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The involvement of state organisms and local communities in the processes of development is nowadays a priority supported by the perspective that decisions should be taken as close as possible to the affected citizens (the subsidiary... more
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    • Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Palavras chave: Áreas costeiras, uso do solo, agentes de mudança, metodologia integrada, Alentejo Litoral ABSTRACT This paper deals with the identification of the required conditions for a real integration of disciplines, without which an... more
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    • Land Use Changes
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      DemographySocial Network Analysis (SNA)DSSGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The active collaboration of end-users and stakeholders was a crucial component in the accomplishment of the analysis Table 7 -Measures of centrality by groups of stakeholders 46 SOCIAL NETWORKS AND WATER MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING 1... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Sustainable Water Resources Management
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    • Sustainable Water Resources Management
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementDSS
Referência: Rodrigues, L.; Julião, R. (2014). Espacialização de cenários do balanço da água: uma metodologia de apoio à decisão para a gestão dos recursos hídricos. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (GOT), n.º 5 (junho).... more
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      Decision Support SystemsIntegrated Water Resources ManagementGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Sistemas espaciais de apoio à decisão para a gestão dos recursos hídricos: Um exemplo metodológico
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementSistemas de Información GeograficaGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Sistemas De Apoio à Decisão
L. Rodrigues (a) , R.P. Julião (b) (a) Universidade Atlântica, [email protected] (b) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, [email protected]
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementSistemas de Información GeograficaGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Sistemas De Apoio à Decisão
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    • CEGOT
Abstract: The involvement of state organisms and local communities in the processes of development is nowadays a priority supported by the perspective that decisions should be taken as close as possible to the affected citizens (the... more
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      Social NetworksGovernanceParticipationSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
Being land use and land use changes one of the main issues integrating the large debate on sustainable development, its analysis demand clearly an integration of spatial/landscape data with the socio-economic data type which has been... more
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    • Land Use Changes
O SIG desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão para a Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos. O Sistema de Apoio à Decisão apoia-se no SIG para a constituição de uma base da informação georeferenciada com... more
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Some of the most profound changes in the littoral have arisen from direct decisions by man concerning land use, and these have affected both the quality of environmental resources, such as soils and water and the sustainability of coastal... more
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      Environmental ScienceSustainable DevelopmentLand Use ChangeInterdisciplinary research
This paper aims at presenting the dynamics of land cover changes in coastal areas. These dynamics were identified, Coastal Alentejo (Portugal), by the application of an integrated methodology that associated the land cover data with the... more
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    • Geography
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      BiologySocial Network Analysis (SNA)Integrated Water Resources Management
This paper aims at presenting an integrated framework for the study of territorial dynamics in coastal areas. The use of Geographic Information Systems made possible the association of land cover data and socioeconomic data using... more
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      GeographySocial Science Research NetworkLand UseIntegrated Approach
In the decision-making process networks function as an essential tool in the transmission of normative systems, which regulate the decision; in the transmission of information, thus allowing for the identification of the existing problems... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision MakingSustainable DevelopmentHuman Development
A ilha de Santa Maria e a mais antiga dos Acores apresentando extensas formacoes de origem sedimentar (com mais de 8 milhoes de anos) onde se podem encontrar fosseis marinhos. A regiao Ocidental aplanada, baixa, com solos argilosos e... more
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    • Geography
The fried egg jellyfish Phacellophora camtschatica (senso lato) is a morphologically peculiar and conspicuous species occurring mostly in the cold waters of the North Pacific. It is less common in the cold waters of the NW Atlantic, and... more
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