We have just released -> #FakeYou – Don’t blame the people; don’t blame the Internet. Blame the power

Simona Levi et al.
Fake You – An Activist’s Guide to Defeating Disinformation
Don’t blame the people; don’t blame the Internet. Blame the power.

Governments, political parties, mass media, large corporations and fortunes: the monopolies of information manipulation and the threats to freedom of expression.

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This is THE activist’s guide to defeating fake news and blocking policies that use disinformation to curtail civil rights and freedoms.
Power has lied to us since the beginning of time. The methods and technologies used have differed, but lying is in power’s DNA. In the institutional agenda, disinformation is used to say that the problem is with us (as usual) but, in fact, it’s with them. We have had enough. This book shows how and why power has always created disinformation and how today’s fake news is just that same age-old lie and propaganda going by a different name.

We provide rock-solid solutions: first, more democracy, and second, a brand new systemic labelling method.

This book is the update of the Spanish version from 2019 [title translated ->] #FakeYou – Fake News and Disinformation – Governments, political parties, mass media, large corporations and fortunes: the monopolies of information manipulation and the threats to freedom of expression.
– Editorial Rayo Verde.

By Simona Levi et al.
Free download here.

And here:

Torrent archive


Library Genesis

To receive a printed copy (cost 8 euros), please contact: [email protected]



PART 1 – Disinformation History: None of This is an Internet Invention
1 – Propaganda. A brief history of fake news and information manipulation in the Global North

2 – Follow the money. Deconstructing the foundational cases of contemporary disinformation
An industrial-scale set-up, affordable only for a few
Part 1 conclusion: anywhere, everywhere, anytime, every time

PART 2 – Current Approaches To Disinformation And Why They Do Not Work

1 – Biases in the definition of fake news and disinformation

The definition of ‘disinformation’ as a diversionary manoeuvre

Modalities of falsehoods and human nature

An action-oriented definition of ‘disinformation’

2 – Legislative moods that damage civil rights and freedoms

A case study: how European institutions deal with disinformation

3 – Fact-checking is not enough

Codes of practice for journalism and fact-checkers – ABC of verification

PART 3 – Let’s Do The Right Thing

1 – Preventive, compulsory labelling of institutional communication and (dis) information businesses
Information, opinion, propaganda or advertising: who is who and what they do

It is not about Truth; it is about the ‘duty of verification’

2 – Rules for dismantling the disinformation industry
Following the money works

Online and OFFLINE

Conclusion – To Combat Disinformation: More Democracy

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