalitarianism, a One-World Fascist Tyranny, are predestined to fail.

Regardless of how righteous they believe their cause to be, regardless of how prepared they think they are, regardless of what romantic names they go by, the conviction that these civilian warriors for liberty possess, certain that they are going to rise up and save the country from the “New World Order” tyranny planned by the Global Oligarchy (or, Illuminati, if you prefer) is pure folly! It is even arrogant to think that militia groups spread throughout our country, and perhaps gathered in a few other countries as well, can defend against and prevent a plan devised, orchestrated, and empowered by Beelzebub – a plan that has the temporary consent of God. God Himself has foretold us in both the Old and New Testaments of His Word that the devil’s Global Government WILL be established on the Earth for awhile, only to be overthrown later by the Second Coming of His Son. Are you willing to bet that God is wrong?

Over the last 5 or 6 years, I have had a number of phone conversations with my buddy Br’er Marc, and so often in those conversations Marc has returned to the topic of the delusion of these militia groups who think they are going to rout the “New World Order”. Even without the supernatural aid of Beelzebub, the Government has more guns and funds, better organization and better technology. My study of America’s history pertaining to espionage has also proven to me that the Government is supreme when it comes to infiltrating its opposition’s organization. Any militia group that really has the potential to cause the Illuminati problems can be almost certain that it has already been infiltrated by the enemy of freedom.

Futhermore, when the shit really hits the fan, you can be certain that all of the mainstream media outlets (including those who only pretend to oppose socialism and fascism, like Fox News) will convince the m-asses that the goal of these militia groups is to prevent the economic recovery of the U.S.; that the militia groups are the true enemies of the American people. And unfortunately, the Americonned People will buy into that lie, just as they always buy into all of Uncle Sam’s lies.

There are some people who might try to tell you these militia members “are the real revolutionaries”. Don’t believe it. What is “revolutionary” about attempting to fight fire with fire? (Or, to be more accurate, to fight fire with Fourth of July sparklers?)

Would you like to know who “are the real revolutionaries”? Well, it is the people who are attempting to follow the greatest Revolutionary Leader the world has ever known. Who was that? The Man who told you to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Can you imagine a more “revolutionary” teaching than that in a world like this?

No, the militias are NOT “the real revolutionaries”; most of them are well-meaning, fascist-hating and freedom-loving, but if they claim to believe in the Word of God at all, then they ought to go back and reread Gamaliel’s advice in the 5th chapter of Acts. For if this “New World Order” is temporarily sanctioned by God, “you cannot overthrow it – lest you even be found to fight against God”.
They are not only imagining that they can counteract the work of the devil, but they are also imagining that they can make God out to be a liar, because “it is written” : authority was given to the Beast “over every tribe, tongue, and nation. … He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

“It is written”. It WILL be so. You can’t prevent it.

You cannot subscribe to The New American magazine, buy documentaries from RealityZone.com, purchase books from Emissary Publications, vote for Ron Paul, and blog about the “New World Order” as I have done without having fallen under the ever-watchful eye of Big Brother. 

However, if you’ve not publicly advocated armed resistance and have a mere 36 blog ‘Followers’ - only 6 of which actually read the blog (as in my case) - you are not likely to be a ‘Top Priority’ round-up when the black-booted “New World Order” thugs start kicking down doors and making arrests.

Nevertheless, you can be certain (as I am) that Homeland Security is aware of you and that there is a F.E.M.A. concentration camp cot with your name on it. However, you can also trust in God’s protection: perhaps He will rapture you out of “this world”, this horrible, un-Godly world; or maybe He will simply “hide” you from those who intend to do you harm [Psalm 27, et al.]

But all of this still begs the questions: If nuttin’ can be done to prevent the “New World Order” from being installed, why have I continued to write about the “New World Order”? Why do I continue to recommend books to people? Why did I, just last week, loan my DVDs ‘America: Freedom To Fascism’, ‘Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup’, and ‘9/11: Press For Truth’ to a couple of women where I work?

The primary answer is simple: It’s an attempt to turn as many people as possible to God and His Son while they still have time to exercise their free will and choose the correct path.

As C.S. Lewis says in his masterful book ‘Mere Christianity’:

“When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then…? …It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever. We must take it or leave it.”
I'm hopeful that if I can get a person to recognize just how wicked and deceitful our government really is, and to see how the puzzle pieces of a single World Government are gradually being put into place, that person might also come to realize that the God of The Bible told us to expect these things. If The Truth begins to shine in the mind of a person I'm interacting with, perhaps that is one more soul that will know to refuse the mark of the Beast and worship our Creator instead. 

One last thought: Although this is debatable, it may be possible that informed citizens can delay – not stop, but DELAY – the full manifestation of the “New World Order” on Earth. It seems that occasionally, perhaps, the devil’s minions who are orchestrating the “New World Order” on his behalf, are forced to take a more time-consuming circuitous route to their goals when the direct approach has been blocked by informed people.

For example: Many informed individuals went to work loudly protesting the development of the SPP, or Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, a.k.a. "The Trans-America NAFTA Super-Highway". As a result, the Illuminati has had to resort to a more time-consuming Plan B. They will still get what they want, but it has cost them some additional time in bringing their diabolical plan to fruition. (Incidentally, I once heard the lying Right-Wing wascal, anti-Conspiracy theory a-hole Michael Medved tell a caller that he was full of beans when the caller mentioned the Globalist’s plan of building a massive commerce highway linking Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. The caller wasn’t full of beans, but Michael Medved, as usual, was full of lies.)  

If it’s possible that informed Americans can slow down the advance of the “New World Order”, isn’t that something you ought to work at for the benefit of your children and your children’s children?

Dare to be a Daniel;
Dare to stand alone;
Dare to have a purpose firm,
And dare to make it known.
~ Anonymous

When “it is written” by the inspiration of God, nothing and no one can prevent what is written from coming to pass. But now is the time to get right with God and with Jesus, and to take a stand against what is wrong and speak out for what is right.

God's Word tells us what is right.

~ Stephen T. McCarthy

YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Before you move to Arizona, read this blog bit once and then think twice.
The following joke, which I made up years ago, pretty much tells the whole story:
When I moved to Arizona the state’s collective I.Q. doubled.
To begin with, bear in mind that only an idiot would move here, so I’m hardly boasting about my I.Q. with that joke.

Arizona – or “Airheadzona” as I call it – has often been the target of my un-Christian remarks about slow thinking, slow moving maroons. I have often been critical of everything Arizona, and Here, Here, Here, and Here is just a small sample of my expressed alarm regarding the stupidity of people in what must surely be one of the dumbest states in the union.
Now some of y’all probably thought it was just me being overly impatient with these Airheadzonans, but the video below proves that it’s not just me. The bloke who posted this video at YouTube seems to have simply reached the end of his patience with Airheadzona drivers on a Phoenix phreeway. He wrote:

It rained today QUITE heavily for only a matter of moments but the damage that it did was inconceivable... widespread shit-tardism and dumb-assedness ran rampant in the valley from drop number one...

After watching his video, I posted a comment for him at YouTube:

Ha! Oh, dude, you had me howling with laughter. My Brother and I are constantly complaining about the retardation of "Airheadzonans". How many times have you had to honk at the first car in the left turn lane to alert the driver that the green-friggin'-arrow is lit?! Most Airheadzonans couldn't beat a dead dog lying by the side of the road in an I.Q. contest!

Be forewarned that this driver’s commentary is (understandably) about 95% profanity, but it’s also about 95% funny so, to me, the profanity is balanced by the entertainment factor:

The Arizona rain causes retardation and stupidity.

But it’s not just on the roads that we see clear indications of Arizona’s airheadism; the stupidty pervades the entire state in every conceivable aspect of life. Below is something I wrote in SEX, TATTOOS & VIOLENCE R US - #7 :
Turning briefly to The Sports Section . . .
I noticed in the Wednesday, October 27th edition of ‘The Airheadzona Repugnant’, under the category “Today On Radio” it said: “MLB: World Series (Game 1) – Rangers at Giants, joined in progress, 6 p.m., 620 AM”
620 AM is KTAR, a local Sports Talk radio station and an ESPN affiliate. Weekdays from 2 to 6 is the sports talk program of Dumbo And Ass... er, I mean, Gambo And Ash. Phoenix is just a wide spot in the desert pretending to be cosmopolitan and here our Airheadzona radio programmers evidently think it’s more important to carry Gambo And Ash yakking about sports in general than it is to carry Game 1 of the World Series from the very first pitch. KTAR won’t turn their attention to The World Series until six o’clock, when the game is already in the third inning and the score is Rangers 2, Giants 0. Only in Airheadzona, I tell ya!
This was the only radio station in the Phoenix area carrying the World Series and the station gave precedence to two local yokels yakking until sometime in the third inning of 
Game One.
If you’re thinking about moving to Airheadzona, do yourself a favor: DON’T!
Well, today I want to tell you a true story of Arizona airheadism designed to keep you in . . .  ANXIETY!
All of the following is absolutely true, and it was experienced by a friend of mine who related all the details to me late last year. I took notes for this blog bit that I knew I’d eventually have to write. I want it understood, however, that the person whom I will call “Mister B” is not anyone who has ever read or posted a comment on my blog, but here is his true story of Airheadzona airheadism:
In August of 1989, Mister B was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DUI). As a result, his driver’s license was suspended for 90 days; he was required to attend 10 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and Traffic School; and he paid over $500. for Alcohol Screening (whatever that is) and for court fees. His driver’s license was reinstated after the 90 day suspension.
In October of the year 2000, Mister B was again arrested for DUI – 11 years after his first conviction for the same offense. This time, his driver’s license was suspended for 90 days; he had to attend 30 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings; he also again paid over $500. for Alcohol Screening and court fees, plus it cost him $1,500 for a lawyer, and he was required to spend 5 days in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Tent City jail.
In February, 2001, when Mister B presented himself to the law enforcement authorities for his Tent City incarceration, he discovered that they had his name recorded incorrectly. Also, he was denied the right to bring a jacket in with him because he was told that he’d be wearing prison stripes and have a jacket assigned to him.
When Mr. B discovered that he was not in fact put in stripes and had NO jacket assigned to him, he called his parents and asked them to bring him a jacket because he was freezing in the February desert night. When his parents brought a jacket to the law enforcement folks, they were told that Mr. B was not available to receive it because he was not at the facility, having been transferred due to an off-premises work furlough. This was either a deliberate lie or another instance of Airheadzona airheadism, because Mr. B was at the Tent City jail the entire time, and freezing his keister off at night.
After Mr. B was released from Sheriff Joe’s Tent City jail, and after the 90 day suspension of his driver’s license expired, he went to Airheadzona’s Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) to reapply for a driver’s license. He told the state government employee there that according to the judge who convicted him, he was required to have an Intoxalock installed on his car for a period of one year. This is a lock that will not permit a car to be started until the driver has blown into an alcohol/blood content evaluation device and proven his sobriety. The representative at the MVD told Mr. B that there was no notation of that requirement on their paperwork from the court and therefore he should just disregard it. The MVD assigned Mr. B a new driver’s license on February 9, 2001.
As a result of his punishment and due to some wising up, Mr. B quit drinking altogether, and to this day he has not had so much as a single sip of beer since the day he was arrested for his second DUI – that’s nearly 12 years without a drink. (Personally, just the thought of 12 straight years of total sobriety makes me feel faint.)
[It’s an Airheadzona thang; you wouldn’t understand.]
On June 21, 2011, nearly eleven years after Mr. B was released from Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Tent City jail and had his driver’s license reinstated, he suddenly received in the mail a notification from the Arizona court that he was not in compliance with the Intoxalock requirement. Yes, you read that correctly! Eleven years after his release, and after 11 years of living a teetotaler’s life, Mr. B was in trouble because he’d not had an Intoxalock installed on his car 11 years earlier when the MVD told him to disregard it because the court had not mentioned it on his paperwork. (Surely there must be a statute of limitations on a matter like this!)
Mr. B tried to clear the issue up but got an aggravating runaround, being bounced back and forth from the court to the MVD and from the MVD to the court, several times.
He filed for a hearing on the matter with the Airheadzona Department Of Transportation (ADOT) and was told he would be notified by mail of a date and time for the hearing. In the meantime he was advised to get an Intoxalock device put on his vehicle because if he was pulled over by the police for any reason, their records would indicate that he was noncompliant with the order and he would probably be arrested.
So Mr. B had the Intoxalock installed on his car, at a rental charge of $90.86 for the first month and $81. per month thereafter, to be automatically deducted from his checking account. He had also been told that he needed to have his driver’s license updated to indicate that he was required to have an Intoxalock on his vehicle. When he went to apply for the updated driver’s license, he was informed that he could not have that license assigned to him as long as there was a pending hearing with ADOT.
When Mr. B faxed a request to cancel the ADOT hearing so he could get the new “Intoxalock Driver’s License” he learned that his older license had been suspended, so had he been pulled over, he would have been arrested, Intoxalock or not.
After countless phone calls made, messages left and ignored, and phone disconnections (which Mr. B began to suspect were deliberate) he did eventually receive a call saying that his hearing cancellation request had been received so he could get the Intoxalock license. After which he had to reapply for a hearing.
One of the damnable things about an Intoxalock is that every 15 to 20 minutes, while the car is being driven, a beeping alarm goes off and the driver is required to punch in a code that indicates he’s still present and operating the vehicle in a sober manner. So, every single day Mr. B was being aggravated by this beeping that forced him to pull over and address it.
While waiting to be informed of his date and time for the rescheduled hearing, Mr. B blew an unacceptable reading into his Intoxalock and it was noted by the authorities. He had previously been informed that certain types of food (including yogurt and stale bakery items) recently eaten might cause the Intoxalock to register a faulty “intoxicated” reading. And wouldn’t you know it, sure enough that’s what happened one day after Mr. B had eaten a sandwich for lunch which had apparently been made with bread that wasn’t quite fresh enough.
Due to the misreading, Mr. B had to take his Intoxalock into an Arizona state agency to have it recalibrated, at a cost to him of $97. While he was having the recalibration work done, he was informed by a state employee at the site that according to their records, his Intoxalock had been disconnected for five and a half hours on 7/14/2011 and that this was a serious violation that would be reported to the court. Mr. B told them that it had been disconnected on that date because he’d taken the car into an auto mechanic to repair an overheating problem. Furthermore, he told them that he had reported the need to disconnect the device beforehand to Arizona Mobile Access Technologies (AZMAT), as required.
After much investigation, Mr. B was found to have told the truth because someone finally did manage to locate a record of his having reported the need to disconnect the Intoxalock for car repair work on that date. Unfortunately, he also learned that if his contention that after 11 years he shouldn’t be required to use an Intoxalock was not accepted by the judge at his future hearing, all of this time spent enduring the cost and inconvenience of the Intoxalock PRIOR to the hearing would NOT be counted against his one-year order to use the device!
Finally, on August 10th, Mr. B received notification that he had a telephone hearing scheduled for Sept. 8th. On that date, he discussed the situation with a female judge via telephone, stating his case, laying out all of the facts for the judge to consider and reminding her that every two years for eleven years, the Arizona MVD allowed him to re-register his vehicle as required by law, and never once made an issue about the lack of an Intoxalock. The judge said she would make her decision in 3 to 5 working days and Mr. B would be notified of it. Again, that was Sept. 8th.
On Sept. 23rd, Mr. B had still not heard a peep from the court about the judgment. My guess is that the female judge was exercising her prerogative to change her mind... over and over and over again. (“The partitions of the houses were so thin we could hear the women occupants of adjoining rooms changing their minds.” ~Mark Twain, attributed)
At this point, Mr. B contacted the lawyer who had represented him during his second DUI arrest back in Oct. of 2000. This, incidentally, is the exact thing I had told him he should do at the very beginning of this Airheadzona fiasco and travesty of justice, but does anyone listen to me? The lawyer told Mr. B to fax all of the pertinent paperwork to his office.
On Sept. 29th, Mr. B’s lawyer contacted someone who apparently had much more authority than did the judge in this case, because on Oct. 1st, Mr. B received notification that the action against him was being terminated. That was certainly good news, and what made it even better is that the lawyer did not charge Mr. B anything for his service.
However, the Airheadzona fiasco wasn’t quite over yet for Mr. B. Taking his car in to have the Intoxalock removed, he was at first told that they had not been notified that he was allowed to have it removed. After another big runaround, the bureaucrats found that Mr. B was correct but, regardless, he had to pay a $200. fee for early termination of the one-year lease he had on the Intoxalock device. He paid it. And you remember the $81.00 monthly rental fee that was being automatically deducted from his checking account? Well, you guessed it! For two months after the removal of the Intoxalock, that money was still being deducted from Mr. B’s account and each time he had to make numerous phone calls, speaking with various people in order to get that money credited back into his account.
In money, this whole Airheadzona episode cost Mr. B over $540. But what about his time? What about all the hassles ‘n’ headaches? What about all the pulling over to the side of the road every day for months to punch a code into the beeping Intoxalock and breathe into it? Sorry, Bub, but that’s just the price you pay for living amongst airheads in Airheadzona.
As of this date, everything seems to have finally been resolved, but I told Mr. B that he shouldn’t be surprised if eleven years from now he hears from the state again, telling him that he is in violation of some court order. There really is no end to the hell in Hell, Airheadzona (a.k.a. Phoenix, Arizona).
And now, dear reader, you have some idea why I consider my move to Arizona to have been the biggest mistake of my nearly 53-year-long life. In almost every imaginable way, Airheadzona is like Hell, with the daytime and nighttime temperatures being just the most obvious comparison. 
Oh, but... it’s a dry heat.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.