Papers by Robert Jakubowski
Combustion Engines, Nov 1, 2006
Wtryskiwacz aeracyjny do silnika malego bezzalogowego aparatu latajacego-prezentacja i omówienie ... more Wtryskiwacz aeracyjny do silnika malego bezzalogowego aparatu latajacego-prezentacja i omówienie wyników badañ W pracy przestawiono zaproponowane rozwi¹zanie konstrukcyjne wtryskiwacza, który w przysz³ooeci ma byae wykorzystany do rozpylania paliwa w ma³ym bezza³ogowym aparacie lataj¹cym. Krótko przedstawiono przebieg prac nad wykonaniem modelu wtr yskiwacza w metodzie rapid prototyping, a nastêpnie omówiono prowadzone prace badawcze, które mia³y na celu okreoeliae w³aoeciwooeci rozpylanej cieczy. Przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki badañ przep³ywowych oraz makrostruktury rozpylanej strugi cieczy, na podstawie których sformu³owano wnioski odnooenie wp³ywu cech konstrukcyjnych wtryskiwacza i parametrów zasilania na parametry rozpylania.
![Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Turboprop Engine Parameters for Various Fuels](
Journal of KONES, 2017
The analysis of work parameters of a turboprop engine fuelled by various fuels was done in the ar... more The analysis of work parameters of a turboprop engine fuelled by various fuels was done in the article. The turboprop engine model was presented in the beginning. The main feature of this model is description of the flow in the engine as semi-perfect gas model. By this way, the change of fumes chemical composition influence the gas properties as heat constant and isentropic index are determined. Next energy balance of a compressor and turbine was analysed and turbine pressure drop was evaluated. Finally, engine output power was determined. It was done for selected fuels, which could be applied in the aero engines. The results of analyse were presented in the tables and charts and discussed. Summary of the test results with the results for contemporary applied fuel allows drawing the conclusions about the turboprop engine performance change by various fuel application. Main of them refers to the point that higher combustion heat value of fuel and higher heat constant of fumes cause b...
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Chosen Fuels Influence on Turboprop Engine Work Performance](
Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport, 2016
The analysis of work parameters of a turboprop engine fuelled by various fuels was done in the pa... more The analysis of work parameters of a turboprop engine fuelled by various fuels was done in the paper. The turboprop engine model was presented in the beginning. The main feature of this model is description of the flow in the engine as semi-perfect gas model. By the way, the change of fumes chemical composition influence the gas properties as heat constant and isentropic index are determined. Next energy balance of a compressor and turbine was analysed and turbine pressure drop was evaluated. Finally, engine output power was determined. It was done for selected fuels, which could be applied in the aero engines. The results of analyse were presented in the tables and charts and discussed. Summary of the test results with the results for contemporary applied fuel allows drawing the conclusions about the turboprop engine performance change by various fuel application. Main of them refers to the point that higher combustion heat value of fuel and higher heat constant of fumes cause better engine work conditions By this way the hydrogen seems to be perspective fuel of future, because its combustion heat value is three times JET A-1 and by this way it is possible the engine fuel consumption will be lower.
![Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of performance properties of two combustor turbofan engine](
Ekspolatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability, 2015
Article citation info: (*) Tekst artykułu w polskiej wersji językowej dostępny w elektronicznym w... more Article citation info: (*) Tekst artykułu w polskiej wersji językowej dostępny w elektronicznym wydaniu kwartalnika na stronie This article presents issues connected with modification of a bypass engine with an additional combustion chamber placed between the high pressure and low pressure turbines. At the beginning, on the basis of scientific literature analysis possible benefits were pointed out which follow from modification of a turbofan aircraft engine. First of all, the attention was drawn to a possibility to limit the gas temperature in the exhaust area of a combustion chamber, which helps to reduce NOx in relation to currently used aircraft engines. Then, a design solution scheme of a two combustor engine was presented. It was discussed how this solution modifies the engine cycle. The assumptions and the adopted limitations in the stage of preparing a numerical model of the engine were presented. The main parameters of the engine operating which were used to estimate its functional qualities were characterized. On the bases of an existing high bypass ratio turbofan engine and the assumptions concerning the influence of the mentioned modification of the engine to its internal characteristics performance properties of a two combustor engine in variable performance conditions were determined: for different speeds and flight altitudes. The results were graphically illustrated in the charts in the form of dependences of thrust, specific thrust, fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption vs. the flight speed for different altitudes. In the discussion of the obtained results performance characteristics for standard a high bypass ratio turbofan engine were referred to. On this basis possible benefits which follow from exploitation of the two combustor engine were shown. This engine is characterized by better performance characteristics in comparison to a conventional turbofan engine in the range of transonic velocity. It was pointed out that despite a little higher specific fuel consumption in takeoff conditions it can be more economic in further exploitation cycle, which in the case of the aircraft for which it is dedicated, takes place mostly at a transonic velocity at the altitude of about 11 km.
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Thermodynamic Cycle Influence of Turbofan Mixer Engine on Its Performance](
The turbofan engines are widely used as propulsion of the contemporary airplanes. In the military... more The turbofan engines are widely used as propulsion of the contemporary airplanes. In the military application the turbofan mixer engines are used. Although the turbofan mixer engines are applied for a long time, the information about exact analysis of their thermodynamic cycle and performance are still incomplete. The thermodynamic cycle of the turbofan mixer engine is presented and discussed in this paper. Based on it cycle parameters selection is discussed. Then the optimization of turbofan mixer engine cycle is presented. Final results present the influence of chosen engine cycle parameters on the engine performance. The results are analyzed and discussed. On the basis of them the conclusions are formulated. It is not such an easy process to choose for the turbofan mixer engine thermodynamic parameters. It is connected with the fulfilment of two important rules. The equalization of total pressure of mixer inflow stream for mixer efficient work is the first of it. The other rule i...
![Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Analysis of Two Combustors Turbofan Engine](
The problems of turbofan engines development is briefly discussed in the beginning. Next the conc... more The problems of turbofan engines development is briefly discussed in the beginning. Next the conception of turbofan engine with two combustors is presented, and an engine thermodynamic cycle is analysed. The proposed engine it is a modification of the contemporary turbofan engine by addition of another combustor. First one is classical combustor located between high pressure compressor and turbine. Second one is located between high pressure turbine and low pressure turbine. This conception allows to lower the high pressure turbine inlet temperature. The second combustor increases energy of gasses inflow the low pressure turbine to the sufficient level for fan drive. The results of numerical analysis are used to show performance of the proposed engine and to present their advantages with compare to the classical turbofan engine construction. Then some other positive aspects of two combustors engine are discussed. It refers to possibilities of pollution emission reduction and overhau...
![Research paper thumbnail of Analiza procedur stanów awaryjnych silników w samolotach lekkich i ich wpływ na skutki wypadków lotniczych](
Scientific Letters of Rzeszow University of Technology - Mechanics, 2014
Na podstawie analizy teorii eksploatacji złoŜonych struktur technicznych przedstawiono samolot le... more Na podstawie analizy teorii eksploatacji złoŜonych struktur technicznych przedstawiono samolot lekki jako obiekt eksploatacyjny. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zespół napędowy, wskazując na jego istotną rolę w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji całego statku powietrznego. Na podstawie analizy instrukcji eksploatacji wybranych samolotów lekkich oraz produkowanych do nich silników dokonano przeglądu procedur postępowania w stanach awaryjnych zespołu napędowego. Następnie wykonano analizę przyczyn wypadków w klasie samolotów lekkich, gdzie wskazano na znaczący udział wypadków spowodowanych awarią zespołu napędowego w ogólnej liczbie wypadków w tej klasie statków powietrznych. Wykonano analizę liczby wypadków ze skutkiem śmiertelnym, wskazując, Ŝe awarie zespołu napędowego nie mają w tym względzie znaczącego udziału. Wskazano jednak, Ŝe co 12. wypadek spowodowany awarią tego zespołu pociąga za sobą ofiary śmiertelne. Wyniki analizy wypadkowości samolotów lekkich skonfrontowano z zaleceniami instrukcji dotyczącej postępowania w stanach awaryjnych zespołu napędowego. PosłuŜyło to do opracowania wniosków na temat aktualnego stanu bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji, jak teŜ zaleceń na przyszłość, w celu podnoszenia niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji samolotów lekkich.
![Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and Analysis of Jet Engine with Cooling Turbine](
Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport, 2015
The problems of the turbojet engines with a cooling turbine modelling are discussed in the paper.... more The problems of the turbojet engines with a cooling turbine modelling are discussed in the paper. The cooling systems of the contemporary jet engines are briefly described in the first part of the paper. Than the models of various turbine, cooling systems are presented and discussed. The main scope of the paper is the turbine cooling system consisted of internal convection cooling and external film cooling of turbine blades. This cooling system is commonly used in contemporary military and civil turbojet engines. The model of the internal-external cooling turbine incorporated in the overall jet engine model is presented and discussed. Some simplifying assumptions are discussed. Then the results of the jet engine calculation taking into account the proposed model are presented in the tables. The results are compared with results obtained by simple model of the jet engine with cooling turbine. The simple model is commonly applied for 1D turbojet engine analysis. Based on this analysis, some aspects of the turbojet engine calculation with reference to different models applied for description of the turbine cooling process are presented and discussed. The analysis allowed formulating some conclusions, which are presented in the final part of the paper. One of them is that proposed model of cooling turbine allows to calculate of coolant mass flow, while the simple models of cooling turbine require the assumption of coolant mass. By this way the calculation results accuracy by the use of simple model, strictly depend on the proper assumption of coolant mass flow.
![Research paper thumbnail of Two-Combustor Turbofan Engine Performance Analysis](
Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport, 2014
A conception of a two-combustor turbofan engine is the main scope of this paper. At the beginning... more A conception of a two-combustor turbofan engine is the main scope of this paper. At the beginning, the problems of turbofan engines development are briefly discussed as a background of this work. In this part the turbofan engines innovation activities are presented. It is mentioned the engine's innovations consists of many aspects but some important ones are: lowering of production operation cost, maintenance, reduction of noise and exhaust gases emission while engine reliability should stay on the same level or event increase. Next, the conception of turbofan engine with two combustors is presented in this context. Some positive aspects for environment, production and maintenance of such engine are discussed. Then the thermodynamic cycle of two-combustor engine is presented and analysed. On this basis, the engine numerical model is prepared. Next, some information about the model simplifications and calculations done to determine performance of the engine is presented. Then the results of the simulation calculations of the engine performance are presented and discussed. The relationship of engine thrust and specific fuel consumption vs. engine flight conditions are shown. Based on the results there were discussed the advantages and disadvantages of two combustors engine as an airplane propulsion are specified. The conclusions are formulated and presented in the last part of the paper.
![Research paper thumbnail of Study of Bypass Ratio Increasing Possibility for Turbofan Engine and Turbofan with Inter Turbine Burner](
Journal of KONES, 2019
Current trends in the high bypass ratio turbofan engines development are discussed in the beginni... more Current trends in the high bypass ratio turbofan engines development are discussed in the beginning of the paper. Based on this, the state of the art in the contemporary turbofan engines is presented and their change in the last decade is briefly summarized. The main scope of the work is the bypass ratio growth analysis. It is discussed for classical turbofan engine scheme. The next step is presentation of reach this goal by application of an additional combustor located between high and low pressure turbines. The numerical model for fast analysis of bypass ratio grows for both engine kinds are presented. Based on it, the numerical simulation of bypass engine increasing is studied. The assumption to carry out this study is a common core engine. For classical turbofan engine bypass ratio grow is compensated by fan pressure ratio reduction. For inter turbine burner turbofan, bypass grown is compensated by additional energy input into the additional combustor. Presented results are plo...
Papers by Robert Jakubowski